File python-pathspec.changes of Package python-pathspec

Tue Dec 12 13:14:15 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.12.1:
  * `Issue #84`_: PathSpec.match_file() returns None since
  * Major changes:
  * Dropped support of EOL Python 3.7. See `Pull #82`_.
  * API changes:
  * Signature of protected method
    `pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec._match_file()` (with a leading
    underscore) has been changed from `def _match_file(patterns:
    Iterable[Pattern], file: str) -> bool` to `def
    _match_file(patterns: Iterable[Tuple[int, Pattern]], file:
    str) -> Tuple[Optional[bool], Optional[int]]`.
  * Added `pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec.check_*()` methods. These
    methods behave similarly to `.match_*()` but return
    additional information in the `pathspec.util.CheckResult`
    objects (e.g., `CheckResult.index` indicates the index of the
    last pattern that matched the file).
  * Added `pathspec.pattern.RegexPattern.pattern` attribute which
    stores the original, uncompiled pattern.
  * Mark Python 3.12 as supported.
  * Improve test debugging.
  * Improve type hint on *on_error* parameter on
  * Improve type hint on *on_error* parameter on

Thu Sep  7 11:27:28 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.11.2:
  * `Issue #80`_: match_files with negated path spec.
    `pathspec.PathSpec.match_*()` now have a `negate` parameter
    to make using *.gitignore* logic easier and more efficient.
  * Add edge case: patterns that end with an escaped
  * Negate with caret symbol as with the exclamation mark.

Fri Apr 21 12:29:07 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)

Thu Apr 13 22:42:56 UTC 2023 - Matej Cepl <>

- Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.

Sun Mar 26 19:50:29 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.11.1:
  * `Issue #74`_: Include directory should override exclude file.
  * `Pull #75`_: Fix partially unknown PathLike type.
  * Convert `os.PathLike` to a string properly using `os.fspath`.
  * Major changes:
  * Changed build backend to `flit_core.buildapi`_ from
    `setuptools.build_meta`_. Building with `setuptools` through
    `` is still supported for distributions that need it.
  * `Issue #72`_/`Pull #73`_: Please consider switching the
    build-system to flit_core to ease setuptools bootstrap.

Tue Dec 13 15:46:35 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>

- Update to version 0.10.3
  * New features:
  Added utility function pathspec.util.append_dir_sep() to aid in distinguishing between directories and files on the file-system. See Issue #65.
  * Bug fixes:
  Issue #66/Pull #67: Package not marked as py.typed.
  Issue #68: Exports are considered private.
  Issue #70/Pull #71: 'Self' string literal type is Unknown in pyright.
  * Improvements:
  Issue #65: Checking directories via match_file() does not work on Path objects.

Sat Dec  3 19:55:41 UTC 2022 - Yogalakshmi Arunachalam <>

- Update to version 0.10.2:
  Bug fixes:
  * Fix failing tests on Windows.
  * Type hint on root parameter on pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec.match_tree_entries().
  * Type hint on root parameter on pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec.match_tree_files().
  * Type hint on root parameter on pathspec.util.iter_tree_entries().
  * Type hint on root parameter on pathspec.util.iter_tree_files().
  * Issue #64: IndexError with my .gitignore file when trying to build a Python package.
  * Issue #58: CI: add GitHub Actions test workflow.

