File openstack-swift-doc.changes of Package openstack-swift-doc

Thu Mar 28 10:52:33 UTC 2019 - Johannes Grassler <>

- Update to version 2.19.2.dev1
  * Imported Translations from Zanata
  * Fixing target for cross-ref 'get_data_dir'

Sun Feb 17 02:58:00 UTC 2019 -

- Update to version swift-2.19.1.dev13:
  2.19.1 (rocky stable backports)
      * Prevent PyKMIP's kmip_protocol logger from logging at DEBUG.
        Previously, some versions of PyKMIP would include all wire
        data when the root logger was configured to log at DEBUG; this
        could expose key material in logs. Only the kmip_keymaster was
      * Fixed an issue where a failed drive could prevent the container sharder
        from making progress.
      * Fixed a bug in how Swift uses eventlet that was exposed under high

Sat Sep  8 03:33:50 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version swift-2.19.1.dev5:
  swift (2.19.0, OpenStack Rocky)

Fri Aug 31 18:57:39 UTC 2018 -

- switch to stable/rocky branch

Tue Aug 28 04:35:16 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version swift-2.19.1.dev14:
  swift (2.19.0, OpenStack Rocky)

Wed Aug 22 04:51:30 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version swift-2.18.1.dev229:
  swift (2.19.0)
      * TempURLs now support IP range restrictions. Please see
        for more information on how to use this additional restriction.
      * Add support for multiple root encryption secrets for the trivial
        and KMIP keymasters. This allows operators to rotate encryption
        keys over time without needing to re-encrypt all existing data
        in the cluster. Please see the included sample config files for
        instructions on how to multiple encryption keys.
      * The object updater now supports two configuration settings:
        "concurrency" and "updater_workers". The latter controls how many
        worker processes are spawned, while the former controls how many
        concurrent container updates are performed by each worker
        process. This should speed the processing of async_pendings.
        On upgrade, a node configured with concurrency=N will still handle
        async updates N-at-a-time, but will do so using only one process
        instead of N.
        If you have a config file like this:
            concurrency = <N>
        and you want to take advantage of faster updates, then do this:

Mon Aug 20 13:52:40 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version swift-2.18.1.dev224:
  swift (2.18.0)
      * Added container sharding, an operator controlled feature that
        may be used to shard very large container databases into a
        number of smaller shard containers. This mitigates the issues
        with one large DB by distributing the data across multiple
        smaller databases throughout the cluster. Please read the full
        overview at
      * Provide an S3 API compatibility layer. The external "swift3"
        project has been imported into Swift's codebase as the "s3api"
      * Added "emergency mode" hooks in the account and container replicators.
        These options may be used to prioritize moving handoff
        partitions to primary locations more quickly. This helps when
        adding capacity to a ring.
        - Added `-d <devs>` and `-p <partitions>` command line options.
        - Added a handoffs-only mode.
      * Add a multiprocess mode to the object replicator. Setting the
        "replicator_workers" setting to a positive value N will result
        in the replicator using up to N worker processes to perform
        replication tasks. At most one worker per disk will be spawned.
        Worker process logs will have a bit of information prepended so
        operators can tell which messages came from which worker. The

Sat Feb  3 04:23:09 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version swift-2.16.1.dev191:
  swift (2.17.0)
      * Added symlink objects support.
        Symlink objects reference one other object. They are created by
        creating an empty object with an X-Symlink-Target header. The value of
        the header is of the format <container>/<object>, and the target does
        not need to exist at the time of symlink creation. Cross-account
        symlinks can be created by including the
        X-Symlink-Target-Account header.
        GET and HEAD requests to a symlink will operate on the
        referenced object and require appropriate permission in the
        target container. DELETE and PUT requests will operate on the
        symlink object itself. POST requests are not forwarded to the
        referenced object. POST requests sent to a symlink will result
        in a 307 Temporary Redirect response.
      * Added support for inline data segments in SLO manifests.
        Upgrade impact: during a rolling upgrade, an updated proxy server
        may write a manifest that an out-of-date proxy server will not be
        able to read. This will resolve itself once the upgrade completes
        on all nodes.
      * The tempurl digest algorithm is now configurable, and Swift added
        support for both SHA-256 and SHA-512. Supported tempurl digests
        are exposed to clients in `/info`. Additionally, tempurl signatures
        can now be base64 encoded.

