File libopenmpt.changes of Package libopenmpt

Thu Jun 16 09:19:35 UTC 2022 - ecsos <>

- Update to 0.6.4
  - [Bug] openmpt123: Linking failed when using Autotools build system targeting MinGW.
  - [Bug] tests: Linking failed when using Autotools build system targeting MinGW.
  - [Bug] examples: Linking failed when using Autotools build system targeting MinGW.
  - [Change] Support for mingw-std-threads when building for MinGW targets is now deprecated
    because this is not supported for GCC 11 or later
  - Ping-pong sample loops sometimes stopped playing at the end of the loop.
- Changes from 0.6.3
  - Pitch / Pan Separation and Random Variation instrument properties
    were not resetting properly when seeking, potentially causing
    instruments to be played e.g. at a vastly different pan position
    compared to playing the module continuously.
  - MED: Stereo samples were not imported correctly.
  - zlib: Update to v1.2.12 (2022-03-27).
- Changes from 0.6.2
  - [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds write in malformed IT / XM / MPTM
    files using the internal LFO plugin. (r17076)
  - [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds read when using Amiga BLEP
    interpolation with extremely high-pitched notes. (r17078, r17079)
  - ISO-8859-1-related charsets from Amiga OS and RISC OS are now
    handled more accurately, thus avoiding some unwanted control characters.
  - MO3: Pattern indices 254 / 255 were not treated as playable
    patterns even if the original file was a MOD / XM.
  - Correctly apply ST3-style effect memory when seeking in S3M files.
  - Command S (S3M / IT style) effect memory was not applied when seeking.
  - Initial channel mute status was not reported correctly in
    get_channel_mute_status since libopenmpt 0.6.0.
  - FLAC: Update to v1.3.4 (2022-02-21).
  - pugixml: Update to v1.12.1 (2022-02-16).
- Changes from 0.6.1
  - [Bug] Linking libmpg123 no longer fails on OpenBSD.
  - [Bug] Possible hang with malformed DMF, DSM, MED, MUS, OKT and
    SymMOD files containing 65536 or more patterns when destroying
    the module.
  - [Bug] Avoid NaNs and infinite values with custom tunings and in
    the I3DL2Reverb plugin.
  - MIDI macros are now evaluated when seeking.
  - The letter "z" is now evaluated in fixed MIDI macros (Z80...ZFF)
    the same way as in Impulse Tracker.
  - MOD: Loosened VBlank timing heuristics so that "frame of mind"
    by Dascon plays correctly.
  - MOD: Validate the contents of "hidden" patterns beyond the end
    of the order list when the file size matches the expected size
    when only taken "official" patterns into account. This fixes
    Shofixti Ditty.mod from Star Control 2 while keeping other 
    (partly broken) modules working.
  - MED: Command 20 (reverse sample) is now only applied when it's
    next to a note.
  - S3M: Introducing the "Send OPL key-off when triggering notes"
    compatibility setting broke retrigger for OPL notes again
    (they retriggered rather than not retriggering).
  - S3M: Retriggering a note no longer resets its pitch after a portamento.
  - S3M: Partially implement retrigger behaviour for stopped notes
    in SoundBlaster mode: Like in IT, it is not possible to retrigger
    a sample that has already stopped playing.
  - DIGI: Improve compatibility with E3x reverse sample command.
  - DSym: Tempos < 32 were treated as tempo slides.
  - SymMOD: Key-off command was not implemented properly.
- Changes from 0.6.0
  - [New] MUS files from Psycho Pinball and Micro Machines 2 are now supported.
  - [New] SymMOD files created with Symphonie / Symphonie Pro are now supported.
  - [New] FMT files created with Davey W Taylor's FM Tracker are now supported.
  - [New] DSYM files created with Digital Symphony are now supported.
  - [New] STX files (transitional format between Scream Tracker 2 and 3) are now supported.
  - [New] TakeTracker MODs with TDZ1 to TDZ3 magic bytes are now supported.
  - [New] openmpt123: openmpt123 will now expand file wildcards
    passed on the command line in Windows when built with MSVC.
  - [New] libopenmpt_ext: New interface interactive2 adding
    openmpt::ext::interactive2::note_off(), openmpt::ext::interactive2::note_fade(), openmpt::ext::interactive2::set_channel_panning(), openmpt::ext::interactive2::get_channel_panning(), openmpt::ext::interactive2::set_note_finetune(), and openmpt::ext::interactive2::get_note_finetune() (C++) and openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.note_off(), openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.note_fade(), openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.set_channel_panning(), openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.get_channel_panning(), openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.set_note_finetune(), and openmpt_module_ext_interface_interactive2.get_note_finetune() (C).
