File root6.changes of Package root6
Mon Feb 3 18:33:04 UTC 2025 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Fix a python(2) dependency due to an incorrect hashbang.
Sun Jan 5 20:01:11 UTC 2025 - Stefan Brüns <>
- Fix build of dependent packages due to incomplete/inconsistent
devel package.
Wed Nov 13 13:50:19 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Fix builds for Leap 15.6 by accounting for missed DistRDF files.
Sun Sep 22 10:54:54 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.32.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#15178] ROOT generates CMake warnings
when building from the tarball
* [gh#root-project/root#16219] Module map on the new XCode
version for macos15-beta
* [gh#root-project/root#16249] Iterating with a range for does
one extra iteration
* [ROOT-10902] SMatrix read from TTree contains all zeroes
Wed Aug 14 15:42:26 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.32.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#7223] [RF] RDataFrame to
RooDataSet/RooDataHist conversion
* [gh#root-project/root#7782] [RF] Allow to set nbins for
RooPlot (or disallow)
* [gh#root-project/root#9838] [RF] RooCurve::Average()
overestimating average values of standard precision curves on
* [gh#root-project/root#11565] [RF] Crash in
* [gh#root-project/root#13387] Please recover SrvAuthenticate
from libSrvAuth library
* [gh#root-project/root#14541] [ROOT-6193] Editor for palette
axis cannot set title properties
* [gh#root-project/root#15104] new PyROOT/cppyy fails to pickle
* [gh#root-project/root#15161] Attribute (getitem) differences
for PyROOT objects in ROOT master
* [gh#root-project/root#15234] cppyy - wrong object type when
iterating over a polymorphic container
* [gh#root-project/root#15269] Iterators in pyROOT working
differently in ROOT master compared to 6.30/02
* [gh#root-project/root#15315] PyROOT Example with inheriting
from ROOT.Math.IMultiGenFunction doesn’t work after recent
cppyy upgrade
* [gh#root-project/root#15425] TTreeProcessorMP processes events
multiple times when there are more threads than entries
* [gh#root-project/root#15755] [RF][HS3] Higgs discovery
workspaces roundtrip
* [gh#root-project/root#15874] [Hist] Backwards compatibility
broken for THnSparseL in 6.32
* [gh#root-project/root#15887] Broken plot .C macros for default
Name() argument in plotOn()
* [gh#root-project/root#15977] [gui] Event StatusBar does not
work well when TMarker outside of zoom region
* [gh#root-project/root#15986] Problems with TUri compilation
* [gh#root-project/root#16031] VecOps binary functions not using
the right types
* [gh#root-project/root#16038] Could NOT find Vdt error when
using 6.32.02 docker image
* [gh#root-project/root#16087] [docs] Potential typo in function
name case: DistanceToPrimitive
* [gh#root-project/root#16201] PyROOT Support most recent numba
version 0.60.0 intervals
* [ROOT-6286] Reading a TChain and TTreeCache
* [ROOT-7991] THnSparse::ProjectionND yields disfunctional
* [ROOT-8238] TPrincipal tries to make histograms with nbin=0
* [ROOT-8519] Bug when use simple math functions in
- Add root6-gitinfo-use-file-timestamp.patch: Set timestamp info
in installed configuration file to top-level
modification time instead of setting it to current buildtime.
This avoids a potential reproducibility issue.
Sun Jul 7 00:26:24 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Fix sed snippet used to replace env-based python script
Sat Jun 22 04:51:12 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.32.02:
* [gh#root-project/root#7236] Memory leak in
TFile::WriteObjectAny, depending on data type.
* [gh#root-project/root#10075] Difficult to configure Xrootd
to use non-builtin openssl.
* [gh#root-project/root#14051] [web graphics] Web graphics
resizes canvas despite canvas size definition in the macro.
* [gh#root-project/root#15321] [MSVC] Root is failed with
error G694476FC: static_assert failed “Unexpected size”.
* [gh#root-project/root#15405] [RF] ExternalConstraints
documentation incorrect for RooMCStudy.
* [gh#root-project/root#15430] Test failures with Python 3.13.
* [gh#root-project/root#15473] Segmentation fault when
building with the mold linker.
* [gh#root-project/root#15498] gPad is not consistent in
pyROOT with web canvas.