Tue Dec 12 09:10:52 UTC 2017 - 

- Update to version swift-2.16.1.dev21:
  swift (2.16.0)
      * Add checksum to object extended attributes.
      * Let clients request heartbeats during SLO PUTs by including
        the query parameter `heartbeat=on`.
        With heartbeating turned on, the proxy will start its response
        immediately with 202 Accepted then send a single whitespace
        character periodically until the request completes. At that
        point, a final summary chunk will be sent which includes a
        "Response Status" key indicating success or failure and (if
        successful) an "Etag" key indicating the Etag of the resulting
      * Added support for retrieving the encryption root secret from an
        external key management system. In practice, this is currently limited
        to Barbican.
      * Move listing formatting out to a new proxy middleware named
        `listing_formats`. `listing_formats` should be just right of the
        first proxy-logging middleware, and left of most other
        middlewares. If it is not already present, it will be
        automatically inserted for you.
        Note: if you have a custom middleware that makes account or
        container listings, it will only receive listings in JSON format.
      * Log deprecation warning for `allow_versions` in the container
        server config. Configure the `versioned_writes` middleware in

Sat Sep 16 05:24:15 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.15.2.dev57: for
        found at and for more details
        Full docs are at
        See for more details.
        swift_source. See for details.
        Please see for
        Full docs are at
        for full information. for details
        docs at

Wed Aug 23 17:47:27 UTC 2017 -

- Fix doc build

Sat Aug 19 04:01:25 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.15.1.dev43:
  swift (2.15.1)
      * Fixed a bug introduced in 2.15.0 where the object reconstructor
        would exit with a traceback if no EC policy was configured.
      * Fixed deadlock when logging from a tpool thread.
        The object server runs certain IO-intensive methods outside the
        main pthread for performance. Previously, if one of those methods
        tried to log, this can cause a crash that eventually leads to an
        object server with hundreds or thousands of greenthreads, all
        deadlocked. The fix is to use a mutex that works across different
        greenlets and different pthreads.
      * The object reconstructor can now rebuild an EC fragment for an
        expired object.
      * Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Fri Jul 28 05:11:37 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.14.1.dev183:
  swift (2.15.0)
      * Add Composite Ring Functionality
        A composite ring comprises two or more component rings that are
        combined to form a single ring with a replica count equal to the
        sum of the component rings. The component rings are built
        independently, using distinct devices in distinct regions, which
        means that the dispersion of replicas between the components can
        be guaranteed.
        Composite rings can be used for explicit replica placement and
        "replicated EC" for global erasure codes policies.
        Composite rings support 'cooperative' rebalance which means that
        during rebalance all component rings will be consulted before a
        partition is moved in any component ring. This avoids the same
        partition being simultaneously moved in multiple components.
        We do not yet have CLI tools for creating composite rings, but
        the functionality has been enabled in the ring modules to
        support this advanced functionality. CLI tools will be delivered
        in a subsequent release.
        For further information see the docs at
      * The EC reconstructor process has been dramatically improved by
        adding support for multiple concurrent workers. Multiple
        processes are required to get high concurrency, and this change

Tue Jul 11 15:33:06 UTC 2017 -

- update to 2.14.1~a0~dev139

Thu Apr 27 03:29:10 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.13.1.dev153:
  swift (2.14.0)
      * Fixed error where a container drive error resulted in double space
        usage on rest drives. When drive with container or account database
        is unmounted, the bug would create handoff replicas on all remaining
        drives, increasing the drive space used and filling the cluster.
      * Fixed UnicodeDecodeError in the object reconstructor that would
        prevent objects with non-ascii names from being reconstructed and
        caused the reconstructor process to hang.
      * EC Fragment Duplication - Foundational Global EC Cluster Support.
      * Fixed encoding issue in ssync where a mix of ascii and non-ascii
        metadata values would cause an error.
      * `name_check` and `cname_lookup` keys have been added to `/info`.
      * Add Vary: headers for CORS responses.
      * Always set Swift processes to use UTC.
      * Prevent logged traceback in object-server on client disconnect for
        chunked transfers to replicated policies.
      * Removed per-device reconstruction stats. Now that the reconstructor
        is shuffling parts before going through them, those stats no longer
        make sense.
      * Log correct status code for conditional requests.

Thu Mar  9 03:21:33 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.13.1.dev44:
        found at and for more details
        Full docs are at
        See for more details.
        swift_source. See for details.
        Please see for
        Full docs are at for full

Fri Feb 17 04:11:14 UTC 2017 -

- Update to version swift-2.12.1.dev107:
  swift (2.13.0, OpenStack Ocata)
      * Improvements in key parts of the consistency engine
        - Improved performance by eliminating an unneeded directory
          structure hash.
        - Optimized the common case for hashing filesystem trees, thus
          eliminating a lot of extraneous disk I/O.
        - Updated the `hashes.pkl` file format to include timestamp information
          for race detection. Also simplified hashing logic to prevent race
          conditions and optimize for the common case.
        - The erasure code reconstructor will now shuffle work jobs across all
          disks instead of going disk-by-disk. This eliminates single-disk I/O
          contention and allows continued scaling as concurrency is increased.
        - Erasure code reconstruction handles moving data from handoff nodes
          better. Instead of moving the data to another handoff, it waits
          until it can be moved to a primary node.
        Upgrade Impact: If you upgrade and roll back, you must delete all
        `hashes.pkl` files.
      * If using erasure coding with ISA-L in rs_vand mode and 5 or more parity
        fragments, Swift will emit a warning. This is a configuration that is
        known to harm data durability. In a future release, this warning will be
        upgraded to an error unless the policy is marked as deprecated. All data
        in an erasure code storage policy using isa_l_rs_vand with 5 or more

