File otp_src_R16B03-1-lib-erl_docgen-flipmenu.patch of Package erlang

diff -Ndur otp_src_R16B03-1/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/flipmenu.js otp_src_R16B03-1-lib-erl_docgen-flipmenu/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/flipmenu.js
--- otp_src_R16B03-1/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/flipmenu.js	2014-01-24 13:30:47.000000000 +0200
+++ otp_src_R16B03-1-lib-erl_docgen-flipmenu/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/flipmenu.js	2015-02-14 23:20:06.383219661 +0200
@@ -1,352 +1,352 @@
-// ######################################################################
-// ## flipMenu 5.0.0 (c) J. Reijers
-// ## Last modifications: 23 March 2007
-// ######################################################################
-// ## Degree of indentation from the left.
-	flipIndentation = "5px";
-// ## Padding inbetween menu items.
-	flipVerticalPadding = "4px";
-// ## Margin between the left of the browser and the menu.
-	flipLeftMargin = "16px";
-// ## Margin between the top of the browser and the menu.
-	flipTopMargin = "10px";
-// ## Allow multiple menus to fold out without closing all the other open ones.
-	flipOpenMultipleMenus = false;
-// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
-	flipSaveMenuState = false;
-// ## Open entries where the attribute expanded is true
-	flipMarked = true;
-// ## Use custom images for bullets
-	flipImages = true;
-// ## Images to use (specify full path)
-	flipImg_open   = "flip_open.gif";
-	flipImg_closed = "flip_closed.gif";
-	flipImg_static = "flip_static.gif";
-// ## Initialise all flipMenus onload
-	flipInitOnLoad = true;
-// ## Message to display in status bar while loading
-	flipLoadingMessage = "Loading...";
-// ######################################################################
-function alterSize(someSize, alterAmount) {
-	someSize = String(someSize);
-	var tmpNr = parseFloat(someSize.replace(/\D/g, ""));
-	var tmpChar = someSize.replace(/\d/g, "");
-	return isNaN(tmpNr) ? someSize : ((tmpNr + alterAmount) + tmpChar);
-isIE = (String(navigator.appVersion).indexOf("MSIE") > -1);
-if (!isIE) flipIndentation = alterSize(flipIndentation, -16);
-if (!isIE) flipLeftMargin = alterSize(flipLeftMargin, -16);
-	"<style type=\"text/css\">" +
-	"ul.flipMenu { margin-top: " + flipTopMargin + "; margin-left: " + flipLeftMargin + "; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
-	"ul.flipMenu ul, ul.flipMenu li { padding-top: " + flipVerticalPadding + "; margin-left: " + flipIndentation + "; margin-right: 0px; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
-	"li.flipFolderOpen { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open + ");" : "") + " }" +
-	"li.flipFolderClosed { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed + ");" : "") + " }" +
-	"</style>"
-if (flipImages) {
-	aFlipPreloads = [];
-	aFlipPreloads[0] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[0].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open;
-	aFlipPreloads[1] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[1].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed;
-	aFlipPreloads[2] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[2].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_static;
-function addEvent(someObj, someEvent, someFunction) {
-	if (someObj.addEventListener) { someObj.addEventListener(someEvent, someFunction, true); return true; } else if (someObj.attachEvent) return someObj.attachEvent("on" + someEvent, someFunction); else return false;
-function openCloseFlip(theItem, newSetting, openParents) {
-	if (theItem.flipID) {
-		if (openParents) {
-			var tmpItem = theItem;
-			while (tmpItem.parentElement || tmpItem.parentNode) {
-				tmpItem = (tmpItem.parentElement) ? tmpItem.parentElement : tmpItem.parentNode;
-				openCloseFlip(tmpItem, newSetting);
-			}
-		}
-		if ((theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" && newSetting == "closed") || (theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed" && newSetting == "open")) {
-			if (!theItem.childrenInitialised) {
-				for (var j = 0; j < theItem.childNodes.length; j++) if (theItem.childNodes[j].nodeName == "UL" && !theItem.childNodes[j].initialised) initFlip(theItem.childNodes[j]);
-				theItem.childrenInitialised = true;
-			}
-			theItem.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0].style.display = (newSetting == "open") ? "" : "none";
-			theItem.className = newSetting == "open" ? "flipFolderOpen" : "flipFolderClosed";
-		}
-	}
-function openFlip(theItem, openParents) {
-	openCloseFlip(theItem, "open", openParents);
-function closeFlip(theItem, closeParents) {
-	openCloseFlip(theItem, "closed", closeParents);
-function toggleFlip(theElement) {
-	if (theElement.flipID) {
-		var theItem = theElement;
-		var isContained = true;
-	} else {
-		if (theElement && theElement.button > 0) return false;
-		var theItem = (isIE) ? event.srcElement :;
-		var isContained = false;
-		if (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") isContained = true; else while (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
-			if (theItem.className == "flipStatic" || theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") {
-				isContained = (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
-				break;
-			}
-			theItem = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
-		}
-	}
-	var toOpenFlip = (isContained && theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
-	if (!flipOpenMultipleMenus && (toOpenFlip || theItem.className == "flipStatic")) {
-		if (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
-			var parentUL = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
-			for (var i = 0; i < parentUL.childNodes.length; i++) closeFlip(parentUL.childNodes[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (isContained) {
-		if (toOpenFlip) openFlip(theItem); else closeFlip(theItem);
-	}
-function setAllFlips(startElement, newSetting) {
-	if (typeof startElement == "undefined") var startElement = document;
