File 3047-Implement-exit_on_close.patch of Package erlang
From 5d131574a639d9c336d65a3c1613fd075713f4d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raimo Niskanen <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 19:08:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/22] Implement exit_on_close
lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl | 569 +++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 292 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
index 60546e36f2..36f3b7993b 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/gen_tcp_socket.erl
@@ -744,6 +744,8 @@ info(?MODULE_socket(Server, _Socket)) ->
case call(Server, {info, inet:stats()}) of
{error, closed} ->
+ {error, einval} ->
Other ->
@@ -834,28 +836,35 @@ fdopen(Fd, Opts) when is_integer(Fd), 0 =< Fd, is_list(Opts) ->
%%% Socket glue code
--compile({inline, [socket_send/3]}).
+-compile({inline, [socket_send/3, socket_send_error/1]}).
socket_send(Socket, Data, Timeout) ->
Result = socket:send(Socket, Data, [], Timeout),
case Result of
- %% Translate 'epipe' to 'econnreset'
- {error, {epipe, RestData}} when is_binary(RestData) ->
- {error, {econnreset, RestData}};
- {error, epipe} ->
- {error, econnreset};
- #{info := Reason} = _EEI ->
+ {error, {Reason, RestData}} when is_binary(RestData) ->
+ {error, NewReason} = socket_send_error({error, Reason}),
+ {error, {NewReason, RestData}};
+ {error, _} ->
+ socket_send_error(Result);
+ _ ->
+ Result
+ end.
+socket_send_error(Result) ->
+ case Result of
+ {error, epipe} -> {error, econnreset};
+ {error, Reason} when is_atom(Reason) -> Result;
+ {error, #{info := Reason}} ->
case Reason of
netname_deleted ->
{error, econnreset};
too_many_cmds ->
{error, closed};
_ ->
- {error, Reason}
- end;
- _ ->
- Result
+ Result
+ end
-compile({inline, [socket_recv/2]}).
socket_recv(Socket, Length) ->
Result = socket:recv(Socket, Length, [], nowait),
@@ -1433,7 +1442,7 @@ callback_mode() -> handle_event_function.
{ref :: reference(),
- call :: info | {getstat, list()},
+ call :: {info | getstat, [inet:stat_option()]},
state :: term()}).
%% 'connect' % A listen socket stays here
@@ -1704,7 +1713,7 @@ handle_event(
owner => Owner,
active => Active};
getstat ->
- GetstatCounters
+ {ok, GetstatCounters}
{next_state, NewState, P_D,
[{reply, From, Reply}]};
@@ -1756,7 +1765,7 @@ handle_event(
handle_event({call, From}, {getopts, Opts}, State, {P, D}) ->
%% ?DBG([{opts, Opts}, {state, State}, {d, D}]),
- Result = case state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) of
+ Result = case call_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) of
{ok, OptVals} ->
%% ?DBG([{opt_vals, OptVals}]),
{ok, externalize_getopts(OptVals)};
@@ -1767,7 +1776,7 @@ handle_event({call, From}, {getopts, Opts}, State, {P, D}) ->
[{reply, From, Result}]};
-handle_event({call, From}, {setopts, Opts}, State, {P_0, D_0}) ->
+handle_event({call, From}, {setopts, Opts}, State, {P, D_0}) ->
%% To produce less garbage - work on a diminished D map
%% and last merge all changes, also to see when there are
