File gnome-latex.changes of Package gnome-latex
Mon Aug 14 13:06:35 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.46.0:
+ Port to latest Tepl API.
+ Adapt for Amtk -> libgedit-amtk rename.
- Replace pkgconfig(amtk-5) with pkgconfig(libgedit-amtk-5)
BuildRequires following upstream changes.
Thu Jan 5 21:31:32 UTC 2023 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.44.0:
+ Use more Tepl features.
+ Adapt to Tepl API breaks.
Fri Nov 4 22:15:20 UTC 2022 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.42.0:
+ A few minor improvements.
- Changes from version 3.41.2:
+ User-visible changes:
- Preferences dialog:
. Some changes in the presentation of the options (still the
same set of options).
. Better i18n/l10n support by avoiding splitting sentences
with a spin-button in-between (for example to choose the
number of minutes for the auto-save interval).
- PostProcessorLatexmk: parse xelatex output within latexmk.
+ Under the hood changes:
- Construct the Preferences dialog differently, by moving some
functionality to Tepl, without using a *.ui file, and do a
maximum in C (not Vala). More work in that area would be
possible, but it was done incrementally (in a releasable state
all the time).
+ For packagers: A precise version of Tepl is required because
Tepl API stability is no longer guaranteed.
- Changes 3.41.1:
+ User-visible changes:
- Build Tools preferences dialog: add a note about restarting
the application.
- Minor bug fix to directly update the GUI if the system fixed
width font is modified.
+ Under the hood changes:
- Continue to move more features (and improve them) to the Amtk
and Tepl libraries.
- Simplify / refresh some parts of the code.
+ Build system: many improvements and simplifications.
+ For the Vala code, use the *.gir file of GtkSourceView (instead
of the *.vapi file). And no longer generate latexila.vapi for
the internal library.
+ Migrate from Intltool to pure gettext.
+ But the *.desktop file and AppData are no longer translated,
need to find a better solution.
+ Better support MSYS2/MINGW (Windows), normally no patches are
required anymore:
- liblatexila: add latexila_dirs functions, inspired by
- Other small tweak.
+ Documentation: many improvements to the contributors' docs.
+ Other small improvements here and there.
- Changes from version 3.40.0:
+ Documentation improvement.
- Changes from version 3.39.1:
+ The project is now hosted at:
+ Port to the development version of Tepl 6.
+ Build system update.
+ Have everything in git repositories, no longer use the GNOME
+ Updated translations.
- Add explicit pkgconfig(amtk-5) BuildRequires following upstreams
- Drop e1b01186f8a.patch: Fixed upstream.
Mon Sep 20 19:48:33 UTC 2021 - Stanislav Brabec <>
- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
Fri Apr 30 18:25:59 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Port to tepl-6:
+ Add e1b01186f8a.patch: actual port, patch from upstream.
+ Add call to autoreconf in build phase, as above patch touches
the build system.
Fri Sep 11 18:34:58 UTC 2020 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.38.0:
+ Updated translations.
Mon Sep 7 09:11:17 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Update to version 3.37.2:
+ User-visible changes:
- New application icon.
- Use Tepl for the 'go to line' feature.
- Create the Edit toolbar with Amtk. This fixes the problem
with some buttons doing nothing when clicked (for the buttons
containing a secondary arrow button that displays a menu; now
the two buttons are merged).
+ Under the hood changes:
- The LaTeX and Math menus are now created with Amtk, not with
- Rewrite some code in C in the liblatexila, to have less Vala
- App icon: rename to org.gnome.gnome-latex.
- Changes from version 3.37.1:
+ User-visible changes:
- Use TeplPanel to create the side panel. This changes the UI
for switching between side panel components, it's now like a
toolbar (so only a single click is needed), before it was
with a GtkComboBox list (so with two clicks).
- Search and Go to line: better style for the text entry's
not-found state.
- More beautiful close buttons at some places.
- Use some Tepl I/O error info bars.
+ Under the hood changes:
- Port to TeplMetadata.
- Use TeplStatusbar.
- Use TeplStyleSchemeChooserWidget in the preferences dialog.
- Subclass TeplAbstractFactory, not TeplAbstractFactoryVala.
