File python-python-stdnum.changes of Package python-python-stdnum
Tue Jan 7 12:10:52 UTC 2025 - Lubos Kocman <>
- Update license to LGPL-2.1-or-later
Thu Mar 21 17:08:02 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 1.20:
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- BC PHN (British Columbia Personal Health Number)
- EC Number (European Community number)
- VID (Indian personal virtual identity number)
* Fix typo in German Umsatzsteur Identifikationnummer
* Ensure EU VAT numbers don't accept duplicate country codes
* Fix vatin number compacting for "EU" VAT numbers
* Add check digit validation to French NIF
* Fix Ukrainian EDRPOU check digit calculation
Tue Jan 23 21:40:07 UTC 2024 - Dirk Müller <>
- update to 1.19:
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- Tax Registration Number (الرقم الضريبي, Egypt tax number)
- Postcode (the Spanish postal code) (thanks Víctor)
- NIFp (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale Permanent, Guinea
tax number)
- BIS (Belgian BIS number) (thanks Jeff Horemans)
- Matična številka poslovnega registra (Corporate
Registration Number) (thanks Blaž Bregar)
- OSS (European VAT on e-Commerce - One Stop Shop) (thanks
Sergi Almacellas Abellana)
* Extend the validation of the Albanian NIPT
* Support different date formats in parsing GS1-128 application
* Add get_county() function to Romanian CNP
* Add functionality to get gender from Belgian National Number
* Add support for Finland HETU new century indicating signs
* Add functionality to get (partial) birth date from Belgian
National Number
* Extend validation of Canadian SIN (thanks Marcel Lecker)
* Fix Belarusian UNP online validation
* Various typo and documentation fixes (thanks valeriko,
Dimitri Papadopoulos,
* Add contribution information to documentation
* Test suite improvements (including checking file headers)
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- NN, NISS (Belgian national number) (thanks Cédric Krier)
- CFI (ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instruments)
- Czech bank account number (thanks Petr Přikryl)
- NIF, sometimes N.I.F. (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale,
Algeria tax number)
- V-number (Vinnutal, Faroe Islands tax number) (thanks
Leandro Regueiro)
- TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number, Ghana tax number)
- PIN (Personal Identification Number, Kenya tax number)
- ICE (Identifiant Commun de l’Entreprise, التعريف الموحد
- PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj, Montenegro tax number)
- ЕДБ (Едниствен Даночен Број, North Macedonia tax number)
- CNIC number (Pakistani Computerised National Identity
- Enotna matična številka občana (Unique Master Citizen
- MF (Matricule Fiscal, Tunisia tax number) (thanks Leandro
* Fix disabling check digit validation of Mexican CURP (thanks
* Support special validation of La Post SIRET (thanks BIGBen99
and Cédric Krier)
* Fix support for "I" and "O" in CUSIP number (thanks Thomas
* Calculate ISO 7064 Mod 97, 10 check digits in the range 02-98
for IBAN
* Fix German OffeneRegister lookups (change of URL and of data
* Add extra court alias for Berlin in German
Handelsregisternummer (thanks Romuald R)
* Ensure certificate for the Belarus VAT number check_nalog()
lookup is included
* Support parsing incomplete dates in GS1-128 (thanks Alexis de
* Improve validation of CAS Registry Number
* Typo fixes (thanks Vladimir and Dimitri Papadopoulos)
* Add a check_uid() function to the module
* All validation exceptions should now inherit from ValueError
* Switch from nose to pytest as test runner
Tue Jan 23 16:23:25 UTC 2024 - Axel Braun <>
- enable %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
Tue Oct 26 06:16:29 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>
- Fix incorrect update: it is not README these days.