-	if (typeof newSetting == "undefined") var newSetting = "closed";
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var parentFlip = aUL[i].parentElement ? aUL[i].parentElement : aUL[i].parentNode;
-		openCloseFlip(parentFlip, newSetting);
-	}
-function openAllFlips(startElement) {
-	setAllFlips(startElement, "open");
-function closeAllFlips(startElement) {
-	setAllFlips(startElement, "closed");
-function initFlip(startElement) {
-	if (!document.createElement) return false;
-	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = flipLoadingMessage + " " + parseInt((i / (aUL.length - 1)) * 100, 10) + "%";
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
-				initFlip(curUL);
-				// ## Fix text selecting problem in Mozilla
-				curUL.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
-				curUL.onmousedown = new Function("return false");
-				curUL.onclick = new Function("return true");
-			}
-		}
-		if (flipSaveMenuState) loadMenuState();
-		if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = "";
-		return true;
-	}
-	if (startElement.className == "flipMenu") = "";
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
-	if (typeof flipIDCur == "undefined") flipIDCur = 0;
-	if (!startElement.initialised) {
-		var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) aUL[i].style.display = "none";
-	}
-	for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-		if (curNode.nodeName == "LI") {
-			flipIDCur++;
-			curNode.flipID = flipIDCur;
-			var nodeHasChildren = curNode.getElementsByTagName("UL").length > 0;
-			if (nodeHasChildren) {
-				if (flipImages && curNode.flipClosed) = "url(" + curNode.flipClosed + ")";
-				if (curNode.className == null || curNode.className == "") curNode.className = "flipFolderClosed";
-			} else {
-				curNode.className = "flipStatic";
-				if (flipImages && ! {
-					if (!curNode.flipStatic) curNode.flipStatic = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_static;
- = "url(" + curNode.flipStatic + ")";
-				}
-			}
-			if (!curNode.flipOpen) curNode.flipOpen = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open;
-			if (!curNode.flipClosed) curNode.flipClosed = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed;
-			if (flipMarked) {
-			  if (curNode.getAttribute("expanded") == "true") curNode.flipIsOpen=1;
-			}
-			if (curNode.flipIsOpen) openFlip(curNode);
-		}
-	}
-	startElement.initialised = true;
-function rootOfFlip(flipID, startElement) {
-	function containsFlip(startElement, flipID) {
-		var flipFound = false;
-		var i = 0;
-		while (i < startElement.childNodes.length && !flipFound) {
-			var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-			flipFound = (curNode.flipID == flipID) ? true : containsFlip(curNode, flipID);
-			i++;
-		}
-		return flipFound;
-	}
-	var rootFlip = null;
-	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		var i = 0;
-		while (rootFlip == null && i < aUL.length) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			if (curUL.nodeName == "UL" && curUL.className == "flipMenu") rootFlip = rootOfFlip(flipID, curUL);
-			i++;
-		}
-		return rootFlip;
-	}
-	if (startElement.childNodes) for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-		if (curNode.flipID == flipID || containsFlip(curNode, flipID)) rootFlip = curNode;
-	}
-	return rootFlip;
-function getCookie(cookieName) {
-	var allCookies = document.cookie;
-	var indexStr = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
-	if (indexStr == -1) return "";
-	indexStr = allCookies.indexOf("=", indexStr) + 1;
-	var endStr = allCookies.indexOf(";", indexStr);
-	if (endStr == -1) endStr = allCookies.length;
-	return unescape(allCookies.substring(indexStr, endStr));
-function inArray(someID, someArray) {
-	for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) if (someArray[i] == someID) return true;
-	return false;
-function getMenuState(startElement) {
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return "";
-	var openItems = "";
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = aUL[i];
-		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
-		if ( == "" && parentFlip.flipID) openItems += " " + parentFlip.flipID;		
-	}
-	return openItems;
-function putMenuState(startElement) {
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = aUL[i];
-		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
-		if (inArray(parentFlip.flipID, aOpenItems)) {
-			openFlip(parentFlip);
-			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
-				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
-				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function saveMenuState() {
-	if (flipSaveMenuState) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			var curID = ? : i;
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=" + getMenuState(curUL) + ";";
-		}
-	}
-function loadMenuState() {
-	var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curUL = aUL[i];
-		var curID = ? : i;
-		if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
-			var savedState = String(getCookie(cookiePrefix + curID));
-			if (savedState != "") {
-				aOpenItems = savedState.split(" ");
-				putMenuState(curUL);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	addEvent(window, "unload", saveMenuState);
-function clearMenuState(flipMenuID) {
-	if (typeof flipMenuID == "undefined") {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			var curID = ? : i;
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=;";
-		}
-	} else document.cookie = cookiePrefix + flipMenuID + "=;";
-cookiePrefix = document.location.pathname + "_";
-addEvent(document, "click", toggleFlip);
-if (flipInitOnLoad) addEvent(window, "load", initFlip);
+// ######################################################################
+// ## flipMenu 5.0.0 (c) J. Reijers
+// ## Last modifications: 23 March 2007
+// ######################################################################
+// ## Degree of indentation from the left.
+	flipIndentation = "5px";
+// ## Padding inbetween menu items.