* [gh#root-project/root#15511] Possible memory corruption in
* [gh#root-project/root#15579] Performance regression
(slowdown) in ALICE event generation.
* [gh#root-project/root#15686] JITted code changes the
execution order of computation graph nodes.
* [gh#root-project/root#15688] PyROOT TProfile2D::Fill
ambiguities preventing use of some signatures in pyROOT.
* [gh#root-project/root#15690] [RF] SegFault in
* [gh#root-project/root#15694] [RF] New RooFit EvalBackend
returning incorrect result for binned likelihoods.
* [gh#root-project/root#15703] Leaking memory though strings
in PyROOT.
* [gh#root-project/root#15727] Windows CMake project cannot
find_library() after integrating with ROOT..
* [gh#root-project/root#15751] [RF] Using a conditional
RooProdPdf in a multi-channel fit spawns too many integrals
with new CPU evaluation backend.
* [gh#root-project/root#15791] JS ROOT does not draw
tprofile2d correctly with “TEXT” draw option.
* [gh#root-project/root#15799]
pyunittests-pyroot-pyz-ttree-setbranchaddress segfaults with
Python 3.13.
* [ROOT-7412] Strange results looking for nested types.
* [ROOT-8439] PyROOT does not treat exceptions properly in
overloaded methods.
* [ROOT-9307] TPad::GetListOfPrimitives() double deletion
error in TList::Clear().
- Refresh root6-fontconfig.patch from Fedora for series 6.32.X.
- Use python3.11 specifically for openSUSE Leap 15.X (python >=
3.9 is now required for build).
- Use GCC 9 for openSUSE Leap 15.X builds (std=c++17 supporting
compiler needed for <filesystem> use).
- Run tests for minuit2 flavour.
- Convert foo-devel like BuildRequires to pkgconfig(foo) ones
where possible.
Tue May 28 12:54:20 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.32.00:
* Long list of changes, see
Thu Apr 4 07:10:11 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.30.06:
* [ROOT-9000] - Fix memory leak when reassigning static TSpline3
with new data.
* [gh#root-project/root#6535] TDataMember::SetterMethod().
* [gh#root-project/root#7952] Template with result_of only works
in same cell in which it's defined.
* [gh#root-project/root#7960] Warnings about Missing std::pair
dictionaries with 6.24.
* [gh#root-project/root#8435] does not set
properly JUPYTER* env vars with gnuinstall=ON.
* [gh#root-project/root#9594] Systematic build failure of ROOT
master in the LCG DEBUG builds since Jan 15th.
* [gh#root-project/root#13130] Valgrind reports leak when
constructing TChain.
* [gh#root-project/root#14247] [gui] TGSpeedo class broken in
6.30 binary release Ubu22.04.
* [gh#root-project/root#14458] Crash when doing Weighted
Likelihood fit.
* [gh#root-project/root#14508] Using LZMA compression with
RNTupleWriter leads to memory corruption.
* [gh#root-project/root#14634] conflict with installed
* [gh#root-project/root#14769] Build error with
"nlohmann/json.hpp: No such file or directory" in spack (unit
tests build, with –test=root option).
* [gh#root-project/root#14793] 6.26 cannot read file written
with 6.30.4.
* [gh#root-project/root#14964] ROOT-HEAD fails with "cling
interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file
'[snip]/Vc.pcm' not found: module file not found".
Fri Mar 1 11:25:12 UTC 2024 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.30.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#7207] Cling memory leaks
* [gh#root-project/root#11743] CMake >= 3.24 fails to build
LZMA: WARNING: ‘aclocal-1.15’ is missing on your system.
