File python-httpx.changes of Package python-httpx

Wed Jan 15 13:25:11 UTC 2025 - Nico Krapp <>

- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives, bsc#1235784 
- don't run tests in strict async mode, upstream doesn't either
- disable flaky test

Sat Dec  7 13:27:08 UTC 2024 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 0.28.1
  * Fix SSL case where verify=False together with client side
- Release 0.28.0
  ## Deprecations:
  * We are working towards a simplified SSL configuration API.
  * For users of the standard verify=True or verify=False cases, or
    verify=<ssl_context> case this should require no changes. The
    following cases have been deprecated...
    - The verify argument as a string argument is now deprecated
      and will raise warnings.
    - The cert argument is now deprecated and will raise warnings.
  * Our revised SSL documentation covers how to implement the same
    behaviour with a more constrained API.
  ## The following changes are also included:
  * The deprecated proxies argument has now been removed.
  * The deprecated app argument has now been removed.
  * JSON request bodies use a compact representation. (#3363)
  * Review URL percent escape sets, based on WHATWG spec. (#3371,
  * Ensure certifi and httpcore are only imported if required.
  * Treat socks5h as a valid proxy scheme. (#3178)
  * Cleanup Request() method signature in line with
    client.request() and httpx.request(). (#3378)

Sun Sep  8 13:05:12 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.27.2:
  * Reintroduced supposedly-private `URLTypes` shortcut.
  * Support for `zstd` content decoding using the python
    `zstandard` package is added. Installable using
  * Improved error messaging for `InvalidURL` exceptions.
  * Fix `app` type signature in `ASGITransport`.

Fri Mar 22 09:57:30 UTC 2024 - Markéta Machová <>

- Update to 0.27.0
  * The app=... shortcut has been deprecated. Use the explicit style of
    transport=httpx.WSGITransport() or transport=httpx.ASGITransport() instead.
  * Respect the http1 argument while configuring proxy transports. (#3023)
  * Fix RFC 2069 mode digest authentication. (#3045)

Sat Jan  6 17:14:30 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.26.0:
  * The `proxy` argument was added. You should use the `proxy`
    argument instead of the deprecated `proxies`, or use
    `mounts=` for more complex configurations.
  * The `proxies` argument is now deprecated. It will still
    continue to work, but it will be removed in the future.
  * Fix cases of double escaping of URL path components. Allow /
    as a safe character in the query portion.
  * Handle `NO_PROXY` envvar cases when a fully qualified URL is
    supplied as the value.
  * Allow URLs where username or password contains unescaped '@'.
  * Ensure ASGI `raw_path` does not include URL query component.
  * Ensure `Response.iter_text()` cannot yield empty strings.

Mon Nov 27 15:50:38 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.25.2:
  * Add missing type hints to few `__init__()` methods. (#2938)
  * Add support for Python 3.12. (#2854)
  * Add support for httpcore 1.0 (#2885)
  * Raise `ValueError` on `Response.encoding` being set after
    `Response.text` has been accessed. (#2852)
- drop newer-httpcore.patch (upstream)

Tue Oct 31 10:55:34 UTC 2023 - Markéta Machová <>

- Add upstream newer-httpcore.patch
  * it only allows httpcore 1.0.0 in the pyproject.toml, no code changes

Fri Oct 20 21:52:56 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>

- Update to 0.25.0:
  - Drop support for Python 3.7.
  - Support HTTPS proxies.
  - Change the type of Extensions from Mapping[Str, Any] to
    MutableMapping[Str, Any].
  - Add socket_options argument to httpx.HTTPTransport and
    httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport classes.
  - The Response.raise_for_status() method now returns
    the response instance. For example: data =
  - Return 500 error response instead of exceptions when
    raise_app_exceptions=False is set on ASGITransport.
  - Ensure all WSGITransport environs have a SERVER_PROTOCOL.
  - Always encode forward slashes as %2F in query parameters
  - Use Mozilla documentation instead of for
    HTTP error reference
- Requires higher version of httpcore.

