File otp_src_26.2.5.3-lib-stdlib-json-doc.patch of Package erlang

diff -Ndurp otp_src_26.2.5.3/lib/stdlib/src/json.erl otp_src_26.2.5.3-lib-stdlib-json-doc/lib/stdlib/src/json.erl
--- otp_src_26.2.5.3/lib/stdlib/src/json.erl	2024-09-23 18:38:26.165478222 +0300
+++ otp_src_26.2.5.3-lib-stdlib-json-doc/lib/stdlib/src/json.erl	2024-09-23 18:42:36.732157291 +0300
@@ -19,16 +19,6 @@
 %% % @format
--moduledoc """
-A library for encoding and decoding JSON.
-This module implements [EEP68](
-Both encoder and decoder fully conform to
-[RFC 8259]( and
-[ECMA 404](
-standards. The decoder is tested using [JSONTestSuite](
@@ -97,9 +87,6 @@ standards. The decoder is tested using [
 -type encoder() :: fun((dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata()).
--doc """
-Simple JSON value encodeable with `json:encode/1`.
 -type encode_value() ::
     | float()
@@ -112,72 +99,14 @@ Simple JSON value encodeable with `json:
 -type encode_map(Value) :: #{binary() | atom() | integer() => Value}.
--doc """
-Generates JSON corresponding to `Term`.
-Supports basic data mapping:
-| **Erlang**             | **JSON** |
-| `integer() \| float()` | Number   |
-| `true \| false `       | Boolean  |
-| `null`                 | Null     |
-| `binary()`             | String   |
-| `atom()`               | String   |
-| `list()`               | Array    |
-| `#{binary() => _}`     | Object   |
-| `#{atom() => _}`       | Object   |
-| `#{integer() => _}`    | Object   |
-This is equivalent to `encode(Term, fun json:encode_value/2)`.
-## Examples
-> iolist_to_binary(json:encode(#{foo => <<"bar">>})).
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode(encode_value()) -> iodata().
 encode(Term) -> encode(Term, fun do_encode/2).
--doc """
-Generates JSON corresponding to `Term`.
-Can be customised with the `Encoder` callback.
-The callback will be recursively called for all the data
-to be encoded and is expected to return the corresponding
-encoded JSON as iodata.
-Various `encode_*` functions in this module can be used
-to help in constructing such callbacks.
-## Examples
-An encoder that uses a heuristic to differentiate object-like
-lists of key-value pairs from plain lists:
-> encoder([{_, _} | _] = Value, Encode) -> json:encode_key_value_list(Value, Encode);
-> encoder(Other, Encode) -> json:encode_value(Other, Encode).
-> custom_encode(Value) -> json:encode(Value, fun(Value, Encode) -> encoder(Value, Encode) end).
-> iolist_to_binary(custom_encode([{a, []}, {b, 1}])).
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode(dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode(Term, Encoder) when is_function(Encoder, 2) ->
     Encoder(Term, Encoder).
--doc """
-Default encoder used by `json:encode/1`.
-Recursively calls `Encode` on all the values in `Value`.
 -spec encode_value(dynamic(), encoder()) -> iodata().
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 encode_value(Value, Encode) ->
     do_encode(Value, Encode).
@@ -197,39 +126,18 @@ do_encode(Value, Encode) when is_map(Val
 do_encode(Other, _Encode) ->
     error({unsupported_type, Other}).
--doc """
-Default encoder for atoms used by `json:encode/1`.
-Encodes the atom `null` as JSON `null`,
-atoms `true` and `false` as JSON booleans,
-and everything else as JSON strings calling the `Encode`
-callback with the corresponding binary.
 -spec encode_atom(atom(), encoder()) -> iodata().
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 encode_atom(null, _Encode) -> <<"null">>;
 encode_atom(true, _Encode) -> <<"true">>;
 encode_atom(false, _Encode) -> <<"false">>;
 encode_atom(Other, Encode) -> Encode(atom_to_binary(Other, utf8), Encode).
--doc """
-Default encoder for integers as JSON numbers used by `json:encode/1`.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_integer(integer()) -> iodata().
 encode_integer(Integer) -> integer_to_binary(Integer).
--doc """
-Default encoder for floats as JSON numbers used by `json:encode/1`.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_float(float()) -> iodata().
 encode_float(Float) -> float_to_binary(Float, [short]).
--doc """
-Default encoder for lists as JSON arrays used by `json:encode/1`.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_list(list(), encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode_list(List, Encode) when is_list(List) ->
     do_encode_list(List, Encode).