  - [New] Makefile CONFIG=emscripten now supports EMSCRIPTEN_TARGET=audioworkletprocessor
    which builds an ES6 module in a single file with reduced dependencies suitable
    to be used in an AudioWorkletProcessor.
  - [New] Makefile CONFIG=emscripten now supports EMSCRIPTEN_PORTS=1
    which uses dependencies (zlib, mp123, ogg, and vorbis) from Emscripten
    Ports instead of using miniz, minimp3, and stb_vorbis locally or building
    zlib, mp123, ogg, and vorbis locally.
  - [New] Makefile CONFIG=emscripten and CONFIG=djgpp can now build
    zlib, mpg123, and vorbis locally instead of only supporting miniz,
    minimp3, and stb_vorbis via ALLOW_LGPL=1.
  - [Change] Makefile CONFIG=emscripten now supports EMSCRIPTEN_TARGET=all
    which provides WebAssembly as well as fallback to JavaScript in a single build.
  - [Change] openmpt123: DOS builds now use the Mercury fork of liballegro 4.2
    for improved hardware compatibility.
  - [Change] libopenmpt no longer generates internal interpolation
    tables on library load time, but instead only on first module load time.
  - [Regression] Makefile CONFIG=emscripten does not support
    EMSCRIPTEN_TARGET=asmjs or EMSCRIPTEN_TARGET=asmjs128m any more
    because support has been removed from current Emscripten versions.
  - [Regression] Support for GCC 7 has been removed.
  - [Regression] Support for Clang 5, 6 has been removed.
  - [Regression] Support for Emscripten versions older than 1.39.7
    has been removed.
  - [Regression] Building with Android NDK older than NDK r19c is
    not supported any more.
  - libopenmpt can now detect infinite pattern loops and treats them as the song end.
    This means that setting a repeat count other than -1 now always guarantees that
    playback will eventually end. The song loop counter is decremented each time it
    ends up at the start of the infinite loop, so the song does not restart from the
    beginning even if the repeat count is not 0.
  - openmpt::module::set_position_seconds() accuracy has been
    improved for modules with pattern loops.
  - Samples played at the wrong volume when rendering modules in mono.
  - IT: Portamentos in files with Linear Slides disabled are now more accurate.
  - IT: Pitch/Pan Separation was affected by note-off commands,
    and wasn't reset by panning commands like in Impulse Tracker.
  - IT: Even after libopenmpt 0.5.14 the filter reset logic was still
    not 100% identical to Impulse Tracker: A note triggered on tick 0 of a row
    with a Pattern Delay effect still caused the filter to be reset on repetitions
    of that row even though the note wasn't retriggered.
  - IT: Added read-only support for BeRoTracker commands 1 and 2
    (equivalent to XM commands K and L).
  - XM: BeRoTracker saves smooth MIDI macros in a different way from OpenMPT.
    This command is now imported correctly.
  - XM: Emulate FT2 Tone Portamento quirk that inverts portamento direction
    after the target was reached (if target note was higher than previous note).
  - S3M files saved with Impulse Tracker and latest Schism Tracker
    now also compute sample playback speed in Hertz.
  - Depending on whether an S3M file was last saved in Scream Tracker
    with the Sound Blaster or Gravis Ultrasound drivers loaded,
    different compatibility flags are now applied. For files saved
    with the GUS, the sample volume factor is now also ignored
    (fixes volume levels in S3Ms made on the GUS, in particular if 
    they use both samples and OPL instruments).
  - S3M: Enforce the lower frequency bound.
  - MOD: Loosened VBlank timing heuristics so that the original
    copy of Guitar Slinger from Dizzy Tunes II plays correctly.
  - FAR: Correct portamento depth is now used.
  - DMF / IMF: Improved accuracy of finetune commands.
  - MDL: Implemented finetune command.
  - OKT: Various accuracy improvements such as: Sharing volume between
    mixed channels, volume commands on mixed channels are permanent 
    (not reset with new notes), mixed channels do not support default
    sample volume, 7-bit samples are actually supposed to be played 
    as-is (not amplified to full 8-bit range), reject speed command parameters >= 20.
  - zlib: v1.2.11 (2017-01-15).
  - mpg123: v1.29.3 (2021-12-11).
  - ogg: v1.3.5 (2021-06-04).
  - vorbis: v1.3.7 (2020-07-04).
  - miniz: v2.2.0 (2021-06-27).
  - minimp3: commit 50d2aaf360a53653b718fead8e258d654c3a7e41 (2021-11-27).
  - stb_vorbis: v1.22 commit 5a0bb8b1c1b1ca3f4e2485f4114c1c8ea021b781 (2021-07-12).
  - FLAC: v1.3.3 (2019-08-04).
  - PortAudio: v19.7.0 (2021-04-06).
- Add gcc11-c++ to build requires for Leap.