%% metadata changes and only update metadata if so
@@ -1776,29 +1785,23 @@ handle_event({call, From}, {setopts, Opts}, State, {P_0, D_0}) ->
%% affects the option handling
MinKeys = [active, recv_httph],
- HandleEventResult =
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P_0, maps:with(MinKeys, D_0)),
- %% Extract the resulting D map
- case HandleEventResult of
- {next_state, _, {P, D_1}, _} -> ok;
- {stop_and_reply, _, _, {P, D_1}} -> ok
- end,
+ {Result, D_1, ActionsR} =
+ call_setopts(P, maps:with(MinKeys, D_0), State, Opts),
%% Merge the changes
D = maps:merge(maps:without(MinKeys, D_0), D_1),
is_map_keys(meta_opts(), D_1) andalso
begin % Metadata option change - update by overwrite
ok = socket:setopt(P#params.socket, {otp,meta}, meta(D))
- %% Replace the D map in HandleEventResult
- case HandleEventResult of
- {next_state, NextState, _, Actions} ->
- {next_state, NextState, {P, D}, Actions};
- {stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies, _} ->
- {stop_and_reply, Reason, Replies, {P, D}}
- end;
+ handle_active(P, D, State, reverse(ActionsR, [{reply, From, Result}]));
-handle_event({call, From}, {setopt_active, Active}, State, {P, D}) ->
- handle_setopts_active(From, [], State, P, D, Active);
+handle_event({call, From}, {setopt_active, Active}, State, {P, D_0}) ->
+ %% The Active option doesn't affect any metadata option,
+ %% and will only cause one D map update, so there is no need
+ %% for the diminished D map dance above
+ %%
+ {Result, D, ActionsR} = call_setopts_active(P, D_0, State, [], Active),
+ handle_active(P, D, State, reverse(ActionsR, [{reply, From, Result}]));
handle_event({call, From}, {close, Caller}, State, {P, D}) ->
handle_close(P, D, State, Caller, [{reply, From, ok}]);
@@ -1810,7 +1813,7 @@ handle_event(internal, exit, 'closed', _P_D) ->
%% corresponds to driver_exit() in inet_drv
{stop, {shutdown, closed}};
handle_event(Type, Content, 'closed' = State, P_D) ->
- handle_unexpected(Type, Content, State, P_D);
+ handle_closed(Type, Content, State, P_D);
%% State: 'closed'
%% -------
@@ -1819,20 +1822,8 @@ handle_event({call, From}, {send_error, Reason}, State, {P, D}) ->
%% -------
%% State: 'closed_read'
-handle_event(Type, Content, 'closed_read' = State, {P, _D}) ->
- case Type of
- {call, From} ->
- {keep_state_and_data,
- [{reply, From, {error, closed}}]};
- _ ->
- warning_msg("Received unexpected event:"
- "~n Socket: ~p"
- "~n State: ~p"
- "~n Event Type: ~p"
- "~n Content: ~p",
- [P#params.socket, State, Type, Content]),
- keep_state_and_data
- end;
+handle_event(Type, Content, 'closed_read' = State, P_D) ->
+ handle_closed(Type, Content, State, P_D);
%% State: 'closed_read'
%% -------
@@ -2029,6 +2020,21 @@ completion_status_reason(Reason) ->
_ -> Reason
+handle_closed(Type, Content, State, {P, _D}) ->
+ case Type of
+ {call, From} ->
+ {keep_state_and_data,
+ [{reply, From, {error, closed}}]};
+ _ ->
+ warning_msg("Received unexpected event:"
+ "~n Socket: ~p"
+ "~n State: ~p"
+ "~n Event Type: ~p"
+ "~n Content: ~p",
+ [P#params.socket, State, Type, Content]),
+ keep_state_and_data
+ end.