@@ -242,12 +150,6 @@ do_encode_list([First | Rest], Encode) w
 list_loop([], _Encode) -> "]";
 list_loop([Elem | Rest], Encode) -> [$,, Encode(Elem, Encode) | list_loop(Rest, Encode)].
--doc """
-Default encoder for maps as JSON objects used by `json:encode/1`.
-Accepts maps with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_map(encode_map(dynamic()), encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode_map(Map, Encode) when is_map(Map) ->
     do_encode_map(Map, Encode).
@@ -255,44 +157,14 @@ encode_map(Map, Encode) when is_map(Map)
 do_encode_map(Map, Encode) when is_function(Encode, 2) ->
     encode_object([[$,, key(Key, Encode), $: | Encode(Value, Encode)] || Key := Value <- Map]).
--doc """
-Encoder for maps as JSON objects.
-Accepts maps with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.
-Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the
-resulting JSON object.
-## Errors
-Raises `error({duplicate_key, Key})` if there are duplicates.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_map_checked(map(), encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode_map_checked(Map, Encode) ->
     do_encode_checked(maps:to_list(Map), Encode).
--doc """
-Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.
-Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_key_value_list([{term(), term()}], encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode_key_value_list(List, Encode) when is_function(Encode, 2) ->
     encode_object([[$,, key(Key, Encode), $: | Encode(Value, Encode)] || {Key, Value} <- List]).
--doc """
-Encoder for lists of key-value pairs as JSON objects.
-Accepts lists with atom, binary, integer, or float keys.
-Verifies that no duplicate keys will be produced in the
-resulting JSON object.
-## Errors
-Raises `error({duplicate_key, Key})` if there are duplicates.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_key_value_list_checked([{term(), term()}], encoder()) -> iodata().
 encode_key_value_list_checked(List, Encode) ->
     do_encode_checked(List, Encode).
@@ -324,30 +196,10 @@ key(Key, _Encode) when is_float(Key) ->
 encode_object([]) -> <<"{}">>;
 encode_object([[_Comma | Entry] | Rest]) -> ["{", Entry, Rest, "}"].
--doc """
-Default encoder for binaries as JSON strings used by `json:encode/1`.
-## Errors
-* `error(unexpected_end)` if the binary contains incomplete UTF-8 sequences.
-* `error({invalid_byte, Byte})` if the binary contains invalid UTF-8 sequences.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_binary(binary()) -> iodata().
 encode_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
--doc """
-Encoder for binaries as JSON strings producing pure-ASCII JSON.
-For any non-ASCII unicode character, a corresponding `\\uXXXX` sequence is used.
-## Errors
-* `error(unexpected_end)` if the binary contains incomplete UTF-8 sequences.
-* `error({invalid_byte, Byte})` if the binary contains invalid UTF-8 sequences.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec encode_binary_escape_all(binary()) -> iodata().
 encode_binary_escape_all(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
@@ -546,34 +398,11 @@ error_info(Skip) ->
 -type formatter() :: fun((Term :: dynamic(), Encoder :: formatter(), State :: map()) -> iodata()).
--doc """
-Generates formatted JSON corresponding to `Term`.
-Similiar to `encode/1` but with added whitespaces for formatting.
-> io:put_chars(json:format(#{foo => <<"bar">>, baz => 52})).
-  "baz": 52,
-  "foo": "bar"
--doc(#{since => ~"OTP @OTP-19112@"}).
 -spec format(Term :: encode_value()) -> iodata().
 format(Term) ->
     Enc = fun format_value/3,
     format(Term, Enc, #{}).
--doc """
-Generates formatted JSON corresponding to `Term`.
-Equivalent to `format(Term, fun json:format_value/3, Options)` or `format(Term, Encoder, #{})`
--doc(#{since => ~"OTP @OTP-19112@"}).
 -spec format(Term :: encode_value(), Opts :: map()) -> iodata();
             (Term :: dynamic(), Encoder::formatter()) -> iodata().
 format(Term, Options) when is_map(Options) ->
@@ -582,40 +411,6 @@ format(Term, Options) when is_map(Option
 format(Term, Encoder) when is_function(Encoder, 3) ->
     format(Term, Encoder, #{}).
--doc """
-Generates formatted JSON corresponding to `Term`.
-Similar to `encode/2`, can be customised with the `Encoder` callback and `Options`.
-`Options` can include 'indent' to specify number of spaces per level and 'max' which loosely limits
-the width of lists.