Thu Dec 15 04:11:05 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.11.1.dev70:
  swift (2.12.0)
      * Ring files now include byteorder information about the endian of
        the machine used to generate the file, and the values are
        appropriately byteswapped if deserialized on a machine with a
        different endianness.
        Newly created ring files will be byteorder agnostic, but
        previously generated ring files will still fail on different
        endian architectures. Regenerating older ring files will cause
        them to become byteorder agnostic. The regeneration of the ring
        files will not cause any new data movement. Newer ring files
        will still be usable by older versions of Swift (on machines
        with the same endianness--this maintains existing behavior).
      * All 416 responses will now include a Content-Range header with
        an unsatisfied-range value. This allows the caller to know the
        valid range request value for an object.
      * TempURLs now support a validation against a common prefix. A
        prefix-based signature grants access to all objects which share the
        same prefix. This avoids the creation of a large amount of signatures,
        when a whole container or pseudofolder is shared.
      * Correctly handle deleted files with if-none-match requests.
      * Correctly send 412 Precondition Failed if a user sends an
        invalid copy destination. Previously Swift would send a 500
        Internal Server Error.

Sat Nov 19 05:56:11 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.11.1.dev5:
  swift (2.11.0)
      * We have made significant improvements and changes to the erasure
        code implementation.
        - Instead of using a separate .durable file to indicate the
          durable status of an EC fragment archive, we rename the .data
          to include a durable marker in the filename. This saves one
          inode for every EC .data file. Existing .durable files will not
          be removed, and they will continue to work just fine.
          Note that after writing EC data with Swift 2.11.0 or later, that
          data will not be accessible to earlier versions of Swift.
        - Closed a bug where ssync may have written bad fragment data in
          some circumstances. A check was added to ensure the correct number
          of bytes is written for a fragment before finalizing the write.
          Also, erasure coded fragment metadata will now be validated on read
          requests and, if bad data is found, the fragment will be quarantined.
        - The improvements to EC reads made in Swift 2.10.0 have also been
          applied to the reconstructor. This allows fragments to be rebuilt
          in more circumstances, resulting in faster recovery from failures.
        - WARNING: If you are using the ISA-L library for erasure codes,
          please upgrade to liberasurecode 1.3.1 (or later) as soon as
          possible. If you are using isa_l_rs_vand with more than 4 parity,
          please read and take
          necessary action.

Sat Sep 24 01:17:48 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.9.1.dev281:
  swift (2.10.0, OpenStack Newton)
      * Object versioning now supports a "history" mode in addition to
        the older "stack" mode. The difference is in how DELETE requests
        are handled. For full details, please read
      * New config variables to change the schedule priority and I/O
        scheduling class. Servers and daemons now understand
        `nice_priority`, `ionice_class`, and `ionice_priority` to
        schedule their relative importance. Please read
        for full config details.
      * On newer kernels (3.15+ when using xfs), Swift will use the O_TMPFILE
        flag when opening a file instead of creating a temporary file
        and renaming it on commit. This makes the data path simpler and
        allows the filesystem to more efficiently optimize the files on
        disk, resulting in better performance.
      * Erasure code GET performance has been significantly
        improved in clusters that are not completely healthy.
      * Significant improvements to the api-ref doc available at
      * A PUT or POST to a container will now update the container's
        Last-Modified time, and that value will be included in a
        GET/HEAD response.

Wed Sep 21 13:08:51 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 2.9.1.dev270

Tue Sep  6 12:51:24 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version 2.9.1.dev209

