File 2793-beam_ssa_pre_codegen-Optimize-live_intervals-1.patch of Package erlang
From 01095704e8d7b1af3c7c2c45af5e31ba17722a48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Gustavsson?= <>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 17:39:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] beam_ssa_pre_codegen: Optimize live_intervals/1
Implement the algorithm for computing live intervals in a more
efficient way. This roughly doubles the speed of the live_intervals
when compiling this code:
lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl | 183 ++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
index 78f9571e46..7fa018d7e8 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_ssa_pre_codegen.erl
@@ -2218,81 +2218,133 @@ number_is_2([], N, Acc) ->
-%%% Calculate live intervals.
+%%% Calculate live intervals for all variables in this function.
+%%% This code uses the algorithm and terminology from [3].
+%%% For each variable, we calculate its live interval. The live
+%%% interval is a list of ranges, where a range is a tuple
+%%% {Def,LastUse}. Def is the instruction number for the instruction
+%%% that first defines the variable and LastUse is instruction number
+%%% of the last instruction that uses it.
+%%% We traverse instruction in post order so that we will see the last
+%%% use before we see the definition.
live_intervals(#st{args=Args,ssa=Blocks}=St) ->
- Vars0 = [{V,{0,1}} || #b_var{}=V <- Args],
PO = reverse(beam_ssa:rpo(Blocks)),
- Vars = live_interval_blk(PO, Blocks, Vars0, #{}),
- Intervals = merge_ranges(rel2fam(Vars)),
+ Intervals0 = live_interval_blk(PO, Blocks, #{}, #{}),
+ Intervals1 = add_ranges([{V,{0,1}} || #b_var{}=V <- Args], Intervals0),
+ Intervals = maps:to_list(Intervals1),
-merge_ranges([{V,Rs}|T]) ->
- [{V,merge_ranges_1(Rs)}|merge_ranges(T)];
-merge_ranges([]) -> [].
-merge_ranges_1([{A,N},{N,Z}|Rs]) ->
- merge_ranges_1([{A,Z}|Rs]);
-merge_ranges_1([R|Rs]) ->
- [R|merge_ranges_1(Rs)];
-merge_ranges_1([]) -> [].
-live_interval_blk([L|Ls], Blocks, Vars0, LiveMap0) ->
- Live0 = [],
+live_interval_blk([L|Ls], Blocks, LiveMap0, Intervals0) ->
Blk = map_get(L, Blocks),
Successors = beam_ssa:successors(Blk),
- Live1 = update_successors(Successors, L, Blocks, LiveMap0, Live0),
+ Live1 = live_in_successors(Successors, L, Blocks, LiveMap0),
- %% Add ranges for all variables that are live in the successors.
+ %% Add default ranges for all variables that are live in the
+ %% successors.
#b_blk{is=Is,last=Last} = Blk,
- End = beam_ssa:get_anno(n, Last),
- EndUse = {use,End+1},
- Use = [{V,EndUse} || V <- Live1],
- %% Determine used and defined variables in this block.
FirstNumber = first_number(Is, Last),
- UseDef0 = live_interval_last(Last, Use),
- UseDef1 = live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, UseDef0),
- UseDef = rel2fam(UseDef1),
- %% Update what is live at the beginning of this block and
- %% store it.
- Live = [V || {V,[{use,_}|_]} <- UseDef],
- LiveMap = LiveMap0#{L=>Live},
- %% Construct the ranges for this block.
- Vars = make_block_ranges(UseDef, FirstNumber, Vars0),
- live_interval_blk(Ls, Blocks, Vars, LiveMap);
-live_interval_blk([], _Blocks, Vars, _LiveMap) ->
- Vars.
-live_interval_last(I, Acc) ->
+ DefaultRange = {FirstNumber,1+beam_ssa:get_anno(n, Last)},
+ Ranges0 = [{V,DefaultRange} || V <- Live1],
+ case {Is,Last} of
+ {[],#b_br{bool=#b_literal{val=true}}} ->
+ %% Optimize the interval calculation for blocks without variables.
+ Intervals = add_ranges(Ranges0, Intervals0),
+ LiveMap = LiveMap0#{L => Live1},
+ live_interval_blk(Ls, Blocks, LiveMap, Intervals);
+ {_,_} ->
+ %% Update the ranges. Variables whose last use is in this
+ %% block will be added, and variables that are defined
+ %% in this block will have their starting instruction
+ %% number updated.
+ %%
+ %% We use a gb_tree instead of a map because conversion to and
+ %% from an orddict is faster.
+ Ranges1 = gb_trees:from_orddict(Ranges0),
+ Ranges2 = live_interval_last(Last, FirstNumber, Ranges1),
+ Ranges3 = live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, Ranges2),
+ Ranges = gb_trees:to_list(Ranges3),
+ %% Update the interval for each variable.
+ Intervals = add_ranges(Ranges, Intervals0),
+ %% Update what is live at the beginning of this block and
+ %% store it.
+ Live = [V || {V,{From,_To}} <- Ranges,
+ From =< FirstNumber],
+ LiveMap = LiveMap0#{L => Live},
+ live_interval_blk(Ls, Blocks, LiveMap, Intervals)
+ end;
+live_interval_blk([], _Blocks, _LiveMap, Intervals) ->
+ Intervals.
+live_interval_last(I, FirstNumber, Ranges) ->
N = beam_ssa:get_anno(n, I),
Used = beam_ssa:used(I),
- [{V,{use,N}} || V <- Used] ++ Acc.
