File RigelEngine.changes of Package RigelEngine

Sun Aug 25 16:01:43 UTC 2024 - Martin Hauke <>

- Add patch:
  * RigelEngine-fix-build-with-gcc14.patch

Wed May 15 07:51:09 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>

- Use %autosetup macro: allows us to eliminate usage of deprecated
  %patchN syntax.

Fri Apr  7 20:30:59 UTC 2023 - Martin Hauke <>

- Add patch:
  * RigelEngine-fix-build-with-gcc13.patch

Sat Dec 10 19:13:00 UTC 2022 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.9.1
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed a crash that could occur in level 1 of episode 2, in
    theory also in other levels but it was so far only observed in
  * Fixed being able to shoot destructible walls through 4-tile
    wide walls using the regular shot.
- Update to version 0.9.0
  New features
  * Added a "Classic" gameplay style/mode. It doesn't support
    widescreen mode or smooth motion, but is 100% accurate to the
    original. Quick-saving and high-resolution mods are still
    supported. See Classic Mode vs. Enhanced Mode for more details.
  * Implemented the gameplay demo (plays during the attract mode
    loop at the beginning of the game or after waiting for
    30 seconds in the main menu).
  * Implemented the original game's cloak effect, replacing the
    previously used alpha transparency.
  * Implemented the original game's slide-in animation when
    showing message boxes.
  * Added an option to disable the radar overlay when using the
    "Remixed 1" HUD style.
  * Added an option to disable aspect ratio correction when using
    pixel-perfect upscaling (aka integer scaling). This is to
    allow running RigelEngine on a 4:3 CRT at original (or close
    to) resolution.
  * It's now possible to confirm quitting by pressing enter instead
    of Y (but the latter also still works).
  * Pressing ESC while in-game now brings up the in-game menu (this
    was previously only accessible by using a gamepad). Pressing Q
    now does what ESC used to do, i.e. bringing up the "Quit"
    dialog without going through the menu.
  Parity improvements
  * Fixed (very) minor discrepancies in the color palette.
  * Added missing horizontal parallax for vertically autoscrolling
  * Fixed oversight in player movement: In the original, Duke cannot
    move left/right when hanging from a pipe as long as the fire
    button is held down.
  * It was possible for an enemy to get hit by multiple player shots
    per frame, but this isn't possible in the original. Now Rigel
    doesn't allow that anymore either.
  * Hint machine messages cannot be interrupted by other messages
    in the original game, but this was possible in Rigel-now fixed.
  * Handling of shootable walls now matches the original.
  * The watchbot (jumpy robot with a big eye) was jumping too
    frequently, it now matches the original.
  * Fixed discrepancies in behavior for the wall walker enemy.
  * Fixed discrepancies in behavior for the green cat/dog creature.
  * Fixed discrepancies in behavior for the spiked dragon/lizard
  * Fixed discrepancy in the cooldown period for manual scrolling
    after firing a shot.
  * Fixed player starting location being off by one in levels where
    the player starts out facing left.
  * Fixed incorrect animation speeds for Rigelatin space ship
    engine fire, shallow water, and rotating floor spikes.
  * After being released from their box, certain items have a brief
    period during which they can't be picked up yet. This was
    missing in RigelEngine.
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed graphical glitches (bright lines appearing next to certain
    sprites) that could occur on some systems when high-res graphic
    replacements were used.
  * Fixed being able to walk through walls under specific
  * In widescreen mode, when using one of the remixed HUD options,
    the classic HUD will be shown as fallback in case the current
    screen resolution's aspect ratio is not wide enough for the
    selected HUD style. In that case, it was possible to walk
    behind the right side of the HUD (i.e., the gameplay area
    extended beyond the HUD). This is now fixed.
  * Framerate drops could cause the game to advance a few frames
    into the future without respecting player input. This is now
- Drop patch
  * fix-build.patch

