File systemd-vboxinit_ManPage of Package systemd-vboxinit

.\" Manpage for systemd-vboxinit
.\" Contact to correct errors or typos.
.TH SYSTEMD-VBOXINIT 1 "27 Oct 2013" "1.0" "systemd-vboxinit man page"
systemd-vboxinit - auto start/save of vbox vms during boot, shutdown and reboot of the host.
systemd-vboxinit [OPTIONS]

Systemd-vboxinit is a script that manage VirtualBox's vms to auto start and auto save. It can be a group
of vms or a single unit. Using systemd it can autostart and autosave the vms upon reboot and shutdown of
the host machine.  Derived from "vboxinit" which came from the phpvirtualbox project which is based on
vboxtool. It is used for the legacy system V ( init ) startup  daemon. This is the modified/rewritten
version for OpenSuSE with systemd as it's startup daemon. ( which should work for other distro's which is
using systemd ).

  -s, --start    Start enabled virtual machines otherwise show the state.
  -x, --stop     Save the state of all running virtual machines enabled or not.
  -d, --disable  Like stop but also stops the vbox daemons, useful before a vbox update.
  -h, --help     Show this help.
  -a, --about    A brief info.
  -l, --license  Show license.

At creation time of the vms the extradata with the key pvbx/startupMode has no value ( Which is ignored ).
One need's to enable it by adding the "auto" ( see USING VBOXMANAGE section. ) flag to the virtual machines
in order for it  auto boot and auto save during startup and shutdown or reboot of the host. The virtual
machines are run in the background. ( which is what a daemon is all about :-) ). One can access the virtual
machines ( depending on the network type/setup which is outside the scope of this manual, see VBoxManage or
the virtualbox manual ) by using ssh(1) or with the gui tools such as Krdc for KDE and the equivalent for other
DE's and of course phpvirtualbox itself which is very well documented, see\
tualbox/wiki/Home/. A lot of existing tools can be used as well, one just need to do the proper networking

List the vms.

.B  VBoxManage list vms
Set the "auto" flag to the vms.

.B  VBoxManage setextradata bar pvbx/startupMode auto
Set the "manual" flag to the vms.

.B  VBoxManage setextradata bar pvbx/startupMode manual

Where bar is the name of the virtual machine which you can get from VBoxManage list vms, see VBoxManage.

It is not recommended to run systemd-vboxinit with root's right such as running it with the all time favorite
sudo utility. Once one have set the "auto" flag to the virtual machines one can test it. One should invoke it
as a normal user that belongs to the vboxusers group.

.B /usr/lib/systemd-vboxinit.d/systemd-vboxinit --start

.B /usr/lib/systemd-vboxinit.d/systemd-vboxinit --stop

One should see the virtual machines starting and saving state. If that succeeded one should restart and enable
the daemon and reboot.

Start the service.

.B systemctl start VBoxAutostart@foo.service

Enable the service. (start at boot time and stop during shutdown or reboot of the host machine.)

.B  systemctl enable VBoxAutostart@foo.service

Check the status of the service

.B  systemctl status VBoxAutostart@foo.service

Restart the service

.B  systemctl restart VBoxAutostart@foo.service

Where foo is the username of the user who will use systemd-vboxinit. For multi-user one need's to start and
enable the daemon with the specific username. One should consider the resources such as memory,cpu to be
sufficient enough for both the host and the guest.

To check the logs for the service.
.B  journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=VBoxAutostart@foo.service
Where foo is the username.

For a persistent logging of journalctl e.g. you want to keep the logs on each reboot/shutdown see
.B systemd-journald.service(8)




.B systemctl(1), systemd(1), systemd-journalctl(1), VBoxManage


Jason V. Ferrer (

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