File 0383-ssh-Remove-whitespace-errors-in-ssh_sftp.erl.patch of Package erlang

From 6d393493ded1462dd5469cb4bfc36db97134f5f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn-Egil=20Dahlberg?= <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 18:48:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ssh: Remove whitespace errors in ssh_sftp.erl

 lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
index afc2fb88f..a648247ef 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_sftp.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 -export([open/3, open_tar/3, opendir/2, close/2, readdir/2, pread/4, read/3,
          open/4, open_tar/4, opendir/3, close/3, readdir/3, pread/5, read/4,
 	 apread/4, aread/3, pwrite/4, write/3, apwrite/4, awrite/3,
-	 pwrite/5, write/4, 
+	 pwrite/5, write/4,
 	 position/3, real_path/2, read_file_info/2, get_file_info/2,
 	 position/4, real_path/3, read_file_info/3, get_file_info/3,
 	 write_file_info/3, read_link_info/2, read_link/2, make_symlink/3,
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 %% TODO: Should be placed elsewhere ssh_sftpd should not call functions in ssh_sftp!
 -export([info_to_attr/1, attr_to_info/1]).
 	  rep_buf = <<>>,
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-	  handle, 
+	  handle,
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 	  enc_text_buf = <<>>,	 % Encrypted text
 	  plain_text_buf = <<>>	 % Decrypted text
 -define(FILEOP_TIMEOUT, infinity).
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ start_channel(Cm) when is_pid(Cm) ->
 start_channel(Socket) when is_port(Socket) ->
     start_channel(Socket, []);
 start_channel(Host) when is_list(Host) ->
-    start_channel(Host, []).					 
+    start_channel(Host, []).
 start_channel(Socket, Options) when is_port(Socket) ->
     Timeout =
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ start_channel(Socket, Options) when is_port(Socket) ->
     case ssh:connect(Socket, Options, Timeout) of
-	{ok,Cm} -> 
+	{ok,Cm} ->
 	    case start_channel(Cm, Options) of
 		{ok, Pid} ->
 		    {ok, Pid, Cm};
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ start_channel(Cm, Opts) when is_pid(Cm) ->
     Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity),
     {_, ChanOpts, SftpOpts} = handle_options(Opts, [], [], []),
     case ssh_xfer:attach(Cm, [], ChanOpts) of
-	{ok, ChannelId, Cm} -> 
-	    case ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, 
+	{ok, ChannelId, Cm} ->
+	    case ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId,
 				   ?MODULE, [Cm, ChannelId, SftpOpts]) of
 		{ok, Pid} ->
 		    case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of
 			ok ->
-			    {ok, Pid}; 
+			    {ok, Pid};
 			TimeOut ->
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ start_channel(Host, Port, Opts) ->
     Timeout = proplists:get_value(timeout, SftpOpts, infinity),
     case ssh_xfer:connect(Host, Port, SshOpts, ChanOpts, Timeout) of
 	{ok, ChannelId, Cm} ->
-	    case ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm, 
+	    case ssh_channel:start(Cm, ChannelId, ?MODULE, [Cm,
 							    ChannelId, SftpOpts]) of
 		{ok, Pid} ->
 		    case wait_for_version_negotiation(Pid, Timeout) of
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ start_channel(Host, Port, Opts) ->
 		    {error, ignore}
 	Error ->
-	    Error	    
+	    Error
 stop_channel(Pid) ->
@@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ stop_channel(Pid) ->
 	    OldValue = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
 	    exit(Pid, ssh_sftp_stop_channel),
-	    receive 
+	    receive
 		{'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
 	    after 5000 ->
 		    exit(Pid, kill),
-		    receive 
+		    receive
 			{'EXIT', Pid, killed} ->
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ open_tar(Pid, File, Mode, FileOpTimeout) ->
 	    erl_tar:init(Pid, write,
 			 fun(write, {_,Data}) ->
 				 write_to_remote_tar(Pid, Handle, to_bin(Data), FileOpTimeout);
-			    (position, {_,Pos}) -> 
+			    (position, {_,Pos}) ->
 				 position(Pid, Handle, Pos, FileOpTimeout);
-			    (close, _) -> 
+			    (close, _) ->
 				 close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout)
 	{true,false,[{crypto,{CryptoInitFun,CryptoEncryptFun,CryptoEndFun}}]} ->
@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ open_tar(Pid, File, Mode, FileOpTimeout) ->
 	    erl_tar:init(Pid, read,
 			 fun(read2, {_,Len}) ->
 				 read_repeat(Pid, Handle, Len, FileOpTimeout);
-			    (position, {_,Pos}) -> 
+			    (position, {_,Pos}) ->
 				 position(Pid, Handle, Pos, FileOpTimeout);
-			    (close, _) -> 
+			    (close, _) ->
 				 close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout)
 	{false,true,[{crypto,{CryptoInitFun,CryptoDecryptFun}}]} ->
@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ open_tar(Pid, File, Mode, FileOpTimeout) ->
 	    erl_tar:init(Pid, read,
 			 fun(read2, {_,Len}) ->
 				 read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, Len, FileOpTimeout);
-			    (position, {_,Pos}) -> 
+			    (position, {_,Pos}) ->
 				 position_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, Pos, FileOpTimeout);
-			    (close, _) -> 
+			    (close, _) ->
 				 call(Pid, {erase_bufinf,BufHandle}, FileOpTimeout),
 				 close(Pid, SftpHandle, FileOpTimeout)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ pread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len, FileOpTimeout) ->
 read(Pid, Handle, Len) ->
     read(Pid, Handle, Len, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT).
