File graphviz.changes of Package graphviz

Tue Oct  4 18:41:12 CEST 2011 -

- Rename and prefix patch for uniformity within the package.

Mon Oct  3 13:55:01 UTC 2011 -

- fix compilation of yast2-qt-graph

Mon Oct  3 11:53:27 UTC 2011 -

- disable GD plugin completely

Wed Sep 28 19:08:30 UTC 2011 -

- Update to version 2.28.0
    - incremented library api version:
        libcdt, libgraph, libcgraph, libgvpr, libgvc
    - Add gvmap, cluster and
    - Deprecate dotty; prefer gvedit
    - Add patchwork supporting squarified tree maps
    - Add ordering as a node attribute
    - Fix problems with font resolution
    - Fix problems with text placement
    - Fix twopi to set root attribute
    - Make available layouts and formats available via the API
    - Fix error message system so that an application can capture the messages
    - New attributes and features for sfdp
    - gvgen now allows the user to specify graph name and node name template
    - Make overlap=false denote overlap=prism
    - More efficient xdot library
    - HTML-like labels provide ID
    - Fixed bugs: 1480 1980 2044 2087 2088 2089 2091 2093 2094 
        2095 2101 2102 2103 2104 2112 2113 2118 2128 2129 2139 2149 
        2157 2113 2159 2160 2161 2163
    - Add scale attribute to twopi
    - Add <B>,<I>,<U> to html strings
    - migrated to 2005 version of cdt  

Fri Mar 11 12:25:36 UTC 2011 -

- fix conflict with libltdl (

Fri Jun 18 09:15:07 UTC 2010 -

- fix typo 

Fri Jun 11 12:13:12 CEST 2010 -

- Fix cut&paste error.
- Plugin configuration file is now named config6 so adapt spec file

Tue Jun  1 16:29:05 UTC 2010 -

- Fix array underflow in lib/gvpr/compile.c
- Mention in description that graphviz-gnome is needed for png

Mon May 17 12:22:51 UTC 2010 -

- remove ksh from build requires - no longer needed

Sun Apr  4 18:47:39 CEST 2010 -

- fix build of gd library with new libpng14
  (should use system gd lib ?) 

Tue Mar 16 18:52:54 CET 2010 -

- update to 2.26.3
  -   version bumped from 4 to 5 due to API changes
  - Allow ranksep to specify multiple radial differences in twopi
  - Allow the user to specify all pairwise distances in neato with
  - added: "smyrna" - a new opengl-based viewer for large graphs
  - added: rudimentary "gml2gv", "gv2gml" converters
  - extended support for various image formats in node images
  - removed vestiges of codegens, now all putput formats supported
    through plugins.  Dropped some output formats for which
    plugins have not been developed: -Tdia, -Tmif
  - gvpr converted to a library; additional array handling and
    text processing functions added; language extended to allow 
    multiple BEG_G/N/E blocks. 
  - allow background images specified via xdot
  - add new layout engine for large graphs: sfdp
  - add new layout engine for nested graphs: osage
  - fix for buffer overflow (present in 2.22.0 and 2.22.1)
  - libgvc api changed, version bumped.  Affects third party
    applications using libgvc.
  - plugin api changed, version bumped.  Affects third party
    plugins for graphviz.
  - 90% conversion to cgraph has been done, but not enabled yet,
    (and yes, its true what they say about the last 10% )
  - drop libagraph from distribution  (use libcgraph)
  - layout code completely converted to floating point.
  - new "dot -P" option for generating a graph of available
  - registered MIME type:  text/vnd.graphviz for .gv files
  - rename files from .dot to .gv to avoid conflict with
    Word templates.  .dot still supported, but deprecated.
  - new command: mm2gv   (matrix-market graph file conversion)
  - rename commands:      dot2gxl -> gv2gxl
  			gxl2dot -> gxl2gv
  - new rsvg plugin for support of node shapes in SVG format
  - new gs plugin for support of node shapes in PS format
  - new lasi plugin for support of UTF-8 characters in PS output
    (the above thee plugins are Linux only, at the moment)
  - new quartz plugin (MacOSx only)
  - new gdiplus plugin (Windows only)
  - new -Tvml support in core plugin (thanks Steve Roush)
  - new -Ttk support in core plugin (also used by Tcldot and
    gv_tcl language bindings.)
  - disabled old style codegens completely

