File _patchinfo of Package patchinfo.30822
<patchinfo incident="30822">
<issue tracker="jsc" id="PED-7112"></issue>
<issue tracker="jsc" id="PED-4964"></issue>
<issue tracker="bnc" id="1211892">[CUDA, nvidia-peermem] Kernel Module not available on SLE</issue>
<summary>Recommended update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06, nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed</summary>
<description>This update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06, nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed fixes the following issues:
Changes in nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed:
- Update to version 535.113.01
- post install scripts:
* add/remove nosimplefb=1 kernel option in order to fix Linux
console also on sle15-sp6/Leap 15.6 kernel, which will come
with simpledrm support
- Add a devel package so other modules can be built against this
one. [jira#PED-4964]
- disabled build of nvidia-peermem module; it's no longer needed
and never worked anyway (it was only a stub) [boo#1211892]
- preamble: added conflict to nvidia-gfxG05-kmp to prevent users
from accidently installing conflicting proprietary kernelspace
drivers from CUDA repository
Changes in kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06:
- update firmware to version 535.113.01