Sun May 29 12:43:47 UTC 2022 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.8.5
  New features
  * Implemented a mod manager. Mods can now be organized into
    directories, and each mod can be enabled/disabled in the
    options menu. See Modding Support for more details.
  * Added additional "remixed" HUD styles in widescreen mode.
  * Added additional upscaling filters: Sharp bilinear, pixel
    perfect (integer scaling). Note that using mods with high-res
    replacement graphics currently forces nearest neighbor
  * The game now writes a log file into the user directory.
  * Gamepad controls are now explained in the options menu.
  * The top-level in-game menu (reachable via gamepad) now shows
    the current episode, level and difficulty in the title.
  * Improved the look of the classic HUD in widescreen mode, by
    extending the left side to cover the length of the screen.
  * Reworked quick saving/loading gamepad controls, to make
    loading quick saves possible without needing to open the menu.
    The select/back button now acts as a modifier. When pressed
    together with shoot, a quick save is made. Pressing the
    button together with jump loads the last quick save.
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed destructible level geometry remaining visible after
    being destroyed in certain cases
  * Fixed brief camera movement after turning wide-screen mode
    on/off or changing the window size
  * Fixed slime blob containers sometimes not animating.
  * Fixed sprites flickering in and out of existence in certain
  * The episode 2 boss would keep flying when killed in mid-flight
    This is now fixed.
- Add patch:
  * fix-build.patch

Fri Apr  1 11:34:17 UTC 2022 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.8.4
  Smooth motion mode improvements
  * Moving parts of the level (falling rocks, doors, ...) are now
    moving smoothly as well.
  * Fixed glitches (jittering top part) with the smash hammer and
    grabber claw.
  Modding support improvements
  * It's now possible to replace STATUS.MNI with a PNG image that
    can be original or higher resolution. This allows changing
    various fonts and UI elements, including parts of the HUD.
  * Replacements for actors used by the HUD can now be high
  Other improvements
  * Improved performance on Raspberry Pi, especially when under
    water areas are visible.
  * Blocked off the area to the left of the HUD in widescreen
    mode to avoid potentially showing out-of-bounds parts of the
  * Further improved digitized sound effect quality by replacing
    the ADPCM decoding code with the exact same algorithm as
    implemented in the SoundBlaster firmware, based on disassembly
    of the latter
  * Improved the sound test UI
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed camera moving too far down when falling into a
    bottomless pit in widescreen mode
  * Fixed important parts at the bottom of the level (like lava
    pools) being hidden in certain cases in widescreen mode (e.g.
    in E3L1)
  * Fixed visual glitches on GL ES devices like Raspberry Pi and
    Odroid Go (overly pixelated backdrop during scrolling, white
    lines visible next to certain enemies during the damage
    flash effect)
  * Fixed missing fade-in effect when using the teleporter
  * Fixed incorrect rendering of high-res replacement backdrops
    when vertical auto-scrolling is used
  * Fixed position of dialog boxes (quit confirm, game paused
    etc.) in widescreen mode
  * Fixed visual glitch when entering a menu while smooth motion
    is enabled