handle_unexpected(Type, Content, State, {P, _D}) ->
warning_msg("Received unexpected event:"
"~n Socket: ~p"
@@ -2403,45 +2409,53 @@ handle_recv_error(
handle_recv_error_reply(P, D_1, ActionsR, Reason, 'connected');
true ->
+ ShowReason =
+ if
+ Reason =:= econnreset;
+ Reason =:= econnaborted ->
+ case maps:get(show_econnreset, D) of
+ true -> econnreset;
+ false -> closed
+ end;
+ true ->
+ Reason
+ end,
case Active of
false ->
- case maps:get(exit_on_close, D) of
- true ->
- socket_close(P#params.socket),
- handle_recv_error_reply(
- P, D, ActionsR, Reason, 'closed');
- false ->
- handle_recv_error_reply(
- P, D, ActionsR, Reason, 'closed_read')
- end;
+ handle_recv_error_reply(
+ P, D, ActionsR, ShowReason, 'closed_read');
_ ->
- Reason =/= closed andalso
+ ShowReason =/= closed andalso
- Owner ! {tcp_error, ModuleSocket, Reason}
+ Owner ! {tcp_error, ModuleSocket, ShowReason}
Caller =/= Owner andalso
Owner ! {tcp_closed, ModuleSocket}
D_1 = D#{active := false, tcp_closed := true},
- case maps:get(exit_on_close, D) of
- true ->
- socket_close(P#params.socket),
- handle_recv_error_reply(
- P, D_1,
- [{next_event, internal, exit} | ActionsR],
- Reason, 'closed');
- false ->
- handle_recv_error_reply(
- P, D_1, ActionsR, Reason, 'closed_read')
- end
+ handle_recv_error_reply(
+ P, D_1, ActionsR, ShowReason, 'closed_read')
-handle_recv_error_reply(P, D, ActionsR, Reason, NextState) ->
+handle_recv_error_reply(P, D, ActionsR_0, Reason, NextState_0) ->
%% Create state machine actions; reply and cancel timeout
+ case
+ (NextState_0 =:= 'closed_read')
+ andalso
+ maps:get(exit_on_close, D)
+ of
+ true ->
+ socket_close(P#params.socket),
+ ActionsR = [{next_event, internal, exit} | ActionsR_0],
+ NextState = 'closed';
+ false ->
+ ActionsR = ActionsR_0,
+ NextState = NextState_0
+ end,
case D of
#{recv_from := From} ->
{next_state, NextState, {P, recv_stop(D)},
@@ -2455,14 +2469,15 @@ handle_recv_error_reply(P, D, ActionsR, Reason, NextState) ->
handle_send_error(#params{socket = Socket} = P, D, State, From, Reason) ->
ReplyReason =
- (Reason =:= econnreset) andalso maps:get(show_econnreset, D)
+ (Reason =:= econnreset orelse
+ Reason =:= econnaborted) andalso maps:get(show_econnreset, D)
true ->
- Reason;
+ econnreset;
false ->
- Reply = {reply, From, ReplyReason},
+ Reply = {reply, From, {error, ReplyReason}},
case State of
#recv{info = Info} ->
socket_cancel(Socket, Info),
@@ -2483,204 +2498,13 @@ handle_send_error(#params{socket = Socket} = P, D, State, From, Reason) ->
-%% -------
-%% {call, From}, {setopts, Opts}
-handle_setopts_result(From, Result_0, State, P, D) ->
- Result =
- case Result_0 of
- {error, enoprotoopt} ->
- %% If we get this error, the options is not valid for
- %% this (tcp) protocol.
- {error, einval};
- {error, {invalid, _}} ->
- %% If we get this error, the options where crap.
- {error, einval};
- {error, einval} ->
- %% If we get this error, either the options where crap or
- %% the socket is in a "bad state" (maybe it's closed).
- %% So, if that is the case we accept that we may not be
- %% able to update the meta data.
- Result_0;
- {error, _} ->
- %% We should really handle this better. stop_and_reply?
- Result_0;
- ok ->
- ok
- end,
+handle_active(P, D, State, ActionsR) ->
case State of
'connected' ->
- handle_connected(P, D, [{reply, From, Result}]);
- _ ->
- {next_state, State, {P, D}, [{reply, From, Result}]}
- end.
-handle_setopts(From, [], State, P, D) ->
- handle_setopts_result(From, ok, State, P, D);
-handle_setopts(From, [{Tag, Val} | Opts], State, P, D) ->
- case socket_opts() of
- #{Tag := SocketOpt} ->
- handle_setopts_socket(From, Opts, State, P, D, SocketOpt, Val);
- #{} ->
- case maps:is_key(Tag, server_write_opts()) of
- %% server options for socket send hence
- %% duplicated in {opt,meta}
- %%
- true when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server write when state closed'),
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, {error, einval}, State, P, D);
- true ->
- %% ?DBG('server write side'),
- handle_setopts_server(
- From, Opts, State, P, D, Tag, Val);
- false ->
- case maps:is_key(Tag, server_read_opts()) of
- %% server options for receive
- %%
- true
- when State =:= 'closed' ->
- %% ?DBG('server read when state closed*'),
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, {error, einval}, State, P, D);
- true ->
- %% ?DBG('server read side'),
- handle_setopts_server(
- From, Opts, State, P, D, Tag, Val);
- false ->
- %% ignored and invalid options
- %%
- case ignore_optname(Tag) of
- true ->
- %% ?DBG(ignore),
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D);
- false ->
- %% ?DBG({extra, Tag}),
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, {error, einval}, State, P, D)
- end
- end
- end
- end.
