File poppler.spec of Package poppler

# spec file for package poppler
# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

%define build_qt5 0

Name:           poppler
%define _name   poppler
Version:        0.66.0
Release:        0
# Actual version of poppler-data:
%define poppler_data_version 0.4.9
%define poppler_sover 77
%define poppler_cpp_sover 0
%define poppler_glib_sover 8
%define poppler_qt5_sover 1
%define poppler_api 0.18
%define poppler_apipkg 0_18
Summary:        PDF Rendering Library
License:        GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Source99:       baselibs.conf
BuildRequires:  cmake
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  glib2-devel
BuildRequires:  gobject-introspection-devel
BuildRequires:  gtk-doc
BuildRequires:  libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires:  libtiff-devel
%if %build_qt5
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Test)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)
BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo) >= 1.10.0
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo-ft) >= 1.10.0
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo-pdf)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo-ps)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(cairo-svg)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(fontconfig)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(freetype2)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) >= 2.41
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(lcms2)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libcurl)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libopenjp2)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(libpng)
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(nss)
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build

Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler%{poppler_sover}
Summary:        PDF Rendering Library
Group:          System/Libraries
Recommends:     poppler-data >= %{poppler_data_version}

%description -n libpoppler%{poppler_sover}
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover}
Summary:        C++ API of the Poppler PDF rendering library
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover}
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover}
Summary:        Glib wrapper for the poppler PDF rendering library
Group:          System/Libraries
Requires:       libpoppler%{poppler_sover} >= %{version}

%description -n libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover}
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     typelib-1_0-Poppler-%{poppler_apipkg}
Summary:        Introspection bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
Group:          System/Libraries

%description -n typelib-1_0-Poppler-%{poppler_apipkg}
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

This package provides the GObject Introspection bindings for Poppler.

%package -n     libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover}
Summary:        Qt5 wrapper for the Poppler PDF rendering library
Group:          System/Libraries
Requires:       libpoppler%{poppler_sover} >= %{version}

%description -n libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover}
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package        tools
Summary:        PDF Rendering Library Tools
Group:          Productivity/Publishing/PDF
Requires:       libpoppler%{poppler_sover} >= %{version}

%description    tools
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler-devel
Summary:        Development files for the Poppler PDF rendering library
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires:       libpoppler%{poppler_sover} = %{version}
Requires:       libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover} = %{version}
Requires:       libstdc++-devel

%description -n libpoppler-devel
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler-glib-devel
Summary:        Development files for the Poppler Glib wrapper library
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires:       libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover} = %{version}
Requires:       typelib-1_0-Poppler-%{poppler_apipkg} = %{version}

%description -n libpoppler-glib-devel
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%package -n     libpoppler-qt5-devel
Summary:        Development files for the Poppler Qt5 wrapper library
Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires:       libpoppler-devel = %{version}
Requires:       libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover} = %{version}
Requires:       pkgconfig(Qt5Core)
Requires:       pkgconfig(Qt5Gui)
Requires:       pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets)
Requires:       pkgconfig(Qt5Xml)

%description -n libpoppler-qt5-devel
Poppler is a PDF rendering library, forked from the xpdf PDF viewer
developed by Derek Noonburg of Glyph and Cog, LLC.

%setup -q -n poppler-%{version}

%if %build_qt5
export MOCQT5='%{_libqt5_bindir}/moc'
export MOCQT52='%{_libqt5_bindir}/moc'
# make introspection scanner (g-ir-scanner) work with older build envs
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/build
# This causes the build to fail
%if %build_qt5

%if %build_qt5
cd %{buildroot} && find . -type f -o -type l | grep -v qt | xargs rm -v

echo > %SOURCE99
%if %build_qt5
echo "libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover}" >> %SOURCE99
echo "libpoppler%{poppler_sover}" >> %SOURCE99
echo "libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover}" >> %SOURCE99
echo "libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover}" >> %SOURCE99

%post -n libpoppler%{poppler_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post -n libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post -n libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libpoppler%{poppler_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post -n libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -n libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover} -p /sbin/ldconfig

%if %build_qt5

%files -n libpoppler-qt5-%{poppler_qt5_sover}
%defattr (-, root, root)

%files -n libpoppler-qt5-devel
%defattr (-, root, root)
%dir %{_includedir}/poppler


%files -n libpoppler%{poppler_sover}
%defattr (-, root, root)

%files -n libpoppler-glib%{poppler_glib_sover}
%defattr (-, root, root)

%files -n typelib-1_0-Poppler-%{poppler_apipkg}
%defattr (-, root, root)

%files tools
%defattr (-, root, root)
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/*.*

%files -n libpoppler-cpp%{poppler_cpp_sover}
%defattr(-, root, root)

%files -n libpoppler-devel
%defattr (-, root, root)
%exclude %{_includedir}/poppler/glib

%files -n libpoppler-glib-devel
%defattr (-, root, root)
# Own these directories to not depend on gtk-doc while building:
#dir %%{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html
#dir %%{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/poppler
#doc %%{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/poppler


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