File 0207-xmerl-Add-missing-types.patch of Package erlang

From 779bac4fffa206dad5f1bb0d6c6d969134e1aa77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Larsson <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 15:57:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] xmerl: Add missing types

 lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_eventp.erl     | 30 +++++-----
 lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser.erl | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl       | 67 ++++++++++++---------
 lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath.erl      | 94 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl        | 72 ++++++++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_eventp.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_eventp.erl
index 96bcd49766..fcda2c5efc 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_eventp.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_eventp.erl
@@ -24,9 +24,21 @@
 %% of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style.
 %% Each contain more elaborate settings of xmerl_scan that makes usage of
 %% the customization functions.
+-export([stream/2,stream_sax/4, file_sax/4, string_sax/4]).
+% -export([cont/3, rules_read/3,rules_write/4,fetch/2,close/1]).
 %% @type xmlElement() = #xmlElement{}.
+-type xmlElement() :: #xmlElement{}.
 %% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the
 %%     scanner.
 %% See also <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization
@@ -108,18 +120,7 @@
 %%    <dd>Set to 'true' if xmerl should add to elements missing attributes
 %%    with a defined default value (default 'false').</dd>
 %% </dl> 
--export([stream/2,stream_sax/4, file_sax/4, string_sax/4]).
-% -export([cont/3, rules_read/3,rules_write/4,fetch/2,close/1]).
+-type option_list() :: [{atom(),term()}].
 %% @spec stream(Fname::string(), Options::option_list()) -> xmlElement()
@@ -129,6 +130,7 @@
 %% Note that the <code>continuation_fun</code>, <code>acc_fun</code>,
 %% <code>fetch_fun</code>, <code>rules</code> and <code>close_fun</code>
 %% options cannot be user defined using this parser.
+-spec stream(Fname::string(), Options::option_list()) -> {xmlElement(), list()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
 stream(Fname, Options) ->
     AccF = fun(X, Acc, S) -> acc(X,Acc,S) end,
     case file:open(Fname, [read, raw, binary]) of
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser.erl
index ce338d7343..c38dbce42c 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,58 @@
+%% Types
+-type options() :: [{continuation_fun, continuation_fun()} |
+                    {continuation_state, continuation_state()} |
+                    {event_fun, event_fun()} |
+                    {event_state, event_state()} |
+                    {file_type, normal | dtd} |
+                    {encoding, utf | {utf16, big} | {utf16,little} | latin1 | list } |
+                    skip_external_dtd | disallow_entities |
+                    {entity_recurse_limit, non_neg_integer()} |
+                    {external_entities, all | file | none} |
+                    {fail_undeclared_ref, boolean()}].
+-type continuation_state() :: term().
+-type continuation_fun() :: fun((continuation_state()) ->
+                                       {NewBytes :: binary() | list(),
+                                        continuation_state()}).
+-type event_state() :: term().
+-type event_fun() :: fun((event(), event_location(), event_state()) -> event_state()).
+-type event_location() :: {CurrentLocation :: string(),
+                           Entityname :: string(),
+                           LineNo :: integer()}.
+-type event() :: startDocument | endDocument |
+                 {startPrefixMapping, Prefix :: string(), Uri :: string()} |
+                 {endPrefixMapping, Prefix :: string()} |
+                 {startElement, Uri :: string(), LocalName :: string(),
+                  QualifiedName :: string(), Attributes :: string()} |
+                 {endElement, Uri :: string(), LocalName :: string(), QualifiedName :: string()} |
+                 {characters, string()} |
+                 {ignorableWhitespace, string()} |
+                 {processingInstruction, Target :: string(), Data :: string()} |
+                 {comment, string()} |
+                 startCDATA |
+                 endCDATA |
+                 {startDTD, Name :: string(), PublicId :: string(), SystemId :: string()} |
+                 endDTD |
+                 {startEntity, SysId :: string()} |
+                 {endEntity, SysId :: string()} |
+                 {elementDecl, Name :: string(), Model :: string()} |
+                 {attributeDecl, ElementName :: string(), AttributeName :: string(),
+                  Type :: string(), Mode :: string(), Value :: string()} |
+                 {internalEntityDecl, Name :: string(), Value :: string()} |
+                 {externalEntityDecl, Name :: string(), PublicId :: string(), SystemId :: string()} |
+                 {unparsedEntityDecl, Name :: string(), PublicId :: string(), SystemId :: string(), Ndata :: string()} |
+                 {notationDecl, Name :: string(), PublicId :: string(), SystemId :: string()}.