-%% Options for the 'socket' module
-handle_setopts_socket(From, Opts, State, P, D, SocketOpt, Val) ->
- case P#params.socket of
- undefined ->
- handle_setopts_result(From, {error, closed}, State, P, D);
- Socket ->
- case socket_setopt(Socket, SocketOpt, Val) of
- ok when SocketOpt =:= {otp,rcvbuf} ->
- Size =
- case Val of
- {Count, Sz} -> Count * Sz;
- Sz when is_integer(Sz) -> Sz
- end,
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D#{SocketOpt => Size});
- ok when SocketOpt =:= {socket,rcvbuf} ->
- %% Mimic inet_drv.c for SOCK_STREAM:
- %% when setting 'recbuf', if 'buffer' hasn't been set;
- %% set 'buffer' to the same size
- %%
- OtpOpt = {otp,rcvbuf},
- case D of
- #{OtpOpt := _} ->
- case socket_setopt(Socket, OtpOpt, Val) of
- ok ->
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D);
- {error, _} = Error ->
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, Error, State, P, D)
- end;
- #{} ->
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D)
- end;
- ok ->
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D);
- {error, _} = Error ->
- handle_setopts_result(From, Error, State, P, D)
- end
- end.
-%% Options in the server process D variable
-handle_setopts_server(From, Opts, State, P, D, Tag, Val) ->
- case Tag of
- packet ->
- case is_packet_option_value(Val) of
- true ->
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P,
- maps:remove(recv_httph, D#{packet => Val}));
- false ->
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, {error, einval}, State, P, D)
- end;
- active ->
- handle_setopts_active(From, Opts, State, P, D, Val);
+ handle_connected(P, D, reverse(ActionsR));
_ ->
- %% ?DBG([{tag, Tag}, {value, Value}]),
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D#{Tag => Val})
- end.
-handle_setopts_active(From, Opts, State, P, D, Active)
- when State =:= 'closed_read';
- State =:= 'closed' ->
- if
- Active =:= false ->
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D);
- true -> % not false; socket is active
- case D of
- #{tcp_closed := true} ->
- %% tcp_closed already sent
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D);
- #{tcp_closed := false} ->
- P#params.owner ! {tcp_closed, module_socket(P)},
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D#{tcp_closed := true})
- end
- end;
-handle_setopts_active(From, Opts, State, P, D, Active) ->
- %% ?DBG([{active, Active}]),
- if
- Active =:= once;
- Active =:= true ->
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D#{active := Active});
- Active =:= false ->
- OldActive = maps:get(active, D),
- is_integer(OldActive) andalso
- begin
- P#params.owner ! {tcp_passive, module_socket(P)}
- end,
- handle_setopts(From, Opts, State, P, D#{active := Active});
- is_integer(Active), -32768 =< Active, Active =< 32767 ->
- OldActive = maps:get(active, D),
- N =
- if
- is_integer(OldActive) -> OldActive + Active;
- true -> Active
- end,
- if
- 32767 < N ->
- handle_setopts_result(
- From, {error, einval}, State, P, D);
- N =< 0 ->
- P#params.owner ! {tcp_passive, module_socket(P)},
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D#{active := false});
- true ->
- handle_setopts(
- From, Opts, State, P, D#{active := N})
- end;
- true ->
- handle_setopts_result(From, {error, einval}, State, P, D)
+ {next_state, State, {P, D}, reverse(ActionsR)}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2703,7 +2527,7 @@ recv_data_deliver(
%% ?DBG([{owner, Owner},
%% {mode, Mode},
- %% {header, Header}, {deliver, Deliver}, {packet, Packet}]),
+ %% {header, Header}, {deliver, Deliver}, {packet, Packet}]),
DeliverData = deliver_data(Data, Mode, Header, Packet),
case D of
#{recv_from := From} -> % Explicit recv/2 call
@@ -2837,6 +2661,189 @@ tag(Packet) ->
+%% -------
+%% {call, From}, {setopts, Opts}
+%% -> {Result, D, ActionsR}
+call_setopts_result(Result_0, D) ->
+ call_setopts_result(Result_0, D, []).