- Move more utility functions to Tepl.
- Remove some dead code.
- Remove no longer useful code related to stock icons.
- New classes in the liblatexila (so in C): LatexilaFactory,
+ Updated translations.
- Replace pkgconfig(tepl-4) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(tepl-5):
follow upstream changes.
Wed Apr 1 15:17:16 UTC 2020 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.36.0:
+ Fix compilation error with valac >= 0.42.
+ Move some utils functions to Tepl.
+ Build system: small update.
+ AppData: small update.
+ Updated translations.
Sun Mar 10 13:03:06 UTC 2019 - Bjørn Lie <>
- Update to version 3.32.0:
+ Apply GNOME goal “App menu retirement”.
+ New icon for GNOME LaTeX.
+ Updated translations.
Sun Aug 5 19:26:03 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.30.2:
+ Close crowdfunding.
Thu Jul 26 18:14:42 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.30.1:
+ Come back to valac 0.40, more crashes have been discovered when
gnome-latex is compiled with valac git master (what will become
valac 0.42).
+ Updated translations.
Mon Jul 23 20:49:18 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.30.0:
+ Change go-to-line shortcut from Ctrl+G to Ctrl+L.
+ Adapt some Vala code to make it work with valac >= 0.42.
+ Updated translations.
Mon May 21 16:55:23 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.28.1:
+ New configure build option: --disable-dconf-migration, intended
to be used only on OSes where dconf cannot be installed.
+ Updated translations.
Sun Apr 8 12:52:26 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.28.0:
+ Under the hood changes:
- Project moved to GNOME GitLab.
- Apply GtkSourceView coding style to *.c files.
- Reduce delta between Vala and C coding styles.
- Improve documentation for contributors.
- Finish to port the Math menu to GAction
+ User-visible changes:
- On first launch of GNOME LaTeX, import LaTeXila settings and
user data/config files.
- Change Find and Replace shortcut to Ctrl+H, to be like in
- Update/improve the user documentation for the spell-checking.
- Updated translations.
- Add pkgconfig(dconf) BuildRequires, new dependency.
- Enable translation-update-upstream unconditionally.
Mon Mar 12 07:42:32 UTC 2018 -
- Update to version 3.27.2:
+ Rename LaTeXila to GNOME LaTeX.
+ Some code maintenance (do not use some deprecated GTK+
+ Updated translations.
- Rename to gnome-latex following upstreams name rename.
- Drop gnome-desktop BuildRequires, not needed, nor used.
- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and no longer run
suse_update_desktop_file macro, no longer needed.
- Add latexila Provides/Obsoletes, ensure smooth upgrades.
Wed Feb 28 16:33:53 UTC 2018 -
- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
Sat Dec 9 23:05:35 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.27.1:
+ User-visible improvements:
- Draw non-breaking spaces.
- File browser in the side panel: popup menus under buttons.
+ Port to GtkSourceView 4 and Tepl 4.
+ Internal code refactorings, use more Tepl features:
- Use more Tepl GActions.
- Let Tepl handle the window title.
- Implement TeplAbstractFactoryVala subclass.
- Other small things.
+ Port to GAction/Amtk:
- Port the whole LaTeX menu to GAction and C in the
- Math menu in progress.
- Create first AmtkActionInfo.
+ Updated translations.
- Switch gtksourceview-3.0 and tepl-3 pkgconfig BuildRequires
modules by gtksourceview-4 and tepl-4, following upstream change.
- Adopt the use of %make_build macro instead of raw make command,
following best practices.
- Pass missing enable-gtk-doc to configure once the development
documentation is desired.
Wed Nov 1 01:40:40 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.26.1:
+ Updated translations.
- Drop %glib2_gsettings_schema_*, %desktop_database_* and
%icon_theme_cache_* post/postun/requires macros: functionality
now covered by file triggers.
- Conditionalize the use of translation-update-upstream: sle-only
- Align with configure:
+ Drop gettext-tools BuildRequires.
+ Add gtk-doc and pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires.
Sat Oct 28 16:04:56 UTC 2017 -
- Use standardized %configure call.
Thu Sep 14 14:34:53 UTC 2017 -
- Drop SLE12 / Leap42 conditional, %{_datadir}/appdata is now owned
by the filesystem package.