+-type unicode_char() :: char().
+-type unicode_binary() :: binary().
+-type latin1_binary() :: unicode:latin1_binary().
+-export_type([options/0, unicode_char/0, unicode_binary/0, latin1_binary/0]).
 %% Macros
@@ -63,6 +115,16 @@
 %%           EventState = term()
 %% Description: Parse file containing an XML document.
+-spec file(Name, Options) -> {ok, EventState, Rest} | ErrorOrUserReturn when
+      Name :: file:filename(),
+      Options :: options(),
+      EventState :: event_state(),
+      Rest :: unicode_binary() | latin1_binary(),
+      ErrorOrUserReturn :: {Tag, Location, Reason, EndTags, EventState},
+      Tag :: fatal_error | atom(),
+      Location :: event_location(),
+      Reason :: term(),
+      EndTags :: term().
 file(Name,Options) ->
     case file:open(Name, [raw, read_ahead, read,binary])  of
         {error, Reason} ->
@@ -94,6 +156,16 @@ file(Name,Options) ->
 %%           EventState = term()
 %% Description: Parse a stream containing an XML document.
+-spec stream(Xml, Options) -> {ok, EventState, Rest} | ErrorOrUserReturn when
+      Xml :: unicode_binary() | latin1_binary() | [unicode_char],
+      Options :: options(),
+      EventState :: event_state(),
+      Rest :: unicode_binary() | latin1_binary(),
+      ErrorOrUserReturn :: {Tag, Location, Reason, EndTags, EventState},
+      Tag :: fatal_error | atom(),
+      Location :: event_location(),
+      Reason :: term(),
+      EndTags :: term().
 stream(Xml, Options) ->
     stream(Xml, Options, stream).
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
index 54a2494ef3..47713a7eee 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_scan.erl
@@ -27,9 +27,38 @@
 %%     It returns records of the type defined in xmerl.hrl.
 %% See also <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization
 %% functions.
+%% main API
+-export([string/1, string/2,
+	 file/1, file/2]).
+%% access functions for various states
+-export([user_state/1, user_state/2,
+	 event_state/1, event_state/2,
+	 hook_state/1, hook_state/2,
+	 rules_state/1, rules_state/2,
+	 fetch_state/1, fetch_state/2,
+	 cont_state/1, cont_state/2]).
+%% helper functions. To xmerl_lib ??
+%-define(debug, 1).
+-include("xmerl.hrl").		% record def, macros
 %% @type global_state(). <p>
 %% The global state of the scanner, represented by the #xmerl_scanner{} record.
 %% </p>
+-type global_state() :: #xmerl_scanner{}.
 %% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the
 %%     scanner.
 %% See also <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization
@@ -114,43 +143,22 @@
 %%    <dd>Set to 'false' if xmerl_scan should fail when there is an ENTITY declaration
 %%        in the XML document (default 'true').</dd>
 %% </dl>
+-type option_list() :: [{atom(),term()}].
 %% @type xmlElement() = #xmlElement{}.
 %% The record definition is found in xmerl.hrl.
+-type xmlElement() :: #xmlElement{}.
 %% @type xmlDocument() = #xmlDocument{}.
 %% The record definition is found in xmerl.hrl.
+-type xmlDocument() :: #xmlDocument{}.
 %% @type document() = xmlElement() | xmlDocument(). <p>
 %% The document returned by <code>xmerl_scan:string/[1,2]</code> and
 %% <code>xmerl_scan:file/[1,2]</code>. The type of the returned record depends on
 %% the value of the document option passed to the function.
 %% </p>
-%% main API
--export([string/1, string/2,
-	 file/1, file/2]).
-%% access functions for various states
--export([user_state/1, user_state/2,
-	 event_state/1, event_state/2,
-	 hook_state/1, hook_state/2,
-	 rules_state/1, rules_state/2,
-	 fetch_state/1, fetch_state/2,
-	 cont_state/1, cont_state/2]).