Mon Sep 12 20:36:41 UTC 2022 - Benoît Monin <>

- update to 0.10.1:
  * Bug fixes:
    + Fix documentation on pathspec.pattern.RegexPattern.match_file().
    + Issue #60: Remove redundant wheel dep from pyproject.toml.
    + Issue #61: Dist failure for Fedora, CentOS, EPEL.
    + Issue #62: Since version 0.10.0 pure wildcard does not work
      in some cases.
  * Improvements:
    + Restore support for legacy installations using See
      Issue #61.
- additional changes from 0.10.0:
  * Major changes:
    + Dropped support of EOL Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6. See Issue #47
    + The gitwildmatch pattern dir/* is now handled the same as
    + Added pathspec.GitIgnoreSpec class (see new features)
    + Changed build system to pyproject.toml and build backend to
      setuptools.build_meta which may have unforeseen consequences
    + Renamed GitHub project from python-path-specification to
      python-pathspec. See Issue #35.
  * API changes:
    + Deprecated: pathspec.util.match_files() is an old function no
      longer used.
    + Deprecated: pathspec.match_files() is an old function no
      longer used.
    + Deprecated: pathspec.util.normalize_files() is no longer used
    + Deprecated: pathspec.util.iter_tree() is an alias for
    + Deprecated: pathspec.iter_tree() is an alias for
    + Deprecated: pathspec.pattern.Pattern.match() is no longer
      used. Use or implement pathspec.pattern.Pattern.match_file().
  * New features:
    + Added class pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec (with alias
      pathspec.GitIgnoreSpec) to implement gitignore behavior not
      possible with standard PathSpec class
  * Bug fixes:
    + Issue #19: Files inside an ignored sub-directory are not
    + Issue #41: Incorrectly (?) matches files inside directories
      that do match.
    + Issue #51: Refactor deprecated unittest aliases for Python
      3.11 compatibility.
    + Issue #53: Symlink breaks Windows.
    + Issue #54: uses os.symlink which can fail on
    + Issue #55: Backslashes at start of pattern not handled
    + Issue #56: pyproject.toml: include subpackages in setuptools
    + Issue #57: ! doesn't exclude files in directories if the
      pattern doesn't have a trailing slash.
  * Improvements:
    + Support Python 3.10, 3.11.
    + Modernize code to Python 3.7.
    + Issue #52: match_files() is not a pure generator function,
      and it impacts tree_*() gravely.
- add BuildRequires for python >= 3.7

Wed Jan  5 10:29:55 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.9.0:
  * Raise `GitWildMatchPatternError` for invalid git patterns.
  * Fix for duplicate leading double-asterisk, and edge cases.
  * Fix matching absolute paths.
  * API change: `util.normalize_files()` now returns a
    `Dict[str, List[pathlike]]` instead of a `Dict[str, pathlike]`.
  * Added type hinting.

Tue Jun  1 07:24:28 UTC 2021 -

- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro

Sat Dec 19 10:49:21 UTC 2020 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 0.8.1:
  * `Issue #43`_: Add support for addition operator

Wed Oct  7 03:51:16 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg <>

- Update to v0.8.0
  * Expose what patterns matched paths. Added `util.detailed_match_files()`
  * `match_tree()` doesn't return symlinks
    - Add `PathSpec.match_tree_entries` and `util.iter_tree_entries()` to
      support directories and symlinks
    - API change: `match_tree()` has been renamed to `match_tree_files()`
      The old name `match_tree()` is still available as an alias
    - API change: `match_tree_files()` now returns symlinks

Wed Mar 11 15:51:56 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- update to 0.7.0
  * Add support for Python 3.8, and drop Python 3.4.
  * Publish bdist wheel.

Thu Oct 10 08:25:51 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 0.6.0:
  * Issue #24: Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3.
  * Issue #25: Update README.rst.
  * Issue #26: Method to escape gitwildmatch.

Thu Feb 14 07:08:42 UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <>

- Update to v0.5.9
  * Fixed file system error handling.
- from v0.5.8
  * Improved type checking.
  * Created scripts to test Python 2.6 because Tox removed support for it.
  * Improved byte string handling in Python 3.
  * Handle dangling symlinks.
- from v0.5.7
  * Fix collections deprecation warning.

Tue Dec  4 12:51:19 UTC 2018 - Matej Cepl <>

- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package

Thu May 10 00:06:44 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 0.5.6
  * Improved unit tests.
  * Improved type checking.
  * `Issue #20`_: Support current directory prefix.
- Use license tag

Wed Jan 17 02:36:25 UTC 2018 -

- Initial version
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