* [gh#root-project/root#12023] SIGSEGV from Destructor of
* [gh#root-project/root#13110] Bug in TDecompBase::DiagProd
* [gh#root-project/root#13697] Unexpected behaviour of KSTest
with toys (“X” option) for identical histograms
* [gh#root-project/root#14085] does not recognize
bash when running in qemu-x86_64 #14085
* [gh#root-project/root#14157] Minuit2 standalone build:
StandAlone.cmake looks for the wrong path for VERSION_FILE
* [gh#root-project/root#14162] RooFFTConvPdf is not working for
ROOT 6.30/02
* [gh#root-project/root#14163] cmake find_package ROOT broken
with 6.30, nlohmann and vdt are builtin but not found
* [gh#root-project/root#14188] cmake find_package ROOT 6.30
broken: it requires nlohmann-json
* [gh#root-project/root#14195] cmake find_package VDT not found
in root docker container
* [gh#root-project/root#14223] Extremely long startup time when
loading dictionaries with pyroot
* [gh#root-project/root#14225] [RF] Segmentation fault in ROOT
6.30 workspace creation
* [gh#root-project/root#14229] [6.30] root-config –git-revision
* [gh#root-project/root#14256] TAxis::GetTicks and
TAxis::SetTicks are inconsistent. Significantly so.
* [gh#root-project/root#14277] Cling triggers a huge number of
openat calls when loading libraries
* [gh#root-project/root#14302] The command “root –notebook” is
not allowed on Windows 11
* [gh#root-project/root#14376] build failure with mysql 8.3
- More specific file list for python package.
- Drop upstreamed patches:
* root6-minuit2-standalone-correct-version-file.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-libdir.patch
Tue Dec 12 06:53:37 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Disable building tests, we do not run tests anyway since most
require network connectivity to download additional files.
Fri Dec 1 07:47:28 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.30.02:
* Long list of changes, see
- Drop configuration options pertaining to deprecated or removed
- Add root6-minuit2-standalone-correct-version-file.patch: Fix
version file lookup in cmake when building minuit2_standalone
- Drop patches no longer required:
* root6-clang-ignore-gcc-options.patch.
* root6-minuit2-standalone-add-compilation-flag.patch.
- _constraints: Upto 30 GB hard disk space now required.
- New BuildRequires: cmake(ryml).
- Update suse_version numbers testing for Tumbleweed to 1699.
- Re-organise BuildRequires to only pull in required packages for
minuit2_standalone flavour.
Sun Jun 18 07:38:52 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Use python3 as pythons to always use distro default python3 to
- Add root6-python3.11-no-code.h.patch to use Python.h instead of
code.h, with the latter dropped from python 3.11.
- Drop snippet deleting backup files from buildroot; these are no
longer installed.
- Pass CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=%{_includedir}/root to get the
headers to install to the correct dir.
Sat Jun 17 19:20:13 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.28.04:
- Refresh patches.
- Drop root6-no-gtest.patch: no longer required; pass
builtin_gtest=OFF to cmake during configure instead.
Mon Jan 9 11:02:37 UTC 2023 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.26.10:
* [gh#root-project/root#11191] TBrowser does not show TGeo volume
* [gh#root-project/root#11686] Missing Rint dependency for
* [gh#root-project/root#11515] Error in TInterpreter::Calc with
no output stack in seemingly random distributed rdf test
* [gh#root-project/root#11713] Add support for Python 3.11.
* [gh#root-project/root#11714] ACLiC broken on macOS 13 Ventura.
- Minor specfile cleanups.
Mon Oct 31 14:32:54 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.26.08:
* [gh#root-project/root#11080] Backport the fix on computation
of the radiation and nuclear interaction lengths.
* [gh#root-project/root#11128] Clang can't build ROOT anymore
due to a new added diagnostic about undefined behavior.
* [gh#root-project/root#11130] ROOT doesn't compile with new
nlohmann-json version 3.11.0.
* [gh#root-project/root#11239] Build failure on Ubuntu22.04,
when ROOT builds FTGL itself.
* [gh#root-project/root#11222] [DF]
gtest-tree-dataframe-test-dataframe-snapshot fails with
* [gh#root-project/root#11207] [DF] Bad interaction between
`Alias` and TTree sub-branches.
* [gh#root-project/root#10645] [TTreeReader] Cannot read
`Float16_t` branch.
* [gh#root-project/root#11260] `TTreeReaderArray` does not
support `Double32_t`.
* [gh#root-project/root#11259] genreflex crash in
`TMetaUtils::ReSubstTemplateArg` with gcc12 headers.
* [gh#root-project/root#11312] Build failure with nlohmann/json
* [gh#root-project/root#10742] `READ_WITHOUT_GLOBALREGISTRATION`
has no effect on remote files.
* [gh#root-project/root#11383] Deadlock in ErrorHandler when
invoked at library initialization time..
