File python-pytest-django.changes of Package python-pytest-django

Sun Jun 25 07:53:46 UTC 2023 - Andreas Schneider <>

- Use sle15_python_module_pythons

Thu Dec  8 10:39:03 UTC 2022 -

- six is not required for build

Mon Mar 28 21:54:21 UTC 2022 - Ben Greiner <>

- Add pytest-django-pr996-pytest7.patch
  * gh#pytest-dev/pytest-django#996

Tue Feb 22 18:40:14 UTC 2022 - Matej Cepl <>

- Add autoclear_mailbox.patch checking for the existence of the
  mail.outbox before clearing it (gh#pytest-dev/pytest-django#993).

Mon Dec 27 15:43:56 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>

- Update to 4.5.2
  * Bugfixes
  * Fix regression in v4.5.0 -
    pytest.mark.django_db(reset_sequence=True) now implies
    transaction=True again.
- Release v4.5.1
  * Bugfixes
  * Fix regression in v4.5.0 - database tests inside (non-unittest)
    classes were not ordered correctly to run before non-database
    tests, same for transactional tests before non-transactional
- Release v4.5.0
  * Improvements
  * Add support for :ref:`rollback emulation/serialized rollback
    <test-case-serialized-rollback>`. The
    :func:`pytest.mark.django_db` marker has a new
    serialized_rollback option, and a
    :fixture:`django_db_serialized_rollback` fixture is added.
  * Official Python 3.10 support.
  * Official Django 4.0 support (tested against 4.0rc1 at the time
    of release).
  * Drop official Django 3.0 support. Django 2.2 is still
    supported, and 3.0 will likely keep working until 2.2 is
    dropped, but it's not tested.
  * Added pyproject.toml file.
  * Skip Django's setUpTestData mechanism in pytest-django tests.
    It is not used for those, and interferes with some planned
    features. Note that this does not affect setUpTestData in
    unittest tests (test classes which inherit from Django's
  * Bugfixes
  * Fix :fixture:`live_server` when using an in-memory SQLite
  * Fix typing of assertTemplateUsed and assertTemplateNotUsed.
- Release v4.4.0
  * Improvements
  * Add a fixture :fixture:`django_capture_on_commit_callbacks` to
    capture :func:`transaction.on_commit()
    <django.db.transaction.on_commit>` callbacks in tests.
- Release v4.3.0
  * Improvements
  * Add experimental :ref:`multiple databases <multi-db>` (multi
    db) support.
  * Add type annotations. If you previously excluded pytest_django
    from your type-checker, you can remove the exclusion.
  * Documentation improvements.
- Release v4.2.0
  * Improvements
  * Official Django 3.2 support.
  * Documentation improvements.
  * Bugfixes
  * Disable atomic durability check on non-transactional tests
- Skip python36: no python36-Django 4 in TW

Wed Oct 28 23:58:45 UTC 2020 - John Vandenberg <>

- Disable Python 2
- Drop no longer needed patches:
  * ignore-warnings.patch
  * pytest-django-pytest6.patch 
- Update to v4.1.0
  * Add the async_client and async_rf fixtures
  * Add django_debug_mode to configure how DEBUG is set in tests
  * Make admin_user work for custom user models without an email
- from v4.0.0
  * Drop support for Python versions before 3.5
  * Drop support for Django versions before 2.2
  * Drop support for pytest versions before 5.4
  * Officialy support Python 3.9.
  * Add pytest_django.__version__
  * Make the admin_user and admin_client fixtures compatible with
    custom user models which don’t have a username field
  * Change the admin_user fixture to use get_by_natural_key()
    to get the user instead of directly using USERNAME_FIELD,
    in case it is overridden, and to match Django

Wed Sep  2 13:19:37 UTC 2020 - Benjamin Greiner <>

- Fix test failure with pytest 6
  * pytest-django-pytest6.patch
  * The patched call signature looks weird, but it works as intended
  * Patch is part of gh#pytest-dev/pytest-django#855
- Replace deprecated py.test call with %pytest macro

Mon Aug 24 11:50:24 UTC 2020 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- Fix build with ignore-warnings.patch

Fri Apr  3 10:20:28 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.9.0:
  * Improve test ordering with Django test classes (#830)
  * Remove import of pkg_resources for parsing pytest version (performance) (#826)
  * Work around unittest issue with pytest 5.4.{0,1} (#825)
  * Don't break --failed-first when re-ordering tests (#819, #820)
  * pytest_addoption: use group.addoption (#833)

Fri Mar 13 12:43:21 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Fix build without python2

Thu Jan 23 08:49:57 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update 3.8.0:
  * Make Django's assertion helpers available in pytest_django.asserts (#709).
  * Report django-configurations setting (#791)

Fri Nov 15 10:49:15 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.7.0:
  * Monkeypatch pytest to not use ``TestCase.debug`` with unittests, instead
    of patching it into Django (#782).
  * Work around pytest crashing due to ```` being used from within the
    DB blocker, and pytest trying to display an object representation involving
    DB access (#781).  pytest-django uses a ``RuntimeError`` now instead.

