File 0861-megaco-test-Try-handling-of-timetrap-timeout.patch of Package erlang

From 8160967924bef618fa33fe7de7e749cddb871bd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Micael Karlberg <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:19:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] [megaco|test] Try "handling" of timetrap timeout

 lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.hrl |  3 ++
 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
index b7912a9f49..3fca55f68b 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.erl
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
          display_system_info/1, display_system_info/2, display_system_info/3,
+         executor/1, executor/2,
@@ -2094,6 +2095,42 @@ reset_kill_timer(Config) ->
+executor(Fun) ->
+    executor(Fun, infinity).
+executor(Fun, Timeout)
+  when is_function(Fun, 0) andalso
+       ((Timeout =:= infinity) orelse (is_integer(Timeout) andalso (Timeout > 0))) ->
+    {Pid, MRef} = erlang:spawn_monitor(Fun),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Info} ->
+            p("executor process terminated with"
+              "~n      ~p", [Info]),
+            Info;
+        {'EXIT', TCPid, {timetrap_timeout = R, TCTimeout, TCSTack}} ->
+            p("received timetrap timeout (~w ms) from ~p => Kill executor process"
+              "~n      TC Stack: ~p", [TCTimeout, TCPid, TCSTack]),
+            exit(Pid, kill),
+            %% We do this in case we get some info about 'where'
+            %% the process is hanging...
+            receive
+                {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Info} ->
+                    p("executor process terminated with"
+                      "~n      ~p", [Info]),
+                    ok
+            after 1000 -> % Give it a second...
+                    ok
+            end,
+            {error, R}
+    after Timeout ->
+            p("received timeout - kill executor process"),
+            exit(kill, Pid),
+            {error, executor_timeout}
+    end.
 try_tc(TCName, Name, Verbosity, Pre, Case, Post)
@@ -2111,23 +2148,23 @@ try_tc(TCName, Name, Verbosity, Pre, Case, Post)
             try Case(State) of
                 Res ->
                     p("try_tc -> test case done: try post"),
-                    (catch Post(State)),
+                    _ = executor(fun() -> Post(State) end),
                     p("try_tc -> done"),
                 throw:{skip, _} = SKIP:_ ->
                     p("try_tc -> test case (throw) skip: try post"),
-                    (catch Post(State)),
+                    _ = executor(fun() -> Post(State) end),
                     p("try_tc -> test case (throw) skip: done"),
                 exit:{skip, _} = SKIP:_ ->
                     p("try_tc -> test case (exit) skip: try post"),
-                    (catch Post(State)),
+                    _ = executor(fun() -> Post(State) end),
                     p("try_tc -> test case (exit) skip: done"),
                 C:E:S ->
                     p("try_tc -> test case failed: try post"),
-                    (catch Post(State)),
+                    _ = executor(fun() -> Post(State) end),
                     case megaco_test_global_sys_monitor:events() of
                         [] ->
                             p("try_tc -> test case failed: done"),
diff --git a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.hrl b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.hrl
index 9e69fecf40..face081026 100644
--- a/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.hrl
+++ b/lib/megaco/test/megaco_test_lib.hrl
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@
 	?VERIFY(lists:sort(Expected), lists:sort(?LIB:flush()))).
+-define(EXEC(F),     ?LIB:executor(F)).
+-define(EXEC(F, TO), ?LIB:executor(F, TO)).
 -define(TRY_TC(TCN, N, V, PRE, CASE, POST),
         ?LIB:try_tc(TCN, N, V, PRE, CASE, POST)).

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