Sat Sep 9 16:05:27 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.26.0:
+ Internal code refactoring, use more Tepl features.
+ latexmk post-processor: fix bug with LaTeX errors and warnings
not detected with new versions of latexmk.
+ Small improvement: make the tab label tooltip clearer:
"Main file" -> "Project main file".
+ Small bug fixes:
- Search: replace all button: center content vertically.
- LaTeX and Math menus: grab focus to active text view after
inserting text.
+ Updated translations.
Wed Aug 23 08:30:21 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.25.1:
+ The Gtef library has been renamed to Tepl, adapt the code
+ Use more Tepl features.
+ Code maintenance to not use a deprecated GTK+ function.
+ Updated translations.
- Replace pkgconfig(gtef-2) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(tepl-3),
following upstreams port.
Sun Aug 20 18:32:40 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.24.3:
+ latexmk post-processor: fix bug with LaTeX errors and warnings
not detected with new versions of latexmk.
+ Small bug fixes:
- Search: replace all button: center content vertically.
- LaTeX and Math menus: grab focus to active text view after
inserting text.
Sun Jun 25 10:16:42 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.24.2:
+ Fix a crash when moving a tab to a new window (regression in
Sun Jun 11 12:02:34 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.24.1:
+ Create app menu only if the desktop prefers one, to avoid a
double menubar on e.g. Xfce.
+ Other small code improvements.
+ Updated translations.
Mon Mar 20 18:53:29 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.24.0:
+ Updated translations.
Sun Mar 12 13:20:16 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.23.2:
+ Easier keyboard shortcuts for bold, italic and underline:
+ In the menus to open a recently used file, show a tooltip with
the full path.
+ Document structure: fix bug to allow "TODO: ..." and
"FIXME: ..." (with the colon).
+ Other small code improvements.
+ Fix minor issues found by Coverity.
+ Updated translations.
Sat Jan 28 17:31:32 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 3.23.1:
+ Update code to not use deprecated GtkSourceView APIs.
+ Use the Gtef library; Some functionality has been moved from
LaTeXila to Gtef.
+ Change menu item label "Search Forward" -> "Jump to PDF" to not
confuse it with the normal search and replace feature. And
adapt the docs accordingly.
+ Update the build system to use autoconf-archive macros instead
of gnome-common.
+ Updated translations.
- Add pkgconfig(gtef-2) BuildRequires: new dependency.
Sun Dec 18 13:10:16 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.22.1:
+ Fix Vala compilation error with newer valac compiler.
+ Updated translations.
Mon Sep 19 20:22:29 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.22.0:
+ Fundraising.
+ Update AppData.
+ Updated translations.
Fri Jul 29 14:30:22 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.20.1:
+ Bug fix: initialize correctly the build view settings (to hide
+ Updated translations.
Sun Mar 20 20:12:59 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.20.0:
+ Updated translations.
Mon Mar 14 09:34:05 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.19.5:
+ Adapt code for gspell API changes.
+ Updated translations.
Tue Feb 16 15:18:48 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.19.4:
+ Close fundraiser.
+ Adapt code for gspell API changes.
+ AppData: add translation tag.
+ Updated translations.
Wed Jan 27 10:10:24 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 3.19.3:
+ Adapt code for gspell API changes.
+ Adapt code to support again loading and saving remote files.
+ Better gnome-shell integration: add an application menu and fix
the "Open a New Window" right-click action.
+ Make LaTeXila D-Bus activatable.
+ Change "Unsaved Document" to "Untitled Document".
+ Other various small code improvements.
+ Updated translations.
Sat Dec 19 18:36:23 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.19.2:
+ Adapt code for GspellLanguage API changes.
+ Adapt CSS to track GTK+ changes.
+ Rename latexila.deskop to org.gnome.latexila.desktop.
+ Rename AppData to org.gnome.latexila.appdata.xml.
+ Other various small improvements and bug fixes.
- Update file list to reflect change of file names:
+ Desktop menu entry got renamed to org.gnome.latexila.desktop.
+ Appdata file got renamed to org.gnome.latexila.appdata.xml.
- Changes from version 3.19.1:
+ Adapt code for GspellLanguageChooserDialog change.