+	flipVerticalPadding = "4px";
+// ## Margin between the left of the browser and the menu.
+	flipLeftMargin = "16px";
+// ## Margin between the top of the browser and the menu.
+	flipTopMargin = "10px";
+// ## Allow multiple menus to fold out without closing all the other open ones.
+	flipOpenMultipleMenus = false;
+// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
+	flipSaveMenuState = false;
+// ## Open entries where the attribute expanded is true
+	flipMarked = true;
+// ## Use custom images for bullets
+	flipImages = true;
+// ## Images to use (specify full path)
+	flipImg_open   = "flip_open.gif";
+	flipImg_closed = "flip_closed.gif";
+	flipImg_static = "flip_static.gif";
+// ## Initialise all flipMenus onload
+	flipInitOnLoad = true;
+// ## Message to display in status bar while loading
+	flipLoadingMessage = "Loading...";
+// ######################################################################
+function alterSize(someSize, alterAmount) {
+	someSize = String(someSize);
+	var tmpNr = parseFloat(someSize.replace(/\D/g, ""));
+	var tmpChar = someSize.replace(/\d/g, "");
+	return isNaN(tmpNr) ? someSize : ((tmpNr + alterAmount) + tmpChar);
+isIE = (String(navigator.appVersion).indexOf("MSIE") > -1);
+if (!isIE) flipIndentation = alterSize(flipIndentation, -16);
+if (!isIE) flipLeftMargin = alterSize(flipLeftMargin, -16);
+	"<style type=\"text/css\">" +
+	"ul.flipMenu { margin-top: " + flipTopMargin + "; margin-left: " + flipLeftMargin + "; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
+	"ul.flipMenu ul, ul.flipMenu li { padding-top: " + flipVerticalPadding + "; margin-left: " + flipIndentation + "; margin-right: 0px; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
+	"li.flipFolderOpen { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open + ");" : "") + " }" +
+	"li.flipFolderClosed { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed + ");" : "") + " }" +
+	"</style>"
+if (flipImages) {
+	aFlipPreloads = [];
+	aFlipPreloads[0] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[0].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open;
+	aFlipPreloads[1] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[1].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed;
+	aFlipPreloads[2] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[2].src = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_static;
+function addEvent(someObj, someEvent, someFunction) {
+	if (someObj.addEventListener) { someObj.addEventListener(someEvent, someFunction, true); return true; } else if (someObj.attachEvent) return someObj.attachEvent("on" + someEvent, someFunction); else return false;
+function openCloseFlip(theItem, newSetting, openParents) {
+	if (theItem.flipID) {
+		if (openParents) {
+			var tmpItem = theItem;
+			while (tmpItem.parentElement || tmpItem.parentNode) {
+				tmpItem = (tmpItem.parentElement) ? tmpItem.parentElement : tmpItem.parentNode;
+				openCloseFlip(tmpItem, newSetting);
+			}
+		}
+		if ((theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" && newSetting == "closed") || (theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed" && newSetting == "open")) {
+			if (!theItem.childrenInitialised) {
+				for (var j = 0; j < theItem.childNodes.length; j++) if (theItem.childNodes[j].nodeName == "UL" && !theItem.childNodes[j].initialised) initFlip(theItem.childNodes[j]);
+				theItem.childrenInitialised = true;
+			}
+			theItem.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0].style.display = (newSetting == "open") ? "" : "none";
+			theItem.className = newSetting == "open" ? "flipFolderOpen" : "flipFolderClosed";
+		}
+	}
+function openFlip(theItem, openParents) {
+	openCloseFlip(theItem, "open", openParents);
+function closeFlip(theItem, closeParents) {
+	openCloseFlip(theItem, "closed", closeParents);
+function toggleFlip(theElement) {
+	if (theElement.flipID) {
+		var theItem = theElement;
+		var isContained = true;
+	} else {
+		if (theElement && theElement.button > 0) return false;
+		var theItem = (isIE) ? event.srcElement :;
+		var isContained = false;
+		if (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") isContained = true; else while (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
+			if (theItem.className == "flipStatic" || theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") {
+				isContained = (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
+				break;
+			}
+			theItem = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
+		}
+	}
+	var toOpenFlip = (isContained && theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
+	if (!flipOpenMultipleMenus && (toOpenFlip || theItem.className == "flipStatic")) {
+		if (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
+			var parentUL = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
+			for (var i = 0; i < parentUL.childNodes.length; i++) closeFlip(parentUL.childNodes[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (isContained) {
+		if (toOpenFlip) openFlip(theItem); else closeFlip(theItem);
+	}
+function setAllFlips(startElement, newSetting) {
+	if (typeof startElement == "undefined") var startElement = document;
+	if (typeof newSetting == "undefined") var newSetting = "closed";
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var parentFlip = aUL[i].parentElement ? aUL[i].parentElement : aUL[i].parentNode;
+		openCloseFlip(parentFlip, newSetting);
+	}
+function openAllFlips(startElement) {
+	setAllFlips(startElement, "open");
+function closeAllFlips(startElement) {
+	setAllFlips(startElement, "closed");
+function initFlip(startElement) {
+	if (!document.createElement) return false;
+	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = flipLoadingMessage + " " + parseInt((i / (aUL.length - 1)) * 100, 10) + "%";
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
+				initFlip(curUL);
+				// ## Fix text selecting problem in Mozilla
+				curUL.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
