File apcupsd.hibernate of Package apcupsd


# Always stop apcupsd before sleep, but do not initiate powerdown for hybrid-sleep.
if [ "$1" = pre ] && ( [ "$2" = hibernate ] || [ "$2" = hybrid-sleep ] ) ; then
	/sbin/service apcupsd.service stop
if [ "$1" = pre ] && [ "$2" = hibernate ] ; then
	# FIXME: All hibernate quirks are called in parallel. To be on a safest side, we should initiate powerdown grace period when they terminate.
	sleep 5
	/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol killpower
if [ "$1" = post ] && ( [ "$2" = hibernate ] || [ "$2" = hybrid-sleep ] ) ; then
	/sbin/service apcupsd.service start
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