Thu Jul 14 02:28:09 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.8.1.dev93:
  swift (2.9.0)
      * Swift now supports at-rest encryption. This feature encrypts all
        object data and user-set object metadata as it is sent to the cluster.
        This feature is designed to prevent information leaks if a hard drive
        leaves the cluster. The encryption is transparent to the end-user.
        At-rest encryption in Swift is enabled on the proxy server by
        adding two middlewares to the pipeline. The `keymaster` middleware
        is responsible for managing the encryption keys and the `encryption`
        middleware does the actual encryption and decryption.
        Existing clusters will continue to work without enabling
        encryption. Although enabling this feature on existing clusters
        is supported, best practice is to enable this feature on new
        clusters when the cluster is created.
        For more information on the details of the at-rest encryption
        feature, please see the docs at
      * `swift-recon` can now be called with more than one server type.
      * Fixed a bug where non-ascii names could cause an error in logging
        and cause a 5xx response to the client.
      * The install guide and API reference have been moved into Swift's
        source code repository.
      * Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Tue Jun  7 23:48:30 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.7.1.dev184:
  swift (2.8.0)
      * Allow concurrent bulk deletes for server-side deletes of static
        large objects. Previously this would be single-threaded and each
        DELETE executed serially. The new `delete_concurrency` value
        (default value is 2) in the `[filter:slo]` and `[filter:bulk]`
        sections of the proxy server config controls the concurrency
        used to perform the DELETE requests for referenced segments. The
        default value is recommended, but setting the value to 1
        restores previous behavior.
      * Refactor server-side copy as middleware
        The COPY verb is now implemented in the `copy` middleware instead
        of in the proxy server code. If not explicitly added, the server
        side copy middleware is auto-inserted to the left of `dlo`, `slo`
        and `versioned_writes` middlewares in the proxy server pipeline.
        As a result, dlo and slo `copy_hooks` are no longer required. SLO
        manifests are now validated when copied so when copying a
        manifest to another account the referenced segments must be
        readable in that account for the manifest copy to succeed
        (previously this validation was not made, meaning the manifest
        was copied but could be unusable if the segments were not
        With this change, there should be no change in functionality or
        existing behavior.
      * `fallocate_reserve` can now be a percentage (a value ending in "%"),
        and the default has been adjusted to "1%".

Thu Mar 24 13:39:56 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.6.1.dev262:
  swift (2.7.0, OpenStack Mitaka)
      * Bump PyECLib requirement to >= 1.2.0
      * Update container on fast-POST
        "Fast-POST" is the mode where `object_post_as_copy` is set to
        `False` in the proxy server config. This mode now allows for
        fast, efficient updates of metadata without needing to fully
        recopy the contents of the object. While the default still is
        `object_post_as_copy` as True, the plan is to change the default
        to False and then deprecate post-as-copy functionality in later
        releases. Fast-POST now supports container-sync functionality.
      * Add concurrent reads option to proxy.
        This change adds 2 new parameters to enable and control concurrent
        GETs in Swift, these are `concurrent_gets` and `concurrency_timeout`.
        `concurrent_gets` allows you to turn on or off concurrent
        GETs; when on, it will set the GET/HEAD concurrency to the
        replica count. And in the case of EC HEADs it will set it to
        ndata. The proxy will then serve only the first valid source to
        respond. This applies to all account, container, and replicated
        object GETs and HEADs. For EC only HEAD requests are affected.
        The default for `concurrent_gets` is off.
        `concurrency_timeout` is related to `concurrent_gets` and is
        the amount of time to wait before firing the next thread. A
        value of 0 will fire at the same time (fully concurrent), but

Fri Feb 26 02:58:24 UTC 2016 -

- Update to version swift-2.6.1.dev138:
  swift (2.6.0)
      * Dependency changes
        - Updated minimum version of eventlet to 0.17.4 to support IPv6.
        - Updated the minimum version of PyECLib to 1.0.7.
      * The ring rebalancing algorithm was updated to better handle edge cases
        and to give better (more balanced) rings in the general case. New rings
        will have better initial placement, capacity adjustments will move less
        data for better balance, and existing rings that were imbalanced should
        start to become better balanced as they go through rebalance cycles.
      * Added container and account reverse listings.
        A GET request to an account or container resource with a "reverse=true"
        query parameter will return the listing in reverse order. When
        iterating over pages of reverse listings, the relative order of marker
        and end_marker are swapped.
      * Storage policies now support having more than one name.
        This allows operators to fix a typo without breaking existing clients,
        or, alternatively, have "short names" for policies. This is implemented
        with the "aliases" config key in the storage policy config in
        swift.conf. The aliases value is a list of names that the storage
        policy may also be identified by. The storage policy "name" is used to
        report the policy to users (eg in container headers). The aliases have
        the same naming restrictions as the policy's primary name.

Sun Oct  4 00:37:16 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version swift-2.4.1.dev70:
  swift (2.5.0, OpenStack Liberty)
      * Added the ability to specify ranges for Static Large Object (SLO)
      * Replicator configs now support an "rsync_module" value to allow
        for per-device rsync modules. This setting gives operators the
        ability to fine-tune replication traffic in a Swift cluster and
        isolate replication disk IO to a particular device. Please see
        the docs and sample config files for more information and
      * Significant work has gone in to testing, fixing, and validating
        Swift's erasure code support at different scales.
      * Swift now emits StatsD metrics on a per-policy basis.
      * Fixed an issue with Keystone integration where a COPY request to a
        service account may have succeeded even if a service token was not
        included in the request.
      * Ring validation now warns if a placement partition gets assigned to the
        same device multiple times. This happens when devices in the ring are
        unbalanced (e.g. two servers where one server has significantly more
        available capacity).
      * Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Wed Sep  2 00:18:26 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version swift-2.3.1.dev356:
  swift (2.4.0)
      * Dependency changes
        - Added six requirement. This is part of an ongoing effort to add
          support for Python 3.
        - Dropped support for Python 2.6.
      * Config changes
        - Recent versions of Python restrict the number of headers allowed in a
          request to 100. This number may be too low for custom middleware. The
          new "extra_header_count" config value in swift.conf can be used to
          increase the number of headers allowed.
        - Renamed "run_pause" setting to "interval" (current configs with
          run_pause still work). Future versions of Swift may remove the
          run_pause setting.
      * Versioned writes middleware
        The versioned writes feature has been refactored and reimplemented as
        middleware. You should explicitly add the versioned_writes middleware to
        your proxy pipeline, but do not remove or disable the existing container
        server config setting ("allow_versions"), if it is currently enabled.
        The existing container server config setting enables existing
        containers to continue being versioned. Please see
        for further upgrade notes.

