File owfs.changes of Package owfs

Tue Jun  9 09:04:38 UTC 2015 -

- Fix compilation against libusb-1.0
  * Add patch libusb-include.patch which adds libusb-1.0 include
    path in several places.

Sat Mar 28 08:44:00 UTC 2015 -

- update to version 3.1p0
  * Adds minor changes to the K1WM Bus Master from Martin Rapavy for the
    Kisler moification of the synthesized DS1WM Bus Master.

  * Major change in linkage. We leave behind the legacy version of
    libusb for the modern version. Libusb is used for the DS9490 Bus Master,
    and the older version is actually no longer supported, except as a legacy
    skin over the modern code.

Sun Mar  1 11:34:46 UTC 2015 -

- update to version 3.0p1
    New Features.
    1. owhttpd supports "sparse arrays"
      A. Based on feedback by Eugenio Torrini
      B. Sparse arrays allow the file extension to have any value, e.g. a
         password in the case of the DS1991
      C. owhttpd now has an extension input field for sparse arrays
      D. web pages still don't require javascript or HTML5 features
      E. Fully backwards compatible
    2. Preliminary DS1WM support
      A. This is the freely available 1-wire bus master design from Maxim
      B. Can be implemented in FPGA
      C. Preliminary feedback and testing from Martin Rapavy
      D. Needs a hardware address for mapping device registers
      E. Maps system memory directly -- root only
      F. Competes with an in-kernel w1 module

    1. Fixed DS1991 support
      A. Based on observations and testing by Eugenio Torrini
      B. Uses a different directory structure
        a. subkey0, subkey1, subkey2
      C. Follows datasheet more closely
         But the old way didn't work so clearly wasn't being used. 

- changes in version 3.0p0
    New Features.
    1. Monitor configuration file changes
      A. Use operating system to see if any othe configuration files have been changed
      B. Restart the program if changes (owserver, owfs, owhttpd, owftpd, owcapi)
      C. Let launchd and system restart for us -- just exit
    2. Launchd support.
      A. Launchd is sensed from the OS
      B. Avoids fork, daemon.
      C. Gets socket from plist
    1. OSX compiles cleanly
    2. Cygwin compiles cleanly

Wed Jan  7 08:16:37 UTC 2015 -

- update to version 2.9p9
  Minor improvement -- basically fixes the owfs problem:
  "cat: temperature: Message too long"

Sun Oct 19 10:05:16 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 2.9p8
  * New Features
    1. Filesystem fixed (owfs)
       Old double-free mutex bug fixed
    2. soelim utility now used for man file installation -- Stefano Miccoli
    3. systemd now manages mountpoints -- Tomasz Torcz

  * Fixes
    1. Numerous fixes from Coverity scan
       Null serial number in alias file
       Filelength calculation of directories
       Pointer errors in owftpd
       Fuse command line processing
    2. swig gave error even with good write -- fixed
    3. DS18S20 staircase bug fixed, again.
       Vincent Danjean
       Mario Gruenwald
    4. OWFS (filesystem) wasn't honoring forground request
    5. Clean up some Makefile problems (lint files)

Thu Oct  9 09:16:36 UTC 2014 -

- install upstream systemd files
  but change user/group from ow/ow to daemon/root 

Thu Oct  9 07:55:34 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 2.9p7
  * New Features
    1. HobbyBoards Masterhub
       A. New 4-port hub
       B. USB suport
       C. Ethernet not yet implemented
       D. Autodiscovery not yet implemented
    2. New HobbyBoards Sensors
       A. Updated Moisture Meter
       B. Humidity
       C. Barometer
    3. Improved systemd support -- Tomasz Torcz