Sat Dec 19 18:35:23 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.18.2:
+ AppData: add kudos.
+ Fix a syntax error in desktop file keywords German
+ Adapt code to support again remote files.
Fri Nov 13 11:51:40 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.18.1:
- Fix regressions from gtk+ changes during the 3.18 cycle.
- Updated translations.
- Changes from version 3.18.0:
- Use gspell instead of GtkSpell.
- Add default spell checking settings in the preferences dialog.
- Via the Tools menu, the spell checking settings can be changed
and are stored on a file-by-file basis.
- There is now a spell checker dialog window, to spell check an
entire file word-by-word.
- Ensure that the personal build tools and the templates are
correctly saved.
- Other various small improvements and bug fixes.
- Translation updates.
- Update BuildRequires:
+ Add pkgconfig(gspell-1)
+ Add pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0)
+ Add pkgconfig(vapigen)
+ Update required versions
+ Remove pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0).
- Remove runtime dependency on rubber (no longer used for
latexila's build tools), add texlive-latexmk-bin instead.
Tue Aug 18 11:56:15 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.16.2:
+ Ensure that the personal build tools are correctly saved.
+ A few other small bug fixes.
+ Updated translations.
Sat Aug 15 14:15:25 UTC 2015 -
- For openSUSE:42, have package own the /usr/share/appdata dir;
fixes build failure.
Sun Apr 19 11:14:09 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.16.1:
+ Fix the build with -Werror=format-security.
+ Important bug fix when deleting several templates at once.
Wed Mar 25 17:39:34 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.16.0:
+ Various small improvements.
+ Updated translations.
Wed Mar 25 11:45:54 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.14.4:
+ Show information about LaTeXila fundraiser.
+ Various bug fixes.
+ Updated translations.
Wed Jan 7 14:25:52 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 3.14.3:
+ Adapt code for GtkSourceView 3.14.3.
+ Updated translations.
Mon Nov 3 15:31:31 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 3.14.2:
+ Build: a file was missing in tarballs
+ Add keywords to latexila.desktop
+ Translation updates.
Wed Oct 1 13:05:17 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 3.14.1:
+ A few bug fixes and small improvements.
+ GTK+ 3.14 is required because LaTeXila overrides some CSS
properties and assumes that GTK+ 3.14 is used.
- Drop conditional pkgconfig(gtkspell-3.0) and xz BuildRequires for
older version of openSUSE, as latexila now has a hard BuildReq on
pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) >= 3.14.0.
Mon Sep 22 15:30:32 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 3.14.0:
+ Now LaTeXila follows the GNOME versions.
+ Better icons.
+ Upgrade to gee-0.8.
+ Other small improvements.
- Changes from version 3.12.1:
+ Fix regex in latex post-processor.
+ GLib 2.40 is required
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 3.12.0:
+ Refresh structure when saving.
+ Misc bugfixes and small improvements.
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 2.10.0:
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 2.9.0:
+ Search and replace: use the new API from GtkSourceView.
+ Use upstream GtkSpell (LaTeXila depends on GtkSpell now,
instead of Enchant).
+ Improvements to the completion.
+ AppData file.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop obsolete pkgconfig(enchant) BuildRequires, no longer needed.
- Replace pkgconfig(gee-1.0) for pkgconfig(gee-0.8) BuildRequires,
following upstream changes.
- Add pkgconfig(gio-2.0) BuildRequires: New dependency.
Thu Sep 19 20:30:47 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2.8.3:
+ Build tools: fix crash on unknown post processor
+ Updated Galician translations
- Drop latexila-fix-makefile.patch; properly fixed upstream
- Drop latexila-do-not-disable-deprecated-apis.patch; patch
implemented upstream. Also drop autotool build requirements due
to this patch.
Thu Aug 29 08:43:38 UTC 2013 -
- Fix source URL.
Mon Aug 26 02:02:43 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2.8.2:
+ Misc bugfixes
- Add latexila-do-not-disable-deprecated-apis.patch to enable
usage of deprecated symbols in gtk3-3.9.10; this fixes build
failures in Factory; patch taken from upstream git.
- Add latexila-fix-makefile.patch to fix trivial issue in a
makefile which caused build errors.
