File 4321-ct-Add-callback-attribute-to-ct_hooks.patch of Package erlang

From b2c9e23803ca3d26b46e205626bdc20c065e04d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Larsson <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:01:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ct: Add callback attribute to ct_hooks

 lib/common_test/src/Makefile             |   6 +-
 lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl         | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/common_test/src/cth_conn_log.erl     |   2 +
 lib/common_test/src/cth_log_redirect.erl |   3 +-
 lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl     |  11 +-
 5 files changed, 308 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/Makefile b/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
index 00f13589f3..6e84601c18 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/Makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/common_test-$(VSN)
 # ----------------------------------------------------
-	ct_suite
+	ct_suite ct_hooks
 	ct \
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ MODULES= \
 	ct_config_plain \
 	ct_config_xml \
 	ct_slave \
-        ct_hooks\
 	cth_surefire \
@@ -172,3 +171,6 @@ release_docs_spec: docs
 # Include dependencies -- list below added by Kostis Sagonas
 $(EBIN)/cth_log_redirect.beam: ../../kernel/include/logger.hrl ../../kernel/src/logger_internal.hrl
+$(EBIN)/cth_log_redirect.beam: ../ebin/ct_hooks.beam
+$(EBIN)/cth_conn_log.beam: ../ebin/ct_hooks.beam
+$(EBIN)/cth_surefire.beam: ../ebin/ct_hooks.beam
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
index d182e08efc..615ca164f8 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
@@ -43,6 +43,297 @@
 -record(ct_hook_config, {id, module, prio, scope, opts = [],
                          state = [], groups = []}).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Callbacks
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-callback id(Opts) -> Id when Opts :: term(), Id :: term().
+-callback init(Id, Opts) -> {ok, State} | {ok, State, Priority} when
+      Id :: reference() | term(),
+      Opts :: term(),
+      State :: term(),
+      Priority :: integer().
+-callback on_tc_skip(SuiteName, TestName, Reason, CTHState) -> NewCTHState when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestName :: init_per_suite | end_per_suite |
+                  {init_per_group, GroupName} |
+                  {end_per_group, GroupName} |
+                  {FuncName, GroupName} |
+                  FuncName,
+      FuncName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Reason :: {tc_auto_skip | tc_user_skip, term()},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term().
+-callback on_tc_fail(SuiteName, TestName, Reason, CTHState) -> NewCTHState when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestName :: init_per_suite | end_per_suite |
+                  {init_per_group, GroupName} |
+                  {end_per_group, GroupName} |
+                  {FuncName, GroupName} |
+                  FuncName,
+      FuncName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Reason :: term(),
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term().
+-callback post_end_per_suite(SuiteName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key,Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail,Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_end_per_suite(SuiteName, EndData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      EndData :: Config | SkipOrFail,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewConfig | SkipOrFail,
+                 NewCTHState},
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_end_per_group(SuiteName, GroupName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_end_per_group(SuiteName, GroupName, EndData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      EndData :: Config | SkipOrFail,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewConfig | SkipOrFail, NewCTHState},
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_end_per_testcase(SuiteName, TestcaseName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestcaseName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} |
+                    {skip, Reason},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_end_per_testcase(SuiteName, TestcaseName, EndData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestcaseName :: atom(),
+      EndData :: Config,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewConfig, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term().
+-callback post_init_per_testcase(SuiteName, TestcaseName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestcaseName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} |
+                    {skip, Reason},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_init_per_testcase(SuiteName, TestcaseName, InitData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      TestcaseName :: atom(),
+      InitData :: Config | SkipOrFail,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewConfig | SkipOrFail, NewCTHState},
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} |
+                    {skip, Reason},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_init_per_group(SuiteName, GroupName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_init_per_group(SuiteName, GroupName, InitData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      InitData :: Config | SkipOrFail,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewConfig | SkipOrFail,
+                 NewCTHState},
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_init_per_suite(SuiteName, Config, Return, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      Return :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      NewReturn :: Config | SkipOrFail | term(),
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} |