Sat Jan  1 17:29:22 UTC 2022 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.8.3
  New features
  * Added the Nuked OPL3 AdLib emulator as an alternative to DBOPL
    (selectable in the Sound options). Nuked OPL3 is more
    accurate but also uses more CPU. The difference in CPU load has
    little impact on most systems, but it does matter on low-end
    devices like Raspberry Pi Zero.
  * Added a "sound test" button to the Sound options (play a chosen
    sound effect)
  * Improved sound effect quality for certain digital sounds
    (SB_nn.MNI files in VOC format) by using a more accurate ADPCM
    decoding algorithm (same as DosBox's SoundBlaster emulation).
  * Slightly improved sound effect quality for AdLib sounds by
    running the emulator at the native OPL2 frequency (49716 Hz).
  * In widescreen mode, the camera now tries to avoid showing
    out-of-bounds parts of the map if possible, by restricting
    downward scrolling unless it's necessary to keep the player on
  * Added 75 to the list of pre-defined FPS limits for the FPS
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed a soft-lock that could occur when killing a ceiling
    sucker at exactly the same time as it sucked up Duke.
  * When dying due to shooting an airlock and then respawning at a
    checkpoint, Duke would remain in the spinning animation. This
    is now fixed.
  * Fixed a small visual glitch appearing during the fade-out of
    the intro movie.
  * The credits screen shown during the attract mode loop didn't
    react to any key press aside from ESC, this is now fixed.
  * Under certain circumstances, the main menu would respond to a
    keypress that happened during the intro or another menu. This
    is now fixed.
  * Fixed visual glitches (bright lines between tiles) that could
    occur at certain resolutions/window sizes when using high-res
    replacement graphics.
  * Fixed an issue that made high-resolution backdrop replacements
    appear as low resolution under certain circumstances.
  * Fixed right side of the HUD being partially cut off at certain
    window sizes/resolutions.
- Drop not longer needed patches:
  * fix-find-boost-program_options.patch

Sun Nov 21 17:58:50 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.8.2
  New features
  * Added a smooth scrolling and movement mode. When this is
    enabled, the game is taking full advantage of the display
    framerate (60 FPS or higher) by interpolating object and
    camera movement during rendering (internal game logic is
    still running at 15 FPS). This is currently still work in
    progress, see known issues.
  * The engine has a built-in screenshot function now. Press F12
    to take a screenshot. It will be saved as PNG in either your
    Duke Nukem II game files directory, or in the user profile
    directory if the former is not writable.
  * It's now possible to skip the bonus screen after finishing a
    level by pressing Enter or Esc (or controller button A or B).
  * Added an option to the Enhancements tab to skip the intro
    when RigelEngine starts (same as the -s command line option).
  * Added information about currently active gamepads to the
    options menu
  * In widescreen mode, out of bounds areas are now drawn in
    black instead of showing the background.
  * Replacement backgrounds (mods) can now be wider than the
    original art they are replacing, and will be displayed
    correctly (without distortion)
  * For auto-scrolling backgrounds, the scroll position is now
    saved/restored when quick saving/loading.
  * The game will now run even if the intro movie files
    (NUKEM2.F1, .F2 etc.) are missing. The movies will be
    skipped instead of exiting the game.
  * Game physics are more correct now w.r.t. the original code
    when it comes to items falling down.
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed the "wall dance" glitch. This glitch allows Duke to move
    through walls using a specific sequence of moves.
  * Fixed spiders sometimes not latching on to Duke when touching
  * Fixed items getting stuck in the ceiling when the box was shot
    while hidden behind a rock that would later fall down (e.g. in
  * Fixed missing animation for the Computer merchandise pickup.
  * Fixed a glitch when starting a level while having high
    resolution mods enabled, where the graphics would briefly show
    as low resolution.
  * Fixed in-game messages not being affected by screen shake when
    in widescreen mode.
- Remove patches:
  * 749.patch

Sun Sep 26 09:30:00 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Add patches:
  * 749.patch  (Fix threads not found on Tumbleweed)
  * fix-find-boost-program_options.patch

Mon Aug 23 19:39:02 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.8.1
  * Fixed laser turrets beings destructible with Duke's regular
    weapon after loading a quick save.

Sun Aug 22 19:40:19 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to versino 0.8.0
  * extended modding support (swap in high fidelity replacements
    for graphics and sound)
  * more sound options (AdLib only, combined AdLib/SoundBlaster).
- Drop patch:
  * RigelEngine-fix-build.patch (not longer needed)

