File python-PyKMIP.changes of Package python-PyKMIP

Thu Mar 28 03:58:37 UTC 2024 - Steve Kowalik <>

- Clean up Python 2 leftovers.
- Add patch crypto-42.patch:
  * Use cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization to load private keys.
- Add patch no-ssl-wrap-socket.patch:
  * Do not use removed in Python 3.12 function, ssl.wrap_socket.
- Switch to pyproject macros.

Fri Sep  8 06:13:02 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>

- Add upstream patch fix_test_mac_with_cryptographic_failure.patch
  gh#OpenKMIP/PyKMIP#702, this fixes the issue with the

Thu Feb 23 10:44:02 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>

- Disable broken test, test_mac_with_cryptographic_failure,

Thu Jan 26 12:36:34 UTC 2023 - Daniel Garcia <>

- Add crypto-39.patch to make it work with python-cryptography >= 39.0.0

Wed May  4 09:55:17 UTC 2022 -

- do not require python-mock for build
- added patches
  + python-PyKMIP-no-mock.patch

Fri Sep 24 22:07:08 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Remove SQL-issues.patch with the patch
  fix-tests-SQLAlchemy-140.patch which actually resolves the
  problems (gh#OpenKMIP/PyKMIP#656).

Sat Jun  5 12:12:59 UTC 2021 - Matej Cepl <>

- Add SQL-issues.patch skipping tests failing due to
  incompatibilities with the current version of SQLAlchemy

Mon Apr 20 10:38:03 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Fix build without python2

Mon Mar 16 10:39:58 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <>

- update to 0.10.0
  * Add server debug logging for message encodings
  * Add server Locate filtering for all currently supported attributes
  * Add server Locate filtering using offset and maximum item constraints
  * Add server cryptography engine support for AES GCM mode
  * Add server support for the SplitKey object
  * Add client/server support for the ApplicationSpecificInformation attribute
  * Add client/server support for the ObjectGroup and Sensitive attributes
  * Add client/server support for the DeleteAttribute operation
  * Add client/server support for the SetAttribute operation
  * Add client/server support for the ModifyAttribute operation
  * Add a variety of unit and integration tests to cover all new functionality
  * Add new ProxyKmipClient demo scripts to show how to use the new operations
  * Add pending deprecation warnings for Python 2.7 and 3.4 due to their EOL
  * Update server Locate filtering to return results sorted by creation date
  * Update encoding support for SplitKey objects
  * Update the Travis CI configuration to better support default Python versions
  * Update library and testing dependencies to maintain Python 3.4 support
  * Update the library documentation to reflect new features and security details
  * Fix a bug with how key pair names are handled by the client for KMIP 2.0

Thu Jul 25 11:33:13 UTC 2019 - Marketa Calabkova <>

- update to 0.9.1
  * Add various support for KMIP 2.0
  * Add support for Python 3.7
  * Add utilities to handle bit mask style enumerations
  * Update library logging defaults to log at INFO but still support DEBUG
  * Update the PyKMIP clients to support changing their KMIP version
  * Update the server TLS handshake handling to avoid thread hanging
  * Remove escape sequences to comply with Python 3.6 style deprecations
  * See upstream changelog for more

Sun Jan  6 11:57:50 UTC 2019 - Dirk Mueller <>

- update to 0.8.0:
  * Add Sphinx-based client and server library documentation
  * Add server support for third-party authentication systems
  * Add client support for the Check operation
  * Add client support for the Rekey operation
  * Add client support for attestation credentials
  * Add a functional test suite for server authentication and access control
  * Add payloads for the Archive, Cancel, and GetUsageAllocation operations
  * Add payloads for the ObtainLease, Poll, and Recover operations
  * Update the server to support group-based operation policies
  * Update the server to support live loading of operation policy files
  * Update the server to support custom backend database file paths
  * Update the server to raise PermissionDenied on access control violations
  * Update the client to support custom configuration file paths
  * Update the ProxyKmipClient to support custom names for the Register operation
  * Update the ProxyKmipClient to set cryptographic usage masks for Derived keys
  * Update the README to reference the new documentation
  * Update the Travis CI configuration to include building the documentation
  * Update the Travis CI configuration to run integration and functional tests
  * Remove support for Python 3.3
  * Fix a denial-of-service bug by setting the server socket timeout
  * Fix a ProxyKmipClient bug with generic cryptographic parameter handling
  * Fix a ProxyKmipClient bug with cryptographic usage mask processing

Thu Feb 15 13:05:03 UTC 2018 -

- update to 0.7.0:
  * Add support for Python 3.6
  * Add support for the InitialDate attribute
  * Add server support for the GetAttributeList operation
  * Add server support for the Locate operation
  * Add client and server support for the MAC operation
  * Add client and server support for the Revoke operation
  * Add client and server support for the Encrypt operation
  * Add client and server support for the Decrypt operation
  * Add client and server support for the DeriveKey operation
  * Add client and server support for the Sign operation
  * Add client and server support for the SignatureVerify operation
  * Add client and server support for retrieving wrapped keys
  * Add client and server support for storing wrapped keys
  * Add KMIP 1.4 enumerations
  * Add server config option enabling certificate extension checks
  * Add server config option defining set of usable TLS ciphers
  * Add server config option setting the server log level
  * Update the server to enforce checking object state and usage masks
  * Update server Locate support to allow object name filtering
  * Remove support for Python 2.6
  * Fix bug with multithreading support with the SQLite backend
  * Fix bug with how open() is mocked in the server test suite
  * Fix bug with mismapped polymorphic identity for certificate objects
  * Fix bug with socket interrupt handling under Python 3.5
  * Fix bug with detached instance errors in the server test suite
- Use pytest for testing. That's what upstream does
- Use fdupes

Fri Aug 25 07:27:27 UTC 2017 -

- update to 0.6.0:
  * Add support for Python 3.5
  * Add support for the State and OperationPolicyName attributes
  * Add server support for the Activate and GetAttributes operations
  * Add server support for certificate-based client authentication
  * Add server support for object access control via operation policies
  * Add server support for loading of user-defined operation policies
  * Add client support for the GetAttributes operation
  * Update clients to support operation policy names with objects
  * Update ProxyKmipClient to support names when creating new objects
  * Remove coveralls integration
  * Fix bug with early server termination on missing request credential
  * Fix bug with closing the client while unconnected to a server
  * Fix bug with default values overriding server config file settings
  * Fix bug with early server termination on bad client certificates
  * Fix bug with deprecated usage of the bandit config file
  * Fix bug with ProxyKmipClient registering unset object attributes
- convert to singlespec

Tue May 24 12:28:59 UTC 2016 -,

- Initial Packaging (version 0.5.0)

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