File Table-S15.2020.txt of Package python-skyfield

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Table S15: The Polynomial Coefficients for DT -720.0 to 2019.0   v. 2020
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Row         Years                  Polynomial Coefficients
  i      K_i    K_{i+1}        a_0         a_1         a_2         a_3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1    -720.0    -100.0   20371.848   -9999.586     776.247     409.160
  2    -100.0     400.0   11557.668   -5822.270    1303.151    -503.433
  3     400.0    1000.0    6535.116   -5671.519    -298.291    1085.087
  4    1000.0    1150.0    1650.393    -753.210     184.811     -25.346
  5    1150.0    1300.0    1056.647    -459.628     108.771     -24.641
  6    1300.0    1500.0     681.149    -421.345      61.953     -29.414
  7    1500.0    1600.0     292.343    -192.841      -6.572      16.197
  8    1600.0    1650.0     109.127     -78.697      10.505       3.018
  9    1650.0    1720.0      43.952     -68.089      38.333      -2.127
 10    1720.0    1800.0      12.068       2.507      41.731     -37.939
 11    1800.0    1810.0      18.367      -3.481      -1.126       1.918
 12    1810.0    1820.0      15.678       0.021       4.629      -3.812
 13    1820.0    1830.0      16.516      -2.157      -6.806       3.250
 14    1830.0    1840.0      10.804      -6.018       2.944      -0.096
 15    1840.0    1850.0       7.634      -0.416       2.658      -0.539
 16    1850.0    1855.0       9.338       1.642       0.261      -0.883
 17    1855.0    1860.0      10.357      -0.486      -2.389       1.558
 18    1860.0    1865.0       9.040      -0.591       2.284      -2.477
 19    1865.0    1870.0       8.255      -3.456      -5.148       2.720
 20    1870.0    1875.0       2.371      -5.593       3.011      -0.914
 21    1875.0    1880.0      -1.126      -2.314       0.269      -0.039
 22    1880.0    1885.0      -3.210      -1.893       0.152       0.563
 23    1885.0    1890.0      -4.388       0.101       1.842      -1.438
 24    1890.0    1895.0      -3.884      -0.531      -2.474       1.871
 25    1895.0    1900.0      -5.017       0.134       3.138      -0.232
 26    1900.0    1905.0      -1.977       5.715       2.443      -1.257
 27    1905.0    1910.0       4.923       6.828      -1.329       0.720
 28    1910.0    1915.0      11.142       6.330       0.831      -0.825
 29    1915.0    1920.0      17.479       5.518      -1.643       0.262
 30    1920.0    1925.0      21.617       3.020      -0.856       0.008
 31    1925.0    1930.0      23.789       1.333      -0.831       0.127
 32    1930.0    1935.0      24.418       0.052      -0.449       0.142
 33    1935.0    1940.0      24.164      -0.419      -0.022       0.702
 34    1940.0    1945.0      24.426       1.645       2.086      -1.106
 35    1945.0    1950.0      27.050       2.499      -1.232       0.614
 36    1950.0    1953.0      28.932       1.127       0.220      -0.277
 37    1953.0    1956.0      30.002       0.737      -0.610       0.631
 38    1956.0    1959.0      30.760       1.409       1.282      -0.799
 39    1959.0    1962.0      32.652       1.577      -1.115       0.507
 40    1962.0    1965.0      33.621       0.868       0.406       0.199
 41    1965.0    1968.0      35.093       2.275       1.002      -0.414
 42    1968.0    1971.0      37.956       3.035      -0.242       0.202
 43    1971.0    1974.0      40.951       3.157       0.364      -0.229
 44    1974.0    1977.0      44.244       3.199      -0.323       0.172
 45    1977.0    1980.0      47.291       3.069       0.193      -0.192
 46    1980.0    1983.0      50.361       2.878      -0.384       0.081
 47    1983.0    1986.0      52.936       2.354      -0.140      -0.165
 48    1986.0    1989.0      54.984       1.577      -0.637       0.448
 49    1989.0    1992.0      56.373       1.648       0.708      -0.276
 50    1992.0    1995.0      58.453       2.235      -0.121       0.110
 51    1995.0    1998.0      60.678       2.324       0.210      -0.313
 52    1998.0    2001.0      62.898       1.804      -0.729       0.109
 53    2001.0    2004.0      64.083       0.674      -0.402       0.199
 54    2004.0    2007.0      64.553       0.466       0.194      -0.017
 55    2007.0    2010.0      65.197       0.804       0.144      -0.084
 56    2010.0    2013.0      66.061       0.839      -0.109       0.128
 57    2013.0    2016.0      66.920       1.007       0.277      -0.095
 58    2016.0    2019.0      68.109       1.277      -0.007      -0.139
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The above table of polynomial coefficients enables evaluation of DT in 
seconds (s) and its derivative (the length of day lod) in milliseconds 
(ms) for any epoch between $-720$ and 2019.  It is not valid outside the 
specified range of years.

For the year and fraction Y, extract the coefficients a_0, a_1, a_2,
a_3 from row i, where K_i <= Y <= K_{i+1} and form
     t   = (Y - K_i)/(K_{i+1} - K_i), where 0 <= t < 1, and 
thus calculate
     DT  = a_0 + a_1 t + a_2 t^2 + a_3 t^3  seconds
     lod = (a_1 + 2 a_2 t + 3 a_3 t^2) / (K_{i+1}-K_i) / 0.36525 ms 
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These coefficients reproduce the spline approximation discussed by
L.V. Morrison, F.R. Stephenson, C.Y. Hohenkerk and M. Zawilski, in
their latest paper entitled ``Addendum 2020 to `Measurement of the 
Earth's Rotation: 720 BC to AD 2015'' published in the Royal Society 
Proceedings A, 478, 2021, see

Details of the original analysis is published in Royal Society 
Proceedings A, 472, 2016, at

All the data is also available from the website of HM Nautical Almanac
Office at
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