* [gh#root-project/root#11396] [RF] Buggy range overlap check in
createNLL when SplitRange option is used.
* [gh#root-project/root#11414] [RF] Renaming dataset fails when
total number of dataset in workspace reached 10.
* [gh#root-project/root#11330] [core] `kNotDeleted` mechanism is
broken on some platforms.
* [gh#root-project/root#10828] `TH1::Merge` does not extend axes
properly for certain histograms with labels.
* [gh#root-project/root#11333] `THnSparse::Add()` does not
preserve weights.
* [gh#root-project/root#10382] [TNDArrayT] Backward
incompatibility: Error reading from ROOT Files created with
earlier versions - Streamer bug.
* [gh#root-project/root#11436] Missing StreamerInfo in file
containing nested collection that is non-split but stored
member wise.
* [gh#root-project/root#11332] [RF] Batchmode ignores
`depsAreCond` in Conditional when creating a `RooProdPdf`.
* [gh#root-project/root#11508] [DF] Wrong entries processed with
a `Range` with begin+stride.
* [gh#root-project/root#11390] `Display` does not respect
parameters if another operation is booked before printing.
* [gh#root-project/root#8962] `SetClusterPrefetch(true)` breaks
BulkIO with more than one basket.
* [gh#root-project/root#11329] Dictionary generation of some
classes fails on gcc12 (at least in part due to the use of
Wed Sep 28 00:38:24 UTC 2022 - Stefan Brüns <>
- Fix build of dependent packages, move all binaries referenced
by CMake Config file from utils to the devel package.
Fri Sep 23 15:01:30 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Make freesans and droid font Requires more specific --
gnu-free-fonts and google-droid-fonts respectively -- to resolve
choices when building packages dpenedent on root6-devel.
Wed Sep 21 20:06:20 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.26.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#10814] Error in REveBox.cxx while
building root 6.26.04
* [gh#root-project/root#10403] Update civetweb to 1.16 once it’s
* [gh#root-project/root#10759] root-config fails if spaces are
part of ROOTSYS path
* [gh#root-project/root#11002] [DF] Wrong regex substitution
when generating code to jit
* [gh#root-project/root#10920] [DF] RDataFrame confused by array
variables in 6.26/04
* [gh#root-project/root#6932] rdf.Snapshot columnList -
automate size columns
* [gh#root-project/root#11026] Integer overflow in TEntryList
* [gh#root-project/root#10872] [DF] Wrong entries are loaded
from friend trees with distributed RDF
* [gh#root-project/root#11017] [RF] RooDataSetHelper doesn’t
respect RooRealVar range
* [gh#root-project/root#10840] [RF] HistFactory
PreprocessFunction::PrintXML() needs to escape special
characters to produce valid XML
* [gh#root-project/root#10869] [RF] sPlot does not work with
RooAddPdf in 6.26/04
Tue Jun 21 14:46:50 UTC 2022 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.26.04:
* [gh#root-project/root#9127] roofit plotOn issue.
* [gh#root-project/root#10390] Wrong file names created in
distributed Snapshot.
* [gh#root-project/root#10351] macOS 12: TViewPubDataMembers
uses deprecated std::iterator.
* [gh#root-project/root#10473] [RooFit] Crash when
RooSimultaneous does not contain a pdf for each value of the
index category.
* [gh#root-project/root#9070] Inconsistent behavior when
editing constraint terms in HistFactory models.
* [gh#root-project/root#9406] Low-statistics fits terminate
with BatchMode and NumCPU arguments.
* [gh#root-project/root#10548] Use of undeclared identifier on
Mac ARM.
* [gh#root-project/root#10478] runtime_cxxmodules fails to
build with GCC12.
* [gh#root-project/root#10586] [TMVA][SOFIE]Generated headers
are missing include guards.
* [gh#root-project/root#10538] AdditionalData is not exported
to XML.
* [gh#root-project/root#10578] SHA-256 Hash Mismatch for
- Changes from version 6.26.00 and 6.26.02:
* Many changes, see
- Refreshed patches (minor rebasing to apply cleanly):
* root6-fontconfig.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-add-compilation-flag.patch
* root6-minuit2-standalone-libdir.patch
* root6-no-gtest.patch
* root6-reduce-compile-memory.patch
- Update definition of pythons to 3.10 for openSUSE >= 1550.
