File acfax.dif of Package acfax

--- DirMgr.c
+++ DirMgr.c
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 } /* End DirectoryMgrClose */
-int DirectoryMgrRefilter(dm,f_func,f_data,f_free)
+void DirectoryMgrRefilter(dm,f_func,f_data,f_free)
 DirectoryMgr *dm;
 PFI f_func;
 char *f_data;
--- DirMgr.h
+++ DirMgr.h
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 int		DirectoryMgrCanOpen();
 DirectoryMgr *	DirectoryMgrOpen();
 void		DirectoryMgrClose();
-int		DirectoryMgrRefilter();
+void		DirectoryMgrRefilter();
 int		DirectoryMgrRefresh();
 void		DirectoryMgrResort();
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 DirectoryMgr *	DirectoryMgrOpen(char *path, PFI c_func, PFI f_func,
 			char *f_data, int free_data);
 void		DirectoryMgrClose(DirectoryMgr *dm);
-int		DirectoryMgrRefilter(DirectoryMgr *dm, PFI f_func,
+void		DirectoryMgrRefilter(DirectoryMgr *dm, PFI f_func,
 			char *f_data, int f_free);
 int		DirectoryMgrRefresh(DirectoryMgr *dm);
 void		DirectoryMgrResort(DirectoryMgr *dm, PFI c_func);
--- Imakefile
+++ Imakefile
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 all:: acfax
 acfax.o:	global.h mod_demod.h sblaster.h widgets.h
 widgets.o:	widgets.h
--- fax_funcs.c
+++ fax_funcs.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 /* some variables that are allowed to be global */
 int	lpm;		/* lines per minute */
-int     ixoc;           /* number of pixels of one scan-line / PI */
+int     ixoc;           /* number of pixels of one scan-line / M_PI */
 int	devi;		/* deviation in Hz (+/- of middle) */
 int     mod_mode;       /* can be MOD_FM or MOD_AM */
 int     aptstart;       /* possible APT start values */
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
  * setup_fax sets up all the variables for FAX-reception and transmission.
  * s_lpm : lines per minute (no change if set to 0)
- * s_ixoc: IOC to use (pixels per line = PI * IOC) (no change if set to 0)
+ * s_ixoc: IOC to use (pixels per line = M_PI * IOC) (no change if set to 0)
  * mode  : fax-specific mode setings such as writing direction and order,
  *	   phase-in polarity and grayscale or color-mode
  * s_devi: deviation to use for FM (no change if set to 0)
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
     /* recomputations are done in disp_func() */
     fprintf(stderr, "initializing disp_func\n");
-    disp_func(D_CPINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
+    disp_func(D_CM_PINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
     /* now call function to re-create picture */
 #if stillneeded	/* the disp_func should lock itself */
     old_func = disp_func;
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
  * grayscale FAX decoding main routine.
  * init is used to control the behavior and initialize some internal
  * variables. It is bit-wise coded as follows :
- *  D_CPINIT : initialize read-pointer to start of core-buffer
+ *  D_CM_PINIT : initialize read-pointer to start of core-buffer
  *  D_WDINIT : initialize x-position to the start-value
  *  D_LDINIT : initialize y-position to the start-value
  *  D_ALLOWX : periodically call XtAppProcessEvent during processing
@@ -475,12 +475,12 @@
     smpl_line = 60.0 / lpm * smplf;
     if (vertical) {
       inc_pix = smpl_line / canhei;
-      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * PI * 65536.0 / canhei); 
+      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * M_PI * 65536.0 / canhei); 
       imgmax = DEFWIDTH;
       put_pix = verimag->f.put_pixel;
     } else {
       inc_pix = smpl_line / canwid;
-      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * PI * 65536.0 / canwid); 
+      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * M_PI * 65536.0 / canwid); 
       imgmax = DEFHEIGHT;
       put_pix = horimag->f.put_pixel;
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
-    if (init & D_CPINIT) {
+    if (init & D_CM_PINIT) {
       /* initialize the fractional index pointers */
       idx_pix = idx_line = idx_p0 = 0;
       core_pix = core_line = core_start;
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
  * F_DOSAVE : save image if file is opened, close when completed
  * F_OPEN : open file, faxsavename contains the name and width the width
  *	    of the image. If width is not given, the best resolution is taken
- *	    (width = PI * IOC)
+ *	    (width = M_PI * IOC)
  * F_CLOSE : close file and adjust data in header to actual values
  * F_GETDIM : get dimensions and parameters of image into internal variables
  * the filename must previously be put into faxsavename.