Tue Dec 15 21:30:37 CET 2009 -

- enable parallel building

Wed Aug 26 12:53:54 CEST 2009 -

- make patch0 usage consistent

Fri Oct 24 16:04:56 CEST 2008 -

- fix build with newer libtool
- fix requires of debug package

Mon Oct 13 15:03:50 CEST 2008 -

- Fix vulnerability that allowed overflowing gstack (bnc#433747)

Thu Jul 10 12:11:47 CEST 2008 -

- Update to 2.20.2. Changes since 2.18:

  - Fix bug in HTML-like labels

  - Fix bug in ccomps related to conversion to cgraph

  - Fixed bugs (see for
    - 1315: Different/error output for *.os and *.pdf
    - 1317: Graphviz fails to open more than 512 files.
    - 1324: Graphviz crashes in atexit().
    - 1336: Plain format label delimiters change randomly.
    - 1343: Layouts other than 'dot' seem broken in tcldot due to
            documentation error.
    - 1364: Dot fails with failed assertion.
  - Add new "folder" shape for nodes.
  - Migration of gvpr tools to libcgraph.
  - New output format -Teps  (encapsulated postscript)
  - Various NetBSD and SuSE fixes incorporated
  - ./configure now provides a summary

Sun Apr 27 14:41:01 CEST 2008 -

- fix build

Tue Apr 22 14:37:18 CEST 2008 -

- Move all GTK/GNOME related stuff to plugins package.

Tue Apr 15 16:02:22 CEST 2008 -

- Readd plugins left out by accident.
- Add upstream patch that makes 'dot -c' completely verifiy all
  cross-plugin dependencies. In case of a failed dependency
  it comments out the failed plugin in the config that it writes.

Mon Apr  7 13:32:38 CEST 2008 -

- Fix paths for lua and php in examples

Fri Mar 28 12:53:29 CET 2008 -

- Update to 2.18. Changes since 2.12:
  - Lots of bugs fixed, see ChangeLog for detailed list.
  - in -Tps use a new number formatter that suppresses trailing 0.
  - support tcl/tk-8.5
  - support gcc-4.3
  - support for node usershapes/images in svg format
  - install: perl, php, python, ruby, tcl, bindings in
    language-specified directories
  - add arrowhead scaling with edge penwidth
  - add "folder" node shape
  - add "smyna" large graph view (thanks Arif) (not yet included
    in binary distros)
  * 2.16.1
  - Improvements to PHP binding
  - Improvements to OCAML binding
  - Make regression tests run from the build tree, rather than require
  - Repair freetype detection on RedHat-7 (Yes, people still use it!!)
  - Fix zoom-at-mouse-location in -Txlib and -Tgtk
  - Fix some dotty regressions
  * 2.15
  - new regression test suite
  - new cgraph library (will eventually replace graph and agraph)
  - add "image" and "imagescale" for simpler support for images in nodes
  - add "tab" "box3d" and "component" shapes.  - Diomidis Spinellis
  - replace arith.h in distro
  - add functions to access version info to avoid need for gvcint.h
  - Fix problem with irregular character spacing at 96dpi in pango/cairo
    output formats.
  - Add gdk_pixbuf plugin providing: .bmp .ico .jpg .png .tif 
  - Add DevIL plugin providing: .bmp .jpg .png .tif .tga
  - Extend GD plugin to provide a backend to cairo for: .gif .jpg .png .gd
    .gd2 .wbmp  <- gifs are now antialiased
  - Rework plugin framework to separate device from renderer, and to
    autoload load dependendent plugins
  - show defaults in output from: ./configure --help
  - add more info to dot -v  and dot -v2 debug outputs
  - various issues with CR/LF in windows, but not in binary outputs.

  * 2.14.1
  - Add xdot parsing library to source distros
  - graphviz.spec fixes for rpm distros from Gareth Armstrong
  - moved language binding man pages to mann
    (gv_php.n, gv_ocaml.n, etc.)
  - New access functions for version info in GVC_t - permits
    gvcint.h to be private.

  * 2.14:  
  - Using system version of libgd if gd-2.0.34 or later.
    internal copy of gd updated to gd-2.0.35.
  - Updated GVGUI viewer for Windows
  - Added support for selection of edge routing types:
    line, polyline, orthogonal, spline
  - Added -Tvml support
- Adapt the patch to allow ^LT_(CURRENT|REVISION|AGE)$ in
  configure script and reenable the use of these variables.
Thu Mar 13 18:36:18 CET 2008 -

- Allow ^LT_(CURRENT|REVISION|AGE)$ in configure script.
- Remove broken autoconf macros.

Fri Oct 26 17:33:40 CEST 2007 -

- Add missing includes.

