File INSTALL_README of Package linphoneqt

Notes on how to install linphone-desktop from this repo

Debian does not prefer Debian repositories and will install from
this repository as long as the versions are higher than in other
GPG errors are resolved by deleting expired or wrong GPG-keys.
# sudo apt-key list
# sudo apt-key del <key>
Remove the <repo>.list file in /etc/apt/sources.d/<repo>.list
Add the repository again as indicated on

See install info for Debian.

Archlinux and Manjaro
# TODO: Automatic pkgrel increase needed that does
# awk -i -v FS='=' -v OFS='=' '$1=="pkgrel"{$2++} {print}' PKGBUILD 
OBS repository sometimes blocks download of packages due to
too big size. Workaround: as root change file
and uncomment one of the lines starting with 
XferCommand =...
It may also help GPG errors to change the server settings to:

Server =$arch
SigLevel = Required DatabaseNever

Save /etc/pacman.conf
Try installing again as root:
pacman -Sy linphone-desktop
OBS build service does not automatically increment the field
'pkgrel=23' each time a new build is made. pacman mirrors
syncs from opensuse with some latency, causing the same package
name with the same pkgrel number from previous builds to be
downloaded from whichever server that has a low latency.
If mismatches are reported by pacman, check out the whole
repository with
# osc co home:kimi:telephony-to-merge
Query-replace all PKGBUILD files field "pkgrel=<some digits>"
Check in the entire repository.
# osc ci -m update
This will cause pacman to prefer fetching newer packages with
a higher release number than the one available on pacman mirrors.
GPG-errors occur sometimes. Delete expired keys and add the GPG-key
as indicated on

Some of the files have the same names and library numbers as those
available in Ubuntu repositories. Ubuntu prefers packages from the
Ubuntu repositorys over openSUSE OBS Build Service Ubuntu 
repositories. To set apt preference to this repo either install
DEB package 'apt-preference-telephony-to-merge'
or add a file '/etc/apt/preferences.d/telephony-to-merge' with 
adapted conten. Change "xUbuntu_22.04" to for instance "xUbuntu_24.04".

Package: linphone-desktop liblime0 liblinphone++10 liblinphone-data liblinphone10 libmediastreamer2-11 libortp15 libbctoolbox1 libbcunit1 libbellesip1 belle-sip-data libbelr1 libbv16 libbcg729-0 libbelcard1 libbcmatroska2-0 libbzrtp0 liblime0 postquantumcryptoengine1
Pin: release o=obs://
Pin-Priority: 1001

GPG errors are resolved by deleting expired or wrong GPG-keys.
# sudo apt-key list
# sudo apt-key del <key>
Remove the <repo>.list file in /etc/apt/sources.d/<repo>.list
Add the repository again as indicated on

GPG errors are solved by removing expired or wrong keys.
# List keys with terminal command:
# rpm -q gpg-pubkey --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{SUMMARY}\n'
gpg-pubkey-12341234-12341234    key.key (key for signing) <key@key.key> public key
# Delete key with terminal command:
# rpm -e gpg-pubkey-12341234-12341234
Add the repository again as indicated on

Open "Yast Software Manager".
Find "Repositories" in one of the menus.
Change priority of this repository to something like 95 to make
sure that packages are fetched from this repository and not the
openSUSE repositories or mirrors.
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