-The `Encoder` will get a 'State' argument which contains the 'Options' maps merged with other data
-when recursing through 'Term'.
-`format_value/3` or various `encode_*` functions in this module can be used
-to help in constructing such callbacks.
-> formatter({posix_time, SysTimeSecs}, Encode, State) ->
-    TimeStr = calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(SysTimeSecs, [{offset, "Z"}]),
-    json:format_value(unicode:characters_to_binary(TimeStr), Encode, State);
-> formatter(Other, Encode, State) -> json:format_value(Other, Encode, State).
-> Fun = fun(Value, Encode, State) -> formatter(Value, Encode, State) end.
-> Options = #{indent => 4}.
-> Term = #{id => 1, time => {posix_time, erlang:system_time(seconds)}}.
-> io:put_chars(json:format(Term, Fun, Options)).
-    "id": 1,
-    "time": "2024-05-23T16:07:48Z"
--doc(#{since => ~"OTP @OTP-19112@"}).
 -spec format(Term :: dynamic(), Encoder::formatter(), Options :: map()) -> iodata().
 format(Term, Encoder, Options) when is_function(Encoder, 3) ->
     Def = #{level => 0,
@@ -625,14 +420,6 @@ format(Term, Encoder, Options) when is_f
     [Encoder(Term, Encoder, maps:merge(Def, Options)),$\n].
--doc """
-Default format function used by `json:format/1`.
-Recursively calls `Encode` on all the values in `Value`,
-and indents objects and lists.
--doc(#{since => ~"OTP @OTP-19112@"}).
 -spec format_value(Value::dynamic(), Encode::formatter(), State::map()) -> iodata().
 format_value(Atom, UserEnc, State) when is_atom(Atom) ->
     json:encode_atom(Atom, fun(Value, Enc) ->  UserEnc(Value, Enc, State) end);
@@ -724,17 +511,17 @@ indent(#{level := Level, indent := Inden
     Steps = Level * Indent,
     {Steps, steps(Steps)}.
-steps(0)  -> ~"\n";
-steps(2)  -> ~"\n  ";
-steps(4)  -> ~"\n    ";
-steps(6)  -> ~"\n      ";
-steps(8)  -> ~"\n        ";
-steps(10) -> ~"\n          ";
-steps(12) -> ~"\n            ";
-steps(14) -> ~"\n              ";
-steps(16) -> ~"\n                ";
-steps(18) -> ~"\n                  ";
-steps(20) -> ~"\n                    ";
+steps(0)  -> <<"\n">>;
+steps(2)  -> <<"\n  ">>;
+steps(4)  -> <<"\n    ">>;
+steps(6)  -> <<"\n      ">>;
+steps(8)  -> <<"\n        ">>;
+steps(10) -> <<"\n          ">>;
+steps(12) -> <<"\n            ">>;
+steps(14) -> <<"\n              ">>;
+steps(16) -> <<"\n                ">>;
+steps(18) -> <<"\n                  ">>;
+steps(20) -> <<"\n                    ">>;
 steps(N) ->  ["\n", lists:duplicate(N, " ")].
@@ -793,33 +580,6 @@ steps(N) ->  ["\n", lists:duplicate(N, "
     | list(decode_value())
     | #{binary() => decode_value()}.
--doc """
-Parses a JSON value from `Binary`.
-Supports basic data mapping:
-| **JSON** | **Erlang**             |
-| Number   | `integer() \| float()` |
-| Boolean  | `true \| false`        |
-| Null     | `null`                 |
-| String   | `binary()`             |
-| Object   | `#{binary() => _}`     |
-## Errors
-* `error(unexpected_end)` if `Binary` contains incomplete JSON value
-* `error({invalid_byte, Byte})` if `Binary` contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byte
-* `error({invalid_sequence, Bytes})` if `Binary` contains invalid UTF-8 escape
-## Example
-> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>).
-#{<<"foo">> => 1}
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec decode(binary()) -> decode_value().
 decode(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
     case value(Binary, Binary, 0, ok, [], #decode{}) of
@@ -835,49 +595,6 @@ decode(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
--doc """
-Parses a JSON value from `Binary`.
-Similar to `decode/1` except the decoding process
-can be customized with the callbacks specified in
-`Decoders`. The callbacks will use the `Acc` value
-as the initial accumulator.
-Any leftover, unparsed data in `Binary` will be returned.