- Change subpackages %{name}-test, %{name}-tutorials,
%{name}-config, and %{name}-emacs to noarch as recommended by
- Do not mv DistRDF for openSUSE < 1550, as it is not generated
(fixes build failures for 15.4).
Wed Dec 29 23:29:18 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update constraints to avoid OOM build failures (especially on
Tue Sep 28 14:48:56 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Turn memtest off to build against glibc >= 2.34
Tue Sep 21 15:49:53 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.24.06:
* [#8931] - TDirectory::RegisterGDirectory is MT unsafe.
* [#8011] - Bug in RooAbsPdf::extendedTerm when expected events
is negative.
- Changes from version 6.24.04:
* [#8503] - ranluxpp code is using left shift of negative value
-1 which is undefined per the C standard.
* [#8641] - RooStats::HypoTestInverterResult::FindIndex fails if
xvalue == 1.
* [#8767] - [netxng] Crash in on-exit destruction of an
TNetXNGFile object.
* [#8739] - [DF] Cannot read files that don’t have a .root
extension with IMT on.
* [#8713] - [tree] TTreeCache is turned off when fAutoFlush ==
- root6-emacs: Switch "Supplements: packageand(root6-devel:emacs)"
to "Supplements: (root6-devel and emacs)".
Sat Aug 7 11:32:21 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add back roots.exe executable to root6-devel (removed by
mistake in previous iteration).
Thu Jul 29 10:43:08 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Obsolete root6 package and have it provided by root6-devel;
split binaries previously installed by root6 into (new
subpackage) root6-utils or root6-devel depending on whether
they are utilities to work with root files or required for core
root programming respectively.
- Rename python package (python3-root6) to have the correct
multiflavor prefix (we still only build for the default py3,
i.e. python38-root6).
- New BuildRequires: z3-devel, python-pygments, python-PyYAML.
- Update %{name}-rpmlintrc file to suppress more false positives.
Fri Jul 2 00:48:12 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.24.02:
* Improved scaling behavior of RDataFrame with high core counts
(32+ cores).
* Fixed memory leaks and memory errors.
* GCC11 fixes.
* An issue opening remote files on some servers.
* Parsing of <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>.
* Several bug fixes in RooFit.
- Changes from versions 6.24.00 and 6.24.02:
* See
- Drop patches incorporated upstream:
* root6-include-limits-header.patch
* root6-fix-libafterimage-building.patch
* root6-jupyroot-license.patch.
- Minor rebase of applicable patches so they apply cleanly.
Tue Jun 15 12:21:07 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add root6-include-limits-header.patch: Include limits header
Sun Mar 7 23:54:32 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Instead of deleting root's config scripts, install them to the
system profile.d dir as part of a new root6-config package.
Wed Mar 3 19:30:24 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add root6-fix-libafterimage-building.patch: Fix libafterimage
with recent ar; patch taken from upstream PR
Thu Feb 25 14:39:24 UTC 2021 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.22.06:
* [gh#root-project/root#6840] TClass for pair sometimes have the
wrong offset/size.
* [gh#root-project/root#6540] Crash message should point to
* [gh#root-project/root#6797]
TCling::UpdateListOfLoadedSharedLibraries() Linux thread
* [gh#root-project/root#6331] Fedora 32 test failures.
* [gh#root-project/root#6856] error when creating a python class
inheriting from a ROOT class, 6.22/02.
Mon Aug 17 15:38:14 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.22.02:
* RDataFrame
- With ROOT-10023 fixed, RDataFrame can now read and write
certain branches containing unsplit objects, i.e.
- Snapshot now respects the basket size and split level of the
original branch when copying branches to a new TTree.
- For some TTrees, RDataFrame’s GetColumnNames method returns
multiple valid spellings for a given column.
* [ROOT-9240] - Compiled program with crash.
* [ROOT-9731] [DF] Cannot read columns holding TVector3
* [ROOT-10023] [TTreeReader] Unable to read TBranchObject.
* [ROOT-10796] Bug in MakeProxy
* [ROOT-10845] RooArgSet IsOnHeap result incorrect.