Wed Apr  6 13:58:48 UTC 2022 - ecsos <>

- Update to 0.5.17
  * [**Sec**] Possible out-of-bounds write in malformed 
    IT / XM / MPTM files using the internal LFO plugin. (r17081)
  * [**Sec**] Possible out-of-bounds read when using Amiga BLEP
    interpolation with extremely high-pitched notes. (r17082)
  * MO3: Pattern indices 254 / 255 were not treated as playable
    patterns even if the original file was a MOD / XM.
  * Correctly apply ST3-style effect memory when seeking in S3M
  * Command S (S3M / IT style) effect memory was not applied when
  * FLAC: Update to v1.3.4 (2022-02-21).
  * pugixml: Update to v1.12.1 (2022-02-16).

Sat Feb  5 09:36:17 UTC 2022 - ecsos <>

- Update to 0.5.16
  * [Bug] Possible hang with malformed DMF, DSM, MED and OKT files
    containing 65536 or more patterns when destroying the module.
  * [Bug] Avoid NaNs and infinite values with custom tunings.
  * The letter “z” is now evaluated in fixed MIDI macros (Z80…ZFF)
    the same way as in Impulse Tracker.
  * MOD: Loosened VBlank timing heuristics so that “frame of mind”
    by Dascon plays correctly.
  * MOD: Validate the contents of “hidden” patterns beyond the end
    of the order list when the file size matches the expected size
    when only taken “official” patterns into account. This fixes
    Shofixti Ditty.mod from Star Control 2 while keeping other
    (partly broken) modules working.
  * MED: Command 20 (reverse sample) is now only applied when it’s
    next to a note.
- Update to 0.5.15
  * [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds read of stack-allocated array in
    malformed AMS files. (r16243)
  * [Bug] Fixed various undefined behaviour found with ubsan.
  * IT: Even after libopenmpt 0.5.14 the filter reset logic was
    still not 100% identical to Impulse Tracker: A note triggered
    on tick 0 of a row with a Pattern Delay effect still caused the
    filter to be reset on repetitions of that row even though the
    note wasn’t retriggered.
  * MOD: Loosened VBlank timing heuristics so that the original
    copy of Guitar Slinger from Dizzy Tunes II plays correctly.
  * mpg123: Update to v1.29.3 (2021-12-11).

Thu Dec 23 06:48:17 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.14:
  * [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds read in Chorus plugin with NaN
    plugin parameters. Most implementations of the “fast math”
    compiler optimizations will prevent this crash but it is not
    guaranteed. (r16096)
  * [Bug] Fixed undefined behaviour with custom tunings found with
  * OPL: Improved channel allocation strategy when there are lots
    of faded-out notes.
  * MOD: Digital Tracker MODs have four unknown bytes right after
    the magic bytes which seem to be ignored even by Digital
    Tracker itself. Just skip over them.
  * The logic when to turn off the resonant filter was broken in
    some edge cases since libopenmpt 0.5.1.
  * IMF: Implemented XE1-XE3 commands, which disable individual
    envelopes. Command Nxy (cutoff slide + resonance) is now also
    partially supported (only resonance for now).
  * IMF: Filter envelopes were upside down.
  * MTM: Omitting pattern loading through the load.skip_patterns
    ctl caused sample data to be corrupted.
  * S3M: Ignore O00 commands in files created with Scream Tracker
    3.00 and 3.01, as this command only gained effect memory in
    version 3.03.
  * STM: Use S3M-like sample swap behaviour.
  * XM: Disable arpeggio quirk for XMs made with Skale Tracker.
    Fixes KAPTENFL.XM.

Wed Dec  1 10:26:39 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella <>

- Update to 0.5.13:
  * [Bug] Fixed various undefined behaviour found with ubsan.
  * IMF: Change envelope interpretation to be more like in XM instead of
    IT and tighten header validation.
  * MED: Some samples had a ping-pong loop when there should be no loop at all.
  * MT2: Ignore incorrect drums chunk size in early MT2 files (fixes e.g.
    “A little Rock” by Csumi).
  * MT2: Work around initial master volume of 0 used in some files that apply
    a fade-in a the song start using track automation that would stay silent
    forever otherwise (track automation is currently not supported).
  * OKT: Apply portamento on every tick.
  * mpg123: Update to v1.29.2 (2021-10-23).

Fri Oct 22 13:02:36 UTC 2021 - Danilo Spinella <>

- Update to 0.5.12:
  * [Sec] Possible crash when loading malformed MDL files. (r15603)

  * [Bug] Fixed various undefined behaviour found with ubsan.
  * Seeking with sample sync sometimes didn’t compute the correct
    sample position with pingpong-looped samples.
  * IT: Tremor command I11 erroneously behaved like I00 (use previous
    parameter) unless IT Old Effects were enabled.
  * PTM: Panning was translated wrong in some edge cases.
  * IMF / PTM: Note Slide commands were sometimes slightly off.
  * OKT: Better support for fine note slides.
  * DBM: Echo enable effect parameter range checks were incorrect.

  * XM: Sample texts in XMs made with MadTracker are now also
    decoded using Windows-1252 encoding.

  * in_openmpt: Song metadata is no longer reverted when viewing
    file info.
  * mpg123: Update to v1.29.0 (2021-09-06).

Mon Aug 23 22:18:43 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.11:
  * [Sec] Possible crash with malformed modules when trying to
    access non-existent plugin slots FX251-FX255.
  * [Sec] Possible read beyond sample start after swapping to a
    sample with loop points set but not loop enabled.
  * [Sec] Fixed various possible crashes with malformed MMCMP
  * [Sec] MED: Possible read past end of sequence name
    (stack-allocated, so relatively unlikely to result in a
  * Fixed excessive memory usage with files claiming to have an
    extremely high rows per beat count while also using tempo
    swing. Maximum rows per beat are now limited to 65536.
  * STP: Avoid creating thousands of patterns when loading
    malformed files even though no more pattern data can be read.

Sun Jul 11 08:40:39 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.10:
  * S3M: Honor the Stereo flag not being set. This improves the
    sound of some tunes like Turbulence by Purple Motion.
  * S3M: Detect MPT 1.0 alpha versions which didn’t set the Stereo
    flag. In this case, the unset Stereo flag is also ignored
    because MPT 1.0 alpha used the default S3M channel panning
  * S3M: Only for OPL instruments the high sample rate bits should
    be ignored; for PCM instruments they are clamped to 65535 Hz.
  * MOD: Do not apply ProTracker loop length quirk to MODs that
    could have been made with Scream Tracker (fixes Soul-O-Matic
    by Purple Motion).
  * AMF (DSMI): Format revisions 1 and 9, as well as early
    (technically malformed) revision 10 files, are now supported.
    Surround panning commands and instrument number without note
    are now converted correctly.
  * AMF (DSMI): Patterns and samples were not read correctly in
    some files (e.g. AVOID.AMF).
  * GDM: Correctly import extra-fine portamentos.

