File cgal.changes of Package cgal

Tue Jun  7 18:00:05 UTC 2022 - Michael Vetter <>

- Update to 5.4.1:

Mon Feb 28 23:27:19 UTC 2022 - Michael Vetter <>

- Update to 5.4:

Wed Aug 18 14:40:52 UTC 2021 - Michael Vetter <>

- Update to 5.3:
  General changes:
  * The support for the compiled version of CGAL is dropped.
    Only the header-only version is supported.
  Quadtrees, Octrees, and Orthtrees (new package):
  * This package implements a tree data structure in which each
    node encloses a hypercubic section of space and each non-leave
    node has hypercubic children whose edge lengths are half its
    edge length.  Such a data structure is known as a quadtree in 2D,
    an octree in 3D, and is generalized as an "orthtree" in higher dimensions.
  Triangulations on the Sphere (new package):
  * This package enables the construction and manipulation of Delaunay
    triangulations on the 2-sphere.  Triangulations are built incrementally
    and can be modified by insertion or removal of vertices.  Point location
    querying and primitives to build the dual Voronoi diagram are provided.
  File Input / Output:
  * Point set, polygon soup, and polygon mesh file I/O functions have been
    harmonized and documented:
  * Point set I/O functions can be found in the packages Point_set_processing_3,
    and Point_set_3.
  * Polygon mesh I/O functions can be found in the package BGL.
  * Polygon soup I/O can be found in the package Stream_support.
  * A comprehensive list of the supported file formats is available in the
    Stream_support package here; inversely, the following page can be used to
    find out which CGAL data structures can be used given a specific file format.
  2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel:
  * Added is_translation(), is_scaling(), is_reflection(), and is_rotation()
    to the classes Aff_transformation_2 and Aff_transformation_3, which enable
    determining if the transformations use a specialized representation internally.
  2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations:
  * Added documentation for the free functions oriented_side(const Point_2& p, ....)
    that accept a point and a polygon.
  * Documentation has been improved across the whole package.
  Polygon Mesh Processing:
  * Added the class CGAL::Polyhedral_envelope,
    providing a way to quickly check if a primitive (point, segment, or triangle)
    is within a polyhedral envelope around a set of triangles. It is based on the work of
    Bolun Wang, Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Marco Attene, and Daniele Panozzo.
    "Exact and efficient polyhedral envelope containment check." (ACM Trans. Graph., 39-4, July 2020).
  * Added more functions in the visitor of the corefinement based methods
    to track all edge creations.
  Surface Mesh Topology:
  * Added the function CGAL::Surface_mesh_topology::Curves_on_surface_topology::
    is_homotopic_to_simple_cycle(), which can be used to determine whehter
    a closed path on a surface mesh can be continously
    transformed to a cycle without self intersection.
  Surface Mesh Simplification:
  * Added a filtering mechanism so that costly tests get only applied to the
    next candidate for the edge collapse.
  * Added the class Polyhedral_envelope_filter, which enables to perform
    mesh simplification inside a polyhedral envelope of the input mesh.
  2D Polyline Simplification:
  * When polylines have common subsequences of vertices, these subsequences
    may now be simplifified simultaneously.
  dD Triangulations:
  * Added the function insert_if_in_star() to the class
    CGAL::Regular_triangulation, which enables users to insert a point p
    in a regular triangulation on the condition that p appears post-insertion
    in the star of a user-specified, existing vertex.
  2D and 3D Alpha Shapes:
  * Breaking change: The following deprecated classes have been removed:
    Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2, Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2,
    Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3, and Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3.
    All CGAL kernel can be used directly as models of the concepts of the
    2D and 3D Alpha Shape packages.
  * Breaking change: the support for TensorFlow has been dropped; the
    classifier CGAL::TensorFlow::Neural_network_classifier has been removed.

Wed Aug 18 14:40:11 UTC 2021 - Michael Vetter <>

- Update to 5.2.3:

Wed Jun 30 16:40:36 UTC 2021 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Update to 5.2.2
  * See

Tue Apr 13 21:24:01 UTC 2021 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Update to 5.2.1
  * See
- Update to 5.2.0
  * Fixed multiple code execution vulnerabilities:
    boo#1184975 ( CVE-2020-35636 ), boo#1184977 ( CVE-2020-28636 ),
    boo#1184973 ( CVE-2020-28601 ) and boo#1184978 ( CVE-2020-35628 )
  * For full list of other changes, see:

Wed Nov 18 07:48:56 UTC 2020 - Michael Vetter <>

- Update to 5.1.1:

Fri Oct  2 06:25:09 UTC 2020 - Dirk Stoecker <> 5.1

- update to version 5.1
  Many news, see

Sun Mar 29 21:47:22 UTC 2020 - Simon Puchert <> 5.0.2

- Update to version 5.0.2
  * various small bugfixes
- Update to version 5.0.1
  * fixes a performance regression in 3D Triangulations, when using
    the Parallel_tag
- Update to version 5.0.0
  * requires g++ 6.3 or later
  * requires boost 1.57.0 or later
  * new Polygonal Surface Reconstruction
  * See for details
- manually disable header-only build

Tue Jul 30 16:37:37 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Fix build on x86_64 and some other, do not force -fPIE, -fPIC would be
  needed but is the default already.

Fri Apr  5 15:51:37 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Add Conflicts between libCGAL_core and old unsplit package, both
  provide the same library file.

