File 2782-epp-Implement-the-if-and-elif-preprocessor-directive.patch of Package erlang

From 109b1dc2e346efc37f8c5cfecbf0fa2a476b14fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?= <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 09:24:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] epp: Implement the -if and -elif preprocessor directives

Libraries or applications that support more than one major
release of OTP may need to use conditional compilation of
Erlang source code. Here are few examples where it would be
necessary or desirable:

* To support a new data type or language feature only available
  in the latest major release (real-world examples: maps and the
  stacktrace syntax).

* To avoid warnings for deprecated functions.

* To avoid dialyzer warnings.

Previously, to do conditional compilation, one would have to
use a parse transform or some external tool such as 'autoconf'.

To simplify conditional compilation, introduce the -if and -elif
preprocessor directives, to allow code like this to be written:

-if(?OTP_RELEASE =:= 21).
  %% Code that will only work in OTP 21.
  %% Fallback code.

What kind of expressions should be allowed after an -if?

We certainly don't want to allow anything with a side effect,
such as a '!' or a 'receive'. We also don't want it to be
possible to call erlang:system_info/1, as that could make the
code depedent on features of the run-time system that could
change very easily (such as the number of schedulers).

Requiring the expression to be a guard expression makes most
sense. It is to explain in the documentation and easy for users
to understand. For simplicity of implementation, only a single
guard expression will be supported; that is, the ',' and ';' syntax
for guards is not supported.

To allow some useful conditions to be written, there is a special
built-in function:

