File supertux2.changes of Package supertux2
Sun Dec 26 23:30:54 UTC 2021 - Avindra Goolcharan <>
- Update to version 0.6.3:
* WASM compilation: nightlies can now be played directly in the browser
* Added swimming
* Added walljumping
* Autotiles
* Updated animations
* Refreshed many contrib worldmaps
* Many updates to paths, with easing, bezier curves, path sharing between objects, and more
* Remade the crystal tileset
* Many new snow tiles
* Many new objects, like the sideways bumper and falling blocks
* Custom particles
* A new rublight object
* Official binaries for FreeBSD, Linux 32-bit and Ubuntu Touch
* Added in-game progress statistics
* New color picker based on OKLab
* Add-on creator, to easily create add-on packages with your world
* Rework of the Revenge in Redmond worldmap
* Added timeshift ambience in the worldmap
* Skippable cutscenes
* Editor auto-saves at regular intervals
* Optional integration with Discord
* Updated translations
Thu Sep 2 10:11:28 UTC 2021 - Jan Engelhardt <>
- Reenable PIE/PIC.
Fri Jul 31 13:01:02 UTC 2020 - Michel Normand <>
- Add _constraints with default 4GB min disk space
Mon May 25 22:11:53 UTC 2020 - Simon Puchert <>
- Update to version 0.6.2:
* A new worldmap, "Revenge In Redmond" celebrating SuperTux's
20th anniversary, which includes new enemies and sprites
* New and improved backgrounds and sprites
* Improvements to many levels in the Icy Island and forest world
* Speed improvements for levels using a huge amount of lava tiles
* An issue causing the bridge in the forest world to not be shown
in certain cases was fixed
Wed Mar 25 21:46:03 UTC 2020 - Simon Puchert <>
- Update to version
* unrelated bugfix release, no change in distribution build
- Update to version 0.6.1:
* Rework of the first 3 Bonus Worlds
* Added 3 new bonus worlds to the core game
* Improvements to the story mode
* Addition of Ghost Forest to the Story Mode
* New Backgrounds and Music by BlasterMaster
* Tiles and Sprites Improvements by Alzter, weluvgoatz and RustyBox
* New enemy: The Ghoul
* Fixes and optimizations (Fixing buggy controls, game speed, etc.)
* Level Editor Improvements, Fixes and Optimisations
* Revamp of the Credits Menu
* Blocks (and other objects behaving like blocks, such as lanterns) no longer jitter when stacked on top of one another
* Trampolines as bonus block contents no longer hurt Tux
* An issue causing music not to get saved in the level editor was fixed
- Clean up spec file
Wed Apr 3 11:50:28 UTC 2019 -
- Add BuildRequire libboost_system-devel to fix build
Wed Feb 13 10:10:30 UTC 2019 -
- Build SuperTux2 with libraqm support
- Added requirement graphviz-devel and libphysfs-devel
Tue Dec 25 20:24:45 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 0.6.0:
* Complete redesign of the icy world and forest world.
* Complete revamp of our rendering engine, the game should be
much faster than it was previously.
* We now support OpenGL 3.3 Core as well as OpenGL ES 2.0, thus
allowing SuperTux to be run on the Raspberry Pi, and
potentially WebGL.
* A few graphics have been updated, and effects have been added.
* The save bell was reworked.
* Improved big Tux graphics and animations.
* Various effects and shaders.
* Support for right-to-left languages through vector fonts. This
will also fix a few non-ASCII characters, which often caused
problems before in translations.
* A lot of other under-the-hood changes and bugfixes.
- Add conditional libboost_locale-devel BuildRequires: New
- Add hicolor-icon-theme, pkgconfig(freetype2), pkgconfig(libpng)
and pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: New dependencies.
Sun May 7 09:39:27 UTC 2017 -
- disable global PIE support, untangling the static libs of the
squirrel compiler is too tricky.