-## Default callbacks
-All callbacks are optional. If not provided, they will fall back to
-implementations used by the `decode/1` function:
-* for `array_start`: `fun(_) -> [] end`
-* for `array_push`: `fun(Elem, Acc) -> [Elem | Acc] end`
-* for `array_finish`: `fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), OldAcc} end`
-* for `object_start`: `fun(_) -> [] end`
-* for `object_push`: `fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{Key, Value} | Acc] end`
-* for `object_finish`: `fun(Acc, OldAcc) -> {maps:from_list(Acc), OldAcc} end`
-* for `float`: `fun erlang:binary_to_float/1`
-* for `integer`: `fun erlang:binary_to_integer/1`
-* for `string`: `fun (Value) -> Value end`
-* for `null`: the atom `null`
-## Errors
-* `error({invalid_byte, Byte})` if `Binary` contains unexpected byte or invalid UTF-8 byte
-* `error({invalid_sequence, Bytes})` if `Binary` contains invalid UTF-8 escape
-* `error(unexpected_end)` if `Binary` contains incomplete JSON value
-## Example
-Decoding object keys as atoms:
-> Push = fun(Key, Value, Acc) -> [{binary_to_existing_atom(Key), Value} | Acc] end.
-> json:decode(<<"{\"foo\": 1}">>, ok, #{object_push => Push}).
-{#{foo => 1},ok,<<>>}
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec decode(binary(), dynamic(), decoders()) ->
           {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()}.
 decode(Binary, Acc0, Decoders) when is_binary(Binary) ->
@@ -893,38 +610,12 @@ decode(Binary, Acc0, Decoders) when is_b
--doc """
-Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.
-Similar to `decode/3` but returns when a complete JSON value can be parsed or
-returns `{continue, State}` for incomplete data,
-the `State` can be fed to the `decode_continue/2` function when more data is available.
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec decode_start(binary(), dynamic(), decoders()) ->
           {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()} | {continue, continuation_state()}.
 decode_start(Binary, Acc, Decoders) when is_binary(Binary) ->
     Decode = maps:fold(fun parse_decoder/3, #decode{}, Decoders),
     value(Binary, Binary, 0, Acc, [], Decode).
--doc """
-Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.
-Similar to `decode_start/3`, if the function returns `{continue, State}` and
-there is no more data, use `end_of_input` instead of a binary.
-> {continue, State} = json:decode_start(<<"{\"foo\":">>, ok, #{}).
-> json:decode_continue(<<"1}">>, State).
-{#{foo => 1},ok,<<>>}
-> {continue, State} = json:decode_start(<<"123">>, ok, #{}).
-> json:decode_continue(end_of_input, State).
--doc(#{since => <<"OTP 27.0">>}).
 -spec decode_continue(binary() | end_of_input, Opaque::term()) ->
           {Result :: dynamic(), Acc :: dynamic(), binary()} | {continue, continuation_state()}.
 decode_continue(end_of_input, State) ->
diff -Ndurp otp_src_26.2.5.3/lib/stdlib/test/json_SUITE.erl otp_src_26.2.5.3-lib-stdlib-json-doc/lib/stdlib/test/json_SUITE.erl
--- otp_src_26.2.5.3/lib/stdlib/test/json_SUITE.erl	2024-09-23 18:38:26.165478222 +0300
+++ otp_src_26.2.5.3-lib-stdlib-json-doc/lib/stdlib/test/json_SUITE.erl	2024-09-23 18:49:25.927439618 +0300
@@ -311,143 +311,133 @@ format(Term) -> iolist_to_binary(json:fo
 format(Term, Arg) -> iolist_to_binary(json:format(Term, Arg)).