Tue May 7 04:39:01 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2.8.1:
+ Bump required version of GLib to 2.36
+ Add Catalan and Greek translations
+ Translations updates
+ Misc bugfixes
- Drop patch
implemented upstream.
Sun May 5 07:47:30 UTC 2013 -
- Update to version 2.8.0:
+ Allow the menu bar to shrink below its minimum size
+ Load and save accelerator maps (it's now possible to edit the
keyboard shortcuts)
+ Change the application icons
+ Add Ctrl+E shortcut for \emph{}
+ Improvements to the completion
+ Misc bugfixes
+ Translations updates
- Fix gtkspell buildrequires, Factory and above require gtkspell3
instead of gtkspell now
- Now requires gtk+-3.0 >= 3.6.0 and gtksourceview >= 3.8.0 for
- Add patch
latexila-replace-deprecated-gtk_widget_render_icon.patch to
replace deprecated gtk_widget_render_icon by
gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf; fixes build failure due to
"64bit portability issues".
Thu Feb 28 18:10:37 CET 2013 -
- Added support for translation-update-upstream.
Thu Oct 25 22:24:20 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 2.6.1:
+ Autotools: required version of Vala is now optional
+ Comment selected lines: comment empty lines too
+ Misc bug fixes
- Changes from versions 2.6.0, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4:
+ See installed NEWS file for list of changes
- Modify spec file to adapt to (upstream) change of build from
previously cmake based procedure to autotools based procedure
- Use upstream provided desktop file.
Wed Oct 24 07:55:51 UTC 2012 -
- Fix build
Mon Jun 25 06:59:20 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 2.5.1:
+ Figure insertion: swap \label and \caption
+ Use GResource for icons and symbols
+ Code refactoring for the symbols (in the side panel)
+ Fixes and improvements of the compilation with CMake
+ Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Serbian and Latvian
- Changes from version 2.5.0:
+ Port to GTK+ 3
+ Migrate from libunique to GtkApplication
+ Updated Spanish, Slovenian and French translations
Thu Jun 7 23:42:46 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 2.4.1:
+ Figure insertion: swap \label and \caption
+ Updated French, Czech translations
+ Added Indonesian translation
- Changes from version 2.4.0:
+ Document compilation: set temporary location if file not saved
+ More documentation
+ Structure: bug fix for the display of simple lists
+ Build View: remove button "show critical errors"
+ Templates: code clean-up
+ More LaTeX commands for the completion
+ F12 shortcut to show/hide the side panel
+ TODO file removed (now in the wiki)
+ Updated Spanish, Slovenian, Serbian, French, German, Latvian,
Norwegian bokmål and Czech translations
- Changes from version 2.3.1:
+ More completion data
+ Support drag and drop of a list of files
+ Completion: code clean-up
+ Beamer environments: frame, block, columns, column
(in the LaTeX menu and in the edit toolbar)
+ Fix bug for structure actions 'delete' and 'cut'
+ Add Simplified Chinese, Norwegian bokmål translations
+ Updated Spanish translation
- Use upstream tarball (.tar.xz) for source.
Fri Dec 16 20:21:42 UTC 2011 -
- Prepare for submission to factory:
+ Remove sources for version 2.1.1
+ Package no longer builds for openSUSE < 12.1
+ Remove 0%{?suse_version} > 1140 conditionals since package no
longer builds for these versions anyway.
Mon Dec 12 21:59:53 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 2.3.0:
+ Spell checking with GtkSpell
+ Build Tools: add XeTeX -> PDF with Latexmk
+ Improve figure environment insertion
+ Templates: better icons
+ Added Esperanto translation
+ Updated Swedish, French and German translations
+ New CMake option: VALAC
+ Switch to Vala 0.14
- Too many updates since version 2.0.8 from previous build, see
/usr/share/doc/packages/latexila/NEWS for the complete list.
- Fix build failures on openSUSE > 11.4
- Versions 2.2.0 and above introduce a build dependency on itstool
which is not available for openSUSE <= 11.4; use version 2.1.1
as the highest that can build with openSUSE 11.4 and older.
Wed Jun 22 17:34:24 UTC 2011 -
- Initial build