Fri Aug 21 00:17:06 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version swift-2.3.1.dev307:
  swift (2.3.0, OpenStack Kilo)
  swift (2.2.0, OpenStack Juno)
  swift (1.13.1, OpenStack Icehouse)
  swift (1.10.0, OpenStack Havana)
  swift (1.8.0, OpenStack Grizzly)
  swift (1.7.4, OpenStack Folsom)
  swift (1.4.8, OpenStack Essex)
  swift (1.4.3, OpenStack Diablo)
  Changelog entries for previous versions are incomplete
  swift (1.3.0, OpenStack Cactus)
  swift (1.2.0, OpenStack Bexar)
  swift (1.0.0, OpenStack Austin)

Mon May  4 09:38:24 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version swift-2.3.1.dev12:
  swift (2.3.0)
      * Erasure Code support (beta)
        Swift now supports an erasure-code (EC) storage policy type. This allows
        deployers to achieve very high durability with less raw capacity as used
        in replicated storage. However, EC requires more CPU and network
        resources, so it is not good for every use case. EC is great for storing
        large, infrequently accessed data in a single region.
        Swift's implementation of erasure codes is meant to be transparent to
        end users. There is no API difference between replicated storage and
        EC storage.
        To support erasure codes, Swift now depends on PyECLib and
        liberasurecode. liberasurecode is a pluggable library that allows for
        the actual EC algorithm to be implemented in a library of your choosing.
        As a beta release, EC support is nearly fully feature complete, but it
        is lacking support for some features (like multi-range reads) and has
        not had a full performance characterization. This feature relies on
        ssync for durability. Deployers are urged to do extensive testing and
        not deploy production data using an erasure code storage policy.
        Full docs are at
      * Add support for container TempURL Keys.
      * Make more memcache options configurable. connection_timeout,
        pool_timeout, tries, and io_timeout are all now configurable.

Fri Jan 30 11:16:27 UTC 2015 -

- Update to version swift-2.2.2rc1.post9:
  swift (2.2.2)
      * Data placement changes
        This release has several major changes to data placement in Swift in
        order to better handle different deployment patterns. First, with an
        unbalance-able ring, less partitions will move if the movement doesn't
        result in any better dispersion across failure domains. Also, empty
        (partition weight of zero) devices will no longer keep partitions after
        rebalancing when there is an unbalance-able ring.
        Second, the notion of "overload" has been added to Swift's rings. This
        allows devices to take some extra partitions (more than would normally
        be allowed by the device weight) so that smaller and unbalanced clusters
        will have less data movement between servers, zones, or regions if there
        is a failure in the cluster.
        Finally, rings have a new metric called "dispersion". This is the
        percentage of partitions in the ring that have too many replicas in a
        particular failure domain. For example, if you have three servers in a
        cluster but two replicas for a partition get placed onto the same
        server, that partition will count towards the dispersion metric. A
        lower value is better, and the value can be used to find the proper
        value for "overload".
        The overload and dispersion metrics have been exposed in the
        swift-ring-build CLI tools.
        for more info on how data placement works now.

Tue Dec 16 00:52:18 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-2.2.1c1.2.g8bbb50d:
  swift (2.2.1)
      * Swift now rejects object names with Unicode surrogates.
      * Return 403 (instead of 413) on unauthorized upload when over account
      * Fix a rare condition when a rebalance could cause swift-ring-builder
        to crash. This would only happen on old ring files when "rebalance"
        was the first command run.
      * Storage node error limits now survive a ring reload.
      * Speed up reading and writing xattrs for object metadata by using larger
        xattr value sizes. The change is moving from 254 byte values to 64KiB
        values. There is no migration issue with this.
      * Deleted containers beyond the reclaim age are now properly reclaimed.
      * Full Simplified Chinese translation (zh_CN locale) for errors and logs.
      * Container quota is now properly enforced during cross-account COPY.
      * ssync replication now properly uses the configured replication_ip.
      * Fixed issue were ssync did not replicate custom object headers.
      * swift-drive-audit now has the 'unmount_failed_device' config option
        (default to True) that controls if the process will unmount failed
        drives or not.