Wed Jun 23 17:53:40 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.9:
  * The retrigger effect didn’t work correctly for OPL instruments
    in some cases depending on the chosen output sample rate.
  * S3M: Emulate IT short sample retrigger quirk in S3M files saved
    with Impulse Tracker and Schism Tracker.
  * ProTracker 3.6 doesn’t support sample swapping. It is now
    disabled when loading a ProTracker 3.6 IFF module.
  * Some files with “hidden” garbage patterns were not played
    correctly since libopenmpt 0.5.3.
  * MOD: E9x retrigger now works the same way as in ProTracker 2.
  * MDL: Improve auto-vibrato accuracy.
  * 669: Reject files that contain any pattern tempo higher than
  * Reduce memory consumption of malformed XPK-compressed files.

Tue Apr 20 02:32:33 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.8:
  * [Sec] Possible null-pointer dereference read caused by a
    sequence of openmpt::module::read,
    openmpt::module::set_position_order_row pointing to an invalid
    pattern, and another openmpt::module::read call. To trigger the
    crash, pattern 0 must not exist in the file and the tick speed
    before the position jump must be lower than the initial speed
    of the module.
  * [Bug] libopenmpt 0.5.7 broke seeking in some subsongs.
  * The built-in LFO plugin did not load the correct initial LFO
  * IT command S7x (instrument control) is now supported when
    seeking with sample sync enabled.
  * libopenmpt_ext play_note was cutting of channels even when
    there were plenty of free channels to use.

Sat Mar 20 20:15:48 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.7:
  * [Sec] Possible null-pointer dereference read caused by a
    sequence of openmpt::module::read,
    openmpt::module::set_position_seconds with a position past the
    song end, and another openmpt::module::read call.

  * IT: Instrument / sample panning was reset on note-off / fade
  * IMF: Set Finetune is now implemented correctly.
  * Fixed excessive memory consumption with malformed files in
    various formats.

Sun Mar 14 18:40:46 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.6:
  * AMS: Avoid allocating excessive amount of memory for compressed
    song message in malformed files.
  * S3M: Some samples or OPL patches were imported with a too high
    sample rate if module was saved with Scream Tracker 3.

Tue Feb  2 23:22:53 UTC 2021 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.5:
  * [Bug] stb_vorbis: Fix decoding of Vorbis streams without
    comments which affected most Vorbis samples since stb_vorbis
  * openmpt::ext::interactive::set_pitch_factor wasn’t applied to
    OPL voices.
  * OPL channel state (in particular current patch) is now updated
    when seeking.
  * The FT2 tremolo quirk is now also applied to MOD files.
    FT2 just copied the quirky code from ProTracker!
  * DMF: Preserve effects better in some situations where there is
    more than one effect in a pattern cell.
  * DMF: Improve import of finetune effect with parameters larger
    than +/-15.

Wed Dec 16 02:53:46 UTC 2020 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.5.4:
  * AMS: An upper bound for uncompressed sample size is now
    established to avoid memory exhaustion from malformed files.
  * DMF: Support early format beta versions (in particular versions
  * MED: Also use octave wrapping in 8-channel mode for MMD0/MMD1
  * MED: If 8-channel mode is activated, ignore BPM mode.
  * MED: Emulate tempo commands F01 and F02 quirk.
  * MED: Tempo commands below 32 BPM were interpreted as tempo
  * IMF: Instrument sample mapping was off by one octave, notable
    in the guitar part of Astaris by Karsten Koch.

Changes in 0.5.3:
  * [Sec] Possible hang if a MED file claimed to contain 256 songs.
  * [Bug] libopenmpt: openmpt::is_extension_supported2() exported
    symbol was missing (C++).
  * [Bug] openmpt::module::set_position_seconds sometimes behaved
    as if the song end was reached when seeking into a pattern loop
    and in some other corner cases.
  * Increase threshold for ignoring panning commands from 820 to
  * Subsong names now fall back to the first pattern’s name if
  * MO3: Avoid certain ModPlug hacks from being fixed up twice,
    which could lead to e.g. very narrow pan swing range for old
    OpenMPT IT files saved with a recent MO3 encoder version.
  * MO3: Some files with corrupted envelope data could be rejected
    completely (normally libopenmpt should fix up the envelope
  * MO3: Song metadata didn’t correctly identify MPTM as source
    format (it appeared as IT instead).
  * STM: Change tempo computation to behave like Scream Tracker 2.3
    instead of Scream Tracker 2.2, as the playback frequencies we
    use for sample playback are closer to those of Scream Tracker
  * PLM: Percentage offset (Mxx) was slightly off.
  * WOW: Fix loading of several files and harden WOW detection.

Changes in 0.5.2:
  * PP20: The first few bytes of some files were not decompressed
    properly, making some files unplayable (depending on the
    original format).

