File apache2-CVE-2018-17199.patch of Package apache2.31343

Index: modules/session/mod_session.c
--- a/modules/session/mod_session.c	(revision 1851408)
+++ b/modules/session/mod_session.c	(revision 1851409)
@@ -126,20 +126,23 @@
     /* found a session that hasn't expired? */
     now = apr_time_now();
     if (zz) {
-        if (zz->expiry && zz->expiry < now) {
+        /* load the session attibutes */
+        rv = ap_run_session_decode(r, zz);
+        /* having a session we cannot decode is just as good as having
+           none at all */
+       if (OK != rv) {
+            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01817)
+                    "error while decoding the session, "
+                    "session not loaded: %s", r->uri);
             zz = NULL;
-        else {
-            /* having a session we cannot decode is just as good as having
-               none at all */
-            rv = ap_run_session_decode(r, zz);
-            if (OK != rv) {
-                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01817)
-                              "error while decoding the session, "
-                              "session not loaded: %s", r->uri);
-                zz = NULL;
-            }
+       /* invalidate session if session is expired */
+        if (zz && zz->expiry && zz->expiry < now) {
+            zz = NULL;

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