Sat Oct  4 23:58:17 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-
  swift (2.2.0)
      * Added support for Keystone v3 auth.
        Keystone v3 introduced the concept of "domains" and user names
        are no longer unique across domains. Swift's Keystone integration
        now requires that ACLs be set on IDs, which are unique across
        domains, and further restricts setting new ACLs to only use IDs.
        Please see for
        more information on configuring Swift and Keystone together.
      * Swift now supports server-side account-to-account copy. Server-
        side copy in Swift requires the X-Copy-From header (on a PUT)
        or the Destination header (on a COPY). To initiate an account-to-
        account copy, the existing header value remains the same, but the
        X-Copy-From-Account header (on a PUT) or the Destination-Account
        (on a COPY) are used to indicate the proper account.
      * Limit partition movement when adding a new placement tier.
        When adding a new placement tier (server, zone, or region), Swift
        previously attempted to move all placement partitions, regardless
        of the space available on the new tier, to ensure the best possible
        durability. Unfortunately, this could result in too many partitions
        being moved all at once to a new tier. Swift's ring-builder now
        ensures that only the correct number of placement partitions are
        rebalanced, and thus makes adding capacity to the cluster more

Sun Aug 24 00:01:27 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-
  swift (2.1.0)
      * swift-ring-builder placement was improved to allow gradual addition
        of new regions without causing a massive migration of data to the new
        region. The change was to prefer device weight first, then look at
        failure domains.
      * Logging updates
        - Eliminated "Handoff requested (N)" log spam.
        - Added process pid to the end of storage node log lines.
        - Container auditor now logs a warning if the devices path contains a
        - Object daemons now send a user-agent string with their full name.
      * 412 and 416 responses are no longer tracked as errors in the StatsD
        messages from the backend servers.
      * Parallel object auditor
        The object auditor can now be controlled with a "concurrency" config
        value that allows multiple auditor processes to run at once. Using
        multiple parallel auditor processes can speed up the overall auditor
        cycle time.
      * The object updater will now concurrently update each necessary node
        in a new greenthread.

Fri Jun 27 08:37:01 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-2.0.0.rc1.12.g53577c5:
  swift (2.0.0)
      * Storage policies
        Storage policies allow deployers to configure multiple object rings
        and expose them to end users on a per-container basis. Deployers
        can create policies based on hardware performance, regions, or other
        criteria and independently choose different replication factors on
        them. A policy is set on a Swift container at container creation
        time and cannot be changed.
        Full docs are at
      * Add profiling middleware in Swift
        The profile middleware provides a tool to profile Swift
        code on the fly and collects statistical data for performance
        analysis. A native simple Web UI is also provided to help
        query and visualize the data.
      * Add --quoted option to swift-temp-url
      * swift-recon now supports checking the md5sum of swift.conf, which
        helps deployers verify configurations are consistent across a cluster.
      * Users can now set the transaction id suffix by passing in
        a value in the X-Trans-Id-Extra header.
      * New log_max_line_length option caps the maximum length of a log line.

Fri Apr  4 08:20:51 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-
  swift (1.13.1)
      * Change the behavior of CORS responses to better match the spec
        A new proxy config variable (strict_cors_mode, default to True)
        has been added. Setting it to False keeps the old behavior. For
        an overview of old versus new behavior, please see
      * Invert the responsibility of the two instances of proxy-logging in
        the proxy pipeline
        The first proxy_logging middleware instance to receive a request
        in the pipeline marks that request as handling it. So now, the
        left most proxy_logging middleware handles logging for all
        client requests, and the right most proxy_logging middleware
        handles all other requests initiated from within the pipeline to
        its left. This fixes logging related to large object
        requests not properly recording bandwidth.
      * Added swift-container-info and swift-account-info tools
      * Allow specification of object devices for audit
      * Dynamic large object COPY requests with ?multipart-manifest=get
        now work as expected
      * When a client is downloading a large object and one of the segment
        reads gets bad data, Swift will now immediately abort the request.

Tue Apr  1 07:50:36 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-
        replication. Can also configure how many remote nodes a storage node

Sat Mar 22 01:31:49 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version 1.10.1:
  + The openstack-swift service user is going to be renamed to swift

Tue Feb 25 01:38:20 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version swift-
  swift (1.13.0)
      * Account-level ACLs and ACL format v2
        Accounts now have a new privileged header to represent ACLs or
        any other form of account-level access control. The value of
        the header is a JSON dictionary string to be interpreted by the
        auth system. A reference implementation is given in TempAuth.
        Please see the full docs at
      * Added a WSGI environment flag to stop swob from always using
        absolute location. This is useful if middleware needs to use
        out-of-spec Location headers in a response.
      * Container sync proxies now support simple load balancing
      * Config option to lower the timeout for recoverable object GETs
      * Add a way to ratelimit all writes to an account
      * Allow multiple storage_domain values in cname_lookup middleware
      * Moved all DLO functionality into middleware
        The proxy will automatically insert the dlo middleware at an
        appropriate place in the pipeline the same way it does with the
        gatekeeper middleware. Clusters will still support DLOs after upgrade
        even with an old config file that doesn't mention dlo at all.