+				curUL.onmousedown = new Function("return false");
+				curUL.onclick = new Function("return true");
+			}
+		}
+		if (flipSaveMenuState) loadMenuState();
+		if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = "";
+		return true;
+	}
+	if (startElement.className == "flipMenu") = "";
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
+	if (typeof flipIDCur == "undefined") flipIDCur = 0;
+	if (!startElement.initialised) {
+		var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) aUL[i].style.display = "none";
+	}
+	for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+		if (curNode.nodeName == "LI") {
+			flipIDCur++;
+			curNode.flipID = flipIDCur;
+			var nodeHasChildren = curNode.getElementsByTagName("UL").length > 0;
+			if (nodeHasChildren) {
+				if (flipImages && curNode.flipClosed) = "url(" + curNode.flipClosed + ")";
+				if (curNode.className == null || curNode.className == "") curNode.className = "flipFolderClosed";
+			} else {
+				curNode.className = "flipStatic";
+				if (flipImages && ! {
+					if (!curNode.flipStatic) curNode.flipStatic = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_static;
+ = "url(" + curNode.flipStatic + ")";
+				}
+			}
+			if (!curNode.flipOpen) curNode.flipOpen = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_open;
+			if (!curNode.flipClosed) curNode.flipClosed = document.getElementById("js").getAttribute("src").match( /.*\// ) + flipImg_closed;
+			if (flipMarked) {
+			  if (curNode.getAttribute("expanded") == "true") curNode.flipIsOpen=1;
+			}
+			if (curNode.flipIsOpen) openFlip(curNode);
+		}
+	}
+	startElement.initialised = true;
+function rootOfFlip(flipID, startElement) {
+	function containsFlip(startElement, flipID) {
+		var flipFound = false;
+		var i = 0;
+		while (i < startElement.childNodes.length && !flipFound) {
+			var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+			flipFound = (curNode.flipID == flipID) ? true : containsFlip(curNode, flipID);
+			i++;
+		}
+		return flipFound;
+	}
+	var rootFlip = null;
+	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		var i = 0;
+		while (rootFlip == null && i < aUL.length) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			if (curUL.nodeName == "UL" && curUL.className == "flipMenu") rootFlip = rootOfFlip(flipID, curUL);
+			i++;
+		}
+		return rootFlip;
+	}
+	if (startElement.childNodes) for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+		if (curNode.flipID == flipID || containsFlip(curNode, flipID)) rootFlip = curNode;
+	}
+	return rootFlip;
+function getCookie(cookieName) {
+	var allCookies = document.cookie;
+	var indexStr = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
+	if (indexStr == -1) return "";
+	indexStr = allCookies.indexOf("=", indexStr) + 1;
+	var endStr = allCookies.indexOf(";", indexStr);
+	if (endStr == -1) endStr = allCookies.length;
+	return unescape(allCookies.substring(indexStr, endStr));
+function inArray(someID, someArray) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) if (someArray[i] == someID) return true;
+	return false;
+function getMenuState(startElement) {
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return "";
+	var openItems = "";
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = aUL[i];
+		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
+		if ( == "" && parentFlip.flipID) openItems += " " + parentFlip.flipID;		
+	}
+	return openItems;
+function putMenuState(startElement) {
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = aUL[i];
+		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
+		if (inArray(parentFlip.flipID, aOpenItems)) {
+			openFlip(parentFlip);
+			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
+				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
+				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function saveMenuState() {
+	if (flipSaveMenuState) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			var curID = ? : i;
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=" + getMenuState(curUL) + ";";
+		}
+	}
+function loadMenuState() {
+	var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curUL = aUL[i];
+		var curID = ? : i;
+		if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
+			var savedState = String(getCookie(cookiePrefix + curID));
+			if (savedState != "") {
+				aOpenItems = savedState.split(" ");
+				putMenuState(curUL);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	addEvent(window, "unload", saveMenuState);
+function clearMenuState(flipMenuID) {
+	if (typeof flipMenuID == "undefined") {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			var curID = ? : i;
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=;";
+		}
+	} else document.cookie = cookiePrefix + flipMenuID + "=;";
+cookiePrefix = document.location.pathname + "_";
+addEvent(document, "click", toggleFlip);
+if (flipInitOnLoad) addEvent(window, "load", initFlip);
diff -Ndur otp_src_R16B03-1/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/fm.js otp_src_R16B03-1-lib-erl_docgen-flipmenu/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/fm.js
--- otp_src_R16B03-1/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/fm.js	2014-01-24 13:30:47.000000000 +0200
+++ otp_src_R16B03-1-lib-erl_docgen-flipmenu/lib/erl_docgen/priv/js/flipmenu/fm.js	2015-02-14 23:20:17.151218932 +0200
@@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
-// ######################################################################
-// ## flipMenu 5.0.0 (c) J. Reijers
-// ## Last modifications: 23 March 2007
-// ######################################################################
-// ## Degree of indentation from the left.
-	flipIndentation = "5px";
-// ## Padding inbetween menu items.
-	flipVerticalPadding = "4px";
-// ## Margin between the left of the browser and the menu.
-	flipLeftMargin = "16px";
-// ## Margin between the top of the browser and the menu.
-	flipTopMargin = "10px";
-// ## Allow multiple menus to fold out without closing all the other open ones.
