File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.17677
<patchinfo incident="17677">
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1176606">Xen Dom-0 kdump not working - kernel does not see the reserved memory</issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1174508">The kdump service fails to start on SLES15 SP2 Xen.</issue>
<summary>Recommended update for kexec-tools</summary>
<description>This update for kexec-tools fixes the following issues:
- Xen 4.7 introduced _soft-reset_ for HVM domUs. (bsc#1176606, bsc#1174508)
This host feature removes the requirement to _un-ballon_ the `domU` prior `kexec`.
With Xen 4.13 _cpuid faulting_ became the default, which affects the approach used before to detect the _domU_ type.
As a result, invoking kexec in _dom0_ failed.