Fri Jan 17 10:25:22 UTC 2014 -

- Add missing requirement on python-pbr

Tue Dec 10 10:09:55 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version
  + Prevent early auth deny in tempauth when using swift3 middleware.
  + Remove swift-bench
  + Update handoff algorithm to use IP/port pairs
  + Preserve closeability of app iterables
  + Opt out of the service catalog
  + fix expired object deletion
  + Allow access to the in-memory object server
  + Fixed a failing test on my saio
  + Override spelling of tempauth test name
  + Fix HEAD tempurls
  + Release notes for Swift 1.11.0
  + Stop mutating PATH_INFO in proxy server
  + make test tooling less opinionated
  + clarify the current state of the DiskFile API
  + Use files in the source tree instead of cut/paste

Thu Dec  5 15:47:41 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.10.0:
  + Inital commitReplace resetswift script with proper version
  + Drop README
  + Make sure mount point exists
  + Point to correct storage directory in configuration files
  + Add missing object-expirer.conf
  + Use variable

Fri Jul 19 20:34:52 UTC 2013 -

- adjust rm command 

Sat Apr 27 00:00:40 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1367020840.1b9b989:
  + copy X-Delete-At unless X-Fresh-Metadata: true is supplied on an object copy

Fri Apr 26 10:07:10 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1366970830.55c817c:
  + Fixing /etc/swift.conf-sample to include
  + Add auth_version to dispersion.conf.5

Tue Apr 23 21:59:55 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1366754395.5d52d2d:
  + Made colons quote-safe in logs; mainly for ipv6

Tue Apr 23 00:04:06 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1366675446.7f534fa:
  + fix dict duplicated key

Mon Apr 22 13:50:29 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1366638629.f63dc07:
  + Change logger name to module itself instead of root
  + Add x-remove-versions-location for feature: disable versioning
  + Fix reading xattrs in object-server's unittests.
  + Fix container-server sorting for manifest listings.
  + SLO multipart-manifest=get returns incorrect Content-Type
  + Change setup.cfg style.
  + Update documentation for account_quota middleware
  + add unit tests for db_replicator
  + Allow a configurable set of TempURL methods
  + directory /var/cache/swift /srv/node should be created.
  + Allow all headers requested for CORS.
  + Bug in SLO with multipart-manifest=get content type.
  + Refactored lists of nodes to contact for requests
  + objects md5-collisions
  + Adding a new optional variable called trans_id_suffix
  + Account Quota Correction
  + Correcting output of swift-ring-builder
  + fix email address
  + fix probe tests to work in a VM using mount_check
  + Refactoring format_device function
  + slobjects can not be made of other slobjects
  + Expirer now quotes names when deleting
  + fix slo docs
  + Drop cache after fsync
  + Extra safety on account-level DELETE

Tue Apr  2 10:04:14 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1364897054.01a5a47:
  + additional unit test coverage for container/
  + Fixing SLO range requests
  + fixed some minor things in tests that pyflakes complained about
  + fixes some problems pyflakes complains about
  + updated AUTHORS and CHANGELOG
  + Dynamic Large Object sleeps too much

Sun Mar 24 00:02:58 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1364083378.a979c80:
  + Fix for unicode issues in staticweb
  + instruction command was not documented in right format.
  + Fix bugs in bulk and slo and small doc change.
  + Add support for Hash Prefix

Thu Mar 21 15:44:33 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.8.1+git.1363880673.7df4323:
  + Improved container-sync resiliency
  + Give friendly notification in swift-get-nodes
  + Permit functional tests against Swift with Keystone
  + Fix crash in swift-ring-builder's list_parts command.
  + Small clarification to swift-recon section of admin guide.
  + swift-ring-builder blows up when not supported command requested.
  + Basic ring builder validation.
  + Instruction for multi node setup misses /var/run/swift creation
  + increase unit test coverage on account server
  + AUTHORS/CHANGELOG uploades for the next release
  + version bump for 1.8.1
  + Use role in insensitive case in keystoneauth.
  + fix stupid bug with bulk delete max items
  + Fix misspelled variable.
  + Fix for attempted COPY of objects gt MAX_FILE_SIZE

Sun Mar 17 11:38:08 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1363520288.c2f8f00:
  + Add tests and doc entry for request.environ[reseller_request]
  + Add missing to source tarball
  + Add a region tier to Swift's ring.
  + Fix swift-ring-builder's list_parts command.
  + Remove check for valid Origin for the "actual request".
  + Fix format device

