File 2173-diffable-Add-dump-of-cumulative-timing-information-f.patch of Package erlang

From 361d83f6004dd3c4e0ca9fa42548006f88b4e3e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frej Drejhammar <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:00:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] diffable: Add dump of cumulative timing information for
 all modules

This patch extends the `diffable` escript to print cumulative timing
information for all modules compiled by the script when the flag
`--time` is given.

The output format is similar to the format produced by `erlc` when the
`+time` option is used, but compared to the per-module information,
the passes are listed from slowest to fastest.
 scripts/diffable | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/diffable b/scripts/diffable
index c127480242..a944f45149 100755
--- a/scripts/diffable
+++ b/scripts/diffable
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 main(Args0) ->
     DefOpts = #{erltop=>false,format=>asm,no_compile=>false,
-                legacy=>false,copts=>[]},
+                legacy=>false,copts=>[],time=>false},
     {Args,Opts} = opts(Args0, DefOpts),
     case Args of
 	[OutDir] ->
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ usage() ->
          "                  compile by looking up the source for the current\n"
          "                  runtime. This option allows the user to compile\n"
          "                  the source in a different source tree.\n"
+         "  --time          Produce cumulative timing information for all\n"
+         "                  modules compiled by this script.\n"
@@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ opts(["--co",Opt|Args], #{copts:=Copts}=Opts) ->
     opts(Args, Opts#{copts:=Copts++[list_to_atom(Opt)]});
 opts(["--erltop", Path|Args], Opts) ->
     opts(Args, Opts#{erltop:=Path});
+opts(["--time"|Args], Opts) ->
+    opts(Args, Opts#{time:=true});
 opts(["--"++Opt|_], _Opts) ->
     io:format("Unknown option: --~ts\n\n", [Opt]),
@@ -122,7 +126,13 @@ do_compile(OutDir, Opts0) ->
     CF = choose_format(Opts),
     p_run(fun(Spec) ->
                   compile_spec(CF, Spec)
-          end, Specs).
+          end, Specs),
+    case map_get(time, Opts) of
+        true ->
+            collect_timing();
+        false ->
+            ok
+    end.
 choose_format(#{format:=Format}=Opts) ->
     case Format of
@@ -167,11 +177,17 @@ get_specs(Apps, #{format:=dis,no_compile:=true}=Opts) ->
 get_specs(Apps, #{}=Opts) ->
     Inc = make_includes(Opts),
-    CompilerOpts = [{d,epmd_dist_high,42},
-                    {d,epmd_dist_low,37},
-                    {d,'VSN',1},
-                    {d,'COMPILER_VSN',1},
-                    {d,erlang_daemon_port,1337}|Inc],
+    CompilerOpts0 = [{d,epmd_dist_high,42},
+                     {d,epmd_dist_low,37},
+                     {d,'VSN',1},
+                     {d,'COMPILER_VSN',1},
+                     {d,erlang_daemon_port,1337}|Inc],
+    CompilerOpts = case map_get(time, Opts) of
+                       true ->
+                           [{time,make_time_reporter()}|CompilerOpts0];
+                       false ->
+                           CompilerOpts0
+                   end,
     Files = get_src(Apps, Opts),
     Specs1 = add_opts(Files, CompilerOpts),
     Specs = [{Beam,elixir} || Beam <- get_elixir_beams()] ++ Specs1,
@@ -659,3 +675,81 @@ format_spec({File, _Options}) when is_list(File) ->
 format_spec(Spec) ->
     io_lib:format("~p", [Spec]).
+%%% Helpers for creating cumulative, per pass, timing information for
+%%% all compiled modules.
+make_time_reporter() ->
+    Self = self(),
+    fun(_, Timings) ->
+            Self ! {timings,Timings}
+    end.
+collect_timing() ->
+    collect_timing(#{}).
+collect_timing(Data) ->
+    receive
+        {timings,Timings} ->
+            collect_timing(Timings, Data)
+    after 0 ->
+            print_timing(Data),
+            ok
+    end.
+collect_timing([{Pass,Elapsed,_Mem,SubTimes}|Timings], Data) ->
+    Info = case Data of
+               #{Pass:={Elapsed0,SubTimes0}} ->
+                   {Elapsed0 + Elapsed,collect_subpass(SubTimes, SubTimes0)};
+               #{} ->
+                   {Elapsed,collect_subpass(SubTimes, #{})}
+           end,
+    collect_timing(Timings, Data#{Pass=>Info});
+collect_timing([], Data) ->
+    collect_timing(Data).
+collect_subpass([{SubPass,SubTime}|SubTimes], Data) ->
+    collect_subpass(SubTimes,
+                    Data#{SubPass=>SubTime + maps:get(SubPass, Data, 0)});
+collect_subpass([], Data) ->
+    Data.
+print_timing(Data) ->
+    Times = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, maps:to_list(Data))),
+    Total = lists:sum([T || {_,{T,_}} <- Times]),
+    lists:foreach(
+      fun({PassName,{ElapsedNative,SubTimes}}) ->
+              Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(ElapsedNative,
+                                                 native, microsecond),
+              io:format(" ~-30s: ~10.3f s       ~3w %\n",
+                        [PassName,Elapsed/1000000,
+                         percent(ElapsedNative, Total)]),
+              print_subpass_timing(SubTimes)
+      end, Times).
+print_subpass_timing(Times0) ->
+    Times = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, maps:to_list(Times0))),
+    Total = lists:sum([T || {_,T} <- Times]),
+    case Times of
+        [] ->
+            ok;
+        [_|_] ->
+            io:format("    %% Sub passes from slowest to fastest:\n"),
+            print_times_1(Times, Total)
+    end.
+print_times_1([{Name,T}|Ts], Total) ->
+    Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(T, native, microsecond),
+    io:format("    ~-27s: ~10.3f s ~3w %\n",
+              [Name,Elapsed/1000000,percent(T, Total)]),
+    print_times_1(Ts, Total);
+print_times_1([], _Total) ->
+    ok.
+percent(0, _Total) ->
+    0;
+percent(Value, Total) ->
+    round(100*Value/Total).

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