Wed Oct 30 11:54:08 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.6.0:
  * Rename test databases when running parallel Tox (#678, #680)
  * Django unittests: restore "debug" function (#769, #771)

Thu Aug 22 13:40:41 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Simplify the deps

Tue Jul  2 12:10:47 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.5.1:
  * Fix compatibility with pytest 5.x (#751)

Mon Jun 17 12:07:05 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.5.0:
  * Run tests in the same order as Django (#223)
  * Use verbosity=0 with disabled migrations (#729, #730)
  * django_db_setup: warn instead of crash with teardown errors (#726)
  * tests: fix test_sqlite_database_renamed (#739, #741)
  * tests/ move import of db_helpers (#737)
  * Cleanup/improve coverage, mainly with tests (#706)
  * Slightly revisit unittest handling (#740)

Wed Feb 27 13:33:32 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 3.4.8:
  * Various test fixes only

Sun Feb 24 01:48:37 UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <>

- Add docs/ and AUTHORS to %doc
- Update to v3.4.7
  * Fix disabling/handling of unittest methods with pytest 4.2+
- from 3.4.6
  * django_find_project: add cwd as fallback always
  * Enable tests for Django 2.2 and add classifier
- from 3.4.5
  * Use request.config instead of pytest.config
  * fixture 'admin_user' handle "email" username_field
  * Minor doc fixes
- Add 'six' as explicit build dependency

Mon Dec 10 15:17:57 UTC 2018 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Version update to 3.4.4:
  * Many many changes to list properly
- Drop obsolete patch python-pytest-django-dependency.patch

Thu Oct 12 14:06:41 UTC 2017 -

- Improve write style of description.

Wed Aug 23 14:48:12 UTC 2017 -

- Change spec-file for multi-python build 

Wed Feb 22 18:33:31 CET 2017 -

- Relax fixed dependency on an old version of python-setuptools_scm
  suggested by

Mon Dec  5 22:34:03 UTC 2016 -

- Update to 3.1.2
  + Bug fixes
    * Auto clearing of mail.outbox has been re-introduced to not break
      functionality in 3.x.x release. This means that Compatibility
      issues mentioned in the 3.1.0 release are no longer present.

- Update to 3.1.1
  + Bug fixes
    * Workaround –pdb interaction with Django TestCase. The issue
      is caused by Django TestCase not implementing TestCase.debug()
      properly but was brought to attention with recent changes in
      pytest 3.0.2.

- Update to 3.1.0
  + Features
    * Added new function scoped fixture mailoutbox that gives access
      to djangos mail.outbox. The will clean/empty the mail.outbox
      to assure that no old mails are still in the outbox.
    * If django.contrib.sites is in your INSTALLED_APPS, Site cache
      will be cleared for each test to avoid hitting the cache and
      cause wrong Site object to be returned by Site.objects.get_current().
  + Compatibility
    * IMPORTANT: the internal autouse fixture _django_clear_outbox has
      been removed. If you have relied on this to get an empty outbox
      for your test, you should change tests to use the mailoutbox
      fixture instead. See documentation of mailoutbox fixture for usage.
      If you try to access mail.outbox directly, AssertionError will be raised.

- Update to 3.0.0
  + Bug fixes
    * Fix error when Django happens to be imported before
      pytest-django runs. Thanks to Will Harris for the bug report.
  + Features
    * Added a new option --migrations to negate a default usage of
    * The previously internal pytest-django fixture that handles
      database creation and setup has been refactored, refined and
      made a public API.
  + Compoatibility
    * Official for the pytest 3.0.0 (2.9.2 release should work too,
      though). The documentation is updated to mention pytest instead
      of py.test.
    * Django versions 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 is no longer supported. The
      supported versions are now 1.7 and forward. Django master is
      supported as of 2016-08-21.
    * pytest-django no longer supports Python 2.6.
    * Specifying the DJANGO_TEST_LIVE_SERVER_ADDRESS environment
      variable is no longer supported. Use DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS
    * Ensuring accidental database access is now stricter than before.
      Previously database access was prevented on the cursor level. To
      be safer and prevent more cases, it is now prevented at the
      connection level. If you previously had tests which interacted
      with the databases without a database cursor, you will need to
      mark them with the pytest.mark.django_db() marker or request
      the db fixture.
    * The previously undocumented internal fixtures _django_db_setup,
      _django_cursor_wrapper have been removed in favour of the new
      public fixtures. If you previously relied on these internal
      fixtures, you must update your code.

Mon Nov  9 12:56:30 UTC 2015 -

- Install license

Mon Nov  9 10:59:03 UTC 2015 -

- Initial packaging

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