 read(Pid, Handle, Len, FileOpTimeout) ->
-    call(Pid, {read,false,Handle, Len}, FileOpTimeout).    
+    call(Pid, {read,false,Handle, Len}, FileOpTimeout).
 %% TODO this ought to be a cast! Is so in all practial meaning
 %% even if it is obscure!
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ apread(Pid, Handle, Offset, Len) ->
 %% TODO this ought to be a cast! 
 aread(Pid, Handle, Len) ->
-    call(Pid, {read,true,Handle, Len}, infinity).    
+    call(Pid, {read,true,Handle, Len}, infinity).
 pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data) ->
     pwrite(Pid, Handle, Offset, Data, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT).
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target) ->
     make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT).
 make_symlink(Pid, Name, Target, FileOpTimeout) ->
     call(Pid, {make_symlink,false, Name, Target}, FileOpTimeout).
 rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile) ->
     rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, ?FILEOP_TIMEOUT).
 rename(Pid, FromFile, ToFile, FileOpTimeout) ->
@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ list_dir(Pid, Name, FileOpTimeout) ->
 	    close(Pid, Handle, FileOpTimeout),
 	    case Res of
 		{ok, List} ->
-		    NList = lists:foldl(fun({Nm, _Info},Acc) -> 
-					  [Nm|Acc] end, 
+		    NList = lists:foldl(fun({Nm, _Info},Acc) ->
+					  [Nm|Acc] end,
 				  [], List),
 		Error -> Error
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, Pos, Bin, Remain, PacketSz, FileOpTimeout) ->
 	    <<_:Pos/binary, Data:PacketSz/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
 	    case write(Pid, Handle, Data, FileOpTimeout) of
 		ok ->
-		    write_file_loop(Pid, Handle, 
+		    write_file_loop(Pid, Handle,
 				    Pos+PacketSz, Bin, Remain-PacketSz,
 				    PacketSz, FileOpTimeout);
 		Error ->
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ init([Cm, ChannelId, Options]) ->
 	    Xf = #ssh_xfer{cm = Cm,
 			       channel = ChannelId},
 	    {ok, #state{xf = Xf,
-			req_id = 0, 
+			req_id = 0,
 			rep_buf = <<>>,
 			inf = new_inf(),
 			opts = Options}};
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ init([Cm, ChannelId, Options]) ->
 	Error ->
 	    {stop, {shutdown, Error}}
 %% Function: handle_call/3
 %% Description: Handling call messages
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, wait_for_version_negotiation}, From,
 handle_call({_, wait_for_version_negotiation}, _, State) ->
     {reply, ok, State};
 handle_call({{timeout, infinity}, Msg}, From, State) ->
     do_handle_call(Msg, From, State);
 handle_call({{timeout, Timeout}, Msg}, From,  #state{req_id = Id} = State) ->
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ do_handle_call({pread,Async,Handle,At,Length}, From, State) ->
 					binary -> {{ok,Data}, State2};
 					text -> {{ok,binary_to_list(Data)}, State2}
-			       (Rep, State2) -> 
+			       (Rep, State2) ->
 				    {Rep, State2}
 	Error ->
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ do_handle_call(recv_window, _From, State) ->
 do_handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
     {stop, shutdown, ok, State};
-do_handle_call(Call, _From, State) ->    
+do_handle_call(Call, _From, State) ->
     {reply, {error, bad_call, Call, State}, State}.