* [ROOT-10846] TPython documentation is gone.
* [ROOT-10870] pyROOT issue with std::shared_ptr in 6.22/00.
* [ROOT-10882] Drawing crashes when histogram title contain
special characters.
* [ROOT-10884] Error importing JupyROOT with conda ROOT.
* [ROOT-10889] [RDF] Unexpected/broken behaviour of the Display
* [ROOT-10891] [DF] Display of char* branches is broken.
* [ROOT-10913] RooCategory doesn’t update its label when its
state is dirty.
* [ROOT-10916] [Graphics][JSROOT] “%jsroot on” broken in Juypter
* [ROOT-10917] prompt: pressing ctrl-R when no root_hist file is
present results in a segfault.
* [ROOT-10920] Models with Poisson constraints don’t have
* [ROOT-10927] Dramatic increase of memory usage while reading
trees containing histograms.
* [ROOT-10931] Polygon doesn’t close when drawing PDF as filled
* [ROOT-10934] Error when making a nested RooSimultaneous.
* [ROOT-10969] Can not compile ROOT macro on Win10: picking up
paths to other SW.
* [ROOT-10987] RooFit’s caching can lead to wrong results when
batch computations used.
* [ROOT-10022] [DF] Add support for TBranchObjects (e.g.
branches containing TH2F).
* [ROOT-10967] PyROOT Improve pretty printing to respect
existing C++ methods.
- Add root6-jupyroot-license.patch: Make JuPyROOT license
compatible with root general license
- Drop root6-memory-arm-x86.patch and pass the appropriate
C/CXX flags to cmake as options instead.
- Minor rebasing of root6-fontconfig.patch and
root6-no-gtest.patch to apply cleanly (without fuzz).
- Don't use RPM optflags for CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS as they cause build
errors with CXX not being able to find std::atomic. Instead pass
- Disable building tests on Leap 15.1 due to too old gtest.
- Disable LTO on aarch64; builds randomly fail due to stuck job/
OOM when enabled.
- Enable OpenMP multithreading for minuit2 (both standalone and
as part of root).
Sat Jul 4 01:14:46 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.22.00:
* Long list of changes, see
- Rebase existing patches as required (minor changes only).
- Adapt symlinks to python3_sitearch to upstream file list
- Delete backup files (*~) which are installed erroneously.
- Adapt hashbang fixes to upstream changes (/usr/bin/env
/usr/bin/pythonX.X is the new original bang).
- Enable link time optimization; builds no longer fail with this.
Mon Jun 15 02:15:24 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.20.06:
* [ROOT-7435] Histogram titles with latex appear tiny in TCanvas
if gROOT.IsBatch() is True.
* [ROOT-7986] Severe memory leak reading RooFitResult and
HypoTestInverterResult from disk.
* [ROOT-9535] Unexpected crash when cloning TH2 histogram.
* [ROOT-10178] TTreeProcessorMT can’t deal with trees with
different names in the same TChain.
* [ROOT-10209] ROOT 6.18/00 does not compile with CUDA available
in C++17 mode.
* [ROOT-10626] Build Fails when python3-numpy not present
(Fedora 31).
* [ROOT-10648] Occasional streamer type mismatch in multi-thread
TTree writing.
* [ROOT-10658] wrong -I flags provided for dictionary
* [ROOT-10663] ROOT dictionary for ATLAS persistent class can’t
load correctly.
* [ROOT-10668] RooFit with Asymptotically Correct approach will
segfault if RooRealVar Name != Title.
* [ROOT-10670] hesse does not know which minimizer to use.
* [ROOT-10673] TPad::logX broken for histograms with Sumw2
* [ROOT-10676] Constructing a RooDataSet from TTree with cuts
causes warnings.
* [ROOT-10682] Some histograms with custom axes and error bars
not displayed on log-log canvas.
* [ROOT-10696] TDirectory::GetObject() with wrong type leaks
* [ROOT-10712] Failing template instantiation during tear down.
* [ROOT-10719] Some TH1-s Display Incorrectly in root 6.20.04.
* [ROOT-10725] cmake fails to detect python's "Development"
* [ROOT-10732] hadd broken.
* [ROOT-10734] pymva tutorials not disable when pymva not
* [ROOT-10754] [cling] Miscompilation with
* [ROOT-10766] Missing overload in LHCb's FuncOps__::__le__.