Sat Sep  9 23:10:43 UTC 2023 - Torsten Gruner <>

- update to 0.24.1
  * Provide additional context in some InvalidURL exceptions. (#2675)
  * Fix optional percent-encoding behaviour. (#2671)
  * More robust checking for opening upload files in binary mode. (#2630)
  * Properly support IP addresses in NO_PROXY environment variable. (#2659)
  * Set default file for NetRCAuth() to None to use the stdlib default. (#2667)
  * Set logging request lines to INFO level for async requests, in line
    with sync requests. (#2656)
  * Fix which gen-delims need to be escaped for path/query/fragment
    components in URL. (#2701)

Wed May  3 08:47:43 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.24.0:
  * The logging behaviour has been changed to be more in-line
    with other standard Python logging usages. We no longer have
    a custom `TRACE` log level, and we no longer use the
    `HTTPX_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to auto-configure
    logging. We now have a significant amount of `DEBUG` logging
    available at the network level. Full documentation is
    available at (#2547,
  * The `Response.iter_lines()` method now matches the stdlib
    behaviour and does not include the newline characters. It
    also resolves a performance issue. (#2423)
  * Query parameter encoding switches from using + for spaces and
    %2F for forward slash, to instead using %20 for spaces and
    treating forward slash as a safe, unescaped character. This
    differs from `requests`, but is in line with browser behavior
    in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Both options are RFC valid.
  * NetRC authentication is no longer automatically handled, but
    is instead supported by an explicit `httpx.NetRCAuth()`
    authentication class. See the documentation at (#2525)
  * The `rfc3986` dependancy has been removed. (#2252)

Fri Apr 21 12:26:25 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)

Thu Apr 13 22:41:55 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>

- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.

Mon Jan 16 10:33:05 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>

- Update to 0.23.3
  * Version 0.23.2 accidentally included stricter type checking on query
    parameters. This shouldn've have been included in a minor version bump, and
    is now reverted. (#2523, #2539)
- 0.23.2 (2nd Jan, 2023)
  * Support digest auth nonce counting to avoid multiple auth requests. (#2463)
  * Multipart file uploads where the file length cannot be determine now use
    chunked transfer encoding, rather than loading the entire file into memory
    in order to determine the `Content-Length`. (#2382)
  * Raise `TypeError` if content is passed a dict-instance. (#2495)
  * Partially revert the API breaking change in 0.23.1, which removed `RawURL`.
    We continue to expose a `url.raw` property which is now a plain
    named-tuple. This API is still expected to be deprecated, but we will do so
    with a major version bump. (#2481)
- 0.23.1 (18th Nov, 2022)
  **Note**: The 0.23.1 release should have used a proper version bump, rather
            than a minor point release. There are API surface area changes
            that may affect some users. See the "Removed" section of these
            release notes for details.
  ### Added
    * Support for Python 3.11. (#2420)
    * Allow setting an explicit multipart boundary in `Content-Type` header.
    * Allow `tuple` or `list` for multipart values, not just `list`. (#2355)
    * Allow `str` content for multipart upload files. (#2400)
    * Support connection upgrades. See
  ### Fixed
    * Don't drop empty query parameters. (#2354)
  ### Removed
    * Upload files *must* always be opened in binary mode. (#2400)
    * Drop `.read`/`.aread` from `SyncByteStream`/`AsyncByteStream`. (#2407)
    * Drop `RawURL`. (#2241)

Fri Aug  5 10:25:32 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Drop transfer-encoding-lower-case.patch
  The headers are lowercase again with uvicorn 0.18

Fri Aug  5 08:30:50 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>

- Add transfer-encoding-lower-case.patch to fix failing tests due
  to incorrect capitalization of the 'transfer-encoding' header

Tue Jul 19 15:45:42 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 0.23.0
  * Drop support for Python 3.6. (#2097)
  * Use utf-8 as the default character set, instead of falling back
    to charset-normalizer for auto-detection. To enable automatic
    character set detection, see the documentation. (#2165)
  * Fix URL.copy_with for some oddly formed URL cases. (#2185)
  * Digest authentication should use case-insensitive comparison
    for determining which algorithm is being used. (#2204)
  * Fix console markup escaping in command line client. (#1866)
  * When files are used in multipart upload, ensure we always seek
    to the start of the file. (#2065)
  * Ensure that iter_bytes never yields zero-length chunks. (#2068)
  * Preserve Authorization header for redirects that are to the
    same origin, but are an http-to-https upgrade. (#2074)
  * When responses have binary output, don't print the output to
    the console in the command line client. Use output like <16086
    bytes of binary data> instead. (#2076)
  * Fix display of --proxies argument in the command line client
    help. (#2125)
  * Close responses when task cancellations occur during stream
    reading. (#2156)
  * Fix type error on accessing .request on HTTPError exceptions.
- Drop CVE-2021-41945-copy_with-data-leak.patch fixed upstream

Mon May  2 03:01:52 UTC 2022 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Add patch CVE-2021-41945-copy_with-data-leak.patch:
  * Do not leak data in httpx.URL.copy_with (bsc#1199002, CVE-2021-41945)

Fri Feb 11 19:31:34 UTC 2022 - Michael Ströder <>

- Only recommend and not require the installation of python-h2 because it is
  seriously broken and prevents any other Python software to run correctly with -bb.
  (See also:
  This also matches upstream's which lists h2 as optional
  dependency in extra_requires.

