File 0001-mime-actions-Group-files-depending-on-the-opening-ap.patch of Package fc33-nautilus-3.38.2

From 873939e8222a778e8f9855944483cb1ee1cb984b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bastien Nocera <>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 15:04:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] mime-actions: Group files depending on the opening app

Reinstate the old behaviour which used to look at the files to open,
group them by handling application, and pass a single call to each
application with all the files it could handle.

For the common case where it's a single application handling all the
files, as is usual for handling media files (images, videos, music,
etc.), it changes the launching behaviour from:
application.bin foo.mp3
application.bin foo2.mp3
application.bin foo3.mp3
application.bin foo.mp3 foo2.mp3 foo3.mp3

This however impacts the behaviour of nautilus launching applications
when inside a Flatpak sandbox, as it cannot enumerate and launch
applications itself. As the Flatpak sandbox is a development tool, and
for the sake of expediency, we reverted to the old code path.

Revert "mime-actions: launch default uri handlers when activating files"

This reverts commit f5206a6daf0991d91e885a28bb66795a8ae12a41.

Closes: #117
 src/nautilus-mime-actions.c     | 268 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/nautilus-program-choosing.c | 188 +++-------------------
 src/nautilus-program-choosing.h |   7 -
 3 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c b/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
index 26468c597..4a49828a8 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ typedef struct
     char *uri;
 } LaunchLocation;
+typedef struct
+    GAppInfo *application;
+    GList *uris;
+} ApplicationLaunchParameters;
 typedef struct
     NautilusWindowSlot *slot;
@@ -80,13 +86,6 @@ typedef struct
     gboolean user_confirmation;
 } ActivateParameters;
-typedef struct
-    ActivateParameters *activation_params;
-    GQueue *uris;
-    GQueue *unhandled_uris;
-} ApplicationLaunchParameters;
 /* Microsoft mime types at */
@@ -345,19 +344,27 @@ launch_locations_from_file_list (GList *list)
 static ApplicationLaunchParameters *
-application_launch_parameters_new (ActivateParameters *activation_params,
-                                   GQueue             *uris)
+application_launch_parameters_new (GAppInfo *application,
+                                   GList    *uris)
     ApplicationLaunchParameters *result;
     result = g_new0 (ApplicationLaunchParameters, 1);
-    result->activation_params = activation_params;
-    result->uris = uris;
-    result->unhandled_uris = g_queue_new ();
+    result->application = g_object_ref (application);
+    result->uris = g_list_copy_deep (uris, (GCopyFunc) g_strdup, NULL);
     return result;
+static void
+application_launch_parameters_free (ApplicationLaunchParameters *parameters)
+    g_object_unref (parameters->application);
+    g_list_free_full (parameters->uris, g_free);
+    g_free (parameters);
 static gboolean
 nautilus_mime_actions_check_if_required_attributes_ready (NautilusFile *file)
@@ -792,6 +799,114 @@ nautilus_mime_file_opens_in_external_app (NautilusFile *file)
     return (activation_action == ACTIVATION_ACTION_OPEN_IN_APPLICATION);
+static unsigned int
+mime_application_hash (GAppInfo *app)
+    const char *id;
+    id = g_app_info_get_id (app);
+    if (id == NULL)
+    {
+        return GPOINTER_TO_UINT (app);
+    }
+    return g_str_hash (id);
+static void
+list_to_parameters_foreach (GAppInfo  *application,
+                            GList     *uris,
+                            GList    **ret)
+    ApplicationLaunchParameters *parameters;
+    uris = g_list_reverse (uris);
+    parameters = application_launch_parameters_new
+                     (application, uris);
+    *ret = g_list_prepend (*ret, parameters);
+ * make_activation_parameters
+ *
+ * Construct a list of ApplicationLaunchParameters from a list of NautilusFiles,
+ * where files that have the same default application are put into the same
+ * launch parameter, and others are put into the unhandled_files list.
+ *
+ * @files: Files to use for construction.
+ * @unhandled_files: Files without any default application will be put here.
+ *
+ * Return value: Newly allocated list of ApplicationLaunchParameters.
+ **/
+static GList *
+make_activation_parameters (GList  *uris,
+                            GList **unhandled_uris)
+    GList *ret, *l, *app_uris;
+    NautilusFile *file;
+    GAppInfo *app, *old_app;
+    GHashTable *app_table;
+    char *uri;
+    ret = NULL;
+    *unhandled_uris = NULL;
+    app_table = g_hash_table_new_full
+                    ((GHashFunc) mime_application_hash,
+                    (GEqualFunc) g_app_info_equal,
+                    (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref,
+                    (GDestroyNotify) g_list_free);
+    for (l = uris; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+    {
+        uri = l->data;
+        file = nautilus_file_get_by_uri (uri);
+        app = nautilus_mime_get_default_application_for_file (file);
+        if (app != NULL)
+        {