Changes in 0.5.1:
  * [Bug] libopenmpt/libopenmpt.h failed to compile with
  * MPTM: Qxy now retriggers OPL notes if new compatibility flag is
    set in file.
  * MPTM: Bring back old OPL note end-of-envelope behaviour for
    files made with OpenMPT 1.28.
  * IT: Global volume slides with both nibbles set preferred the
    “slide up” nibble over the “slide down” nibble in old OpenMPT
    versions, unlike other slides. Such old files are now imported
    correctly again.
  * IT: Fixed an edge case where, if the filter hit full
    cutoff / no resonance on the first tick of a row where a new
    delayed note would be triggered, the filter would be disabled
    even though it should stay active. Fixes by maddie.
  * OXM: Some sample loops were not imported correctly.
  * XM: Out-of-range arpeggio clamping behaviour broke in OpenMPT The arpeggios in Binary World by Dakota now play
    correctly again.
  * S3M: Support old-style sample pre-amp value in very early
    S3M files.
  * S3M: Only force-enable fast slides for files ST 3.00.
    Previously, any S3M file made with an ST3 version older than
    3.20 enabled them.
  * S3M: Only apply volume and middle-C speed on instrument change
    if the new sample slot has sample data.
  * MOD: Fix an infinite loop in GamerMan by MrGamer by playing
    non-ProTracker MODs more like FT2 would.
  * M15: Improve tracker detection heuristics to never assume
    SoundTracker 2.0 if there is a huge number of Dxx commands,
    as that is a definite hint that they should be treated as
    volume slides. Fixes Monty On The Run by Master Blaster.
  * MO3: Support OPL patches in MO3 files created from MPTM and S3M
  * DBM: If a global pattern command would be lost because both
    effect commands in a cell would have to go into the regular
    effect column (e.g. a speed and a tempo command), the lost
    command is now attempted to be written into a different cell
    on the same row. Fixes “Party-Question V” by grogon.

Sun Jun  7 08:12:02 UTC 2020 - Dave Plater <>

- Remove devel packages requirement on obsolete modplug

Sun May 24 18:39:14 UTC 2020 - Mia Herkt <>

- Drop libmodpulg-pcfile.patch
- Update to 0.5.0:
  * [New] OggMod compressed FastTracker 2 XM (OXM) modules are now
  * [New] The emulated Amiga type when Amiga resampler emulation
    is enabled can now be selected via ctl
    Possible values are: "auto", "a500", "a1200",
    and an experimental option "unfiltered".
  * [New] libopenmpt: New API
    openmpt::module::get_current_estimated_bpm() (C++),
    and openmpt_module_get_current_estimated_bpm() (C)
    which provides accurate beats per minute information for
    module formats with time signature and an educated guess
    based on speed and tempo for others.
  * [New] libopenmpt: New type-aware ctl APIs that do not require
    memory allocations and are thus realtime-safe:
    openmpt::module::ctl_set_floatingpoint() (C++),
    and openmpt_module_ctl_get_boolean(),
    openmpt_module_ctl_set_floatingpoint() (C).
  * [New] libopenmpt C++ New API
    openmpt::is_extension_supported2() which takes a
    std::string_view parameter instead of std::string.
  * [New] libopenmpt C++: New API
    openmpt::module::module(std::vector<std::byte> data),
    openmpt::module::module(const std::byte * data, std::size_t size),
    openmpt::module::module(const std::byte * beg, const std::byte * end).
  * [New] libopenmpt C++: New API
    openmpt::probe_file_header(flags, const std::byte * data, std::size_t size, filesize),
    openmpt::probe_file_header(flags, const std::byte * data, std::size_t size).
  * [New] libopenmpt_ext C++: New API
    openmpt::module_ext::module_ext(std::vector<std::byte> data),
    openmpt::module_ext::module_ext(const std::byte * data, std::size_t size),
    openmpt::module_ext::module_ext(std::vector<std::uint8_t> data),
    openmpt::module_ext::module_ext(const std::uint8_t * data, std::size_t size).
  * [Change] std::istream based file I/O has been speed up.
  * [Change] Dependency on iconv on Linux has been removed.
  * [Regression] libmodplug: The libmodplug emulation layer has
    been removed from the libopenmpt tree. Please use the separate
    libopenmpt-modplug package instead.
  * [Regression] Support for building with C++11 or C++14 has been
    removed. C++17 is now required to build libopenmpt.
  * [Regression] Support for client code using C++11 or C++ 14 has
    been removed. C++17 is now required to build libopenmpt client
  * [Regression] Support for GCC 4.8, 4.9, 5, 6 has been removed.
  * [Regression] Support for Clang 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4 has been
  * [Regression] Support for Emscripten versions older than 1.39.1
    has been removed.
  * [Regression] openmpt123: Support for SDL1 (but not SDL2) output
    has been removed.
  * [Regression] openmpt123: Support for SDL2 older than 2.0.4 has
    been removed.
  * [Regression] It is no longer possible to optionally use iconv
    for character set conversions.
  * [Bug] openmpt123: openmpt123 now honors the current locale and
    outputs text appropriately.
  * Greatly improved MED import. Synthesized instruments are still
    not supported but support was added for: Multisampled
    instruments, delta samples, more pattern commands,
    Hold and Decay, VSTi and MIDI output, multiple songs and
    many other small changes.
  * Improved OPL channel allocation when more than 18 notes are
    active, so that channels that have completely faded out are
    prioritized over channels that have already been released but
    have not faded out yet.
  * Interactively triggering an OPL instrument could cause the
    first pattern channel to no longer be played back correctly.
  * Fix some inaccuracies in OPL emulator.
  * Fix overflow of OPL amplification happening at a synth
    volume level of 510.
  * End-of-sample pop reduction of surround channels was applied
    to front channels instead, causing a pop on the front channels
    instead of removing it on the back channels.
  * IT: Disable retrigger with short notes quirk for modules saved
    with Chibi Tracker, as it does not implement that quirk.
  * IT: Instrument and sample panning should not override channel
    panning for following notes.
  * IT: SBx is now prioritized over Bxx commands that are to the
    left of it.
  * IT: Duplicate Check Type “Sample” should only be applied if
    the instruments match, too.
  * IT: Duplicate Check Type “Note” should compare pattern notes,
    but it was comparing the new pattern note against the old
    translated note.
  * IT: Various fixes for envelope resetting.
  * IT / S3M: When combining SBx and EEx effects, don’t skip the
    first row of the loop like in FastTracker 2.
  * S3M: Empty pattern commands now affect effect memory as well.
  * S3M: Offset beyond loop end wraps around to loop start like in
    Scream Tracker 3 + GUS (previously it just keep playing from
    the loop start, which is neither what GUS nor Sound Blaster
    drivers do).
  * S3M: Notes cannot be retriggered after they have been cut.
  * S3M: Fix portamento after note cut
    (fixes antediluvian_song.s3m).
  * S3M / MOD: Previous note offset is no longer used for
    retriggered notes if there was no instrument number next to
    the Qxy effect.
  * MOD: Sample swapping now also works if the sample that is being
    swapped from does not loop. Swapping to a non-looped sample now
    stops playback once the swapped-from sample reaches its (loop)
  * MOD: Fix early song ending due to ProTracker pattern jump quirk
    (EEx + Dxx on same row) if infinite looping is disabled.
    Fixes Haunted Tracks.mod by Triace.
  * MOD: Previous note offset is no longer used for retriggered
    notes if there was no instrument number next to the E9x effect.
  * MOD: Vibrato type “ramp down” was upside down.
  * XM: If a file contains patterns longer than 1024 rows,
    they are now clamped to 1024 rows instead of 64 rows.
  * XM: Do not reset note-off status on portamento if there is no
    instrument number.