defined(Symbol) tests whether the preprocessor symbol is defined,
just like -ifdef. The reason for having this defined/1 is that
the defined test can be combined with other tests, for example:
'defined(SOME_NAME) andalso ?OTP_RELEASE > 21'.
 lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl        | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 lib/stdlib/test/epp_SUITE.erl | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
index e823156af1..cc34d4bdd3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 -type epp_handle() :: pid().
 -type source_encoding() :: latin1 | utf8.
--type ifdef() :: 'ifdef' | 'ifndef' | 'else'.
+-type ifdef() :: 'ifdef' | 'ifndef' | 'if' | 'else'.
 -type name() :: atom().
 -type argspec() :: 'none'                       %No arguments
@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ format_error({illegal_function,Macro}) ->
     io_lib:format("?~s can only be used within a function", [Macro]);
 format_error({illegal_function_usage,Macro}) ->
     io_lib:format("?~s must not begin a form", [Macro]);
+format_error(elif_after_else) ->
+    "'elif' following 'else'";
 format_error({'NYI',What}) ->
     io_lib:format("not yet implemented '~s'", [What]);
 format_error({error,Term}) ->
@@ -1087,21 +1089,118 @@ scan_else(_Toks, Else, From, St) ->
     epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),epp,{bad,'else'}}}),
-%% scan_if(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
+%% scan_if(Tokens, IfToken, From, EppState)
 %%  Handle the conditional parsing of a file.
-%%  Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro.
+scan_if([{'(',_}|_]=Toks, If, From, St) ->
+    try eval_if(Toks, St) of
+	true ->
+	    scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=['if'|St#epp.istk]});
+	_ ->
+	    skip_toks(From, St, ['if'])
+    catch
+	throw:Error0 ->
+	    Error = case Error0 of
+			{_,erl_parse,_} ->
+			    {error,Error0};
+			_ ->
+			    {error,{loc(If),epp,Error0}}
+		    end,
+	    epp_reply(From, Error),
+	    wait_req_skip(St, ['if'])
+    end;
 scan_if(_Toks, If, From, St) ->
-    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(If),epp,{'NYI','if'}}}),
+    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(If),epp,{bad,'if'}}}),
     wait_req_skip(St, ['if']).
+eval_if(Toks0, St) ->
+    Toks = expand_macros(Toks0, St),
+    Es1 = case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Toks) of
+	      {ok,Es0} -> Es0;
+	      {error,E} -> throw(E)
+	  end,
+    Es = rewrite_expr(Es1, St),
+    assert_guard_expr(Es),
+    Bs = erl_eval:new_bindings(),
+    LocalFun = fun(_Name, _Args) ->
+		       error(badarg)
+	       end,
+    try erl_eval:exprs(Es, Bs, {value,LocalFun}) of
+	{value,Res,_} ->
+	    Res
+    catch
+	_:_ ->
+	    false
+    end.
+assert_guard_expr([E0]) ->
+    E = rewrite_expr(E0, none),
+    case erl_lint:is_guard_expr(E) of
+	false ->
+	    throw({bad,'if'});
+	true ->
+	    ok
+    end;
+assert_guard_expr(_) ->
+    throw({bad,'if'}).
+%% Dual-purpose rewriting function. When the second argument is
+%% an #epp{} record, calls to defined(Symbol) will be evaluated.
+%% When the second argument is 'none', legal calls to our built-in
+%% functions are eliminated in order to turn the expression into
+%% a legal guard expression.
+rewrite_expr({call,_,{atom,_,defined},[N0]}, #epp{macs=Macs}) ->
+    %% Evaluate defined(Symbol).
+    N = case N0 of
+	    {var,_,N1} -> N1;
+	    {atom,_,N1} -> N1;
+	    _ -> throw({bad,'if'})
+	end,
+    {atom,0,maps:is_key(N, Macs)};
+rewrite_expr({call,_,{atom,_,Name},As0}, none) ->
+    As = rewrite_expr(As0, none),
+    Arity = length(As),
+    case erl_internal:bif(Name, Arity) andalso
+	not erl_internal:guard_bif(Name, Arity) of
+	false ->
+	    %% A guard BIF, an -if built-in, or an unknown function.
+	    %% Eliminate the call so that erl_lint will not complain.
+	    %% The call might fail later at evaluation time.
+	    to_conses(As);
+	true ->
+	    %% An auto-imported BIF (not guard BIF). Not allowed.
+	    throw({bad,'if'})
+    end;
+rewrite_expr([H|T], St) ->
+    [rewrite_expr(H, St)|rewrite_expr(T, St)];
+rewrite_expr(Tuple, St) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
+    list_to_tuple(rewrite_expr(tuple_to_list(Tuple), St));
+rewrite_expr(Other, _) ->
+    Other.
+to_conses([H|T]) ->
+    {cons,0,H,to_conses(T)};
+to_conses([]) ->
+    {nil,0}.
 %% scan_elif(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
 %%  Handle the conditional parsing of a file.
 %%  Report a badly formed if test and then treat as false macro.
 scan_elif(_Toks, Elif, From, St) ->
-    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Elif),epp,{'NYI','elif'}}}),
-    wait_req_scan(St).
+    case St#epp.istk of
+	['else'|Cis] ->
+	    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Elif),
+                                    epp,{illegal,"unbalanced",'elif'}}}),
+	    wait_req_skip(St#epp{istk=Cis}, ['else']);
+	[_I|Cis] ->
+	    skip_toks(From, St#epp{istk=Cis}, ['elif']);
+	[] ->
+	    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Elif),epp,
+                                    {illegal,"unbalanced",elif}}}),
+	    wait_req_scan(St)
+    end.
 %% scan_endif(Tokens, EndifToken, From, EppState)
 %%  If we are in an if body then exit it, else report an error.
@@ -1160,6 +1259,8 @@ skip_toks(From, St, [I|Sis]) ->
 	    skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, ['if',I|Sis]);
 	    skip_else(Else, From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
+	{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,'elif'}=Elif|Toks],Cl}->
+	    skip_elif(Toks, Elif, From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
 	{ok,[{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Le,endif}|_Toks],Cl} ->
 	    skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, Sis);
 	{ok,_Toks,Cl} ->
@@ -1190,11 +1291,21 @@ skip_toks(From, St, []) ->
 skip_else(Else, From, St, ['else'|Sis]) ->
     epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Else),epp,{illegal,"repeated",'else'}}}),
     wait_req_skip(St, ['else'|Sis]);
+skip_else(_Else, From, St, ['elif'|Sis]) ->
+    skip_toks(From, St, ['else'|Sis]);
 skip_else(_Else, From, St, [_I]) ->
     scan_toks(From, St#epp{istk=['else'|St#epp.istk]});
 skip_else(_Else, From, St, Sis) ->
     skip_toks(From, St, Sis).
+skip_elif(_Toks, Elif, From, St, ['else'|_]=Sis) ->
+    epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Elif),epp,elif_after_else}}),
+    wait_req_skip(St, Sis);
+skip_elif(Toks, Elif, From, St, [_I]) ->
+    scan_if(Toks, Elif, From, St);
+skip_elif(_Toks, _Elif, From, St, Sis) ->
+    skip_toks(From, St, Sis).
 %% macro_pars(Tokens, ArgStack)
 %% macro_expansion(Tokens, Anno)
 %%  Extract the macro parameters and the expansion from a macro definition.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/epp_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/epp_SUITE.erl
index 87e906a3d4..a3e294ffea 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/epp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/epp_SUITE.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
          otp_8130/1, overload_mac/1, otp_8388/1, otp_8470/1,
          otp_8562/1, otp_8665/1, otp_8911/1, otp_10302/1, otp_10820/1,
          otp_11728/1, encoding/1, extends/1,  function_macro/1,
-	 test_error/1, test_warning/1]).
+	 test_error/1, test_warning/1,
+	 test_if/1]).
@@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ all() ->
      not_circular, skip_header, otp_6277, otp_7702, otp_8130,
      overload_mac, otp_8388, otp_8470, otp_8562,
      otp_8665, otp_8911, otp_10302, otp_10820, otp_11728,
-     encoding, extends, function_macro, test_error, test_warning].
+     encoding, extends, function_macro, test_error, test_warning,
+     test_if].
 groups() -> 
     [{upcase_mac, [], [upcase_mac_1, upcase_mac_2]},
@@ -953,27 +954,7 @@ ifdef(Config) ->
            <<"-\ndefine a.\n">>,
-           {errors,[{{2,1},epp,{bad,define}}],[]}},
-          {define_c6,
-           <<"\n-if.\n"
-             "-endif.\n">>,
-           {errors,[{{2,2},epp,{'NYI','if'}}],[]}},
-          {define_c7,
-           <<"-ifndef(a).\n"
-             "-elif.\n"
-             "-endif.\n">>,
-           {errors,[{{2,2},epp,{'NYI',elif}}],[]}},
-          {define_c7,
-           <<"-ifndef(a).\n"
-             "-if.\n"
-             "-elif.\n"
-             "-endif.\n"
-             "-endif.\n"
-             "t() -> a.\n">>,
-           {errors,[{{2,2},epp,{'NYI','if'}}],[]}}
+           {errors,[{{2,1},epp,{bad,define}}],[]}}
     [] = compile(Config, Cs),
@@ -1118,6 +1099,147 @@ test_warning(Config) ->
     [] = compile(Config, Cs),
+%% OTP-12847: Test the -if and -elif directives and the built-in
+%% function defined(Symbol).
+test_if(Config) ->
+    Cs = [{if_1c,
+	   <<"-if.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n"
+	     "-if no_parentheses.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n"
+	     "-if(syntax error.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n"
+	     "-if(true).\n"
+	     "-if(a+3).\n"
+	     "syntax error not triggered here.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           {errors,[{1,epp,{bad,'if'}},
+		    {3,epp,{bad,'if'}},
+		    {5,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","error"]},
+		    {11,epp,{illegal,"unterminated",'if'}}],
+	    []}},
+	  {if_2c,			       	%Bad guard expressions.
+	   <<"-if(is_list(integer_to_list(42))).\n" %Not guard BIF.
+	     "-endif.\n"
+	     "-if(begin true end).\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{1,epp,{bad,'if'}},
+		    {3,epp,{bad,'if'}}],
+	    []}},
+	  {if_3c,			       	%Invalid use of defined/1.
+	   <<"-if defined(42).\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{1,epp,{bad,'if'}}],[]}},
+	  {if_4c,
+	   <<"-elif OTP_RELEASE > 18.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{1,epp,{illegal,"unbalanced",'elif'}}],[]}},
+	  {if_5c,
+	   <<"-ifdef(not_defined_today).\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "-elif OTP_RELEASE > 18.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{3,epp,{illegal,"unbalanced",'elif'}}],[]}},
+	  {if_6c,
+	   <<"-if(defined(OTP_RELEASE)).\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "-elif(true).\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{3,epp,elif_after_else}],[]}},
+	  {if_7c,
+	   <<"-if(begin true end).\n"		%Not a guard expression.
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   {errors,[{1,epp,{bad,'if'}}],[]}}
+	 ],
+    [] = compile(Config, Cs),
+    Ts = [{if_1,
+	   <<"-if(?OTP_RELEASE > 18).\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_2,
+	   <<"-if(false).\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-elif(?OTP_RELEASE > 18).\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_3,
+	   <<"-if(true).\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-elif(?OTP_RELEASE > 18).\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_4,
+	   <<"-define(a, 1).\n"
+	     "-if(defined(a) andalso defined(OTP_RELEASE)).\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_5,
+	   <<"-if(defined(a)).\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_6,
+	   <<"-if(defined(not_defined_today)).\n"
+	     " -if(true).\n"
+	     "  bug1.\n"
+	     " -elif(true).\n"
+	     "  bug2.\n"
+	     " -elif(true).\n"
+	     "  bug3.\n"
+	     " -else.\n"
+	     "  bug4.\n"
+	     " -endif.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_7,
+	   <<"-if(not_builtin()).\n"
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+           ok},
+	  {if_8,
+	   <<"-if(42).\n"			%Not boolean.
+	     "a bug.\n"
+	     "-else.\n"
+	     "t() -> ok.\n"
+	     "-endif.\n">>,
+	   ok}
+	 ],
+    [] = run(Config, Ts),
+    ok.
 %% Advanced test on overloading macros.
 overload_mac(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
     Cs = [

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