 test_format_list(_Config) ->
-    ?assertEqual(~"[]\n", format([])),
+    ?assertEqual(<<"[]\n">>, format([])),
-    List10 = ~'[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]\n',
+    List10 = <<"[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]\n">>,
     ?assertEqual(List10, format(lists:seq(1,10))),
-    ListWithLists = ~"""
-    [
-      [1,2],
-      [3,4]
-    ]
-    """,
+    ListWithLists = <<
+    "[\n"
+    "  [1,2],\n"
+    "  [3,4]\n"
+    "]\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(ListWithLists, format([[1,2],[3,4]])),
-    ListWithListWithList = ~"""
-    [
-      [
-        []
-      ],
-      [
-        [3,4]
-      ]
-    ]
-    """,
+    ListWithListWithList = <<
+    "[\n"
+    "  [\n"
+    "    []\n"
+    "  ],\n"
+    "  [\n"
+    "    [3,4]\n"
+    "  ]\n"
+    "]\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(ListWithListWithList, format([[[]],[[3,4]]])),
-    ListWithMap = ~"""
-    [
-      { "key": 1 }
-    ]
-    """,
+    ListWithMap = <<
+    "[\n"
+    "  { \"key\": 1 }\n"
+    "]\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(ListWithMap, format([#{key => 1}])),
-    ListList10 = ~"""
-    [
-        [1,2,3,4,5,
-            6,7,8,9,
-            10]
-    ]
-    """,
+    ListList10 = <<
+    "[\n"
+    "    [1,2,3,4,5,\n"
+    "        6,7,8,9,\n"
+    "        10]\n"
+    "]\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(ListList10, format([lists:seq(1,10)], #{indent => 4, max => 14})),
-    ListString = ~"""
-    [
-       "foo",
-       "bar",
-       "baz"
-    ]
-    """,
-    ?assertEqual(ListString, format([~"foo", ~"bar", ~"baz"], #{indent => 3})),
+    ListString = <<
+    "[\n"
+    "   \"foo\",\n"
+    "   \"bar\",\n"
+    "   \"baz\"\n"
+    "]\n"
+    >>,
+    ?assertEqual(ListString, format([<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"baz">>], #{indent => 3})),
 test_format_map(_Config) ->
-    ?assertEqual(~'{}\n', format(#{})),
-    ?assertEqual(~'{ "key": "val" }\n', format(#{key => val})),
-    MapSingleMap = ~"""
-    {
-      "key1": { "key3": "val3" },
-      "key2": 42
-    }
-    """,
+    ?assertEqual(<<"{}\n>>, format(#{})),
+    ?assertEqual(<<"{ \"key\": \"val\" }\n">>, format(#{key => val})),
+    MapSingleMap = <<
+    "{\n"
+    "  \"key1\": { \"key3\": \"val3\" },\n"
+    "  \"key2\": 42\n"
+    "}\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(MapSingleMap, format(#{key1 => #{key3 => val3}, key2 => 42})),
-    MapNestedMap = ~"""
-    {
-      "key1": {
-        "key3": true,
-        "key4": {
-          "deep1": 4711,
-          "deep2": "string"
-        }
-      },
-      "key2": 42
-    }
-    """,
+    MapNestedMap = <<
+    "{\n"
+    "  \"key1\": {\n"
+    "    \"key3\": true,\n"
+    "    \"key4\": {\n"
+    "      \"deep1\": 4711,\n"
+    "      \"deep2\": \"string\"\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  },\n"
+    "  \"key2\": 42\n"
+    "}\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(MapNestedMap, format(#{key1 => #{key3 => true,
-                                                  key4 => #{deep1 => 4711, deep2 => ~'string'}},
+                                                  key4 => #{deep1 => 4711, deep2 => <<"string">>}},
                                         key2 => 42})),
-    MapIntList =  ~"""
-    {
-      "key1": [1,2,3,4,5],
-      "key2": 42
-    }
-    """,
+    MapIntList = <<
+    "{\n"
+    "  \"key1\": [1,2,3,4,5],\n"
+    "  \"key2\": 42\n"
+    "}\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(MapIntList, format(#{key1 => lists:seq(1,5),
                                       key2 => 42})),
-    MapObjList =  ~"""
-    {
-      "key1": [
-        {
-          "key3": true,
-          "key4": [1,2,3,4,5]
-        },
-        {
-          "key3": true,
-          "key4": [1,2,3,4,5]
-        }
-      ],
-      "key2": 42
-    }
-    """,
+    MapObjList = <<
+    "{\n"
+    "  \"key1\": [\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      \"key3\": true,\n"
+    "      \"key4\": [1,2,3,4,5]\n"
+    "    },\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      \"key3\": true,\n"
+    "      \"key4\": [1,2,3,4,5]\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  ],\n"
+    "  \"key2\": 42\n"
+    "}\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(MapObjList, format(#{key1 =>
                                           [#{key3 => true, key4 => lists:seq(1,5)},
                                            #{key3 => true, key4 => lists:seq(1,5)}],
                                       key2 => 42})),
-    MapObjList2 =  ~"""
-    {
-     "key1": [
-      {
-       "key3": true,
-       "key4": [1,2,
-        3,4,5,6,7,8,
-        9,10]
-      },
-      {
-       "key3": true,
-       "key_longer_name": [
-        1,
-        2,
-        3
-       ]
-      }
-     ],
-     "key2": 42
-    }
-    """,
+    MapObjList2 = <<
+    "{\n"
+    " \"key1\": [\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "   \"key3\": true,\n"
+    "   \"key4\": [1,2,\n"
+    "    3,4,5,6,7,8,\n"
+    "    9,10]\n"
+    "  },\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "   \"key3\": true,\n"
+    "   \"key_longer_name\": [\n"
+    "    1,\n"
+    "    2,\n"
+    "    3\n"
+    "   ]\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    " ],\n"
+    " \"key2\": 42\n"
+    "}\n"
+    >>,
     ?assertEqual(MapObjList2, format(#{key1 =>
                                           [#{key3 => true, key4 => lists:seq(1,10)},
                                            #{key3 => true, key_longer_name => lists:seq(1,3)}],
@@ -460,9 +450,9 @@ test_format_map(_Config) ->
 -record(rec, {a,b,c}).
