File pu_fixes.diff of Package xorg-x11-server

Index: hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaImage.c
--- hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaImage.c
+++ hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaImage.c
@@ -238,12 +238,16 @@
     (*infoRec->SetupForImageWrite)(pScrn, rop, planemask, trans, bpp, depth);
     (*infoRec->SubsequentImageWriteRect)(pScrn, x, y, w, h, skipleft);
+#if 0
     if(beCareful) {
 	/* in cases with bad alignment we have to be careful not
 	   to read beyond the end of the source */
 	if(((x * Bpp) + (dwords << 2)) > srcwidth) h--;
 	else beCareful = FALSE;
+    if (beCareful)
+	h--;
     if(dwords > infoRec->ImageWriteRange) {
 	while(h--) {
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