Mon Aug 13 19:23:50 CEST 2007 -

- lib/sfio/sfhdr.h(SFSETLOCALE): fix test for null pointer.
- use -fno-strict-aliasing for gv_php

Fri May 11 10:32:20 CEST 2007 -

- added to sync rel-number between
  graphviz and graphviz-plugins 

Thu May 10 01:48:27 CEST 2007 -

- split off plugins to separate specfile to break build cycles 

Tue May  8 12:11:16 CEST 2007 -

- Update to 2.12
  - PostScript output had an extraneous '%' character on the first line,
    which would cause printing to fail.
  - Text handling, during both sizing and layout, incorrectly handled
    empty lines such as label="\nabc".
  - HTML-like tables had been changed to use too much vertical space,
    to possibly use the wrong font in calculating the height of a line,
    and to use the wrong offset when moving the baseline from one line to
    the next.
  - dot - New pango+cairo renderer plugin (was in separate graphviz-cairo tree).
      -- -Tpng now uses cairo   (-Tpng:gd for old gd based renderer)
      -- -Tpdf now available
      -- -Tps:cairo now available (-Tps is a direct ps renderer not based on 
      -- -Tsvg:cairo now available (-Tsvg is a direct svg renderer not based
          on cairo)
      -- -Txlib now available -- "dot -Tx11"  watches with
          inotify and updates
      -- -Tgtk now available -- eventually to provide a graph editing capability
          - not fully working
      -- -Tswf "Flash" now available using the ming library. Currently has 
          incomplete font support and not yet in Fedora rpms because ming not 
          yet available as rpm.
  - remove hard gd dependencies from dot.  gd renderers now provided
    as optional plugin.   Deprecated, but required for -Tjpg, -Tgif and -Tvrml.
  - gvpr - Add kindOf function, plus functions to set and get default values
  - dot - Implement esep attribute to allow graph to specify room
    around nodes for spline routing.
  - neato - add vpsc library and DIGCOLA
  - neato - add IPSEPCOLA additions from Tim Dwyer
  - move: -Tps, -Tfig, -Tsvg, -Timap/ismap/cmap/cmapx, -Tdot/xdot,
    from codegens to a "core" plugin.
  - dot - new usershape plugin mechanism potentially supporting
    a wider range of input shape format -> output format combinations.
    display on changes
  - dot - new -O switch to automatically generate output file
    names based on the input filename and the -T value.
    e.g.  "dot -Tpng -O *.dot"   
    Also works for case of multiple graphs in a single input file.
  - add support for "Brewer" color nameset
  - move reusable .so libraries to $PREFIX/lib per frequent request
    from Debian community.   Plugin .so's remain in $PREFIX/lib/graphviz.
  - (POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY) The default input scaling, in the
    absence of a "-s" switch, has been changed from inches to points.
    The new behavior of "neato" is equivalent to "neato -s72".
    The old behavior can be restored with "neato -s1".
    The purpose of this change is to avoid a Frequently-Made-Mistake
    when using "neato -n" to process a previously generated layout.
    Previously it was necessary to use "neato -n -s72", but with this
    change the default matches dot's output and the "-s72" is not required.
  - Added pseudo layout engines: "dot -Knop" and dot -Knop1" equivalent
    to "neato -n"
  - Added pseodo layout engine: "dot -Knop2" equivalent to "neato -n2"
  - Add support for color namespaces; add Brewer color data
  - Add support for simulated duplex edges using parallel edges:
    head arrow takes first color, tail arrow takes second color.
  - Add a small pad region around graph renderings to allow for finite
    penwidths at the drawing edges
  - Add protonode(g) and E=protoedge(g) functions to simplify language
  - Add special purpose code to deal with html labels from language

- Split off language support into subpackages.
- build php,ruby,C#,python,guile and java support in addition to tcl
- swig >= 1.3.21 differentiates between php4 and php5, so adapt
  configure test.
- Don't move tcl libraries to _libdir but instead add the graphviz 
  sublibrary paths via /etc/
- Use SONAMEs to generate pkgIndex.tcl. That way tcl can actually
  load the libraries via 'package require'
- Don't compare pointer with string literal.

Thu May  3 18:44:39 CEST 2007 -

- changed expat to libexpat-devel in [Build]Requires

Thu Mar 29 21:11:37 CEST 2007 -

- Add bison to BuildRequires.

Fri Aug 11 11:30:14 CEST 2006 -

- Adapt to new X11 paths.

Mon Apr  3 11:33:45 CEST 2006 -

- add pkgconfig files to devel package

Sun Feb 19 19:31:51 CET 2006 -

- Reduce BuildRequires.