Tue Feb  1 07:01:13 UTC 2022 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Update to 0.22.0:
  * Add support for `Client(allow_redirects=<bool>)`. (Pull #1790)
  * Add automatic character set detection, when no `charset` is included in the response `Content-Type` header. (Pull #1791)
  * Added the `httpx` command-line client.
  * Response instances now include `.is_informational`, `.is_success`, `.is_redirect`, `.is_client_error`, and `.is_server_error`
    properties for checking 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx response types. Note that the behaviour of `.is_redirect` is slightly different in that it now returns True for all 3xx responses, in order to allow for a consistent set of properties onto the different HTTP status code types. The `response.has_redirect_location` location may be used to determine responses with properly formed URL redirects.
  * Support for [the SOCKS5 proxy protocol]( via [the `socksio` package]( (#2034)
  * Support for custom headers in multipart/form-data requests (#1936)
  * Event hooks are now also called for any additional redirect or auth requests/responses. (Pull #1806)
  * Strictly enforce that upload files must be opened in binary mode. (Pull #1736)
  * Strictly enforce that client instances can only be opened and closed once, and cannot be re-opened. (Pull #1800)
  * Drop `mode` argument from `httpx.Proxy(..., mode=...)`. (Pull #1795)
  * The `allow_redirects` flag is now `follow_redirects` and defaults to `False`.
  * The `raise_for_status()` method will now raise an exception for any responses
    except those with 2xx status codes. Previously only 4xx and 5xx status codes
    would result in an exception.
  * The low-level transport API changes to the much simpler `response = transport.handle_request(request)`.
  * The `client.send()` method no longer accepts a `timeout=...` argument, but the
    `client.build_request()` does. This required by the signature change of the
    Transport API. The request timeout configuration is now stored on the request
    instance, as `request.extensions['timeout']`.
  * `response.iter_bytes()` no longer raises a ValueError when called on a response with no content. (Pull #1827)
  * The `'wsgi.error'` configuration now defaults to `sys.stderr`, and is corrected to be a `TextIO` interface, not a `BytesIO` interface. Additionally, the WSGITransport now accepts a `wsgi_error` configuration. (Pull #1828)
  * Follow the WSGI spec by properly closing the iterable returned by the application. (Pull #1830)
  * Don't perform unreliable close/warning on `__del__` with unclosed clients. (#2026)
  * Fix `Headers.update(...)` to correctly handle repeated headers (#2038)
  * Fix streaming uploads using `SyncByteStream` or `AsyncByteStream`. Regression in 0.21.2. (#2016)
  * HTTP/2 support for tunnelled proxy cases. (#2009)
  * Improved the speed of large file uploads. (#1948)
  * The `response.url` property is now correctly annotated as `URL`, instead of `Optional[URL]`. (#1940)
- Inject multibuild to cut down a build loop.
- Remove patch 0001-Add-a-network-pytest-mark-for-tests-that-use-the-network.patch:
  * Included upstream.

Fri Jun 18 07:56:56 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- Update to 0.18.2
  * Added
    - Support for Python 3.10. (Pull #1687)
    - Expose httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT, used as the default to auth
      and timeout parameters in request methods.
    - Support HTTP/2 "prior knowledge", using
      httpx.Client(http1=False, http2=True).
  * Fixed
    - Clean up some cases where warnings were being issued.
    - Prefer Content-Length over Transfer-Encoding: chunked for
      content= cases.

- Update to 0.18.1
  * Changed
    - Update brotli support to use the brotlicffi package
    - Ensure that Request(..., stream=...) does not auto-generate
      any headers on the request instance.
  * Fixed
    - Pass through timeout=... in top-level
    - Map httpcore transport close exceptions to httpx exceptions.

- Add patch (submitted to upstream at gh#encode/httpx#1669) to add
  a pytest marker so we can disable the tests that use the network
  in %check:
  * 0001-Add-a-network-pytest-mark-for-tests-that-use-the-network.patch

Thu Jun  3 15:15:51 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- Enable tests (adding some missing dependencies and disabling
  test_async_proxy_close and test_sync_proxy_close since they
  access the network)