+ update_used(Used, FirstNumber, N, Ranges).
live_interval_blk_is([#b_set{op=phi,dst=Dst}|Is], FirstNumber, Acc0) ->
- Acc = [{Dst,{def,FirstNumber}}|Acc0],
- live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, Acc);
-live_interval_blk_is([#b_set{dst=Dst}=I|Is], FirstNumber, Acc0) ->
+ Acc = live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, Acc0),
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(Dst, Acc) of
+ true ->
+ %% The value in the tree already has the correct starting value.
+ update_def(Dst, FirstNumber, Acc);
+ false ->
+ %% Unused phi node -- can only happen if optimizations passes
+ %% have been turned off.
+ gb_trees:insert(Dst, {FirstNumber,FirstNumber}, Acc)
+ end;
+live_interval_blk_is([#b_set{args=Args,dst=Dst}=I|Is], FirstNumber, Acc0) ->
+ Acc1 = live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, Acc0),
N = beam_ssa:get_anno(n, I),
- Acc1 = [{Dst,{def,N}}|Acc0],
- Used = beam_ssa:used(I),
- Acc = [{V,{use,N}} || V <- Used] ++ Acc1,
- live_interval_blk_is(Is, FirstNumber, Acc);
+ Used = used_args(Args),
+ Acc = update_used(Used, FirstNumber, N, Acc1),
+ update_def(Dst, N, Acc);
live_interval_blk_is([], _FirstNumber, Acc) ->
-make_block_ranges([{V,[{def,Def}]}|Vs], First, Acc) ->
- make_block_ranges(Vs, First, [{V,{Def,Def}}|Acc]);
-make_block_ranges([{V,[{def,Def}|Uses]}|Vs], First, Acc) ->
- {use,Last} = last(Uses),
- make_block_ranges(Vs, First, [{V,{Def,Last}}|Acc]);
-make_block_ranges([{V,[{use,_}|_]=Uses}|Vs], First, Acc) ->
- {use,Last} = last(Uses),
- make_block_ranges(Vs, First, [{V,{First,Last}}|Acc]);
-make_block_ranges([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
+update_def(V, N, Ranges) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(V, Ranges) of
+ {value,{_From,To}} ->
+ gb_trees:update(V, {N,To}, Ranges);
+ none ->
+ %% The variable is defined but never used.
+ gb_trees:insert(V, {N,N}, Ranges)
+ end.
+update_used([V|Vs], First, N, Ranges) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(V, Ranges) of
+ true ->
+ %% Already up to date. (A later use has already been stored.)
+ update_used(Vs, First, N, Ranges);
+ false ->
+ %% The last use of this variable. (But the first time we
+ %% see it because we visit instructions in PO.)
+ update_used(Vs, First, N, gb_trees:insert(V, {First,N}, Ranges))
+ end;
+update_used([], _First, _N, Ranges) -> Ranges.
+add_ranges([{V,{A,N}=Range}|T], Map) ->
+ case Map of
+ #{V := [{N,Z}|Ranges]} ->
+ %% Coalesce two adjacent ranges.
+ add_ranges(T, Map#{V := [{A,Z}|Ranges]});
+ #{V := [{A,N}|_]} ->
+ %% Ignore repeated range (probably from arguments).
+ add_ranges(T, Map);
+ #{V := Ranges} ->
+ %% This range is not adjacent to any other range.
+ add_ranges(T, Map#{V := [Range|Ranges]});
+ #{} ->
+ %% The last use of this variable is in the current block.
+ add_ranges(T, Map#{V => [Range]})
+ end;
+add_ranges([], Map) -> Map.
%% first_number([#b_set{}]) -> InstructionNumber.
%% Return the number for the first instruction for the block.
@@ -2306,12 +2358,15 @@ first_number([I|_], _) ->
first_number([], Last) ->
beam_ssa:get_anno(n, Last) - 1.
-update_successors([L|Ls], Pred, Blocks, LiveMap, Live0) ->
+live_in_successors(Ls, Pred, Blocks, LiveMap) ->
+ live_in_successors(Ls, Pred, Blocks, LiveMap, []).
+live_in_successors([L|Ls], Pred, Blocks, LiveMap, Live0) ->
Live1 = ordsets:union(Live0, get_live(L, LiveMap)),
#b_blk{is=Is} = map_get(L, Blocks),
- Live = update_live_phis(Is, Pred, Live1),
- update_successors(Ls, Pred, Blocks, LiveMap, Live);
-update_successors([], _, _, _, Live) -> Live.
+ Live = live_in_phis(Is, Pred, Live1),
+ live_in_successors(Ls, Pred, Blocks, LiveMap, Live);
+live_in_successors([], _, _, _, Live) -> Live.
get_live(L, LiveMap) ->
case LiveMap of
@@ -2319,13 +2374,13 @@ get_live(L, LiveMap) ->
#{} -> []
Pred, Live0) ->
Used = [V || {#b_var{}=V,L} <- Args, L =:= Pred],
- Live1 = ordsets:union(ordsets:from_list(Used), Live0),
+ Live1 = ordsets:union(Used, Live0),
Live = ordsets:del_element(Killed, Live1),
- update_live_phis(Is, Pred, Live);
-update_live_phis(_, _, Live) -> Live.
+ live_in_phis(Is, Pred, Live);
+live_in_phis(_, _, Live) -> Live.
%%% Reserve Y registers.