-	flipOpenMultipleMenus = false;
-// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
-	flipSaveMenuState = false;
-// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
-	constantState = true;
-// ## Use custom images for bullets
-	flipImages = true;
-// ## Images to use (specify full path)
-	flipImg_open   = "js/flipmenu/flip_open.gif";
-	flipImg_closed = "js/flipmenu/flip_closed.gif";
-	flipImg_static = "js/flipmenu/flip_static.gif";
-// ## Initialise all flipMenus onload
-	flipInitOnLoad = true;
-// ## Message to display in status bar while loading
-	flipLoadingMessage = "Loading...";
-// ######################################################################
-function alterSize(someSize, alterAmount) {
-	someSize = String(someSize);
-	var tmpNr = parseFloat(someSize.replace(/\D/g, ""));
-	var tmpChar = someSize.replace(/\d/g, "");
-	return isNaN(tmpNr) ? someSize : ((tmpNr + alterAmount) + tmpChar);
-isIE = (String(navigator.appVersion).indexOf("MSIE") > -1);
-if (!isIE) flipIndentation = alterSize(flipIndentation, -16);
-if (!isIE) flipLeftMargin = alterSize(flipLeftMargin, -16);
-	"<style type=\"text/css\">" +
-	"ul.flipMenu { margin-top: " + flipTopMargin + "; margin-left: " + flipLeftMargin + "; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
-	"ul.flipMenu ul, ul.flipMenu li { padding-top: " + flipVerticalPadding + "; margin-left: " + flipIndentation + "; margin-right: 0px; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
-	"li.flipFolderOpen { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + flipImg_open + ");" : "") + " }" +
-	"li.flipFolderClosed { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + flipImg_closed + ");" : "") + " }" +
-	"</style>"
-if (flipImages) {
-	aFlipPreloads = [];
-	aFlipPreloads[0] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[0].src = flipImg_open;
-	aFlipPreloads[1] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[1].src = flipImg_closed;
-	aFlipPreloads[2] = new Image;
-	aFlipPreloads[2].src = flipImg_static;
-function addEvent(someObj, someEvent, someFunction) {
-	if (someObj.addEventListener) { someObj.addEventListener(someEvent, someFunction, true); return true; } else if (someObj.attachEvent) return someObj.attachEvent("on" + someEvent, someFunction); else return false;
-function openCloseFlip(theItem, newSetting, openParents) {
-	if (theItem.flipID) {
-		if (openParents) {
-			var tmpItem = theItem;
-			while (tmpItem.parentElement || tmpItem.parentNode) {
-				tmpItem = (tmpItem.parentElement) ? tmpItem.parentElement : tmpItem.parentNode;
-				openCloseFlip(tmpItem, newSetting);
-			}
-		}
-		if ((theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" && newSetting == "closed") || (theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed" && newSetting == "open")) {
-			if (!theItem.childrenInitialised) {
-				for (var j = 0; j < theItem.childNodes.length; j++) if (theItem.childNodes[j].nodeName == "UL" && !theItem.childNodes[j].initialised) initFlip(theItem.childNodes[j]);
-				theItem.childrenInitialised = true;
-			}
-			theItem.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0].style.display = (newSetting == "open") ? "" : "none";
-			theItem.className = newSetting == "open" ? "flipFolderOpen" : "flipFolderClosed";
-		}
-	}
-function openFlip(theItem, openParents) {
-	openCloseFlip(theItem, "open", openParents);
-function closeFlip(theItem, closeParents) {
-	openCloseFlip(theItem, "closed", closeParents);
-function toggleFlip(theElement) {
-	if (theElement.flipID) {
-		var theItem = theElement;
-		var isContained = true;
-	} else {
-		if (theElement && theElement.button > 0) return false;
-		var theItem = (isIE) ? event.srcElement :;
-		var isContained = false;
-		if (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") isContained = true; else while (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
-			if (theItem.className == "flipStatic" || theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") {
-				isContained = (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
-				break;
-			}
-			theItem = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
-		}
-	}
-	var toOpenFlip = (isContained && theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
-	if (!flipOpenMultipleMenus && (toOpenFlip || theItem.className == "flipStatic")) {
-		if (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
-			var parentUL = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
-			for (var i = 0; i < parentUL.childNodes.length; i++) closeFlip(parentUL.childNodes[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (isContained) {
-		if (toOpenFlip) openFlip(theItem); else closeFlip(theItem);
-	}
-function setAllFlips(startElement, newSetting) {
-	if (typeof startElement == "undefined") var startElement = document;
-	if (typeof newSetting == "undefined") var newSetting = "closed";
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var parentFlip = aUL[i].parentElement ? aUL[i].parentElement : aUL[i].parentNode;
-		openCloseFlip(parentFlip, newSetting);
-	}
-function openAllFlips(startElement) {
-	setAllFlips(startElement, "open");
-function closeAllFlips(startElement) {
-	setAllFlips(startElement, "closed");
-function initFlip(startElement) {
-	if (!document.createElement) return false;
-	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = flipLoadingMessage + " " + parseInt((i / (aUL.length - 1)) * 100, 10) + "%";
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
-				initFlip(curUL);
-				// ## Fix text selecting problem in Mozilla
-				curUL.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
-				curUL.onmousedown = new Function("return false");
-				curUL.onclick = new Function("return true");
-			}
-		}
-		if (flipSaveMenuState) loadMenuState();
-		if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = "";
-		return true;
-	}
-	if (startElement.className == "flipMenu") = "";
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
-	if (typeof flipIDCur == "undefined") flipIDCur = 0;
-	if (!startElement.initialised) {