Thu Jun  3 08:58:20 UTC 2021 - Antonio Larrosa <>

- Update to 0.18.0
  * The 0.18.x release series formalises our low-level Transport
    API, introducing the base classes httpx.BaseTransport and
    See the "Writing custom transports" documentation and the
    httpx.BaseTransport.handle_request() docstring for more
    complete details on implementing custom transports.
    Pull request #1522 includes a checklist of differences from
    the previous httpcore transport API, for developers
    implementing custom transports.
    The following API changes have been issuing deprecation
    warnings since 0.17.0 onwards, and are now fully deprecated...
    - You should now use consistently instead of
    - Use limits=... instead of pool_limits=....
    - Use proxies={"http://": ...} instead of proxies={"http": ...}
      for scheme-specific mounting.
  * Changed
    - Transport instances now inherit from httpx.BaseTransport or
      httpx.AsyncBaseTransport, and should implement either the
      handle_request method or handle_async_request method.
      (Pull #1522, #1550)
    - The response.ext property and Response(ext=...) argument are
      now named extensions. (Pull #1522)
    - The recommendation to not use data=<bytes|str|bytes
      (a)iterator> in favour of content=<bytes|str|bytes
      (a)iterator> has now been escalated to a deprecation warning.
      (Pull #1573)
    - Drop Response(on_close=...) from API, since it was a bit of
      leaking implementation detail. (Pull #1572)
    - When using a client instance, cookies should always be set on
      the client, rather than on a per-request basis. We prefer
      enforcing a stricter API here because it provides clearer
      expectations around cookie persistence, particularly when
      redirects occur. (Pull #1574)
    - The runtime exception httpx.ResponseClosed is now named
      httpx.StreamClosed. (#1584)
    - The httpx.QueryParams model now presents an immutable
      interface. The is a discussion on the design and motivation
      here. Use client.params = client.params.merge(...) instead of
      client.params.update(...). The basic query manipulation
      methods are query.set(...), query.add(...), and
      query.remove(). (#1600)
  * Added
    - The Request and Response classes can now be serialized using
      pickle. (#1579)
    - Handle data={"key": [None|int|float|bool]} cases.
      (Pull #1539)
    - Support httpx.URL(**kwargs), for example
      httpx.URL(scheme="https", host="", path="/'),
      or httpx.URL("",
      username="", password="123 456"). (Pull #1601)
    - Support url.copy_with(params=...). (Pull #1601)
    - Add url.params parameter, returning an immutable QueryParams
      instance. (Pull #1601)
    - Support query manipulation methods on the URL class. These
      are url.copy_set_param(), url.copy_add_param(),
      url.copy_remove_param(), url.copy_merge_params().
      (Pull #1601)
    - The httpx.URL class now performs port normalization, so :80
      ports are stripped from http URLs and :443 ports are stripped
      from https URLs. (Pull #1603)
    - The property returns unicode strings for
      internationalized domain names. The URL.raw_host property
      returns byte strings with IDNA escaping applied. (Pull #1590)
  * Fixed
    - Fix Content-Length for cases of files=... where unicode
      string is used as the file content. (Pull #1537)
    - Fix some cases of merging relative URLs against
      Client(base_url=...). (Pull #1532)
    - The request.content attribute is now always available except
      for streaming content, which requires an explicit .read().
      (Pull #1583)

- Update to v0.17.1
  * Fixed
    - Type annotation on CertTypes allows keyfile and password to
      be optional. (Pull #1503)
    - Fix httpcore pinned version. (Pull #1495)

- Update to v0.17.0
  * Added
    - Add httpx.MockTransport(), allowing to mock out a transport
      using pre-determined responses. (Pull #1401, Pull #1449)
    - Add httpx.HTTPTransport() and httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport()
      default transports. (Pull #1399)
    - Add mount API support, using httpx.Client(mounts=...).
      (Pull #1362)
    - Add chunk_size parameter to iter_raw(), iter_bytes(),
      iter_text(). (Pull #1277)
    - Add keepalive_expiry parameter to httpx.Limits()
      configuration. (Pull #1398)
    - Add repr to httpx.Cookies to display available cookies.
      (Pull #1411)
    - Add support for params=<tuple> (previously only
      params=<list> was supported). (Pull #1426)
  * Fixed
    - Add missing raw_path to ASGI scope. (Pull #1357)
    - Tweak create_ssl_context defaults to use trust_env=True.
      (Pull #1447)
    - Properly URL-escape WSGI PATH_INFO. (Pull #1391)
    - Properly set default ports in WSGI transport. (Pull #1469)
    - Properly encode slashes when using base_url. (Pull #1407)
    - Properly map exceptions in request.aclose(). (Pull #1465)

Sat May  1 20:37:24 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Don't build on python36, because of missing dependencies.

Sun Oct 11 14:35:52 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg <>

- Update to v0.16.1

Wed Jan  8 16:39:26 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg <>

- Update to v0.10.0

Tue Oct  8 08:15:47 AM UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <>

- Initial spec for v0.7.4
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