Tue Mar 14 08:23:53 UTC 2017 -
- Corrected docs handling
- Corrected the rights of /usr/share/supertux2/sounds/
Thu Feb 2 14:53:42 UTC 2017 -
- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
Fri Dec 2 20:41:32 UTC 2016 -
- Removed patch system-tinygettext.patch
- Removed patch fix-cmake.patch
Thu Dec 1 21:26:04 UTC 2016 -
- Build version 0.5.1
* Editor: Tilemap: Add an option to change the draw target
* Editor: Add an option to snap objects to the grid (this will make it easier to add objects to a nice location in levels)
* Editor: Camera: Remove autoscroll option, as it is deprecated and should not be used anymore
* Editor: Fix an issue where some areas in the editor would be excessively large relative to the window/screen size
* In-game level editor
* Improved levels in Antarctica and Forest Island
* Language packs are fixed
* Engine performance improvements
* Extended the scripting API: gradients are now scriptable
* Added a few more tiles and music
* New console commands and command line options (related to the editor)
* Various other bugfixes of issues reported since the v0.4.0 release
* And more (minor) improvements and changes
* Fixed build system in order to correctly support SemVer pre-release tags
* Fixed miniswig compilation
* Editor: correctly join paths (using FileSystem::join())
* Editor: LevelDot: add a NULL check to prevent a crash when editing worldmaps
* Editor: correctly save BadGuy and Dispenser direction
* Editor: reorder layer objects when their object menu is closed
* Editor: allow setting z-pos of decals
* Editor: display a notile when the tile ID is invalid
* Editor: make it possible to switch tilesets
* Editor: Torch: make it possible to change the sprite (#541)
* Don't turn Tux into stone above ground when using earth bonus (#537)
* WillOWisp: get name property in order to fix a scripting issue (#529)
* Editor: don't play WillOWisp sound
* Editor: move moving objects to the center of the mouse pointer when adding
* Editor: Switch: make sprite option visible again
* Make use of auto pointers and modern iterators where appropriate
* README: various updates related to download count
* Save and load visibility of SpriteChange tiles in squirrel table (#342)
* Editor: Fix an issue where the name of a scripted object wouldn't be saved (#557)
* Editor: add an alignment option for background (#547)
* Editor: Better approach for layer removal (#510)
* Add a launcher script for Windows builds (#443)
* Fixes for the build system and updates with regard to the automatic deployment of releases
* More code style fixes
* Editor: verify some level properties have been set
* Add the possibility to add sawblade/hurting platforms using the editor
* Jump with Up: mark as deprecated in KeyboardMenu and JoystickMenu (addresses #499)
* Fix an issue with odd behavior of music playback (#583)
* Update some parts of the (user) documentation
* Editor: multiple fixes to levelset and worldmap creation, including UX improvements
* Editor: Angle option for spotlight
* Unify string spelling for consistency
* String freeze for translators is now in effect
* Editor: sort layer in ascending order
* Scripting: deduplicate code using the ExposedObject template class
* Update the translations to reflect the translation progress as of 2016-09-12
* Use PhysFS file system abstraction for is\_directory checks
* Prevent statistics text from overlapping
* Fix a bug with Level.edit() in squirrel (#207)
* Stop looping sounds when dead
* Final translation update
Mon Aug 1 23:16:09 UTC 2016 -
- Added fix-cmake.patch to build supertux with system libsquirrel
and with system libtinygettext.
- Added system-tinygettext.patch to fix usage of tinygettext
(bundled version is slightly modded).
- Some cleanup
Tue Dec 22 23:48:33 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 0.4.0:
* Update translations
* Rework add-on manager to support downloadable and updatable
localization packs
* Many bugfixes
* Add iced-graphics to some more badguys
* Melting animation for some badguys
* Update more levels (fix playability, ...)
* Update build system, featuring unit tests, libraries as git
submodules and improved Travis-CI builds to support nightly
* More levels in Incubator Island
* Support for horizontal and vertical gradients that span the
length/height of a sector. Add (direction "horizontal_sector/
vertical_sector") to your gradient.
- Deleted fixed supertux2-0.3.5a-fix-no-return-in-func.patch
Wed Aug 5 05:22:32 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 0.3.5a:
* CMakeLists: fix error with cmake lower than 3.x.
* Improve building of version.h.
* Minor bugfixes.
* Update translations.
- Add supertux2-0.3.5a-fix-no-return-in-func.patch from commit
0e444e9: fix assignment operators with no return statement.
Wed Apr 22 11:43:32 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 0.3.5:
* Move to SDL2 for graphics rendering.
* Glow effects.
* New badguys: iceflame, ghostflame, livefire, goldbomb,
* New bonuses: coinrain, coinexplode.
* Statistics improved.
* Icy island levels tweaked.
* New sounds.
* Massive improvements to localization.
* Efficiency tweaks.
* Menus reworked.
* Addon manager improved.
* New tilemap: halloween.
* New powerups: air- and earth-flower.
* Support for horizontal gradients in levels
(add (direction "vertical|horizontal") to your level).
- Spec cleanup.
Sun Aug 31 19:24:28 UTC 2014 -
- use supertux2.png to not conflict with supertux (bnc#894296)
Sat Jan 4 22:30:41 UTC 2014 -
- update to 0.3.4
- removed all patches because they have been fixed upstream
Wed Dec 26 11:28:19 UTC 2012 -
- openal-devel is now called openal-soft-devel
Fri Nov 23 15:33:27 UTC 2012 -
- Replaced make_install macro by make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
so it also build for SLE
Tue May 1 10:09:49 UTC 2012 -
- Fixed gcc 4.7 build
Using Dimstar's devel:libraries:c_c++ squirrel, squirrel-gcc47.patch
Wed Dec 21 15:59:00 UTC 2011 -
- Added missing clean
Wed Dec 21 14:59:02 UTC 2011 -
- Run spec-cleaner
- Add CURL BuildRequire
- Move away from /games directories
- Compile with debug informarion
Wed Nov 2 14:30:14 UTC 2011 -
- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/sections (cf. specfile guidelines)
- Enable parallel build
Tue Nov 1 00:00:00 UTC 2011 -
- cleaned the spec file
Wed Sep 8 00:00:00 UTC 2010 -
- updated to 0.3.3
Thu Oct 23 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- updated to 0.3.2 SVN
Sun Jul 6 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- imported supertux 0.1.3 from openSUSE:factory and updated to 0.3.1 SVN