-		var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) aUL[i].style.display = "none";
-	}
-	for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-		if (curNode.nodeName == "LI") {
-			flipIDCur++;
-			curNode.flipID = flipIDCur;
-			var nodeHasChildren = curNode.getElementsByTagName("UL").length > 0;
-			if (nodeHasChildren) {
-				if (flipImages && curNode.flipClosed) = "url(" + curNode.flipClosed + ")";
-				if (curNode.className == null || curNode.className == "") curNode.className = "flipFolderClosed";
-			} else {
-				curNode.className = "flipStatic";
-				if (flipImages && ! {
-					if (!curNode.flipStatic) curNode.flipStatic = flipImg_static;
- = "url(" + curNode.flipStatic + ")";
-				}
-			}
-			if (!curNode.flipOpen) curNode.flipOpen = flipImg_open;
-			if (!curNode.flipClosed) curNode.flipClosed = flipImg_closed;
-			if (curNode.flipIsOpen) openFlip(curNode);
-		}
-	}
-	startElement.initialised = true;
-function rootOfFlip(flipID, startElement) {
-	function containsFlip(startElement, flipID) {
-		var flipFound = false;
-		var i = 0;
-		while (i < startElement.childNodes.length && !flipFound) {
-			var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-			flipFound = (curNode.flipID == flipID) ? true : containsFlip(curNode, flipID);
-			i++;
-		}
-		return flipFound;
-	}
-	var rootFlip = null;
-	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		var i = 0;
-		while (rootFlip == null && i < aUL.length) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			if (curUL.nodeName == "UL" && curUL.className == "flipMenu") rootFlip = rootOfFlip(flipID, curUL);
-			i++;
-		}
-		return rootFlip;
-	}
-	if (startElement.childNodes) for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
-		if (curNode.flipID == flipID || containsFlip(curNode, flipID)) rootFlip = curNode;
-	}
-	return rootFlip;
-function getCookie(cookieName) {
-	var allCookies = document.cookie;
-	var indexStr = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
-	if (indexStr == -1) return "";
-	indexStr = allCookies.indexOf("=", indexStr) + 1;
-	var endStr = allCookies.indexOf(";", indexStr);
-	if (endStr == -1) endStr = allCookies.length;
-	return unescape(allCookies.substring(indexStr, endStr));
-function inArray(someID, someArray) {
-	for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) if (someArray[i] == someID) return true;
-	return false;
-function getMenuState(startElement) {
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return "";
-	var openItems = "";
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = aUL[i];
-		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
-		if ( == "" && parentFlip.flipID) openItems += " " + parentFlip.flipID;		
-	}
-	return openItems;
-function putMenuState(startElement) {
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = aUL[i];
-		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
-		if (inArray(parentFlip.flipID, aOpenItems)) {
-			openFlip(parentFlip);
-			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
-				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
-				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function setMenuState(startElement) {
-	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
-	var aTitle = document.title;
-	aTitleParts = aTitle.split(" ");
-	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-		var curNode = aUL[i];
-		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
-		if (aTitleParts[3] == curNode.content) {
-			openFlip(parentFlip);
-			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
-				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
-				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function saveMenuState() {
-	if (flipSaveMenuState) {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			var curID = ? : i;
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=" + getMenuState(curUL) + ";";
-		}
-	} 
-function loadMenuState() {
-  if(constantState) {
-    var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-    for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-      var curUL = aUL[i];
-      var curID = ? : i;
-      if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
-	  setMenuState(curUL);
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-    for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-      var curUL = aUL[i];
-      var curID = ? : i;
-      if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
-	var savedState = String(getCookie(cookiePrefix + curID));
-	if (savedState != "") {
-	  aOpenItems = savedState.split(" ");
-	  putMenuState(curUL);
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    addEvent(window, "unload", saveMenuState);
-  }
-function clearMenuState(flipMenuID) {
-	if (typeof flipMenuID == "undefined") {
-		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
-		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
-			var curUL = aUL[i];
-			var curID = ? : i;
-			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=;";
-		}
-	} else document.cookie = cookiePrefix + flipMenuID + "=;";
-cookiePrefix = document.location.pathname + "_";
-addEvent(document, "click", toggleFlip);
-if (flipInitOnLoad) addEvent(window, "load", initFlip);
+// ######################################################################
+// ## flipMenu 5.0.0 (c) J. Reijers
+// ## Last modifications: 23 March 2007
+// ######################################################################
+// ## Degree of indentation from the left.
+	flipIndentation = "5px";
+// ## Padding inbetween menu items.
+	flipVerticalPadding = "4px";
+// ## Margin between the left of the browser and the menu.
+	flipLeftMargin = "16px";
+// ## Margin between the top of the browser and the menu.
+	flipTopMargin = "10px";
+// ## Allow multiple menus to fold out without closing all the other open ones.
+	flipOpenMultipleMenus = false;
+// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
+	flipSaveMenuState = false;
+// ## Preserve the current state of the menu (requires cookies).
