File suse-skip-macro-expansion.diff of Package rpmlint
Index: rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/
--- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11.orig/
+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/
@@ -466,16 +466,6 @@ so_dep_regex = re.compile(r'\.so(\.[0-9a
# we assume that no rpm packages existed before rpm itself existed...
oldest_changelog_timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.strptime("1995-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"))
-private_so_paths = set()
-for path in ('%perl_archlib', '%perl_vendorarch', '%perl_sitearch',
- '%python_sitearch', '%python2_sitearch', '%python3_sitearch',
- '%ruby_sitearch', '%php_extdir'):
- epath = rpm.expandMacro(path)
- if epath and epath != path:
- private_so_paths.add(epath)
- private_so_paths.add(re.sub(r'/lib64(?=/|$)', '/lib', epath))
- private_so_paths.add(re.sub(r'/lib(?=/|$)', '/lib64', epath))
_enchant_checkers = {}
@@ -934,14 +924,6 @@ class TagsCheck(AbstractCheck.AbstractCh
res = Pkg.b2s(pkg[getattr(rpm, 'RPMTAG_%s' % tag.upper())])
self._unexpanded_macros(pkg, tag, res)
- for path in private_so_paths:
- for fname, pkgfile in pkg.files().items():
- if fname.startswith(path):
- for prov in pkgfile.provides:
- if[0]):
- printWarning(pkg, "private-shared-object-provides",
- fname, Pkg.formatRequire(*prov))
def check_description(self, pkg, lang, ignored_words):
description = pkg.langtag(rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION, lang)
if use_utf8: