File Makefile of Package Tinyfugue

#  TinyFugue - programmable mud client
#  Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006-2007 Ken Keys
#  TinyFugue (aka "tf") is protected under the terms of the GNU
#  General Public Licence.  See the file "COPYING" for details.

# Note: the space on the end of the next line is intentional, so it will
# still work in unix for idiots who got ^M on the end of every line.
default:  all 

	@echo :
	@echo : To build TinyFugue, use one of the following commands
	@echo : appropriate to your system.  For more information, see
	@echo : the README file in the directory for your system.
	@echo :
	@echo : ./configure [options]
	@echo : make install
	@echo :
	@echo : OS/2:
	@echo : os2make [options]
	@echo :

install files tf clean uninstall: all

# The next line is a hack to get around a bug in BSD/386 make.
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