File 2460-Mimic-legacy-behaviour-of-recbuf-and-buffer.patch of Package erlang

From f5762394b66201cba00d35e9367ec6eaec20279b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 18:04:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/14] Mimic legacy behaviour of 'recbuf' and 'buffer'

Optimize by choosing receive size from set buffer size
so for small receive sizes use recv 0 (default size)
and pick packets from the buffer, but for large
receive sizes receive what's missing from the packet.
 erts/emulator/nifs/common/prim_socket_nif.c |   8 +-
 lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl           | 103 ++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/prim_socket_nif.c b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/prim_socket_nif.c
index b80f7bea5f..a61131c177 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/nifs/common/prim_socket_nif.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/nifs/common/prim_socket_nif.c
@@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ static void (*esock_sctp_freepaddrs)(struct sockaddr *addrs) = NULL;
 #define ESOCK_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT      (8*1024)
+#define ESOCK_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN          1
@@ -6945,7 +6946,10 @@ ERL_NIF_TERM esock_setopt_otp_rcvbuf(ErlNifEnv*       env,
 #ifndef __WIN32__
     descP->rNum   = n;
-    descP->rBufSz = bufSz;
+        descP->rBufSz = ESOCK_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN;
+    else
+        descP->rBufSz = bufSz;
     SSDBG( descP,
            ("SOCKET", "esock_setopt_otp_rcvbuf {%d} -> ok"
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
index cd2cbb6fc4..d1b8f571de 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
 %% -define(DBG(T),
 %% 	erlang:display({{self(), ?MODULE, ?LINE, ?FUNCTION_NAME}, T})).
@@ -914,7 +916,7 @@ fdopen(Fd, Opts) when is_integer(Fd), 0 =< Fd, is_list(Opts) ->
 -compile({inline, [socket_send/3]}).
 socket_send(Socket, Data, Timeout) ->
-    Result = socket:send(Socket, Data, Timeout),
+    Result = socket:send(Socket, Data, [], Timeout),
     case Result of
         {error, {timeout = _Reason, RestData}} = E when is_binary(RestData) ->
 	    %% This is better then closing the socket for every timeout
@@ -953,7 +955,7 @@ socket_send(Socket, Data, Timeout) ->
 -compile({inline, [socket_recv/2]}).
 socket_recv(Socket, Length) ->
-    Result = socket:recv(Socket, Length, nowait),
+    Result = socket:recv(Socket, Length, [], nowait),
     %% ?DBG({Socket, Length, Result}),
@@ -2419,22 +2421,36 @@ handle_recv(
               P, D#{buffer := NewBuffer}, [], Data);
         0 < Length ->
             %% Need to receive more data
-            handle_recv_more(P, D, ActionsR);
+            handle_recv_more(P, D, Size - Length, ActionsR);
         0 < Size -> % Length == 0
             %% Deliver all buffered data
             Data = condense_buffer(Buffer),
             handle_recv_deliver(P, D#{buffer := <<>>}, ActionsR, Data);
         true -> % Length == 0, Size == 0
             %% Need to receive more data
-            handle_recv_more(P, D, ActionsR)
+            handle_recv_more(P, D, Length, ActionsR)
 handle_recv(P, D, ActionsR) ->
     handle_recv_packet(P, D, ActionsR).
-handle_recv_more(P, #{buffer := Buffer} = D, ActionsR) ->
-    case socket_recv(P#params.socket, 0) of
+handle_recv_more(P, #{buffer := Buffer} = D, Length, ActionsR) ->
+    Size = maps:get({otp,rcvbuf}, D, ?RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT),
+    case
+        socket_recv(
+          P#params.socket,
+          if
+              Size < Length -> Length;
+              true          -> 0
+          end)
+    of
         {ok, <<Data/binary>>} ->
             handle_recv(P, D#{buffer := [Data | Buffer]}, ActionsR);
+        {select, {?select_info(_) = SelectInfo, <<Data/binary>>}} ->
+	    %% ?DBG([{select_info, SelectInfo}]),
+            {next_state,
+             #recv{info = SelectInfo},
+             {P, D#{buffer := [Data | Buffer]}},
+             reverse(ActionsR)};
         {select, ?select_info(_) = SelectInfo} ->
 	    %% ?DBG([{select_info, SelectInfo}]),
@@ -2459,8 +2475,10 @@ handle_recv_packet(P, D, ActionsR) ->
     case decode_packet(D) of
         {ok, Decoded, Rest} ->
             handle_recv_deliver(P, D#{buffer := Rest}, ActionsR, Decoded);
-        {more, _} ->
-            handle_recv_more(P, D, ActionsR);
+        {more, undefined} ->
+            handle_recv_more(P, D, 0, ActionsR);
+        {more, Length} ->
+            handle_recv_more(P, D, Length, ActionsR);
         {error, Reason} ->
               P, D, ActionsR,
@@ -2822,26 +2840,10 @@ state_setopts(_P, D, _State, []) ->
     {ok, D};
 state_setopts(P, D, State, [{Tag,Val} | Opts]) ->
     %% ?DBG([{state, State}, {opt, {Tag,Val}}]),
-    SocketOpts = socket_opts(),
-    case maps:is_key(Tag, SocketOpts) of
-        true ->
-            %% options for the 'socket' module
-            %%
-            case P#params.socket of
-                undefined ->
-                    {{error, closed}, D};
-                Socket ->
-                    case
-                        socket_setopt(
-                          Socket, maps:get(Tag, SocketOpts), Val)
-                    of
-                        ok ->
-                            state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
-                        {error, _} = Error ->
-                            {Error, D}
-                    end
-            end;
-        false ->
+    case socket_opts() of
+        #{Tag := SocketOpt} ->
+            state_setopts_socket(P, D, State, Opts, SocketOpt, Val);
+        #{} ->
             case maps:is_key(Tag, server_write_opts()) of
                 %% server options for socket send hence
                 %% duplicated in {opt,meta}
@@ -2882,6 +2884,51 @@ state_setopts(P, D, State, [{Tag,Val} | Opts]) ->
+%% options for the 'socket' module
+state_setopts_socket(P, D, State, Opts, SocketOpt, Val) ->
+    case P#params.socket of
+        undefined ->
+            {{error, closed}, D};
+        Socket ->
+            case socket_setopt(Socket, SocketOpt, Val) of
+                ok when SocketOpt =:= {otp,rcvbuf} ->
+                    Size =
+                        case Val of
+                            {Count, Sz} -> Count * Sz;
+                            Sz when is_integer(Sz) -> Sz
+                        end,
+                    state_setopts(P, D#{SocketOpt => Size}, State, Opts);
+                ok when SocketOpt =:= {socket,rcvbuf} ->
+                    state_setopts_socket_rcvbuf(
+                      P, D, State, Opts, Socket, Val);
+                ok ->
+                    state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+                {error, _} = Error ->
+                    {Error, D}
+            end
+    end.
+%% Mimic inet_drv.c for SOCK_STREAM:
+%% when setting 'recbuf', if 'buffer' hasn't been set;
+%% set 'buffer' to the same size
+state_setopts_socket_rcvbuf(P, D, State, Opts, Socket, Val) ->
+    SocketOpt = {otp,rcvbuf},
+    case D of
+        #{SocketOpt := _} ->
+            case socket_setopt(Socket, SocketOpt, Val) of
+                ok ->
+                    state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+                {error, _} = Error ->
+                    {Error, D}
+            end;
+        #{} ->
+            state_setopts(P, D, State, Opts)
+    end.
+%% Options in the server process D variable
 state_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Value) ->
     case Tag of
         active ->

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