+call_setopts_result(Result_0, D, ActionsR) ->
+ Result =
+ case Result_0 of
+ {error, enoprotoopt} ->
+ %% If we get this error, the options is not valid for
+ %% this (tcp) protocol.
+ {error, einval};
+ {error, {invalid, _}} ->
+ %% If we get this error, the options where crap.
+ {error, einval};
+ {error, einval} ->
+ %% If we get this error, either the options where crap or
+ %% the socket is in a "bad state" (maybe it's closed).
+ %% So, if that is the case we accept that we may not be
+ %% able to update the meta data.
+ Result_0;
+ {error, _} ->
+ %% We should really handle this better. stop_and_reply?
+ Result_0;
+ ok ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {Result, D, ActionsR}.
+call_setopts(_P, D, _State, []) ->
+ call_setopts_result(ok, D);
+call_setopts(P, D, State, [{Tag, Val} | Opts]) ->
+ case socket_opts() of
+ #{Tag := SocketOpt} ->
+ call_setopts_socket(P, D, State, Opts, SocketOpt, Val);
+ #{} ->
+ case maps:is_key(Tag, server_write_opts()) of
+ %% server options for socket send hence
+ %% duplicated in {opt,meta}
+ %%
+ true when State =:= 'closed' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write when state closed'),
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D);
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server write side'),
+ call_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Val);
+ false ->
+ case maps:is_key(Tag, server_read_opts()) of
+ %% server options for receive
+ %%
+ true
+ when State =:= 'closed' ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read when state closed*'),
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D);
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG('server read side'),
+ call_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Val);
+ false ->
+ %% ignored and invalid options
+ %%
+ case ignore_optname(Tag) of
+ true ->
+ %% ?DBG(ignore),
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+ false ->
+ %% ?DBG({extra, Tag}),
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+%% Options for the 'socket' module
+call_setopts_socket(P, D, State, Opts, SocketOpt, Val) ->
+ case P#params.socket of
+ undefined ->
+ call_setopts_result({error, closed}, D);
+ Socket ->
+ case socket_setopt(Socket, SocketOpt, Val) of
+ ok when SocketOpt =:= {otp,rcvbuf} ->
+ Size =
+ case Val of
+ {Count, Sz} -> Count * Sz;
+ Sz when is_integer(Sz) -> Sz
+ end,
+ call_setopts(P, D#{SocketOpt => Size}, State, Opts);
+ ok when SocketOpt =:= {socket,rcvbuf} ->
+ %% Mimic inet_drv.c for SOCK_STREAM:
+ %% when setting 'recbuf', if 'buffer' hasn't been set;
+ %% set 'buffer' to the same size
+ %%
+ OtpOpt = {otp,rcvbuf},
+ case D of
+ #{OtpOpt := _} ->
+ case socket_setopt(Socket, OtpOpt, Val) of
+ ok ->
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ call_setopts_result(Error, D)
+ end;
+ #{} ->
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts)
+ end;
+ ok ->
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ call_setopts_result(Error, D)
+ end
+ end.
+%% Options in the server process D variable
+call_setopts_server(P, D, State, Opts, Tag, Val) ->
+ case Tag of
+ packet ->
+ case is_packet_option_value(Val) of
+ true ->
+ call_setopts(
+ P, maps:remove(recv_httph, D#{packet => Val}),
+ State, Opts);
+ false ->
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D)
+ end;
+ active ->
+ call_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, Val);
+ _ ->
+ %% ?DBG([{tag, Tag}, {value, Value}]),
+ call_setopts(P, D#{Tag => Val}, State, Opts)
+ end.