Thu Feb  9 19:00:59 CET 2006 -

- Fix segfault in neato when using splines (#144275)

Fri Feb  3 18:01:07 CET 2006 -

- Fix swig template to include declaration.
- Fix BuildRequires
- Fix dependencies for -devel package

Thu Nov 24 18:56:26 CET 2005 -

- Add missing plugin config file.
- Fix gcc aliasing bugs.

Mon Aug 29 15:42:52 CEST 2005 -

- Update to version 2.6: numerous bugfixes.

Tue Aug  9 17:27:30 CEST 2005 -

- fix-pkgIndex.diff: Fix tcl library search for "package require
  Tkspline" and similar statements by (a) moving the tcl/tk
  libraries from _libdir/graphviz/ to _libdir/, and removing
  path names from library names in pkgIndex.tcl so that 32bit
  and 64bit libraries are searched as appropriate.

Tue Aug  2 01:11:47 CEST 2005 -

- move pkgIndex.tcl to /usr/share 

Thu Feb 10 15:14:15 CET 2005 -

- Update to version 2.2.
- Drop graphviz-graphs subpackage.

Sun Aug 29 02:04:21 CEST 2004 -

- Drop EULA notification message.

Sat Mar 27 20:13:52 CET 2004 -

- update to graphviz-1.12
  * general
    - rename bcc -> bcomps to avoid name conflict with 
      "Bruce's C Compiler" on Redhat distributions.
    - all build without X11 (fix problem in lefty tree)
    - remove from distribution:
      dag, fdp, geo, grid, incr, shape, tcldgr, tcldgl
  * dotneato
    - fix "brown-bag" problem resulting in PNG and JPEG errors on 
      RH8 and RH9.
- removed hunks for dag, fdp, grid, tcldgl from codecleanup patch;
  directories were dropped upstream (see 1.12 changelog above)
- no need to rename bcc any longer (see 1.12 changelog above)
- removed libtcldgl/libtcldgr (see 1.12 changelog above)

Tue Mar  9 00:04:51 CET 2004 -

- Rename bcc to bcc-graphviz due to conflict with bcc from dev86.

Mon Mar  1 17:42:43 CET 2004 -

- Update to graphviz-1.11:
  * Drop lots of patches (merged upstream) ;-)
  * dotneato: add -Gviewport, fix memleak in gdft, clean up calc
    of whitespace around labels

Wed Feb 25 15:40:49 CET 2004 -

- Update to graphviz-1.10:
  * enhanced gpr: string matching, lock primitive to save graphs
  * zoomable 2 1/2 D graph viewer (Java)
  * neato -gpack

Fri Jan 16 10:49:32 CET 2004 -

- Change freetype detection to new one, so the internal libGD is build
  against it again.  

Sat Jan 10 11:23:19 CET 2004 -

- build as user

Mon Oct  6 12:17:24 CEST 2003 -

- Remove curl (source code does not use it) and lynx from

Mon Jul 28 17:23:10 CEST 2003 -

- updated neededforbuild 

Tue May 13 20:02:40 CEST 2003 -

- Add hacks to work around problems with libtool 1.5.

Mon Apr 14 19:42:24 CEST 2003 -

- Get rid of nearly all compiler warnings.

Mon Apr  7 12:34:14 CEST 2003 -

- Use posix-2001 conforming syntax for sort.

Fri Feb  7 19:13:50 CET 2003 -

- Update to 1.9
- Split off subpackages devel, graphs and tcl like
  it's done in the specfile included with graphviz.
- remove obsolete patches

Wed Jan 29 13:47:12 CET 2003 -

- fix png library detection in configure 
- removed perl-GD and blt from neededforbuild

Thu Jan  9 00:58:22 CET 2003 -

- fixed 

Thu Nov 14 17:05:40 CET 2002 -

- fixed for new bison: end rules with semicolons

Tue Aug 20 02:08:25 CEST 2002 -

- Correct PreReq

Sat Aug 10 15:47:28 CEST 2002 -

- Fix typo in license.

Fri Jul  5 10:24:42 CEST 2002 -

- Use %ix86 macro 

Tue Jul  2 14:55:10 MEST 2002 -

- Update to 1.8.6:
  * FPU handling fix got included
  * arch independent stuff in /usr/share/graphviz now
  * arrow fixes and improvements and more arrow types
  * new pack option to neato
  * bugfixes
- Change licensor from SuSE GmbH to SuSE Linux AG

Wed May 22 14:48:29 MEST 2002 -

- Add prune binary and man page to file list.

