File kile.changes of Package kile

Sun Sep 23 17:14:01 UTC 2012 -

- Update to 2.1.3
  * Allow letters as shortcuts (kde#268570)
  * Avoid executing unwanted commands in the console when changing
    tabs (kde#301653)
  * Ensure that the ViewBib tool opens the correct bibliography file
  * Correctly display output produced by ConTeXt (kde#303230)
  * Correctly handle text with foreground colour in the tabular wizard
  * Correctly save and restore the encodings of previously opened files
  * Fix a problem which causes that projects sometimes cannot be opened
    correctly (kde#301808)
  * Force termination of Kile when the main window is closed (kde#299569)
  * Add a completion file for the 'ifplatform' package 
    (Patch by Thomas Braun)
  * Add 'Save', 'Save As' and 'Save Copy As' entries to the tab context
    menus (kde#249293)
  * Add tool tips to structure view entries (Patch by Eugene Shalygin)
  * Provide Unicode characters for the symbols in the symbol view
    (Patch by Olivier Delaune, kde#159515)

Sun Aug 26 18:58:23 UTC 2012 -

- Change okular from Requires to Recommends (bnc#777423)

Mon Aug 20 18:23:51 UTC 2012 -

- Recommend texlive-dvips and texlive-dvipdfmx after the texlive 
  split (bnc#776274)

Thu Apr 26 17:51:54 UTC 2012 -

- Update to 2.1.2
  * Correctly convert special characters that were typed with caps
    lock enabled into LaTeX. This fix works from KDE 4.3 upwards. 
  * Use 'utf8' instead of 'utf8x' as default encoding (in document
    templates). It should be sufficient in most cases and it is 
    installed by default in LaTeX distributions.
  * Correctly insert '\c{c}' for the cedilla character (kde#296006,
  * Use the correct name for some icons. In this way, they can be
    used even if the current icon theme is not Oxygen.
    (Patch by Pino Toscano)
  * Correctly restore VI input mode key settings (kde#293262)
  * Update 'biblatex.cwl'. Thanks to Denis Bitouzé!

Fri Jan 27 18:40:14 UTC 2012 -

- Update to Kile 2.1.1
  * Add tool tip which explains the available placeholders in the 
    user tag dialog (Patch by Felix Mauch)
  * Allow to configure whether the directory shown in the console
    is kept synchronized with the document tabs (kde#265165)
  * Restore the behaviour of LaTeX environment completion to what
    it was in version 2.0 (Patch by Holger Danielsson)
  * Ensure that Kile can be offered as application to open LaTeX
    documents in Nautilus, for instance (kde#275438)
  * Avoid crashes when closing Kile with two (or more) opened 
    projects (Patch by Eugene Shalygin, kde#289458)
  * Ensure that the correct number of errors/warnings/badboxes is
    reported in translated versions of Kile, which notably affected
    the French version (kde#275700)
- Removed a special handling of a locale for an obolete version of

Mon Dec 12 21:09:14 UTC 2011 -

- Spec file updates:
  * Changes based on spec-cleaner run.
  * Simplified License: to GPL-2.0+ (made it also SDPX style).
  * Added libktexteditor in Requires: (because the package needs katepart).

Wed Jun 22 19:32:10 UTC 2011 -

- Spec file updates
  * Added update-mime-database in %post/%postun scripts for the mime file
    installed by the package.
  * Fix locales removal if suse_version is not set.
  * Removed support for openSUSE < 11.2.
  * Minor other updates.

Sat Jun 11 14:41:46 UTC 2011 -

- Update to Kile 2.1
  Changes since Beta 5
  * Fix a potential memory leak related to the parser progress bar
  * Fix a crash that occurred when typing "exit" in the embedded console 
  * Improve the wording of the message box which pops up when the user
    wants to create a new project but no project name has been given yet 
  * Correctly handle '.' characters that occur in citation labels (#266670)
  * Run the tool 'asymptote' automatically when 'asymptote' figures are present
    in the document (Patch by Felix Mauch, #258352)
  * Fix a typo present in the LaTeX markup when inserting a description list
    environment via the 'LaTeX' menu (Patch by Mark  Morschhäuser, #268043)
  * Fix some bugs in the tabular wizard (Patch by Felix Mauch)
  * Revive the automatic insertion of $ feature (Patch by Dominik Haumann)
  * Fix the problem that dead keys are sometimes treated as 'alive' (#269590)
  * Avoid crashes when running Kile in a non-English locale (#271910)