-%% helper functions. To xmerl_lib ??
-%-define(debug, 1).
--include("xmerl.hrl").		% record def, macros
--type xmlElement() :: #xmlElement{}.
+-type document() :: xmlElement() | xmlDocument().
 -define(fatal(Reason, S),
@@ -198,6 +206,7 @@ cont_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{cont = S}}) -> S.
 %%% @spec user_state(UserState, S::global_state()) -> global_state()
 %%% @doc For controlling the UserState, to be used in a user function.
 %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions.
+-spec user_state(UserState :: term(), S :: global_state()) -> global_state().
 user_state(X, S) ->
     S#xmerl_scanner{user_state = X}.
@@ -252,6 +261,8 @@ file(F) ->
 %% @spec file(Filename::string(), Options::option_list()) -> {document(),Rest}
 %%   Rest = list()
 %%% @doc Parse file containing an XML document
+-spec file(Filename :: string(), Options :: option_list()) ->
+          {document(), Rest :: list()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
 file(F, Options) ->
     ExtCharset=case lists:keysearch(encoding,1,Options) of
 		   {value,{_,Val}} -> Val;
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath.erl
index 2354f9d6cd..45e7f7b1f6 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,34 @@
 % xmerl_xpath_parse:parse(xmerl_xpath_scan:tokens("descendant-or-self::node()")).
 % xmerl_xpath_parse:parse(xmerl_xpath_scan:tokens("parent::processing-instruction('foo')")).
 %% </pre>
+%% main API
+	 string/3,
+	 string/5]).
+%% exported helper functions, internal for the XPath support
+	 axis/3, axis/4]).
+%% debug function
+-record(state, {context = #xmlContext{},
+		acc = []}).
+-define(nodeset(NS), #state{context = #xmlContext{nodeset = NS}}).
+-define(context(C), #state{context = C}).
 %% @type nodeEntity() =
 %%      #xmlElement{}
 %%    | #xmlAttribute{}
@@ -50,19 +77,38 @@
 %%    | #xmlComment{}
 %%    | #xmlNsNode{}
 %%    | #xmlDocument{}
+-type nodeEntity() ::
+        #xmlElement{}
+      | #xmlAttribute{}
+      | #xmlText{} 
+      | #xmlPI{}
+      | #xmlComment{}
+      | #xmlNsNode{}
+      | #xmlDocument{}.
 %% @type docNodes() =   #xmlElement{}
 %%    | #xmlAttribute{}
 %%    | #xmlText{} 
 %%    | #xmlPI{}
 %%    | #xmlComment{}
 %%    | #xmlNsNode{}
+-type docNodes() :: #xmlElement{}
+                  | #xmlAttribute{}
+                  | #xmlText{}
+                  | #xmlPI{}
+                  | #xmlComment{}
+                  | #xmlNsNode{}.
 %% @type docEntity() =  #xmlDocument{} | [docNodes()]
+-type docEntity() :: #xmlDocument{} | [docNodes()].
 %% @type xPathString() = string()
+-type xPathString() :: string().
 %% @type parentList() = [{atom(), integer()}]
+-type parentList() :: [{atom(), integer()}].
 %% @type option_list(). <p>Options allows to customize the behaviour of the
 %%     XPath scanner.
@@ -76,40 +122,12 @@
 %%  <dt><code>{namespace, Nodes}</code></dt>
 %%    <dd>Set namespace nodes in xmlContext.</dd>
 %% </dl>
+-type option_list() :: [{atom(),term()}].
 %%  <dt><code>{bindings, Bs}</code></dt>
 %%   <dd></dd>
 %% <dt><code>{functions, Fs}</code></dt>
 %%   <dd></dd>
-%% main API
-	 string/3,
-	 string/5]).
-%% exported helper functions, internal for the XPath support
-	 axis/3, axis/4]).
-%% debug function
--record(state, {context = #xmlContext{},
-		acc = []}).
--define(nodeset(NS), #state{context = #xmlContext{nodeset = NS}}).
--define(context(C), #state{context = C}).
 %% @spec string(Str, Doc) -> [docEntity()] | Scalar
 %% @equiv string(Str,Doc, [])
@@ -133,6 +151,14 @@ string(Str, Doc, Options) ->
 %% @doc Extracts the nodes from the parsed XML tree according to XPath.