@@ -785,13 +785,13 @@ do_handle_call(Call, _From, State) ->
 %% Description: Handles channel messages
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, 
-		{data, _ChannelId, 0, Data}}, #state{rep_buf = Data0} = 
+handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager,
+		{data, _ChannelId, 0, Data}}, #state{rep_buf = Data0} =
 	       State0) ->
     State = handle_reply(State0, <<Data0/binary,Data/binary>>),
     {ok, State};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager, 
+handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _ConnectionManager,
 		{data, _ChannelId, 1, Data}}, State) ->
     error_logger:format("ssh: STDERR: ~s\n", [binary_to_list(Data)]),
     {ok, State};
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {signal, _, _}}, State) ->
     %% Ignore signals according to RFC 4254 section 6.9.
     {ok, State};
-handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_signal, ChannelId, _, Error, _}}, 
+handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_signal, ChannelId, _, Error, _}},
 	       State0) ->
     State = reply_all(State0, {error, Error}),
     {stop, ChannelId,  State};
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ handle_msg({ssh_channel_up, _, _}, #state{opts = Options, xf = Xf} = State) ->
     {ok, State};
 %% Version negotiation timed out
-handle_msg({timeout, undefined, From}, 
+handle_msg({timeout, undefined, From},
 	   #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) ->
     ssh_channel:reply(From, {error, timeout}),
     {stop, ChannelId, State};
@@ -839,12 +839,12 @@ handle_msg({timeout, Id, From}, #state{req_list = ReqList0} = State) ->
 %% Connection manager goes down
-handle_msg({'DOWN', _Ref, _Type, _Process, _},  
+handle_msg({'DOWN', _Ref, _Type, _Process, _},
 	   #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) ->
     {stop, ChannelId, State};
 %% Stopped by user
-handle_msg({'EXIT', _, ssh_sftp_stop_channel}, 
+handle_msg({'EXIT', _, ssh_sftp_stop_channel},
 	   #state{xf = #ssh_xfer{channel = ChannelId}} = State) ->
     {stop, ChannelId, State};
@@ -883,10 +883,10 @@ call(Pid, Msg, TimeOut) ->
 handle_reply(State, <<?UINT32(Len),Reply:Len/binary,Rest/binary>>) ->
     do_handle_reply(State, Reply, Rest);
-handle_reply(State, Data) -> 
+handle_reply(State, Data) ->
      State#state{rep_buf = Data}.
-do_handle_reply(#state{xf = Xf} = State, 
+do_handle_reply(#state{xf = Xf} = State,
 		<<?SSH_FXP_VERSION, ?UINT32(Version), BinExt/binary>>, Rest) ->
     Ext = ssh_xfer:decode_ext(BinExt),
     case Xf#ssh_xfer.vsn of
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ do_handle_reply(#state{xf = Xf} = State,
 	    ssh_channel:reply(From, ok)
-    end,    
+    end,
     State#state{xf = Xf#ssh_xfer{vsn = Version, ext = Ext}, rep_buf = Rest};
 do_handle_reply(State0, Data, Rest) ->
@@ -919,9 +919,9 @@ handle_req_reply(State0, {_, ReqID, _} = XfReply) ->
 	    List = lists:keydelete(ReqID, 1, State0#state.req_list),
 	    State1 = State0#state { req_list = List },
 	    case catch Fun(xreply(XfReply),State1) of
-		{'EXIT', _} -> 
+		{'EXIT', _} ->
-		State -> 
+		State ->
@@ -998,15 +998,15 @@ reply_all(State, Reply) ->
 make_reply(ReqID, true, From, State) ->
     {reply, {async, ReqID},
      update_request_info(ReqID, State,
-			 fun(Reply,State1) -> 
+			 fun(Reply,State1) ->
 make_reply(ReqID, false, From, State) ->
      update_request_info(ReqID, State,
-			 fun(Reply,State1) -> 
-				 sync_reply(Reply, From, State1) 
+			 fun(Reply,State1) ->
+				 sync_reply(Reply, From, State1)
 make_reply_post(ReqID, true, From, State, PostFun) ->
@@ -1074,13 +1074,13 @@ attr_to_info(A) when is_record(A, ssh_xfer_attr) ->
 unix_to_datetime(undefined) ->
 unix_to_datetime(UTCSecs) ->
-    UTCDateTime = 
+    UTCDateTime =
 	calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(UTCSecs + 62167219200),
 datetime_to_unix(undefined) ->
-datetime_to_unix(LocalDateTime) ->    
+datetime_to_unix(LocalDateTime) ->
     UTCDateTime = erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(LocalDateTime),
     calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTCDateTime) - 62167219200.