  * Make the background colour of the quick preview pane configurable (#265879)
  * Add a directory selection button (and the corresponding dialog) which allows
    it to select the default location for projects in a more comfortable way
    (Patch by Felix Mauch, #116670)
  * Also add a directory selection button for the TeX documentation (Patch by
    Felix Mauch)
  * Allow users to comfortably install custom completion files (Patch by Libor
    Bukata, #265284)
  * Add the possibility to copy tables from the clipboard into the tabular
    wizard (Patch by Felix Mauch)
  * New CWL file for the 'soul package' (Patch by Thomas Braun, #271688)

Tue Mar  1 20:11:27 UTC 2011 -

- Fix the black icons in the toolbar (bnc#676046)

Thu Feb 24 19:58:39 UTC 2011 -

- recommend and not only suggest the lang package

Sun Feb 13 14:56:19 UTC 2011 -

- Spec file updates
   * Changes based on rpmdevtools templates and spec-cleaner run.
   * Changed License: to "GPLv2+ and GFDL".
   * Updated %description.
   * Updated BuildRequires:, Requires:, Recommends: entries and added Suggests:
   * Moved the english help files in the main package.
- Fixed rpmlint warnings ("wrong-icon-size" and "non-executable-script").

Thu Dec 30 20:45:14 UTC 2010 -

- update to Kile 2.1 Beta 5

  - Ensure that LaTeX root documents are recognised correctly when Kile is starting up (#233667)
  - Don't prepend the base directory to absolute file names returned by 'grep' (#234235)
  - Fix some crashes in the find-in-files dialog
  - Fix problems that could occur when using custom tools in combination with a translated GUI (#224130)
  - Make the 'smart new line' feature respect custom indentation (#226161)
  - Restore the master document setting (for single files) when Kile is starting up (#222029)
  - Correct the tool tip for the symbol panel in the side bar (Patch by Christian Herzberg)
  - Fix the problem that the LaTeX root icon isn't shown for project items if they aren't opened
  - Fix problems related to opening files from the file browser widget (#222325)
  - Correctly split strings containing line breaks in the log widget (#237885)
  - Fix some bugs related to the new-document wizard (#238544)
  - Correct the problem of changing the focus when auto-save is triggered (#228321)
  - Rename the 'BibTeX' and 'Biblatex' actions in the LaTeX menu to avoid confusion within the shortcut configuration dialog (#184847)
  - After a manual invocation, abbreviations are now replaced immediately even if longer matches are possible (#238897).
  - Add icons for the 'Split Cells' and 'Join Cells' actions in the tabular dialog (#237897)
  - Add missing fields to 'bibtexentries.rc' (Patch by Martin Weis)
  - Add support for the '%absolute_target' keyword, which enables ForwardPDF (with Okular) to work correctly in embedded mode (#245483)
  - Reduce GUI flickering a little more
  - Ensure that the $PATH variable is respected when tools are launched (#204397)
  - Fix a problem related to opening non-existing files in projects which can freeze the GUI (#241181)
  - Fix the bug which causes keyboard shortcuts to change when switching between documents (#247646)
  - Correct a bug which results in references to appear as undefined (#241730)

  - Make it configurable whether the splash screen is shown or not (#244909)
  - Add an embedded viewer configuration for the 'ForwardPDF' tool
  - Add completion files for 'units.sty' and 'nomencl.sty' (Patch by Andreas Weder)
  - Update 'todonotes.sty' (2009/12/25) (Patch by by Andreas Weder)
  - Make the document tabs movable (Initial patch by Nicolas Pavillon, #200890)

Wed Jul 21 06:25:53 UTC 2010 -

- updated to newer developemnt snapshot to fix build

Thu Apr  8 14:33:08 UTC 2010 -

- update to Kile 2.1 Beta 4 release tarball- 

Wed Feb 17 18:42:05 UTC 2010 -

- updated to newer svn snapshot (r1091641)
  + Avoid flickering when redrawing the structure view.
- changed version to 2.0.99

Wed Feb 17 09:55:06 UTC 2010 -

- update to Kile 2.1 Beta 3 release tarball
- fix installation of the manual (bko # 227239)
- recommend texlive-latex (bnc # 548657)

Tue Aug 25 06:50:07 UTC 2009 -

- update to Kile 2.1 Beta 2 release tarball

Thu Aug 13 07:44:33 UTC 2009 -

- updated to newer svn snapshot (r1010674)
  + Use the KDE system colours for displaying entries. (bko #185529)
  + save/restore when painting an item, so they don't alter 
    each other drawing (and thus no more glitches)