+                    {skip, Reason} |
+                    term(),
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {NewReturn, NewCTHState},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback pre_init_per_suite(SuiteName, InitData, CTHState) -> Result when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      InitData :: Config | SkipOrFail,
+      Config :: [{Key, Value}],
+      NewConfig :: [{Key, Value}],
+      CTHState :: term(),
+      NewCTHState :: term(),
+      Result :: {Return, NewCTHState},
+      Return :: NewConfig | SkipOrFail,
+      SkipOrFail :: {fail, Reason} | {skip, Reason},
+      Key :: atom(),
+      Value :: term(),
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_all(SuiteName, Return, GroupDefs) -> NewReturn when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      Return :: Tests | {skip, Reason},
+      NewReturn :: Tests | {skip, Reason},
+      Tests :: [TestCase |
+                {testcase, TestCase, TCRepeatProps} |
+                {group, GroupName} |
+                {group, GroupName, Properties} |
+                {group, GroupName, Properties, SubGroups}],
+      TestCase :: atom(),
+      TCRepeatProps :: [{repeat, N} |
+                        {repeat_until_ok, N} |
+                        {repeat_until_fail, N}],
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Properties :: GroupProperties | default,
+      SubGroups :: [{GroupName, Properties} |
+                    {GroupName, Properties, SubGroups}],
+      Shuffle :: shuffle | {shuffle, Seed},
+      Seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()},
+      GroupRepeatType ::
+        repeat | repeat_until_all_ok |
+        repeat_until_all_fail |
+        repeat_until_any_ok |
+        repeat_until_any_fail,
+      N :: integer() | forever,
+      GroupDefs :: [Group],
+      Group ::
+        {GroupName, GroupProperties,
+         GroupsAndTestCases},
+      GroupProperties ::
+          [parallel | sequence | Shuffle |
+           {GroupRepeatType, N}],
+      GroupsAndTestCases ::
+            [Group | {group, GroupName} | TestCase],
+      Reason :: term().
+-callback post_groups(SuiteName, GroupDefs) -> NewGroupDefs when
+      SuiteName :: atom(),
+      GroupDefs :: [Group],
+      NewGroupDefs :: [Group],
+      Group ::
+        {GroupName, Properties,
+         GroupsAndTestCases},
+      GroupName :: atom(),
+      Properties :: [parallel | sequence | Shuffle | {GroupRepeatType, N}],
+      GroupsAndTestCases :: [Group |
+                             {group, GroupName} |
+                             TestCase |
+                             {testcase, TestCase, TCRepeatProps}],
+      TestCase :: atom(),
+      TCRepeatProps :: [{repeat, N} |
+                        {repeat_until_ok, N} |
+                        {repeat_until_fail, N}],
+      Shuffle :: shuffle | {shuffle, Seed},
+      Seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()},
+      GroupRepeatType ::
+        repeat | repeat_until_all_ok |
+        repeat_until_all_fail |
+        repeat_until_any_ok |
+        repeat_until_any_fail,
+      N :: integer() | forever.
+-callback terminate(CTHState) -> term() when CTHState :: term().
+   [id/1,
+    on_tc_fail/4,
+    on_tc_skip/4,
+    post_all/3,
+    post_end_per_group/5,
+    post_end_per_suite/4,
+    post_end_per_testcase/5,
+    post_groups/2,
+    post_init_per_group/5,
+    post_init_per_suite/4,
+    post_init_per_testcase/5,
+    pre_end_per_group/4,
+    pre_end_per_suite/3,
+    pre_end_per_testcase/4,
+    pre_init_per_group/4,
+    pre_init_per_suite/3,
+    pre_init_per_testcase/4,
+    terminate/1]).
 %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% API Functions
 %% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/cth_conn_log.erl b/lib/common_test/src/cth_conn_log.erl
index 744642c69f..fd76179306 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/cth_conn_log.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/cth_conn_log.erl
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 %% Type declarations
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/cth_log_redirect.erl b/lib/common_test/src/cth_log_redirect.erl
index 04e964f51a..f51cfd4bc6 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/cth_log_redirect.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/cth_log_redirect.erl
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 -record(eh_state, {log_func,
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ id(_Opts) ->
 init(?MODULE, _Opts) ->
     ok = start_log_handler(),
-    tc_log_async.
+    {ok, tc_log_async}.
 pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State) ->
     set_curr_func({Suite,init_per_suite}, Config),
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl b/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl
index 578bdd6163..1f449ae809 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/cth_surefire.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@
 %% Gen server callbacks
--export([init/1, handle_call/3]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2]).
 -record(state, { filepath, axis, properties, package, hostname,
 		 curr_suite, curr_suite_file, curr_suite_ast, curr_suite_ts, curr_group = [],
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@
 %% the execution time of diameter_traffic_SUITE from 30 min to 5 min.
 init(Path, Opts) ->
     {ok, Pid} = gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Path, Opts], []),
-    Pid.
+    {ok, Pid}.
 init([Path, Opts]) ->
@@ -101,6 +104,10 @@ handle_call({Function, Args}, _From, State) ->
     {Reply,NewState} = apply(?MODULE, Function, Args ++ [State]),
+%% Ignore any cast
+handle_cast(_What, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
 id(Opts) ->
     case proplists:get_value(path, Opts) of
 	undefined -> ?default_report;

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