Mon Apr 13 21:59:44 UTC 2020 - Mia Herkt <>

- Update to 0.4.12:
  * IT: Vibrato was too fast in Old Effects mode since
    libopenmpt 0.3.
  * XM: Treat 8bitbubsy’s FT2 clone exactly like Fasttracker 2 with
    respect to compatibility and playback flags. For example,
    FT2 Pan Law was not applied.
  * DMF: Some files had a wrong tempo since
    libopenmpt 0.2.5705-beta15.

Thu Jan 30 16:04:28 UTC 2020 - Tomáš Chvátal <>

- Update to 0.4.11:
  * The “date” metadata could contain a bogus date for some older IT files.
  * Do not apply global volume ramping from initial global volume when seeking.
  * MTM: Sample loop length was off by one.
  * PSM: Sample loop length was off by one in most files.
  * MOD: Fix initial instrument change with no note playing.

Thu Oct  3 00:56:00 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.9 bsc#1153102 CVE-2019-17113
  * [Sec] libmodplug: C API: Limit the length of strings copied to
    the output buffer of ModPlug_InstrumentName() and
    ModPlug_SampleName() to 32 bytes (including terminating null)
    as is done by original libmodplug. This avoids potential buffer
    overflows in software relying on this limit instead of querying
    the required buffer size beforehand. libopenmpt can return
    strings longer than 32 bytes here beacuse the internal limit of
    32 bytes applies to strings encoded in arbitrary character
    encodings but the API returns them converted to UTF-8, which
    can be longer. (reported by Antonio Morales Maldonado of Semmle
    Security Research Team) (r12129)
  * [Sec] libmodplug: C++ API: Do not return 0 in
    CSoundFile::GetSampleName() and CSoundFile::GetInstrumentName()
    when a null output pointer is provided. This behaviour differed
    from libmodplug and made it impossible to determine the
    required buffer size. (r12130)

Tue Oct  1 00:21:48 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.8:
  * [Sec] Possible crash due to out-of-bounds read when playing an
    OPL note with active filter in S3M or MPTM files (r12118).
- Update to version 0.4.7:
  * J2B: Ignore notes with non-existing instrument
    (fixes Ending.j2b)

Sun Aug 11 02:01:11 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.6:
  * Detect IT files unpacked with early UNMO3 versions.

Mon May 27 10:30:08 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.5:
  * [Sec] Possible crash during playback due out-of-bounds read in
    XM and MT2 files
  * Breaking out of a sustain loop through Note-Off sometimes
    didn’t continue in the regular sample loop
  * Seeking did not stop notes playing with XM Key Off (Kxx) effect

Sun Apr  7 15:29:38 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.4:
  * [Bug] Channel VU meters were swapped.
  * Startrekker: Clamp speed to 31 ticks per row.
  * MTM: Ignore unused Exy commands on import.
    Command E5x (Set Finetune) is now applied correctly.
  * MOD: Sample swapping was always enabled since it has been
    separated from the ProTracker 1/2 compatibility flag. Now it is
    always enabled for Amiga-style modules and otherwise the old
    heuristic is used again.