* [ROOT-10774] rootbrowse freezes after startup.
* [ROOT-10777] Cannot py-import Gaudi: assert "partial
specialization scope specifier in SFINAE context".
* [ROOT-10784] Mistake in what is reported in documentation.
* [ROOT-10792] [DF] Snapshot of TClonesArrays read via
TTreeReaderArray is broken.
* [ROOT-10798] ROOT 6.20/02 can’t generate a dictionary for
ATLAS’s EventLoop package.
* [ROOT-10804] assertion in clang::Sema::LookupSpecialMember.
* [ROOT-10810] Segmentation fault in pickling of weighted RooFit
* [ROOT-10822] [DF] RVecs of non-split branches can read from
invalid addresses.
- Drop some unnecessary hashbangs from non-exec files.
- Use proper Supplements for root6-emacs package instead of having
Recommends: root6-devel.
- Clean up duplicate files in /usr/share/root rather than
Wed Jun 3 09:16:43 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Fix Requires and Recommends on devel pkg: Should be root6-devel
instead of root-devel.
- Fix Provides: Should be root6-* instead of root-*.
- Add Requires: gcc-c++ to root6 package: doesn't work without it.
- Link -- rather than move -- .so files into system python dir;
these are symlinks and lose their references to the target when
- Rename python3-root-devel to python3-root6; requirement of
calling it devel pkg disappears with the change to using linked
.so files (see previous entry).
- Add a set of fonts to Requires for the python pkg since without
these, the plotting functions (at least!) crash.
- _constraints: Drop overrides for armv6l/armv7l as these are not
applicable any more; a minimum of 22G disk space is required.
- Disable builds for for i586 as it fails no matter the amount
of memory allocated.
Fri Apr 17 21:53:49 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add root-memory-arm-x86.patch to reduce memory used during
linking by limiting the amount of debuginfo generated to
a minimum; patch taken from fedora package sources.
- Use memory-constraints to ensure each thread has at least 2 GiB
memory available for it; otherwise builds fail at the linking
- Update _constraints:
* At least 22 GB disk space now required.
* Reduce memory to 4 GB, which is enough in tandem with the use
of memory-constraints.
Thu Apr 2 23:34:40 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.20.04:
* [ROOT-9556] - [DF] Users might silently get wrong results when
they process two trees as friends, one of which has been
produced by a multi-thread Snapshot of the other.
* [ROOT-10624] - [Graphics][JSROOT] Broken histogram fill color
with %jsroot on.
* [ROOT-10630] - Failed to run python code:
* [ROOT-10647] - Missing implementation of “section” in
* Fix build configuration for CUDA in non-standard directory.
- Changes from version 6.20.02:
* [ROOT-10576] - Error getting list of methods of std in cxx17.
* [ROOT-10595] - Fix TH1::KolmogorovTest when using option X.
* [ROOT-10605] - wrong slice in plotting simultaneous pdf built
with RooSimWSTool.
* [ROOT-10613] - Configuration does not fail when
fail-on-missing is ON and cudnn is not found.
* Build failures due to missing CuDNN.
* Do not overwrite existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
* Deprecate “python” CMake option: use “pyroot” instead.
* Protect multi-thread access to TSystem::fHelper.
* Fix plotting slices of RooSimultaneous.
* Fix the copying of the trained mu and variance parameters in
the BatchNormLayer.
* Fix in MethodPyKeras for the different API in version 2.
* [DF] Throw in case of Snapshot w/ IMT + “UPDATE” mode.
* [clingutils] Handle non-defaulted template arg after defaulted
* Move RRawFile from Experimental::Detail to Detail.
* [DF] use RRawFile in SQlite data source, making Davix a
* [CMake] Fix ‘Numpy not found’ bug.
- Changes from version 6.20.00:
* Too many to list: See
- Drop root-python3.patch: incorporated upstream.
- New BuildRequires: gl2ps-devel, xxhash-devel,
pkgconfig(libzstd), pkgconfig(liblz4).
- Use ninja for build (BuildRequires: ninja).
Thu Jan 2 17:38:16 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Package the test directory (as doc) for Minuit2 when building it
as a standalone.