Mon Aug 10 14:49:21 CEST 2009 -

- add missing requirement on kile-lang

Tue Jul 28 16:24:34 CEST 2009 -

- small build adjustments

Fri Jul 24 19:42:27 CEST 2009 -

- Fix build error

Wed Jul 22 14:22:06 CEST 2009 -

- Update to svn r996817
- New icon size

Mon Jul 13 15:25:09 CEST 2009 -

- Update to svn r990130 (Beta 1) of KDE4 port
- remove TODO from doc files

Sat May 30 09:37:32 CEST 2009 -

- fix last change

Sat May  2 13:58:44 CEST 2009 -

- don't require kdegraphics3-tex on 11.2 and later (bnc#498374)

Mon Mar 16 18:29:21 CET 2009 -

- update to 2.0.3:
  * Add {} to special characters in symbolview for easier handling
  * Don't blend user defined symbols because we don't know how they
    look like
  * Misplaced cursor with intelligent double quotes and selections
  * Fixed a case where the autocompletion dies (#164231,#174003)
  * Make the statistics pane work also for non latex files (#173745)
  * Don't report certain log messages as tex errors (#174665)
  * Properly escape the log messages so that also <...> shows up
  * some cwl typos
  * Added babel, todonotes (thanks to Salim), glosstex, nicefrac,
  * latex: -- fixed corner case where \newcommand got highlighted

Sat Feb 14 12:51:18 CET 2009 -

- make it build without kdegraphics3 - it will default to acroread
  for now.

Sat Sep 20 19:46:28 CEST 2008 -

- update to version 2.0.2: bugfixes

Thu Apr 24 11:17:37 CEST 2008 -

- update to version 2.0.1rc1:
   - Add \newlength as a variation of newcommand
   - Add url.cwl, svninfo.cwl, svn-multi.cwl, yfonts.cwl, virginialake.cwl
   - Allow ":" and "-" in citation keys, important for codecompletion
   - Highlight & and @{} in tabular like environments
   - Ignore Noweb blocks
   - and many bugfixes
Wed Nov 21 11:17:13 CET 2007 -

- update to version 2.0:
  * Add auto completion in abbreviation mode
  * Added commands to work directly with sectioning on the structure
    view: copy, cut, paste, select, delete, comment, quick preview
  * New symbol view
  * Added a scripting interface to kile
  * Add support for TexLive 2005/2007
  * Preview of mathgroups
  * For whole new features and bugfix list see ChangeLog

Mon Jul  9 09:44:08 CEST 2007 -

- Recommend instead of require gnuplot and xfig (#288403)

Sun Apr 22 18:04:30 CEST 2007 -

- Use texlive.

Mon Dec  4 15:34:58 CET 2006 -

- update to version 1.9.3:
   * Prepared the latex syntax file for beamer commands
   - Recognize escaped chars in \newcommand. 
   - Use KPDF as embedded viewer for quick preview, because KPDF can
     remember current settings. 
   - Bugs in tabular wizard, when merging, breaking and merging again
     some cells
   - Quote replacement should not happen inside verbatim/verb environment
   - Fix bug in tabular wizard, when breaking some multicolumn cells
   - Don't use default permissions for backup file (CVE CAN-2005-1920
     also applies to kile)
   - Fix bug in syntax highlighting: mathmode in optional parameter
   - Allow tools with brackets in the configuration string also in
     sequence tools, fixed also the crash which hid the bug. 
   - One fix in latex-document-cwl and color.cwl
   - Fix crash when adding a file to a project (with no open documents)
     which contains an undefined reference
   - Improve the logic for closing environments
   - Don't treat \\[foo] as a math environment
   - Remove selected text also if we insert a "

Sat Aug 26 14:41:09 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 1.9.2
   * Add autoref command to standard reference commands
   * Remember the setting of MakeIndexOptions checkbox in the
     project settings dialog.
   * Added utf-8 and other encodings to the quickdocument dialog.
   * Make the "New Tool" dialog box big enough.
   * Check if masterdocs in kilepr files exist, should fix some
     problems with upgrades from kile 1.8.
   * Searching for environments in Edit functions improved.
   * Take array as math environment instead of tabular in
     Configure->Latex Environments.
   * Don't crash if a user changes the icon of a toolbar item.
   * Allow a few more punctuation in codecompletion of citation keys.
   * Remember last working directory in 'find in files' dialog
   * Tabular wizard should insert all entered elements.
   * Only autosave files which have been modified.
   * Delete comma of last bibtex entry if Bibliographie->Clean is called.
   * Quick Preview fails if graphics are included in selection