+call_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, _Active)
+ when State =:= 'closed_read' ->
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+call_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, Active)
+ when State =:= 'closed' ->
+ if
+ Active =:= false ->
+ call_setopts(P, D, State, Opts);
+ true -> % not false; socket is active
+ P#params.owner ! {tcp_closed, module_socket(P)},
+ socket_close(P#params.socket),
+ {ok, D, [{next_event, internal, exit}]}
+ end;
+call_setopts_active(P, D, State, Opts, Active) ->
+ %% ?DBG([{active, Active}]),
+ if
+ Active =:= once;
+ Active =:= true ->
+ call_setopts(P, D#{active := Active}, State, Opts);
+ Active =:= false ->
+ OldActive = maps:get(active, D),
+ is_integer(OldActive) andalso
+ begin
+ P#params.owner ! {tcp_passive, module_socket(P)}
+ end,
+ call_setopts(P, D#{active := Active}, State, Opts);
+ is_integer(Active), -32768 =< Active, Active =< 32767 ->
+ OldActive = maps:get(active, D),
+ N =
+ if
+ is_integer(OldActive) -> OldActive + Active;
+ true -> Active
+ end,
+ if
+ 32767 < N ->
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D);
+ N =< 0 ->
+ P#params.owner ! {tcp_passive, module_socket(P)},
+ call_setopts(P, D#{active := false}, State, Opts);
+ true ->
+ call_setopts(P, D#{active := N}, State, Opts)
+ end;
+ true ->
+ call_setopts_result({error, einval}, D)
+ end.
%% -------
%% Exported socket option translation
@@ -2873,13 +2880,15 @@ socket_setopts(Socket, [{Tag,Val} | Opts], SocketOpts) ->
%% -------
%% getopts in server
+%% {call, From}, {getopts, Opts}
%% -> {ok, [Options]} | {error, einval}
-state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) ->
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Opts, []).
-state_getopts(_P, _D, _State, [], Acc) ->
+call_getopts(P, D, State, Opts) ->
+ call_getopts(P, D, State, Opts, []).
+call_getopts(_P, _D, _State, [], Acc) ->
{ok, reverse(Acc)};
-state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
+call_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
%% ?DBG([{tag, Tag}]),
SocketOpts = socket_opts(),
{Key, Val} =
@@ -2902,13 +2911,13 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
{ok, Value} ->
%% ?DBG({'socket getopt', ok, Value}),
- state_getopts(
+ call_getopts(
P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
{error, einval} = ERROR ->
{error, _Reason} ->
%% ?DBG([{reason, _Reason}]),
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc)
+ call_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc)
false ->
@@ -2922,7 +2931,7 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
true ->
%% ?DBG('server write'),
Value = maps:get(Key, D),
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
+ call_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
false ->
case maps:is_key(Key, server_read_opts()) of
%% server options for receive
@@ -2934,7 +2943,7 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
true ->
%% ?DBG('server read'),
Value = maps:get(Key, D),
- state_getopts(
+ call_getopts(
P, D, State, Tags, [{Key, Value} | Acc]);
false ->
%% ignored and invalid options
@@ -2942,7 +2951,7 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
case ignore_optname(Key) of
true ->
%% ?DBG({ignore, Tag}),
- state_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc);
+ call_getopts(P, D, State, Tags, Acc);
false ->
%% ?DBG({extra, Tag}),
{error, einval}
@@ -2953,6 +2962,8 @@ state_getopts(P, D, State, [Tag | Tags], Acc) ->
%% -------
+%% {call, From}, {info|getstat, What}
counter_keys(What) ->
@@ -3035,6 +3046,10 @@ counter_value(W, C) ->
(W bsl ?COUNTER_BITS) + C.
+%% -------
+%% General helpers
-compile({inline, [reverse/1]}).
reverse([]) -> [];
reverse([_] = L) -> L;