 test_format_fun(_Config) ->
-    All = #{types => [[], #{}, true, false, null, #{foo => ~"baz"}],
+    All = #{types => [[], #{}, true, false, null, #{foo => <<"baz">>}],
             numbers => [1, -10, 0.0, -0.0, 2.0, -2.0],
-            strings => [~"three", ~"åäö", ~"mixed_Ω"],
+            strings => [<<"three">>, <<"åäö"/utf8>>, <<"mixed_Ω"/utf8>>],
             user_data => #rec{a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}
     Formatter = fun(#rec{a=A, b=B, c=C}, _Fun, _State) ->
@@ -471,26 +461,25 @@ test_format_fun(_Config) ->
                    (Other, Fun, State) ->
                         json:format_value(Other, Fun, State)
-    Formatted = ~"""
-    {
-      "numbers": [1,-10,0.0,-0.0,2.0,-2.0],
-      "strings": [
-        "three",
-        "åäö",
-        "mixed_Ω"
-      ],
-      "types": [
-        [],
-        {},
-        true,
-        false,
-        null,
-        { "foo": "baz" }
-      ],
-      "user_data": {"type":"rec","a":1,"b":2,"c":3}
-    }
-    """,
+    Formatted = <<
+    "{\n"
+    "  \"numbers\": [1,-10,0.0,-0.0,2.0,-2.0],\n"
+    "  \"strings\": [\n"
+    "    \"three\",\n"
+    "    \"åäö\",\n"
+    "    \"mixed_Ω\"\n"
+    "  ],\n"
+    "  \"types\": [\n"
+    "    [],\n"
+    "    {},\n"
+    "    true,\n"
+    "    false,\n"
+    "    null,\n"
+    "    { \"foo\": \"baz\" }\n"
+    "  ],\n"
+    "  \"user_data\": {\"type\":\"rec\",\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}\n"
+    "}\n"
+    /utf8>>,
     ?assertEqual(Formatted, format(All, Formatter)),
@@ -756,19 +745,19 @@ set_history(Ty, Acc, Res) ->
 test_decode_api_stream(_Config) ->
-    Types = ~#{"types": [[], {}, true, false, null, {"foo": "baz"}],
-               "numbers": [1, -10, 0.0, -0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 31e2, 31e-2, 0.31e2, -0.31e2, 0.13e-2],
-               "strings": ["three", "åäö", "mixed_Ω"],
-               "escaped": ["\\n", "\\u2603", "\\ud834\\uDD1E", "\\n\xc3\xb1"]
-              }
-             #,
+    Types = <<"{\"types\": [[], {}, true, false, null, {\"foo\": \"baz\"}],
+               \"numbers\": [1, -10, 0.0, -0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 31e2, 31e-2, 0.31e2, -0.31e2, 0.13e-2],
+               \"strings\": [\"three\", \"åäö\", \"mixed_Ω\"],
+               \"escaped\": [\"\\n\", \"\\u2603\", \"\\ud834\\uDD1E\", \"\\n\xc3\xb1\"]
+               }
+              "/utf8>>,
     ok = stream_decode(Types),
-    {12345, ok, B1} = json:decode(ews(~# 12345 "foo" #), ok, #{}),
+    {12345, ok, B1} = json:decode(ews(<<" 12345 \"foo\" ">>), ok, #{}),
     <<" \s\t\r\n", _/binary>> = B1,
     {<<"foo">>, ok, <<>>} = json:decode(B1, ok, #{}),
-    Multiple = ~#12345 1.30 "String1" -0.31e2\n["an array"]12345\n#,
+    Multiple = <<"12345 1.30 \"String1\" -0.31e2\n[\"an array\"]12345\n">>,
     ok = multi_stream_decode(Multiple),
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