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ lseek_pos({cur, Offset}, CurOffset, _CurSize)
        true ->
 	    {ok, NewOffset}
-lseek_pos({eof, Offset}, _CurOffset, CurSize) 
+lseek_pos({eof, Offset}, _CurOffset, CurSize)
   when is_integer(Offset) andalso -(?SSH_FILEXFER_LARGEFILESIZE) =< Offset andalso
     NewOffset = CurSize + Offset,
@@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ lseek_pos({eof, Offset}, _CurOffset, CurSize)
 	    {ok, NewOffset}
 lseek_pos(_, _, _) ->
-    {error, einval}. 
+    {error, einval}.
@@ -1277,13 +1277,13 @@ position_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, Pos, FileOpTimeout) ->
     case Pos of
 	{cur,0} when Mode==write ->
 	{cur,0} when Mode==read ->
 	_ when Mode==read, is_integer(Pos) ->
 	    Skip = Pos-Size,
-	    if 
+	    if
 		Skip < 0 ->
 		    {error, cannot_rewind};
 		Skip == 0 ->
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, WantedLen, FileOpTimeout) ->
-do_the_read_buf(_Pid, _SftpHandle, WantedLen, _Packet, _FileOpTimeout, 
+do_the_read_buf(_Pid, _SftpHandle, WantedLen, _Packet, _FileOpTimeout,
 			  size = Size})
     when size(PlainBuf0) >= WantedLen ->
@@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ do_the_read_buf(_Pid, _SftpHandle, WantedLen, _Packet, _FileOpTimeout,
 			   size = Size + WantedLen}};
-do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 		B0=#bufinf{plain_text_buf = PlainBuf0,
 			   enc_text_buf = EncBuf0,
 			   chunksize = undefined
@@ -1335,12 +1335,12 @@ do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
   when size(EncBuf0) > 0 ->
     %% We have (at least) one decodable byte waiting for decodeing.
     {ok,DecodedBin,B} = apply_crypto(EncBuf0, B0),
-    do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+    do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 		    B#bufinf{plain_text_buf = <<PlainBuf0/binary, DecodedBin/binary>>,
 			     enc_text_buf = <<>>
-do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 		B0=#bufinf{plain_text_buf = PlainBuf0,
 			   enc_text_buf = EncBuf0,
 			   chunksize = ChunkSize0
@@ -1349,11 +1349,11 @@ do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
     %% We have (at least) one chunk of decodable bytes waiting for decodeing.
     <<ToDecode:ChunkSize0/binary, EncBuf/binary>> = EncBuf0,
     {ok,DecodedBin,B} = apply_crypto(ToDecode, B0),
-    do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+    do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 		    B#bufinf{plain_text_buf = <<PlainBuf0/binary, DecodedBin/binary>>,
 			     enc_text_buf = EncBuf
 do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, B=#bufinf{enc_text_buf = EncBuf0}) ->
     %% We must read more bytes and append to the buffer of encoded bytes.
     case read(Pid, SftpHandle, Packet, FileOpTimeout) of
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ do_the_read_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, WantedLen, Packet, FileOpTimeout, B=#bufinf{enc
 write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, PlainBin, FileOpTimeout) ->
     {ok,{_Window,Packet}} = send_window(Pid, FileOpTimeout),
     {ok,B0=#bufinf{plain_text_buf=PTB}}  = call(Pid, {get_bufinf,BufHandle}, FileOpTimeout),
-    case do_the_write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+    case do_the_write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 			  B0#bufinf{plain_text_buf = <<PTB/binary,PlainBin/binary>>}) of
 	{ok, B} ->
 	    call(Pid, {put_bufinf,BufHandle,B}, FileOpTimeout),
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, BufHandle, PlainBin, FileOpTimeout) ->
-do_the_write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, Packet, FileOpTimeout, 
+do_the_write_buf(Pid, SftpHandle, Packet, FileOpTimeout,
 		 B=#bufinf{enc_text_buf = EncBuf0,
 			   size = Size})
   when size(EncBuf0) >= Packet ->
@@ -1421,9 +1421,9 @@ do_the_write_buf(_Pid, _SftpHandle, _Packet, _FileOpTimeout, B) ->
 apply_crypto(In, B=#bufinf{crypto_state = CState0,
 			   crypto_fun = F}) ->
     case F(In,CState0) of
-	{ok,EncodedBin,CState} -> 
+	{ok,EncodedBin,CState} ->
 	    {ok, EncodedBin, B#bufinf{crypto_state=CState}};
-	{ok,EncodedBin,CState,ChunkSize} -> 
+	{ok,EncodedBin,CState,ChunkSize} ->
 	    {ok, EncodedBin, B#bufinf{crypto_state=CState,

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