Thu Apr  4 01:23:23 UTC 2019 - Stefan Brüns <>

- Split library package into 4 subpackages, libCGAL, libCGAL_Core
  libCGAL_ImageIO and libCGAL_Qt5, to properly adhere to the
  Shared Libraray Packaging policy, versions are no longer in sync.
- Add bcond for Qt5 component. It requires Qt5 built with Desktop
  OpenGL support, which is not available on ARM and Aarch64.
- Remove fdupes filter from rpmlintrc, not required any more.

Mon Apr  1 08:51:07 UTC 2019 -

- Update to 4.14:
  * new 2D Periodic Hyperbolic Triangulations
  * new 2D Hyperbolic Triangulations
  * new The Heat Method
  * new Triangulated Surface Mesh Approximation
  * For bugfixes and details see:

Tue Oct  2 11:36:44 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 4.13:
  * Added: 3D Periodic Mesh Generation
  * Classification package can now handle classification of surface
	meshes and clusters, and can compute features in parallel.
  * For list of more changes and bugfixes see:

Wed Sep  5 07:50:30 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 4.12.1:
  Please see
  for the full list of fixed bugs

Mon Jun 18 17:59:24 UTC 2018 -

- Use correct BuildRequires for libboost_atomic-devel
- Manually install documentation, %doc does not preserve symlinks
- Cleanup

Mon Apr 30 15:16:47 UTC 2018 -

- Use %setup logic to extract supplementary source archives.

Thu Apr 26 10:02:46 UTC 2018 -

- Remove cgal-4.11-opengl-es-arm.patch: upstreamed
- Update to 4.12:
  * New 2D Movable Separability of Sets
  * Classification: algorithm that classifies a data set into a
    user-defined set of labels
  * Removed Kinetic Data Structures
  * See for a complete
    list of changes

Tue Feb 27 09:46:40 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 4.11.1:
  * Bug fix release
    Please see
	for the full list of fixed bugs

Thu Dec  7 08:13:02 UTC 2017 -

- remove in spec the Requires: qt-devel that is Qt4 related

Wed Sep 27 14:58:36 UTC 2017 -

- Always use Qt5

Wed Sep 27 13:48:30 UTC 2017 -

- boo#1060631: Add cgal-4.11-opengl-es-arm.patch
  On armv7 Qt uses OpenGL ES headers.
  cgal included GL/gl.h desktop header, but they cannot be mixed.

Wed Sep 27 09:54:34 UTC 2017 -

- Remove boost conditionals. They are handled in prj conf.

Tue Sep 26 13:35:19 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 4.11
  * details can be found in CHANGES file

Tue Feb  7 11:13:52 UTC 2017 -

- Redo description and RPM groups
- Rename %_soname to %_sover to better reflect its use

Wed Feb  1 10:21:22 UTC 2017 -

- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel

Sun Nov 22 11:38:55 UTC 2015 -

- fixed build for SLE-12 and some earlier releases

Tue Nov 17 18:38:10 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 4.7
  * switch to qt5
  * details can be found in CHANGES file
- Use github for download urls

Mon Sep 28 15:48:29 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 4.6.3
  * details can be found in CHANGES file

Tue Sep  1 11:17:05 UTC 2015 -

- Fix Source URLs.

Wed Aug 19 06:28:53 UTC 2015 -

- Update to 4.6.1
  * details can be found in CHANGES file

Sat Feb 28 22:13:24 UTC 2015 -

- Remove conditionals and use only cmake macros for building

Sat Feb 28 08:51:44 UTC 2015 -

- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Remove sha256sum.txt
- Update to 4.5.2
  * Fix a bug that prevented the compilation with recent versions 
    of Boost (>=1.56) when explicit conversions operators 
    (from C++11) are supported. That prevented the compilation with 
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
  * 3D Convex Hulls: Fix a non-robust predicate bug that was 
    showing up when input points where lexicographically sorted.
  * 3D Mesh Generation: Fix a bug in the sliver perturbation 
    optimization method. It could create some holes on the 
    surface of the mesh.

Thu Dec 25 18:52:27 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version 4.5.1,
- Bump sover to 10.0.4

Tue Jun  3 06:12:13 UTC 2014 -

- update to 4.4, see
- packaging : remove libcgal%soname as main package 
- cgal is dumb empty package
- libcgalsoname contain only library
- cgal-demo-examples-devel contain all demo and example
- cgal-doc contain the whole documentation
- Fix & cleanup Licence as specified in sources
- Make it build for SLE with exception for noarch.

Tue Dec 17 20:11:08 UTC 2013 -

- update to 4.3, see

Sat Jan 19 14:11:47 UTC 2013 -

- updated to 4.1

Fri Aug  3 22:54:57 UTC 2012 -

- added happy_gcc.patch
  fixed c++ syntax for a more strict gcc

Fri Aug  3 15:06:57 UTC 2012 -

- fixed Group and License

Fri Aug  3 14:39:20 UTC 2012 -

- added boost149workaround.patch

Sun Jan  8 16:45:23 UTC 2012 -

- updated to 3.9

Sat May 14 00:47:33 UTC 2011 -

- don't build Qt3 library anymore
- use fdupes

Fri May 13 14:48:41 UTC 2011 -

- based on a Fedora package by Laurent Rineau (version 3.8)

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