+            app_uris = NULL;
+            if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (app_table, app,
+                                              (gpointer *) &old_app,
+                                              (gpointer *) &app_uris))
+            {
+                g_hash_table_steal (app_table, old_app);
+                app_uris = g_list_prepend (app_uris, uri);
+                g_object_unref (app);
+                app = old_app;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                app_uris = g_list_prepend (NULL, uri);
+            }
+            g_hash_table_insert (app_table, app, app_uris);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *unhandled_uris = g_list_prepend (*unhandled_uris, uri);
+        }
+        nautilus_file_unref (file);
+    }
+    g_hash_table_foreach (app_table,
+                          (GHFunc) list_to_parameters_foreach,
+                          &ret);
+    g_hash_table_destroy (app_table);
+    *unhandled_uris = g_list_reverse (*unhandled_uris);
+    return g_list_reverse (ret);
 static gboolean
 file_was_cancelled (NautilusFile *file)
@@ -843,16 +958,6 @@ activation_parameters_free (ActivateParameters *parameters)
     g_free (parameters);
-static void
-application_launch_parameters_free (ApplicationLaunchParameters *parameters)
-    g_queue_free (parameters->unhandled_uris);
-    g_queue_free (parameters->uris);
-    activation_parameters_free (parameters->activation_params);
-    g_free (parameters);
 static void
 cancel_activate_callback (gpointer callback_data)
@@ -1369,55 +1474,22 @@ out:
     show_unhandled_type_error (parameters_install);
-static void
-on_launch_default_for_uri (GObject      *source_object,
-                           GAsyncResult *res,
-                           gpointer      user_data)
-    ApplicationLaunchParameters *params;
-    ActivateParameters *activation_params;
-    char *uri;
-    gboolean sandboxed;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    params = user_data;
-    activation_params = params->activation_params;
-    uri = g_queue_pop_head (params->uris);
-    sandboxed = g_file_test ("/.flatpak-info", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
-    nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_finish (res, &error);
-    if (!sandboxed && error != NULL && error->code != G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)
-    {
-        g_queue_push_tail (params->unhandled_uris, uri);
-    }
-    if (!g_queue_is_empty (params->uris))
-    {
-        nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_async (g_queue_peek_head (params->uris),
-                                               activation_params->parent_window,
-                                               activation_params->cancellable,
-                                               on_launch_default_for_uri,
-                                               params);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        while ((uri = g_queue_pop_head (params->unhandled_uris)) != NULL)
-        {
-            application_unhandled_uri (activation_params, uri);
-        }
-        application_launch_parameters_free (params);
-    }
 static void
 activate_files (ActivateParameters *parameters)
     NautilusFile *file;
     NautilusWindowOpenFlags flags;
+    g_autoptr (GList) open_in_app_parameters = NULL;
+    g_autoptr (GList) unhandled_open_in_app_uris = NULL;
+    ApplicationLaunchParameters *one_parameters;
     int count;
     g_autofree char *old_working_dir = NULL;
     GdkScreen *screen;
+    gint num_apps;
+    gint num_unhandled;
+    gint num_files;
+    gboolean open_files;
+    g_autoptr (GQueue) launch_desktop_files = NULL;
     g_autoptr (GQueue) launch_files = NULL;
     g_autoptr (GQueue) launch_in_terminal_files = NULL;
     g_autoptr (GQueue) open_in_app_uris = NULL;
@@ -1612,26 +1684,68 @@ activate_files (ActivateParameters *parameters)
-    if (g_queue_is_empty (open_in_app_uris))
+    if (open_in_app_uris != NULL)
-        activation_parameters_free (parameters);
+        open_in_app_parameters = make_activation_parameters (g_queue_peek_head_link (open_in_app_uris),
+                                                             &unhandled_open_in_app_uris);
-    else
+    num_apps = g_list_length (open_in_app_parameters);
+    num_unhandled = g_list_length (unhandled_open_in_app_uris);
+    num_files = g_queue_get_length (open_in_app_uris);
+    open_files = TRUE;
+    if (g_queue_is_empty (open_in_app_uris) &&
+        (!parameters->user_confirmation ||
+         num_files + num_unhandled > SILENT_OPEN_LIMIT) &&
+        num_apps > 1)
-        const char *uri;
-        ApplicationLaunchParameters *params;
+        GtkDialog *dialog;
+        char *prompt;
+        g_autofree char *detail = NULL;
+        int response;
-        uri = g_queue_peek_head (open_in_app_uris);
-        params = application_launch_parameters_new (parameters,
-                                                    g_queue_copy (open_in_app_uris));
+        pause_activation_timed_cancel (parameters);
-        gtk_recent_manager_add_item (gtk_recent_manager_get_default (), uri);
-        nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_async (uri,