Fri May 10 12:04:39 MEST 2002 -

- Fix FPU excpetion handling. (Use feenableexcept() rather than
  _FPU_GETCW(), if available.)

Wed May  8 21:01:46 MEST 2002 -

- Update to graphviz-1.8.5:
  * fixed various Win and MacOSX probs
  * minimal Type1 font support
  * webdot.cgi perl script accepts same args as webgot.tcl now
  * various SVG enhancements and fixes
  * various portability/64bit fixes
  * various bug fixes

Fri May  3 10:57:57 CEST 2002 -

- %_lib fixes (to find and

Fri Feb  1 00:26:14 CET 2002 -

- changed neededforbuild <libpng> to <libpng-devel-packages>

Mon Jan 28 17:58:45 MET 2002 -

- Some more missing decls found and fixed.

Mon Jan 28 17:12:04 MET 2002 -

- Added patch to fix lots of warnings (and potential bugs on 64bit

Mon Jan 28 12:20:44 MET 2002 -

- Pass TK_DEFS to gcc for tkspline (which uses tkInt.h)

Mon Jan 28 02:14:55 MET 2002 -

- Update to 1.7.16:
  * Various bug fixes
  * Support for xfig, svgz, 
  * Text output improvements
  * New twopi tool
- Drop patches that have been included in official source ball.

Wed May 23 00:30:21 CEST 2001 -

- Fix cast warnings on 64bit archs and add missing includes 
  where necessary.

Wed May  9 19:53:12 CEST 2001 -

- Cleanup patches.

Tue May  8 21:37:33 CEST 2001 -
- bzip2 sources
Mon Apr 30 17:28:11 MEST 2001 -

- Update to release 1.7.6 with lots of bugfixes:
  * Lots of font related fixes
  * Fix various bugs WRT labels
  * UTF-8 fixes
  * cluster and neato layout fixes
  * -Timap (mouse sensitive graphs for web pages) fixes
  * PNG by default does white background now instead of transp.
- New features in 1.7.6:
  * New graph processing tools: acyclic, ccomps, colorize, gc, 
    gpr, nop, sccmap, tred, unflatten (See ChangeLog for details)
- Spec file: Consistently use %{prefix}

Thu Mar 22 16:05:02 CET 2001 -

- changed neededforbuild to freetype2 
- updated to 1.7.5 for freetype2

Mon Feb 26 12:50:47 CET 2001 -

- fixed for new glibc

Fri Jan 19 17:18:16 MET 2001 -

- Assorted patches from Stephen C. North to
  * fix runtime error in graphs having multiple nodes in the min
    or max rank set
  * fix layout thinko (mincross)

Sat Dec 16 10:55:33 CET 2000 -

- Update to 1.7.4:
  * various fixes
  * support various linestyles
  * Remove Tcldot dependence on libgdtclft
  * support for long label strings (fixing a reported crash)

Tue Dec 12 01:27:03 MET 2000 -

- Specfile cleanups.

Mon Dec 11 23:08:39 MET 2000 -

- Update to 1.7.3:
  * Better font drawing support
  * Bugfixes
- Removed most explicit Requires: from spec, as AutoReqProv works
  just fine.
- Split off webdot.

Wed Nov 29 17:26:55 CET 2000 -

- changed neededforbuild <tcld> to <tcl-devel>

Wed Nov  8 16:32:06 CET 2000 -

- fixed neededforbuild gd -> perl-GD 

Wed Nov  1 14:55:33 CET 2000 -

- Use %{?suse_update_config} -> support for S/390 added

Tue Oct 31 19:49:41 MET 2000 -

- Update to 1.7: * dot/neato again separate binaries
  * 64 bit patches integrated
  * Some bugfixes and feature enhancements

Wed Oct 18 21:46:09 MEST 2000 -

- Change the wording of the license notification to match the
  wording from the letter from AT&T.

Tue Sep 19 15:39:53 MEST 2000 -

- Cleanups for 64 bit archs.

Mon Sep 18 18:34:53 MEST 2000 -

- Add a notification for the sysadmin, that (s)he and the users
  need to agree with the license termn in MINTERMS.txt. According
  to "Stephen C. North" <>, this is all that
  needs to be done to fulfill the license requirements.

Wed Sep  6 13:28:50 CEST 2000 -

- LICENSOR is SuSE: Filled in MINTERMS.txt

Tue Sep  5 20:46:59 CEST 2000 -

- Creation of package graphviz-1.6
- Fix lneato Makefile to install into $DESTDIR

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