Sun Feb 28 19:21:30 UTC 2021 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.7.2
  New features
  * Added a "Keyboard controls" tab to the options menu, to allow
    customizing key bindings for in-game controls. On first launch,
    key bindings from the original game are imported (if present).
  * Added the Duke Nukem 3D teaser screen that appears after
    beating episode 4.
  * Added the "hype" message shown when launching the game for the
    first time.
  * Added switch to intro/demo sequence after sitting on the main
    menu without any input for a while.
  * Temporary quick saving: Press F5 to quick save, F7 to load. On
    a gamepad, press "back" (small button left of Xbox
    button/Dualshock touchpad/...) to quick save, and load via the
    in-game menu. For now, quick saves are not stored on disk,
    meaning quitting or finishing the current level will delete the
    last quick save. Permanently storing quick saves is planned for
    a future update. Quick saving is an optional enhancement that
    needs to be enabled in the options menu first.
  * Improved menu navigation: Pressing ESC (or button B on a
    gamepad) while on the saved game name entry goes back to the
    save slot selection, instead of leaving the menu entirely like
    in the original.
  Bug fixes
  * Duke's ship was incorrectly drawn behind other objects like
    item boxes.
  * Fixed sporadic time skips that could occur on some platforms
    (e.g. Odroid Go Advance).
  * Fixed incorrect starting position for rockets fired downwards
    by the player while hanging on a pipe.
  * Fixed incorrect rocket smoke position for downwards-facing
    rockets fired by Duke.
  * Fixed a discrepancy in behavior for the Blue Guard
  * Fixed a player control discrepancy: It was possible to fire a
    shot during the first frame of a jump and during landing,
    which is not possible in the original.
  * Player movement now more accurately matches the original with
    regards to changing direction while looking up/crouching/aiming
    down from a pipe.
* Drop patch (included upstream):
  * b413133c6b6e7837a4204f347cdaeccd41e187dc.patch

Tue Sep  8 13:33:51 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Add upstream patch to fix build on aarch64 and %arm:
  * b413133c6b6e7837a4204f347cdaeccd41e187dc.patch

Sat Sep  5 18:49:23 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.6.2
  General improvements
  * More robust sound format handling, fixing issues on some
    platforms where the audio device does not support 16-bit signed
    integer PCM output (e.g. web browsers)
  * It's now possible to navigate the options menu using a keyboard
  Gamepad support improvements
  * All menus, including the options menu, can now be navigated via
  * The highscore name entry screen can now be exited using a
  * When in-game, the "start" button on a gamepad now brings up a
    pause menu, allowing saving, loading, modifying options etc.
    without needing a keyboard.
  * When saving the game using a gamepad, a name is automatically
    generated for the saved game to avoid the need for a keyboard.
    The name contains episode, level, and difficulty.
  Bug fixes
  * When dying in a boss level after activating the boss, the music
    was not reset back to the pre-boss music.
  * The hint machine could be activated even without having the
    hint globe (by pressing up)
- Drop patch:
  * rigelengine-fix-nlohmann-json-hpp.patch (included upstream)

Mon Aug 31 12:23:10 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>

- Use openGL ES on %arm and aarch64
- Fix build on %arm and aarch64 with:
  * rigelengine-fix-nlohmann-json-hpp.patch

Sat Jun 27 10:26:28 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.6.1
  General improvements
  * It's now possible to set the difficulty when launching into a
    specific level via the command line
    (example: -l L2 --difficulty easy)
  OpenGL support improvements
  * The minimum required GLSL version is now 130 instead of 150,
    allowing the game to run on older GPUs which support
    OpenGL 3.0 but not GLSL 150.
  * More robust OpenGL initialization error handling
  * OpenGL ES support was broken and is now fixed, allowing the
    game to run on some older GPUs and on a Raspberry Pi (not
    optimized yet)
  * Fixed a crash when running the game on Linux with Mesa
    software rendering
  Bug fixes
  * Fixed camera position being wrong upon respawning
  * Fixed missing animation for walking turkey

Fri Jun 26 10:43:48 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Adjust BR: cmake >= 3.12 is needed
- Limit gcc9 usage to Leap 15

Sun Jun 14 18:23:48 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Use gcc9 on Leap systems