-                                               parameters->parent_window,
-                                               parameters->cancellable,
-                                               on_launch_default_for_uri,
-                                               params);
+        prompt = _("Are you sure you want to open all files?");
+        detail = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("This will open %d separate application.",
+                                            "This will open %d separate applications.", num_apps), num_apps);
+        dialog = eel_show_yes_no_dialog (prompt, detail,
+                                         _("_OK"), _("_Cancel"),
+                                         parameters->parent_window);
+        response = gtk_dialog_run (dialog);
+        gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog));
+        unpause_activation_timed_cancel (parameters);
+        if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
+        {
+            open_files = FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    if (open_files)
+    {
+        for (l = open_in_app_parameters; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+        {
+            one_parameters = l->data;
+            nautilus_launch_application_by_uri (one_parameters->application,
+                                                one_parameters->uris,
+                                                parameters->parent_window);
+            application_launch_parameters_free (one_parameters);
+        }
+        for (l = unhandled_open_in_app_uris; l != NULL; l = l->next)
+        {
+            char *uri = l->data;
+            /* this does not block */
+            application_unhandled_uri (parameters, uri);
+        }
+    activation_parameters_free (parameters);
 static void
diff --git a/src/nautilus-program-choosing.c b/src/nautilus-program-choosing.c
index 47362a3f7..35a4ab73f 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-program-choosing.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-program-choosing.c
@@ -126,32 +126,6 @@ nautilus_launch_application (GAppInfo  *application,
     g_list_free_full (uris, g_free);
-static GdkAppLaunchContext *
-get_launch_context (GtkWindow *parent_window)
-    GdkDisplay *display;
-    GdkAppLaunchContext *launch_context;
-    if (parent_window != NULL)
-    {
-        display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (parent_window));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        display = gdk_display_get_default ();
-    }
-    launch_context = gdk_display_get_app_launch_context (display);
-    if (parent_window != NULL)
-    {
-        gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen (launch_context,
-                                           gtk_window_get_screen (parent_window));
-    }
-    return launch_context;
 nautilus_launch_application_by_uri (GAppInfo  *application,
                                     GList     *uris,
@@ -163,7 +137,8 @@ nautilus_launch_application_by_uri (GAppInfo  *application,
     NautilusFile *file;
     gboolean result;
     GError *error;
-    g_autoptr (GdkAppLaunchContext) launch_context = NULL;
+    GdkDisplay *display;
+    GdkAppLaunchContext *launch_context;
     NautilusIconInfo *icon;
     int count, total;
@@ -186,7 +161,22 @@ nautilus_launch_application_by_uri (GAppInfo  *application,
     locations = g_list_reverse (locations);
-    launch_context = get_launch_context (parent_window);
+    if (parent_window != NULL)
+    {
+        display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (parent_window));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        display = gdk_display_get_default ();
+    }
+    launch_context = gdk_display_get_app_launch_context (display);
+    if (parent_window != NULL)
+    {
+        gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen (launch_context,
+                                           gtk_window_get_screen (parent_window));
+    }
     file = nautilus_file_get_by_uri (uris->data);
     icon = nautilus_file_get_icon (file,
@@ -222,6 +212,8 @@ nautilus_launch_application_by_uri (GAppInfo  *application,
+    g_object_unref (launch_context);
     if (result)
         for (l = uris; l != NULL; l = l->next)
@@ -480,144 +472,4 @@ nautilus_launch_desktop_file (GdkScreen   *screen,
     g_object_unref (app_info);
-/* HAX
- *
- * TODO: remove everything below once it’s doable from GTK+.
- *
- * Context: and
- *
- *
- * In a sandboxed environment, this is needed to able to get the actual
- * result of the operation, since gtk_show_uri_on_window () neither blocks
- * nor returns a useful value.
- */
-static void
-on_launch_default_for_uri (GObject      *source,
-                           GAsyncResult *result,
-                           gpointer      data)
-    GTask *task;
-    NautilusWindow *window;
-    gboolean success;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    task = data;
-    window = g_task_get_source_object (task);
-    success = g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri_finish (result, &error);
-    if (window)
-    {
-        nautilus_window_unexport_handle (window);
-    }