  * Fixes
    1. Mutex errors and checking, including read-write lock error -- Christian Magnusson
    2. Longer timeput needed for FTDI serial adapters -- Johan Ström
    3. FreeBSD fixes -- Johan Ström
    4. mucl C library support -- der_tiger and Szabocls Nagy
    5. Numerous fixes found by Coverity analysis
    6. Configuration script fixes from Christian Magnusson and der_tiger 
    7. owcapi bug in OW_present -- Valery Grusdev
    8. ownet payload size off by one -- Hans-Frieder Vogt
    9. OSX mutex error -- Stefano Miccoli
   10. Show HobbyBoard device version in decimal rather than hex
   11. MAX31850 Termocouple correction -- Paul Panish
   12. Endiaan fix for DS2408 -- Johan Ström
   13. DS18B20 resolution fix -- Johan Ström
   14. Python trouble with verion from CVS -- Johan Ström 

Mon Oct  6 18:18:00 UTC 2014 -

- Fix Bug #899880
  in the init script for the fs daemon the wrong variable for the binary was used

Thu May  8 07:40:12 UTC 2014 -

- spec-cleaner run on owfs.spec

Mon May  5 08:08:52 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 2.9p5
  * Fixes:
    1. Token creation problem from Stefano Miccoli
    2. Select when no DS2409 (Microlan hub) present Found by Johan Strom

- fixes from 2.9p4
  * New features
    1. Switch to git for source management
       Still hosted on
         git clone git:// owfs-code
       cvs history brought over. 
    2. Clean and test DS2409 (Microlan) hubs
       Addressing problem found by Ors Tiszay
       Works well with passive devices
       Problems with powered slaves, but probably not a software issue.
    3. Improved and tested owserver protocol for server-to-server communication
       Use md5 hash for unique token
       Fixed byte counting issue in write messages
       Null-terminated string no longer required in path string
         (problem pointed out by Stefano Miccoli)
    4. Added /system/configuration/version
       Reports owserver version
       Request from Stefano Miccoli

  * Fixes
    1. Double initialization of mutex fixed
       Show stopper in FreeBSD
       Found by Johan Strom

Mon Apr 14 11:22:41 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 2.9p3
  * New features
    1. Support for using other channels during temperature conversion Only selected bus masters, specifically not DS2484-800
    2. Add "Safe" owcapi init functions (for Sven Geggus) Allows multiple init calls without restarting library Only first call has device parameters analyzed. OW_init -> OW_safe_init OW_init_args -> OW_safe_init_args
    3. Add --trim option (for Michael Markstaller) Numeric values are trimmed of whitespace owget, owcapi, owfs, owftpd, owhttpd, owperl, 
    4. Support for Dirk Opfer's unannounced bus master
  * Fixes
    1. httpd json error reporting (bad url) fixed.
    2. httpd text error reporting fixed
    3. json formatting fixes
    4. json trailing comma in directory lists removed
    5. Endian errors in DS2413 etc fixed Thanks to Robin Gilks!

Changes from 2.9p2:
  * New features
    1. Add support for the MAX31850 and MAX31851 thermocouple chips
    2. Add support for the EDS0090 Digital IO device
  * Fixes
    1. Change round for uClibc compatibility
    2. Fix owhttpd "Bad URL" page to actually work
    3. FreeBSD fixes from Johan Ström
    4. Update man pages for EDS devices and thermocouples

Fri Jun 21 07:43:23 UTC 2013 -

- update to version 2.9p1
  * New features
	1. Add --detail to allow debugging for specific slave see
	2. Json improvements -- Andrew Elwell
	3. CMCIEL's mDI001 digital monitor support
  * Fixes
	1. Clear mission for Thermochron -- Egger Clemmens
	2. Man page fixes -- Egger Clemmens
	3. Memory leak fix -- Marcel Krueger
	4. simultaneous directory cache problem -- Don Velno
	5. TAI8570 fix -- tj (Dave)
	6. ownet python patch -- Doug Werner 

Fri Apr 26 08:54:36 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 2.9p0 

Thu Dec 20 10:13:00 UTC 2012 -

- initial release
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