+	constantState = true;
+// ## Use custom images for bullets
+	flipImages = true;
+// ## Images to use (specify full path)
+	flipImg_open   = "js/flipmenu/flip_open.gif";
+	flipImg_closed = "js/flipmenu/flip_closed.gif";
+	flipImg_static = "js/flipmenu/flip_static.gif";
+// ## Initialise all flipMenus onload
+	flipInitOnLoad = true;
+// ## Message to display in status bar while loading
+	flipLoadingMessage = "Loading...";
+// ######################################################################
+function alterSize(someSize, alterAmount) {
+	someSize = String(someSize);
+	var tmpNr = parseFloat(someSize.replace(/\D/g, ""));
+	var tmpChar = someSize.replace(/\d/g, "");
+	return isNaN(tmpNr) ? someSize : ((tmpNr + alterAmount) + tmpChar);
+isIE = (String(navigator.appVersion).indexOf("MSIE") > -1);
+if (!isIE) flipIndentation = alterSize(flipIndentation, -16);
+if (!isIE) flipLeftMargin = alterSize(flipLeftMargin, -16);
+	"<style type=\"text/css\">" +
+	"ul.flipMenu { margin-top: " + flipTopMargin + "; margin-left: " + flipLeftMargin + "; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
+	"ul.flipMenu ul, ul.flipMenu li { padding-top: " + flipVerticalPadding + "; margin-left: " + flipIndentation + "; margin-right: 0px; " + (flipImages ? "" : "list-style-type: none;") + " }" +
+	"li.flipFolderOpen { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + flipImg_open + ");" : "") + " }" +
+	"li.flipFolderClosed { cursor: pointer; " + (flipImages ? "list-style-image: url(" + flipImg_closed + ");" : "") + " }" +
+	"</style>"
+if (flipImages) {
+	aFlipPreloads = [];
+	aFlipPreloads[0] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[0].src = flipImg_open;
+	aFlipPreloads[1] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[1].src = flipImg_closed;
+	aFlipPreloads[2] = new Image;
+	aFlipPreloads[2].src = flipImg_static;
+function addEvent(someObj, someEvent, someFunction) {
+	if (someObj.addEventListener) { someObj.addEventListener(someEvent, someFunction, true); return true; } else if (someObj.attachEvent) return someObj.attachEvent("on" + someEvent, someFunction); else return false;
+function openCloseFlip(theItem, newSetting, openParents) {
+	if (theItem.flipID) {
+		if (openParents) {
+			var tmpItem = theItem;
+			while (tmpItem.parentElement || tmpItem.parentNode) {
+				tmpItem = (tmpItem.parentElement) ? tmpItem.parentElement : tmpItem.parentNode;
+				openCloseFlip(tmpItem, newSetting);
+			}
+		}
+		if ((theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" && newSetting == "closed") || (theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed" && newSetting == "open")) {
+			if (!theItem.childrenInitialised) {
+				for (var j = 0; j < theItem.childNodes.length; j++) if (theItem.childNodes[j].nodeName == "UL" && !theItem.childNodes[j].initialised) initFlip(theItem.childNodes[j]);
+				theItem.childrenInitialised = true;
+			}
+			theItem.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0].style.display = (newSetting == "open") ? "" : "none";
+			theItem.className = newSetting == "open" ? "flipFolderOpen" : "flipFolderClosed";
+		}
+	}
+function openFlip(theItem, openParents) {
+	openCloseFlip(theItem, "open", openParents);
+function closeFlip(theItem, closeParents) {
+	openCloseFlip(theItem, "closed", closeParents);
+function toggleFlip(theElement) {
+	if (theElement.flipID) {
+		var theItem = theElement;
+		var isContained = true;
+	} else {
+		if (theElement && theElement.button > 0) return false;
+		var theItem = (isIE) ? event.srcElement :;
+		var isContained = false;
+		if (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") isContained = true; else while (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
+			if (theItem.className == "flipStatic" || theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed") {
+				isContained = (theItem.className == "flipFolderOpen" || theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
+				break;
+			}
+			theItem = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
+		}
+	}
+	var toOpenFlip = (isContained && theItem.className == "flipFolderClosed");
+	if (!flipOpenMultipleMenus && (toOpenFlip || theItem.className == "flipStatic")) {
+		if (theItem.parentElement || theItem.parentNode) {
+			var parentUL = (theItem.parentElement) ? theItem.parentElement : theItem.parentNode;
+			for (var i = 0; i < parentUL.childNodes.length; i++) closeFlip(parentUL.childNodes[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (isContained) {
+		if (toOpenFlip) openFlip(theItem); else closeFlip(theItem);
+	}
+function setAllFlips(startElement, newSetting) {
+	if (typeof startElement == "undefined") var startElement = document;
+	if (typeof newSetting == "undefined") var newSetting = "closed";
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var parentFlip = aUL[i].parentElement ? aUL[i].parentElement : aUL[i].parentNode;
+		openCloseFlip(parentFlip, newSetting);
+	}
+function openAllFlips(startElement) {
+	setAllFlips(startElement, "open");
+function closeAllFlips(startElement) {
+	setAllFlips(startElement, "closed");
+function initFlip(startElement) {
+	if (!document.createElement) return false;
+	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = flipLoadingMessage + " " + parseInt((i / (aUL.length - 1)) * 100, 10) + "%";
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
+				initFlip(curUL);
+				// ## Fix text selecting problem in Mozilla
+				curUL.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
+				curUL.onmousedown = new Function("return false");
+				curUL.onclick = new Function("return true");
+			}
+		}
+		if (flipSaveMenuState) loadMenuState();
+		if (flipLoadingMessage != "") window.status = "";
+		return true;
+	}