 %%   xmlObj is a record with fields type and value,
 %%   where type is boolean | number | string
+-spec string(Str,Node,Parents,Doc,Options) ->
+          docEntity() | Scalar when
+      Str :: xPathString(),
+      Node :: nodeEntity(),
+      Parents :: parentList(),
+      Doc :: nodeEntity(),
+      Options :: option_list(),
+      Scalar :: #xmlObj{}.
 string(Str, Node, Parents, Doc, Options) ->
 %% record with fields type and value,
 %%                where type is boolean | number | string
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl
index 10ea8df66e..09dda8bc68 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xsd.erl
@@ -24,33 +24,6 @@
 %% of XML Schema second edition 28 october 2004. For an introduction to
 %% XML Schema study <a href="">part 0.</a>
 %% An XML structure is validated by xmerl_xsd:validate/[2,3].
-%% @type global_state(). <p>The global state of the validator. It is 
-%% represented by the <code>#xsd_state{}</code> record.
-%% </p>
-%% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the 
-%% validation.
-%% </p>
-%% <p>
-%% Possible options are :
-%% </p>
-%% <dl>
-%%   <dt><code>{tab2file,boolean()}</code></dt>
-%%      <dd>Enables saving of abstract structure on file for debugging
-%%         purpose.</dd>
-%%   <dt><code>{xsdbase,filename()}</code></dt>
-%%      <dd>XSD Base directory.</dd>
-%%   <dt><code>{fetch_fun,FetchFun}</code></dt>
-%%      <dd>Call back function to fetch an external resource.</dd>
-%%   <dt><code>{fetch_path,PathList}</code></dt>
-%%      <dd>PathList is a list of directories to search when fetching files.
-%%          If the file in question is not in the fetch_path, the URI will
-%%          be used as a file name.</dd>
-%%   <dt><code>{state,State}</code></dt>
-%%      <dd>It is possible by this option to provide a state with process
-%%          information from an earlier validation.</dd> 
-%% </dl>
-%% @type filename() = string()
-%% @end
@@ -85,6 +58,43 @@
+%% Types
+%% @type global_state(). <p>The global state of the validator. It is 
+%% represented by the <code>#xsd_state{}</code> record.
+%% </p>
+-type global_state() :: #xsd_state{}.
+%% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the 
+%% validation.
+%% </p>
+%% <p>
+%% Possible options are :
+%% </p>
+%% <dl>
+%%   <dt><code>{tab2file,boolean()}</code></dt>
+%%      <dd>Enables saving of abstract structure on file for debugging
+%%         purpose.</dd>
+%%   <dt><code>{xsdbase,filename()}</code></dt>
+%%      <dd>XSD Base directory.</dd>
+%%   <dt><code>{fetch_fun,FetchFun}</code></dt>
+%%      <dd>Call back function to fetch an external resource.</dd>
+%%   <dt><code>{fetch_path,PathList}</code></dt>
+%%      <dd>PathList is a list of directories to search when fetching files.
+%%          If the file in question is not in the fetch_path, the URI will
+%%          be used as a file name.</dd>
+%%   <dt><code>{state,State}</code></dt>
+%%      <dd>It is possible by this option to provide a state with process
+%%          information from an earlier validation.</dd> 
+%% </dl>
+-type option_list() :: [{xsdbase,filename()} | 
+                        {atom(),term()}].
+%% @type filename() = string()
+%% @end
+-type filename() :: string().
@@ -124,6 +134,14 @@ validate(Xml,State) ->
 %% </p>
 %% <p> Observe that E2 may differ from E if for instance there are default
 %% values defined in <code>my_XML_Schema.xsd</code>.</p>
+-spec validate(Element,State,Options) -> Result when
+      Element :: #xmlElement{},
+      Options :: option_list(),
+      Result :: {ValidElement,global_state()} | {error,Reasons},
+      ValidElement :: #xmlElement{},
+      State :: global_state(),
+      Reasons :: [ErrorReason] | ErrorReason,
+      ErrorReason :: term().
 validate(Xml,State,Opts) when is_record(State,xsd_state) ->
     S2 = initiate_state2(State,Opts),
     S3 = validation_options(S2,Opts),

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