-    if (success)
-    {
-        g_task_return_boolean (task, success);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        g_task_return_error (task, error);
-    }
-    /* Reffed in the call to nautilus_window_export_handle */
-    g_object_unref (task);
-static void
-on_window_handle_export (NautilusWindow *window,
-                         const char     *handle_str,
-                         guint           xid,
-                         gpointer        user_data)
-    GTask *task = user_data;
-    GAppLaunchContext *context = g_task_get_task_data (task);
-    const char *uri;
-    uri = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (context), "uri");
-    g_app_launch_context_setenv (context, "PARENT_WINDOW_ID", handle_str);
-    g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri_async (uri,
-                                             context,
-                                             g_task_get_cancellable (task),
-                                             on_launch_default_for_uri,
-                                             task);
-static void
-launch_default_for_uri_thread_func (GTask        *task,
-                                    gpointer      source_object,
-                                    gpointer      task_data,
-                                    GCancellable *cancellable)
-    GAppLaunchContext *launch_context;
-    const char *uri;
-    gboolean success;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    launch_context = task_data;
-    uri = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (launch_context), "uri");
-    success = g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri (uri, launch_context, &error);
-    if (success)
-    {
-        g_task_return_boolean (task, success);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        g_task_return_error (task, error);
-    }
-nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_async  (const char         *uri,
-                                        GtkWindow          *parent_window,
-                                        GCancellable       *cancellable,
-                                        GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
-                                        gpointer            callback_data)
-    g_autoptr (GdkAppLaunchContext) launch_context = NULL;
-    g_autoptr (GTask) task = NULL;
-    g_return_if_fail (uri != NULL);
-    launch_context = get_launch_context (parent_window);
-    task = g_task_new (parent_window, cancellable, callback, callback_data);
-    gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (launch_context, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
-    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (launch_context),
-                            "uri", g_strdup (uri), g_free);
-    g_task_set_task_data (task,
-                          g_object_ref (launch_context), g_object_unref);
-    if (parent_window != NULL)
-    {
-        gboolean handle_exported;
-        handle_exported = nautilus_window_export_handle (NAUTILUS_WINDOW (parent_window),
-                                                         on_window_handle_export,
-                                                         g_object_ref (task));
-        if (handle_exported)
-        {
-            /* Launching will now be handled from the callback */
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    g_task_run_in_thread (task, launch_default_for_uri_thread_func);
-nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_finish (GAsyncResult  *result,
-                                        GError       **error)
-    g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result), FALSE);
-    return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error);
 /* END OF HAX */
diff --git a/src/nautilus-program-choosing.h b/src/nautilus-program-choosing.h
index 51881ff17..a402b79a2 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-program-choosing.h
+++ b/src/nautilus-program-choosing.h
@@ -51,10 +51,3 @@ void nautilus_launch_desktop_file                   (GdkScreen
                                                      const char                        *desktop_file_uri,
                                                      const GList                       *parameter_uris,
                                                      GtkWindow                         *parent_window);
-void nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_async          (const char                        *uri,
-                                                     GtkWindow                         *parent_window,
-                                                     GCancellable                      *cancellable,
-                                                     GAsyncReadyCallback                callback,
-                                                     gpointer                           callback_data);
-gboolean nautilus_launch_default_for_uri_finish     (GAsyncResult                      *result,
-                                                     GError                           **error);
\ No newline at end of file

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