Sat Oct 23 16:12:22 UTC 2021 - Axel Braun <>
- version 1.17
for changeslog see NEWS
Fri Mar 20 11:34:32 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Drop not really needed nose dependency
Fri Mar 20 11:04:16 UTC 2020 -
- version update to 1.13
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- ESR, ISR, QR-reference (reference number on Swiss payment slips)
(thanks Kurt Keller)
- ID number (South African Identity Document number)
* Add format function for ISO 11649 numbers (thanks Kurt Keller)
* Add support for Python 3.8 (thanks Sergi Almacellas Abellana)
* Clarify that the Italian Codice Fiscale can also be the IVA for companies
(thanks Nicholas Fiorentini)
* Support the new Dutch btw-identificatienummer (thanks Cas Vissers,
Jeroen van Heiningen, Jerome Hanke, Nicolas Martinelli, Ronald Portier and
Tim Muller)
* Extend test for Argentinian CUIT to check first two digits
* Add more country codes to ISIN (thanks nocluebutalotofit, Anwar Baroudi and
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- NRT (Número de Registre Tributari, Andorra tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- CPF (Cédula de Persona Física, Costa Rica physical person ID number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- CPJ (Cédula de Persona Jurídica, Costa Rica tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- CR (Cédula de Residencia, Costa Rica foreigners ID number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria, Guatemala tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- Identity Number (Mispar Zehut, מספר זהות, Israeli identity number)
- CN (法人番号, hōjin bangō, Japanese Corporate Number)
(thanks Alan Hettinger)
- RRN (South Korean resident registration number)
(thanks Dimitri Papadopoulos)
- IRD number (New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (Te Tari Tāke) number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- CUI (Cédula Única de Identidad, Peruvian identity number)
- RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Peruvian company tax number)
- RUC number (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Paraguay tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- VKN (Vergi Kimlik Numarası, Turkish tax identification number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- RUT (Registro Único Tributario, Uruguay tax number)
(Leandro Regueiro)
- RIF (Registro de Identificación Fiscal, Venezuelan VAT number)
(thanks Kevin Kaiser)
- TIN (South African Tax Identification Number) (thanks Leandro Regueiro)
* Support GTIN (EAN-14) validation as part of EAN
(thanks Sergi Almacellas Abellana)
* Support Dominican Republic e-CF within NCF (thanks Jeffry Jesus De La Rosa)
* Fix Dominican Republic DGII lookups of NCF (thanks Jeffry Jesus De La Rosa)
* Fix German Handelsregisternummer to not confuse Hamburg with Homburg and to
accept shorter numbers (thanks Kevin Kaiser)
* Support lookups of German Handelsregisternummer in web
* Handle - and + sign correctly in Swedish Personnummer
(thanks Amin Solhizadeh)
* Provide various personalid and vat aliases for existing numbers
(thanks Andreas Häber)
* Improve descriptions of Spanish codes (thanks Gerard Dalmau)
* Fix handling and normalisation of various Unicode digit representations
(thanks Helge Munk Jacobsen)
Fri Apr 12 14:00:38 UTC 2019 -
- version update to 1.11
* Add modules for the following number formats:
- DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad, Argentinian national identity nr.)
- VNR, SVNR, VSNR (Versicherungsnummer, Austrian social security number)
- NI (Número de identidad, Cuban identity card numbers)
- AMKA (Αριθμός Μητρώου Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης, Greek social security number)
- Asmens kodas (Lithuanian, personal numbers)
- MAC address (Media Access Control address)
- IDNO (Moldavian company identification number)
- CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población, Mexican personal ID)
- Fødselsnummer (Norwegian birth number, the national identity number) (thanks Ilya Vihtinsky)
- New Zealand bank account number
- Personnummer (Swedish personal identity number) (thanks Ilya Vihtinsky)
* Code style improvements
* Change Dominican Republic DGII check URL to HTTPS (thanks Gustavo Valverde)
* Support Ecuadorian Cedula and RUC of foreigners (thanks Christopher Ormaza)
* Add format() function for Argentinian CUIT number (thanks Mario Puntin)
* Support passing formatted numbers to all get_birth_date() and similar functions
* Handle Dominican Republic DGII lookup returning multiple entities (thanks Andrés R)
Fri Dec 7 10:31:53 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Version update to 1.10:
* More formats supported
* More expanded testsuite
* Many bugfixes
Fri Dec 7 10:30:51 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Fix fdupes call
Tue Dec 4 12:53:08 UTC 2018 - Matej Cepl <>
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
Thu Jun 29 14:59:41 UTC 2017 -
- convert to singlespec
- enable tests
- update to 1.6
* support more number formats
* many bugs fixed
* extended test suite
Fri Sep 23 10:11:07 UTC 2016 -
- Trim redundant lines off description
Mon Jul 4 07:15:17 UTC 2016 -
- update to version 1.3
Wed Jun 29 07:07:28 UTC 2016 -
- change package name to namingconventions
Mon Jan 4 20:12:58 UTC 2016 -
- Version 1.2
initial OBS build