Mon Feb 11 11:05:01 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.3:
  * [Sec] Possible crash due to null-pointer access when doing a
    portamento from an OPL instrument to an empty instrument note
    map slot.
  * IT: Various fixes for note-off + instrument number in
    Old Effects mode.
  * MO3: Import IT row highlights as written by MO3 or
    newer. Required for modules using modern tempo mode.

Tue Jan 22 18:17:07 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.2 bsc#1143582 CVE-2019-14382 bsc#1143584
  * [Sec] DSM: Assertion failure during file parsing with debug
  * [Sec] J2B: Assertion failure during file parsing with debug
  * S3M: Allow volume change of OPL instruments after Note Cut.

Sun Jan  6 19:08:40 UTC 2019 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.1:
  * [Bug] libmodplug: Public symbols of the C++ API had
    visibility=hidden set on non-MSVC systems, which made them not
    publicly accessible.
  * MO3: Apply playback changes based on “ModPlug-made” header flag
- Drop libmodplug-no-exported-cpp-api-quickfix-v1.patch

Tue Jan  1 10:36:58 UTC 2019 -

- Add libmodplug-no-exported-cpp-api-quickfix-v1.patch: Add missing
  CSoundFile compat API (bug #1180).

Sun Dec 23 16:35:59 UTC 2018 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.4.0 bsc#1143581 CVE-2018-20860:
  * [New] libopenmpt now includes emulation of the OPL chip and
    thus plays OPL instruments in S3M, C67 and MPTM files.
    OPL chip emulation volume can be changed with the new ctl
  * [New] libopenmpt now supports CDFM / Composer 670 module files.
  * [New] libopenmpt: New ctl play.at_end can be used to change
    what happens when the song end is reached:
    - “fadeout”: Fades the module out for a short while.
      Subsequent reads after the fadeout will return 0 rendered
      frames. This is the default and identical to the behaviour
      in previous libopenmpt versions.
    - “continue”: Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is
      reached. Subsequent reads will continue playing from the song
      start or loop start. This can be used for custom loop logic,
      such as loop auto-detection and longer fadeouts.
    - “stop”: Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is
      reached. Subsequent reads will return 0 rendered frames.
  * [New] Add new metadata fields "originaltype" and
    "originaltype_long" which allow more clearly reflecting what
    is going on with converted formats like MO3 and GDM.
  * [Change] openmpt123: openmpt123 now rejects --output-type in
    --ui and --batch modes and also rejects --output in --render
    mode. These combinations of options really made no sense and
    were rather confusing.
  * [Regression] Support for libmpg123 older than 1.14.0 has been
  * [Regression] libmodplug: Support for emulating libmodplug
    0.8.7 API/ABI has been removed.
  * [Bug] xmp-openmpt: Sample rate and number of output channels
    were not applied correctly when using per-file settings.
  * [Bug] Internal mixer state was not initialized properly when
    initially rendering in 44100kHz stereo format.
  * [Bug] openmpt123: Prevent libsdl2 and libsdl from being enabled
    at the same time because they conflict with each other.
  * [Bug] libmodplug: Setting SNDMIX_NORESAMPLING in the C++ API
    always resulted in linear interpolation instead of nearest
  * IT: In Compatible Gxx mode, allow sample changes next to a tone
    portamento effect if a previous sample has already stopped
  * IT: Fix broken volume envelopes with negative values as found
    in by Elysis.
  * MOD: Slides and delayed notes are executed on every repetition
    of a row with row delay (fixes “ode to protracker”).
  * XM: If the sustain point of the panning envelope is reached
    before key-off, it is never released.
  * XM: Do not default recall volume / panning for delayed
    instrument-less notes
  * XM :E60 loop bug was not considered in song length calucation.
  * S3M: Notes without instrument number use previous note’s sample
  * Tighten M15 and MOD file rejection heuristics.
  * J2B: Ignore frequency limits from file header.
    Fixes Medivo.j2b, broken since libopenmpt-0.2.6401-beta17.
  * STM: More accurate tempo calculation.
  * STM: Better support for early format revisions (no such files
    have been found in the wild, though).
  * STM: Last character of sample name was missing.
  * SFX: Work around bad conversions of the “Operation Stealth”
    soundtrack by turning pattern breaks into note stops.
  * IMF: Filter cutoff was upside down and the cutoff range was
    too small.
  * ParamEq plugin center frequency was not limited correctly.
  * Keep track of active SFx macro during seeking.
  * The “note cut” duplicate note action did not volume-ramp the
    previously playing sample.
  * A song starting with non-existing patterns could not be played.
  * DSM: Support restart position and 16-bit samples.
  * DTM: Import global volume.
  * MOD: Support notes in octave 2, like in FastTracker 2
    (fixes DOPE.MOD).
  * Do not apply Amiga playback heuristics to MOD files that have
    clearly been written with a PC tracker.
  * MPTM: More logical release node behaviour.
  * Subsong search is now less thorough. It could previously find
    many subsongs that are technically correct (unplayed rows at
    the beginning of patterns that have been jumped over due to
    pattern breaks), but so far no real-world module that would
    require such a thorough subsong detection was found. The old
    mechanism caused way more false positives than intended with
    real-world modules, though.
  * Restrict the unpacked size of compressed DMF, IT, MDL and MO3
    samples to avoid huge allocations with malformed small files.