Wed Jan 1 15:48:04 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Rename python3-root package to python3-root-devel since it
Requires root-devel to run.
- root-emacs should at least Recommend root-devel, since it is
pretty much useless without it.
Wed Jan 1 00:40:15 UTC 2020 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- _constraints: Increase required disk space to 10G after repeated
failures from running out.
Tue Dec 31 23:19:27 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Implement multibuild for a) root: the full ROOT library,
including bundled minuit2 library and b) minuit2: the standalone
version of minuit2 library. Note that minuit2 is the only
library in ROOT that may be installed as a standalone.
- Add patches to fix aspects of minuit2 standalone compilation:
* root-minuit2-standalone-add-compilation-flag.patch: Pass a
preprocessor macro via cmake to avoid build failures
* root-minuit2-standalone-libdir.patch: Install libraries to
arch-dependent libdir instead of plain lib
- Drop the per thread mem requirement when running make: doesn't
really have the right effect in this case in avoiding random seg
faults due to memory running out during compilation.
Tue Dec 31 17:49:42 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Require 4 GB per thread during make to avoid build failures.
Tue Dec 31 13:13:10 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Package reorganisation (necessitated by root's complex
intertwining of libraries, header files, and other shared data,
and to keep spec file manageable):
* Combine all shared libraries into one %{name}-lib package
* Combine all headers and symlinks to shlibs into one
%{name}-devel package.
* Split out a standalone python3-%{name} package and move all
* python relevant files into this.
* Split out a standalone %{name}-emacs package providing
ROOT integration with emacs text editor.
* All binaries are now installed by the main %{name} package.
Mon Dec 30 15:41:16 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Fix missing symlink to lib in Minuit2-devel.
Thu Nov 7 19:04:31 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 6.18.04:
* Core:
* Speed-up startup, in particular in case of no or poor
network accessibility, by avoiding a network access that was
used as input to generate a globally unique ID for the
current process.
* This network access is replaced by a passive scan of the
network interface. This reduces somewhat the uniqueness of
the unique ID as the IP address is no longer guaranteed by
the DNS server to be unique. Note that this was already the
case when the network access (used to look up the hostname
and its IP address) failed
* I/O Libraries:
* Allowed user to actually customize the 1st block’s size in
TMemFile. Previously the user request was only applies to
the 2nd and subsequent blocks.
* Add renaming rule for instances of the math classes from
genvector and smatrix to instance for one floating point
type (float, double, Double32_t, Float16_t) to instances for
any other floating point type.
* Corrected the application of I/O customization rules when
the target classes contained typedefs (in particular
* Prevent splitting of objects when a Streamer Function was
explicitly attached to their TClass.
* Set offset of the used-for-write element in case of I/O rule
on ‘current’ StreamerInfo.
* Fix TTreeReader’s use of Set[Local]Entry
* Avoid deleted memory access in MakeProject and in handling
of I/O customization rules.
* Bugs and Issues fixed in this release
* [ROOT-10224] - Crash in opening TFile
* [ROOT-10292] - PYROOT: “TypeError: can not resolve method
template call”
* [ROOT-10294] - PyRoot: Segmentation Violation
* [ROOT-10297] - Crash in RooDataHist::sum
* [ROOT-10305] - Leading underscore in branch name causes a
* [ROOT-10306] - Failure with std::unique_ptr in STL container
* [ROOT-10299] - Info symbols found twice in Pythia and ROOT
- Drop libqt4 BuildRequires: no longer needed.
Tue Aug 20 08:29:20 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add patches to fix build (patches taken from fedora):
* root-clang-ignore-gcc-options.patch: Make clang ignore some
gcc options that it does not recognise yet.
* root-no-gtest.patch: Do not use "inbuilt" gtest as this
requires a network; use system installed version instead.
* root-reduce-compile-memory.patch: Reduce memory during compile
time somewhat (still uses up to 5 GiB).
- Add root-fontconfig.patch: Make root use system installed TTF
fonts; this is needed to avoid licensing issues with non-free
fonts bundled by upstream tarball; patch taken from fedora
- Add root-python3.patch: Patch to enable python3 compatibility;
patch taken from fedora
Fri Aug 16 13:15:01 UTC 2019 - Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Initial build.