Mon Jul  3 15:14:03 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 1.9.1
  * a number of bugfixes
  * Add the possibility to use bullets in user tags via a new placeholder %B.
  * Colour bullets so that they can be spotted easily.
  * new cwl file for the textcomp and import package.
  * we now highlight TODO, FIXME in comments. (only if they are not in normal text)

Tue May 30 07:39:04 CEST 2006 -

- fix build for < 10.1

Tue Mar 28 16:15:18 CEST 2006 -

- update to version 1.9
   * over 50 bug fixes and wishes implemented

Fri Mar 24 11:28:41 CET 2006 -

- require latex (#160482)

Fri Mar  3 14:10:48 CET 2006 -

- fix array subscription (#154849)

Wed Jan 25 21:33:16 CET 2006 -

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Tue Oct 25 17:25:06 CEST 2005 -

- update to version 1.8.1

Mon May 23 10:09:11 CEST 2005 -

- update to version 1.8

Thu Feb 10 14:10:09 CET 2005 -

- do not require te_pdf anymore

Sun Nov 14 19:59:42 CET 2004 -

- fix file conflicts with kdelibs3

Tue Oct 19 17:08:59 CEST 2004 -

- update to version 1.7.1

Thu May 13 16:34:20 CEST 2004 -

- update to version 1.6.3

Fri Apr 23 14:06:39 CEST 2004 -

- fix typo in Requires: (reported by Hendric Stattmann)

Mon Apr 19 18:29:29 CEST 2004 -

- update to version 1.6.2
- add Requires to kdegrpahics3-tex

Sun Feb  1 10:56:13 CET 2004 -

- update to version 1.6.1
  * crash fixes
  * KDE 3.2 related changes

Sat Nov  1 12:42:31 CET 2003 -

- update to version 1.6
  * New editor part (katepart)
  * Project management (group files, let Kile detect the master document 
    automatically, etc.)

Tue Aug 12 11:00:32 CEST 2003 -

- add Categories

Fri Jul 18 15:30:45 CEST 2003 -

- update to version 1.5.2

Thu Jun 12 14:41:12 CEST 2003 -

- use %find_lang

Tue Apr 15 12:05:01 CEST 2003 -

- update to version 1.5

Tue Feb 11 10:21:16 CET 2003 -

- update to 1.4

Sat Jan 25 19:51:18 CET 2003 -

- fix build with gcc 3.3

Sat Jan 18 14:52:22 CET 2003 -

- update to 1.32

Fri Dec 13 15:36:37 CET 2002 -

- update to 1.31

Mon Nov 11 14:12:47 CET 2002 -

- update to 1.3

Sun Aug 25 20:13:35 CEST 2002 -

- update to 1.2
  * translation and bugfix release
- fix postscript preview

Mon Jul 29 11:47:31 CEST 2002 -

- update to 1.1

Sat Jun 15 10:57:04 CEST 2002 -

- update to 1.0 final release

Mon May 27 12:05:34 CEST 2002 -

- use update_admin

Tue Apr 16 12:21:52 CEST 2002 -

- add missing Requires as suggested by Kand-ALF

Wed Apr 10 13:54:50 CEST 2002 -

- rename to kile
- update to beta 1.0 
- KDE 3 based now

Tue Dec 18 16:05:15 CET 2001 -

- fix build root

Mon Dec 17 14:53:30 CET 2001 -

- update to version 1.7

Tue Nov 13 00:59:51 CET 2001 -

- fix for automake 1.5 

Fri Nov  9 12:24:30 CET 2001 -

- use kde2-devel-packages in neededforbuild 

Mon Aug 13 15:51:56 CEST 2001 -

- changed neededforbuild <sp_libs> to <sp-devel>

Tue Aug  7 23:59:46 CEST 2001 -

- autoconf 2.52 fixes

Sun Jul 15 17:07:32 CEST 2001 -

- new version 1.5

Thu Jul  5 12:22:40 CEST 2001 -

- autoconf 2.50 fixes 

Thu Apr 19 16:39:47 CEST 2001 -

- Spec file created from ktexmaker2-1.3.tar.bz2 by autospec

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