Sat Jun 13 10:42:58 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.6.0-beta
  * As of this release, the full game (Shareware and registered
    version content) can be completed without any known issues,
    making RigelEngine feature complete in terms of gameplay.
  * In addition, gamepad/controller support was further improved.
  Gamepad support improvements
  * Force field card readers, door locks, and teleporters can be
    triggered by moving the analog stick up. Previously, this
    worked only with the D-Pad
  * Improved analog stick sensitivity for piloting Duke's ship
  * It's now possible to use the analog stick for menu navigation,
    in addition to the D-Pad
  Bug fixes
  * It was possible for a ceiling sucker to try to eat Duke while
    he was already dying, which would lead to a crash. This is now
  * Fixed an inconsistency in the way blowing fans work. This was
    making certain areas in the game harder to reach than intended
    (e.g. the upper left edge allowing access to a laser pickup
    near the exit of O7)
  * Duke would fail to attach to climbing pipes in certain
    circumstances, making some jumps in O1 harder than intended.
  * Fixed initial camera offset being slightly wrong on some levels
  * Fixed red birds sometimes getting stuck after reaching the
  * Fixed some inconsistencies in how the red bird behaves
  * The water effect shader did not compile for OpenGL ES, making
    the game unplayable in GL ES mode (e.g. on a Raspberry Pi).
  * Fixed cloak not being removed when dying while cloaked
- Update to version 0.5.3-beta
  General improvements
  * Debugging functionality is now disabled by default. This
    prevents accidentally hitting one of the debug feature keys
    (like single step mode) during gameplay. It can be reenabled
    with a command line option (-d).
  Gamepad support improvements
  * Analog stick movement is more reliable, especially on a PS4
    ontroller, and there is much less unintended up/down motion
  * The trigger buttons (LT/RT aka L2/R2) can now be used for
    jumping/shooting in addition to LB/RB (aka L1/R1)
  * The game will now detect a gamepad if it's plugged in or
    turned on during gameplay
  Bug fixes
  * Conveyor belts with an upward slope (as found in level N7)
    did not work
  * Cloak was not effective when eaten by a snake or ceiling sucker
  * When cloaked, enemy shots were flying through the player
    instead of disappearing
  * Enemy rocket shots were missing acceleration
  * Explosion effect was missing for enemy rocket shots
  * Nuclear waste barrels were not affected by gravity or conveyor
  * Inconsistencies in climbing pipe movement which caused
    problems in level O1 are now fixed
  * Hover bot spawn machine was spawning indefinitely, instead of
    stopping after 30 bots
  * Bonuses 2 and 7 were potentially given incorrectly if the
    player died before reaching a checkpoint
  * Watchbot container would disappear if the carrier was
    destroyed after it had released the container
  * Stair stepping movement wasn't fully matching the original,
    causing an inconsistency with the conveyor belts found in O5
    and O6
  * Physics for items released from item boxes were incorrect,
    causing problems in O5 and O6

Sat Apr  4 16:31:46 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Update to version 0.5.2-beta
  New features
  * When starting RigelEngine for the first time, a graphical file
    browser UI is shown. This allows choosing the location of the
    Duke Nukem II data files required for playing the game. The
    chosen location is stored in the user profile, so this only
    has to be done once.
  * Adds a button to the options menu to choose a different Duke
    Nukem II installation (only in main menu's options menu).
  Bug fixes
  * Added missing rocket fire sounds for episode 3 boss enemy
  * Stopped explosion sprites from incorrectly appearing in N4
    and N8
  * Fix
    and ed missing water animations
  * Fixed collision detection for player shots, which makes it
    possible to properly shoot the first burnable wall in M5 with
    a rocket launcher
  * Fixed collision detection for dynamic geometry, which fixed
    issues in N5
- Drop patch:
  * 0001-Fix-building-with-Gcc-9.patch

Sat Feb 15 18:08:04 UTC 2020 - Martin Hauke <>

- Initial package, version 0.5.1-beta
- Add patch:
  * RigelEngine-fix-build.patch
  * 0001-Fix-building-with-Gcc-9.patch
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