File racoon.conf_macros.patch of Package ipsec-tools
diff -ruN ipsec-tools-0.7-orig/src/racoon/samples/ ipsec-tools-0.7/src/racoon/samples/
--- ipsec-tools-0.7-orig/src/racoon/samples/ 2006-09-09 16:22:36.000000000 +0000
+++ ipsec-tools-0.7/src/racoon/samples/ 2008-01-26 18:44:40.000000000 +0000
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
# "include" directive with relative file path.
# you can overwrite "path" directive afterwards, however, doing so may add
# more confusion.
-path include "@sysconfdir_x@/racoon";
+path include "@sysconfdir@";
#include "remote.conf";
# the file should contain key ID/key pairs, for pre-shared key authentication.
-path pre_shared_key "@sysconfdir_x@/racoon/psk.txt";
+path pre_shared_key "@sysconfdir@/psk.txt";
# racoon will look for certificate file in the directory,
# if the certificate/certificate request payload is received.
-path certificate "@sysconfdir_x@/cert";
+path certificate "@sysconfdir@/cert";
# "log" specifies logging level. It is followed by either "notify", "debug"
# or "debug2".