Mon Oct 22 20:27:59 UTC 2018 - Martin Herkt <>

- Update to version 0.3.13:
  * [Sec] Crash with malformed MED files.
  * Transposed samples in AMF ASYLUM modules were not played
  * Notes triggered by libopenmpt_ext play_note could be played
    with a panbrello effect if the same virtual channel was
    previously used with panbrello.
  * Clicks when stopping channels that didn’t end at zero volume.
  * XM: Do not import non-standard commands N and M as channel
    volume commands.

Mon Sep 24 20:13:26 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version 0.3.12:
  * [Bug] libmodplug: Setting SNDMIX_NORESAMPLING in the C++ API
    always resulted in linear interpolation instead of nearest
  * libopenmpt now compiles without warnings with GCC 8.
  * Jump commands on the same row as the end of a pattern loop
    covering the restart position of the module could cause the
    module to loop even when looping was disabled.
  * MO3: Reject overly long MP3 and Vorbis samples.
  * play_note from the libopenmpt_ext interface sometimes silenced
    the start of a triggered sample.

Sat Jul 28 13:36:32 UTC 2018 -

- Update to version 0.3.11 bsc#1143578 CVE-2018-20861:
  * [Sec] Crash with some malformed custom tunings in MPTM files
  * Channels whose volume envelope was playing at volume 0 while
    being moved to a NNA background channel were cut off completely
    since libopenmpt 0.3.8.
  * AMF (ASYLUM): Convert 7-bit panning to 8-bit panning for
- Update to version 0.3.10:
  * [Bug] Internal mixer state was not initialized properly when
    initially rendering in 44100kHz stereo format.
  * [Bug] AMF: Undefined behaviour in loader code could lead to
    files playing silent.
  * Switching between instruments with portamento did not update
    the NNA settings for the new instrument.
  * FAR: Properly import volume commands.
  * [Sec] Possible write near address 0 in out-of-memory situations
    when reading AMS files.
  * [Bug] openmpt123: Fixed build failure in C++17 due to use of
    removed feature std::random_shuffle.
  * STM: Having both Bxx and Cxx commands in a pattern imported the
    Bxx command incorrectly.
  * STM: Last character of sample name was missing.
  * Speed up reading of truncated ULT files.
  * ULT: Portamento import was sometimes broken.
  * The resonant filter was sometimes unstable when combining
    low-volume samples, low cutoff and high mixing rates.

Mon May 28 10:36:46 UTC 2018 -

- Up to 0.3.9:
  * [Sec] Possible write near address 0 in out-of-memory situations
    when reading AMS files (bsc#1095644 CVE-2018-11710)
  * [Bug] openmpt123: Fixed build failure in C++17 due to use of
    removed feature std::random_shuffle.
  * STM: Having both Bxx and Cxx commands in a pattern imported
    the Bxx command incorrectly.
  * STM: Last character of sample name was missing.
  * Speed up reading of truncated ULT files.
  * ULT: Portamento import was sometimes broken.
  * The resonant filter was sometimes unstable when combining
    low-volume samples, low cutoff and high mixing rates.

Thu Apr 19 02:40:17 UTC 2018 -

- Update to 0.3.8
  * [Sec] Possible out-of-bounds memory read with IT / ITP / MO3
    files containing pattern loops (CVE-2018-10017, bsc#1089080)
  * Keep track of active SFx macro during seeking.
  * The "note cut" duplicate note action did not volume-ramp the
    previously playing sample.
  * A song starting with non-existing patterns could not be played.
  * DSM: Support restart position and 16-bit samples.
  * DTM: Import global volume.

Wed Mar 21 08:15:40 UTC 2018 -

- Version update to 0.3.7:
  * Various speedup improvements and features all around
  * Fuzzying fixes

Fri Jul 14 07:57:29 UTC 2017 -

- Version update to 0.2.8461-beta26 bsc#1048666 CVE-2017-11311:
  * various small fixes and seciruity tweaks

Mon Jun 19 19:32:54 UTC 2017 -

- Add libopenmpt0 and libopenmpt_modplug1 to baselibs.conf too.

Wed Jun 14 06:42:37 UTC 2017 -

- baselibs.conf for

Mon May 22 12:38:24 UTC 2017 -

- Add patch fixing issue bsc#1040149 wrong includedir propagation:
  * libmodpulg-pcfile.patch

Mon May 22 12:32:32 UTC 2017 -

- Version update to 0.2.8043-beta23
  * foo_openmpt: Interpolation filter and volume ramping settings were
    confused in previous versions. This version resets both to the defaults.
- Make mpg123 on by default

Mon Mar 27 13:56:01 UTC 2017 -

- Update to 0.2.7774-beta22
- Make mpg123 conditional and disabled for now by default
- Fix the Factory build with the new rpm

Sun Feb 19 22:51:03 UTC 2017 -

- Update summaries and descriptions.
- Enable the SDL2 driver as an option, as the portaudio driver
  appears to hang with ALSA (and not everyone runs Pulseaudio).

Sun Feb 19 14:21:50 UTC 2017 -

- Initial package containing libopenmod more updated secure alternative

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