Wed Mar 13 00:03:14 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1363132994.f6d1fa1:
  + Fixed bug with account_info

Mon Mar 11 11:26:56 UTC 2013 -

- Start using obs-service-github_tarballs

Mon Mar 11 11:25:05 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1363001105.5e427e5:
  + Account and container info fixes and improvement.
  + timing-based affinity sorting for primary replicas
  + Fixed formpost QUERY_STRING bugs.
  + Adding speed limit options for DB auditor
  + Allow acl with a valid token.
  + Add tests on keystone for invalid path requests.
  + Add cache=swift.cache for authtoken example.
  + Make rings' replica counts adjustable.
  + Improve bin/swift-account-audit
  + Correct docstring for swift.common.ring.utils.build_tier_tree and add
  + Fix descriptions in sample configs.
  + Add debug level logs for TempAuth.authorize.
  + Move the swift.1 manpage to python-swiftclient
  + Account Server: Refactor HEAD request handler
  + Force log entries to be one line
  + Adding a quick note to helper functions so its clear what they do and
  + Updating classifiers status to stable and clean up
  + make swift fsync
  + Added per disk PUT timing monitoring support.
  + Remove reduant check of list.
  + TempURL filename options; bug fixes
  + Static Large Object Support
  + Updated get_more_nodes algorithm
  + David Hadas email address has been changed.
  + Spread handoffs out better around zones.
  + Fix misspelled variable name
  + Support listing endpoints for an object.
  + Support tests for Apache
  + simplify the chexor function
  + Fix some unreadable code.
  + Account quotas
  + Add exception to swift-drive-audit if no date in line.

Sun Feb 24 18:17:55 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1361729875.d1381ba:
  + Change in swift-drive-audit handling log rotation.
  + Adds first-byte latency timings for GET requests.
  + Documentation fixups

Fri Feb 22 11:31:31 UTC 2013 -

- BuildRequire openstack-suse-macros instead of openstack-macros

Mon Feb 18 09:46:20 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1361180780.e88ff34:
  + Make statsd sample rate behave better.
  + Fixed bug in domain_remap and cname_lookup middleware
  + Deprecate is_admin feature.
  + Allow change the endpoint_type when use swift-dispersion tools
  + Made internal client handle failed requests better
  + Change the flag set to specify bulk delete and expand archives from a HTTP
  + Fixed some swift-recon typos
  + minor development doc changes
  + Use a doubled proxy-logging instead of each middleware handling it
  + Add generated keystone documentation to misc.rst.
  + Replaces Copyright statements for LLC with Foundation, removes date.
  + Fix spelling mistakes
  + log message in exception level when path encoding errors happen.
  + Swift MemcacheRing (set) interface is incompatible fixes
  + fix large objects with unicode
  + Cleanup of file permissions

Mon Feb  4 14:40:22 UTC 2013 -

- Start using obs-service-github_tarballs

Mon Feb  4 12:02:01 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1359979321.ec084de:
  + Fix keystoneauth with OPTIONS headers (eg: CORS)
  + Add wsgify and split_path utilities to swob
  + Add optional locking to swift-ring-builder
  + Handle access_log_headers in proxy_logging
  + Added fallocate_reserve option
  + Allow rebalance to take a seed.
  + Remove tempauth allowed_sync_hosts conf option
  + Cleanup based on pyflakes.
  + Deterministic, repeatable serialization for rings.
  + Optimize the ring builder's _reassign_parts() method.

Mon Jan 28 09:23:20 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1359365000.2f663ff:
  + Allow for multiple X-(Account|Container)-* headers.
  + Update auto-generated docs
  + Add more command-line options to swift-bench.
  + Add handler for CORS "actual requests"
  + Bulk Requests: auto extract archive and bulk delete middleware.

Wed Jan 23 16:41:31 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1358959291.f2941b0:
  + Add --run-dir switch to swift-init
  + Fix superfluous GET requests in swift-bench.
  + prevent irregular auth_prefix config in tempauth
  + Validate numericness of ports in builder files.

Mon Jan 21 09:36:30 UTC 2013 -

- Update to version 1.7.7+git.1358760990.6c5fc3c:
  + consistency and grammatical tweaks
  + Fix HEAD request response when request not given to response.
  + Fixed bug in object replicator
  + Add container-sync to container-server.conf doc.
  + Some optimizations for ring rebalancing.
  + Make object-auditor to use one logger
  + swob refactors needed for sos
  + get swob.Request.blank to parse path
  + authors and changelog update for swift 1.7.6
  + version bump to 1.7.7-dev

Mon Jan  7 12:46:38 UTC 2013 -

- Start using obs-service-github_tarballs

Thu Nov 15 14:55:21 UTC 2012 -

- Use openstack-macros

Tue Nov 13 15:56:32 UTC 2012 -

- Initial package, split out from openstack-swift.spec

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