File perl-Convert-Scalar.spec of Package perl-Convert-Scalar

# spec file for package perl-Convert-Scalar (Version 1.04)
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Name:           perl-Convert-Scalar
Version:        1.04
Release:        1
License:        CHECK(GPL+ or Artistic)
%define cpan_name Convert-Scalar
Summary:        convert between different representations of perl scalars
Group:          Development/Libraries/Perl
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:  perl
BuildRequires:  perl-macros
BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)

This module exports various internal perl methods that change the internal
representation or state of a perl scalar. All of these work in-place, that
is, they modify their scalar argument. No functions are exported by

The following export tags exist:

 :utf8   all functions with utf8 in their name
 :taint  all functions with taint in their name
 :refcnt all functions with refcnt in their name
 :ok     all *ok-functions.

* utf8 scalar[, mode]

  Returns true when the given scalar is marked as utf8, false otherwise. If
  the optional mode argument is given, also forces the interpretation of
  the string to utf8 (mode true) or plain bytes (mode false). The actual
  (byte-) content is not changed. The return value always reflects the
  state before any modification is done.

  This function is useful when you "import" utf8-data into perl, or when
  some external function (e.g. storing/retrieving from a database) removes
  the utf8-flag.

* utf8_on scalar

  Similar to 'utf8 scalar, 1', but additionally returns the scalar (the
  argument is still modified in-place).

* utf8_off scalar

  Similar to 'utf8 scalar, 0', but additionally returns the scalar (the
  argument is still modified in-place).

* utf8_valid scalar [Perl 5.7]

  Returns true if the bytes inside the scalar form a valid utf8 string,
  false otherwise (the check is independent of the actual encoding perl
  thinks the string is in).

* utf8_upgrade scalar

  Convert the string content of the scalar in-place to its UTF8-encoded
  form (and also returns it).

* utf8_downgrade scalar[, fail_ok=0]

  Attempt to convert the string content of the scalar from UTF8-encoded to
  ISO-8859-1. This may not be possible if the string contains characters
  that cannot be represented in a single byte; if this is the case, it
  leaves the scalar unchanged and either returns false or, if 'fail_ok' is
  not true (the default), croaks.

* utf8_encode scalar

  Convert the string value of the scalar to UTF8-encoded, but then turn off
  the 'SvUTF8' flag so that it looks like bytes to perl again. (Might be
  removed in future versions).

* utf8_length scalar

  Returns the number of characters in the string, counting wide UTF8
  characters as a single character, independent of wether the scalar is
  marked as containing bytes or mulitbyte characters.

* unmagic scalar, type

  Remove the specified magic from the scalar (DANGEROUS!).

* weaken scalar

  Weaken a reference. (See also the WeakRef manpage).

* taint scalar

  Taint the scalar.

* tainted scalar

  returns true when the scalar is tainted, false otherwise.

* untaint scalar

  Remove the tainted flag from the specified scalar.

* grow scalar, newlen

  Sets the memory area used for the scalar to the given length, if the
  current length is less than the new value. This does not affect the
  contents of the scalar, but is only useful to "pre-allocate" memory space
  if you know the scalar will grow. The return value is the modified scalar
  (the scalar is modified in-place).

* refcnt scalar[, newrefcnt]

  Returns the current reference count of the given scalar and optionally
  sets it to the given reference count.

* refcnt_inc scalar

  Increments the reference count of the given scalar inplace.

* refcnt_dec scalar

  Decrements the reference count of the given scalar inplace. Use 'weaken'
  instead if you understand what this function is fore. Better yet: don't
  use this module in this case.

* refcnt_rv scalar[, newrefcnt]

  Works like 'refcnt', but dereferences the given reference first. This is
  useful to find the reference count of arrays or hashes, which cnanot be
  passed directly. Remember that taking a reference of some object
  increases it's reference count, so the reference count used by the
  '*_rv'-functions tend to be one higher.

* refcnt_inc_rv scalar

  Works like 'refcnt_inc', but dereferences the given reference first.

* refcnt_dec_rv scalar

  Works like 'refcnt_dec', but dereferences the given reference first.

* ok scalar

* uok scalar

* rok scalar

* pok scalar

* nok scalar

* niok scalar

  Calls SvOK, SvUOK, SvROK, SvPOK, SvNOK or SvNIOK on the given scalar,

%setup -q -n %{cpan_name}-%{version}

%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor OPTIMIZE="%{optflags}"
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}

%{__make} test


%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%files -f %{name}.files

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