+	if (startElement.className == "flipMenu") = "";
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
+	if (typeof flipIDCur == "undefined") flipIDCur = 0;
+	if (!startElement.initialised) {
+		var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) aUL[i].style.display = "none";
+	}
+	for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+		if (curNode.nodeName == "LI") {
+			flipIDCur++;
+			curNode.flipID = flipIDCur;
+			var nodeHasChildren = curNode.getElementsByTagName("UL").length > 0;
+			if (nodeHasChildren) {
+				if (flipImages && curNode.flipClosed) = "url(" + curNode.flipClosed + ")";
+				if (curNode.className == null || curNode.className == "") curNode.className = "flipFolderClosed";
+			} else {
+				curNode.className = "flipStatic";
+				if (flipImages && ! {
+					if (!curNode.flipStatic) curNode.flipStatic = flipImg_static;
+ = "url(" + curNode.flipStatic + ")";
+				}
+			}
+			if (!curNode.flipOpen) curNode.flipOpen = flipImg_open;
+			if (!curNode.flipClosed) curNode.flipClosed = flipImg_closed;
+			if (curNode.flipIsOpen) openFlip(curNode);
+		}
+	}
+	startElement.initialised = true;
+function rootOfFlip(flipID, startElement) {
+	function containsFlip(startElement, flipID) {
+		var flipFound = false;
+		var i = 0;
+		while (i < startElement.childNodes.length && !flipFound) {
+			var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+			flipFound = (curNode.flipID == flipID) ? true : containsFlip(curNode, flipID);
+			i++;
+		}
+		return flipFound;
+	}
+	var rootFlip = null;
+	if (!startElement || !startElement.nodeName) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		var i = 0;
+		while (rootFlip == null && i < aUL.length) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			if (curUL.nodeName == "UL" && curUL.className == "flipMenu") rootFlip = rootOfFlip(flipID, curUL);
+			i++;
+		}
+		return rootFlip;
+	}
+	if (startElement.childNodes) for (var i = 0; i < startElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = startElement.childNodes[i];
+		if (curNode.flipID == flipID || containsFlip(curNode, flipID)) rootFlip = curNode;
+	}
+	return rootFlip;
+function getCookie(cookieName) {
+	var allCookies = document.cookie;
+	var indexStr = allCookies.indexOf(cookieName + "=");
+	if (indexStr == -1) return "";
+	indexStr = allCookies.indexOf("=", indexStr) + 1;
+	var endStr = allCookies.indexOf(";", indexStr);
+	if (endStr == -1) endStr = allCookies.length;
+	return unescape(allCookies.substring(indexStr, endStr));
+function inArray(someID, someArray) {
+	for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) if (someArray[i] == someID) return true;
+	return false;
+function getMenuState(startElement) {
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return "";
+	var openItems = "";
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = aUL[i];
+		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
+		if ( == "" && parentFlip.flipID) openItems += " " + parentFlip.flipID;		
+	}
+	return openItems;
+function putMenuState(startElement) {
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = aUL[i];
+		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
+		if (inArray(parentFlip.flipID, aOpenItems)) {
+			openFlip(parentFlip);
+			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
+				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
+				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function setMenuState(startElement) {
+	if (!startElement.childNodes || startElement.childNodes.length == 0) return false;
+	var aTitle = document.title;
+	aTitleParts = aTitle.split(" ");
+	var aUL = startElement.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+	for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+		var curNode = aUL[i];
+		var parentFlip = (curNode.parentElement) ? curNode.parentElement : curNode.parentNode;
+		if (aTitleParts[3] == curNode.content) {
+			openFlip(parentFlip);
+			if (typeof prevFlipRoot == "undefined") {
+				var testRoot = rootOfFlip(parentFlip.flipID);
+				if (testRoot.flipID == parentFlip.flipID) prevFlipRoot = testRoot;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function saveMenuState() {
+	if (flipSaveMenuState) {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			var curID = ? : i;
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=" + getMenuState(curUL) + ";";
+		}
+	} 
+function loadMenuState() {
+  if(constantState) {
+    var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+    for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+      var curUL = aUL[i];
+      var curID = ? : i;
+      if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
+	  setMenuState(curUL);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+    for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+      var curUL = aUL[i];
+      var curID = ? : i;
+      if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") {
+	var savedState = String(getCookie(cookiePrefix + curID));
+	if (savedState != "") {
+	  aOpenItems = savedState.split(" ");
+	  putMenuState(curUL);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    addEvent(window, "unload", saveMenuState);
+  }
+function clearMenuState(flipMenuID) {
+	if (typeof flipMenuID == "undefined") {
+		var aUL = document.getElementsByTagName("UL");
+		for (var i = 0; i < aUL.length; i++) {
+			var curUL = aUL[i];
+			var curID = ? : i;
+			if (curUL.className == "flipMenu") document.cookie = cookiePrefix + curID + "=;";
+		}
+	} else document.cookie = cookiePrefix + flipMenuID + "=;";
+cookiePrefix = document.location.pathname + "_";
+addEvent(document, "click", toggleFlip);
+if (flipInitOnLoad) addEvent(window, "load", initFlip);
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