File How_to_install_on_Ubuntu_Debian.txt of Package linphoneqt-Debian-Ubuntu

Be root or use sudo to create a file with full path:


with the following content to tell the operating system to pick these files preferably from OpenSUSE:

--- File starts on the line below ---

Package: linphone liblime0 liblinphone++10 liblinphone-data liblinphone10 libmediastreamer2-11 libortp15 libbctoolbox1 libbcunit1 libbellesip1 belle-sip-data libbelr1 libbv16 libbcg729-0 libbelcard1 libbcmatroska2-0 libbzrtp0 liblime0 
Pin: release o=obs://
Pin-Priority: 1001

--- File ends on the line above ---

Follow the instructions on how to set up OpenSUSE repository for a particular version of Debian or Ubuntu here:

In a terminal window, issue the command:

linphone --verbose
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