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@
      if (width > 0)
       swidth = width;
-      swidth = (ixoc * PI) + 0.5;
+      swidth = (ixoc * M_PI) + 0.5;
     fsfile = fopen(faxsavename, "wb");
     if (!(fsfile)) {
       return SAVE_NPERM;
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
     /* now initialize all the variables... */
     fprintf(stderr, "getting image settings...");
     inc_pix = smpl_line / swidth;
-    inc_line = (int)(ixoc * PI * 65536.0 / swidth); 
+    inc_line = (int)(ixoc * M_PI * 65536.0 / swidth); 
     idx_pix = idx_line = idx_p0 = 0;
     core_pix = core_line = core_start;
     save_wptr = core_wptr;
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@
   fprintf(stderr,"starting fax reception\n");
   /* if we come from phasing, initialize disp_func */
   if (fax_state == FAX_PHAS)
-    disp_func(D_CPINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
+    disp_func(D_CM_PINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
   fax_state = FAX_RX;
   if (internal)
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@
   tmp_pos = (smpl_line >> 16);
   if (core_start - core_dta > tmp_pos)
     core_start -= tmp_pos;
-  old_func (D_CPINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
+  old_func (D_CM_PINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
   old_func (D_ALLOWX);
   disp_func = old_func;
@@ -1235,9 +1235,9 @@
   if (right2left) flip ^= 1;
   if (bot2top) flip ^= 1;
   if (vertical) {
-    df = (smplf * (double)dy) / (dx * PI * ixoc);
+    df = (smplf * (double)dy) / (dx * M_PI * ixoc);
   } else {
-    df = (smplf * (double)dx) / (dy * PI * ixoc);
+    df = (smplf * (double)dx) / (dy * M_PI * ixoc);
   if (flip) df = -df;
   smplf += df;
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@
   old_func = disp_func;
   disp_func = NULL;
-  old_func (D_CPINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
+  old_func (D_CM_PINIT | D_WDINIT | D_LDINIT);
   old_func (D_ALLOWX);
   disp_func = old_func;
@@ -1446,14 +1446,14 @@
     smpl_line = 60.0 / lpm * smplf;
     if (vertical) {
       inc_pix = smpl_line / theight;
-      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * PI * 65536.0 / theight); 
+      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * M_PI * 65536.0 / theight); 
       imgmax = DEFWIDTH;
       put_pix = verimag->f.put_pixel;
       bytes_per_pixel = twidth;
       bytes_per_line = 1;
     } else {
       inc_pix = smpl_line / twidth;
-      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * PI * 65536.0 / twidth); 
+      inc_line = (int)(ixoc * M_PI * 65536.0 / twidth); 
       imgmax = DEFHEIGHT;
       put_pix = horimag->f.put_pixel;
       bytes_per_pixel = 1;
@@ -1500,10 +1500,10 @@
     /* twidth, theight, timg_ptr */
     if (vertical) {
       inc_pix = 65536.0 * theight * lpm / ((60.0/65536.0) * smplf);
-      inc_line = 65536.0 * theight / (PI * ixoc);
+      inc_line = 65536.0 * theight / (M_PI * ixoc);
     } else {
       inc_pix = 65536.0 * twidth * lpm / ((60.0/65536.0) * smplf);
-      inc_line = 65536.0 * twidth / (PI * ixoc);
+      inc_line = 65536.0 * twidth / (M_PI * ixoc);
       if (right2left) {
 	pixinc = -1;
--- fax_funcs.h
+++ fax_funcs.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #define DBG_SYN 4
 /* decoding function: initialisation types (see fax_funcs.c) */
-#define D_CPINIT	0x00000001
+#define D_CM_PINIT	0x00000001
 #define D_WDINIT	0x00000002
 #define D_LDINIT	0x00000004
 #define D_INITS		0x00000007
--- mod_demod.c
+++ mod_demod.c
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
   fmphsinc = (int *)malloc(258*sizeof(int));
   for (i=0; i<1024; i++)
-    sintab[i] = 127.5 + 127*sin(i*PI/512.0); 
+    sintab[i] = 127.5 + 127*sin(i*M_PI/512.0); 
   inited = -1;
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@
   if (devi > 1200) devi = 1200;
   if (maxval < 1) maxval = 1;
   if (maxval > 255) maxval = 255;
-  phmax = 255.9 * sin(devi * PI / 4000.0) + 0.5;
+  phmax = 255.9 * sin(devi * M_PI / 4000.0) + 0.5;
   for (i=0; i<512; i++) {
     if (i <= 256-phmax)
       asntab[i] = 0;
     else if (i >= 256+phmax)
       asntab[i] = maxval;
-      asntab[i] = maxval * 2000 / devi * asin((i-256.0)/256.5) / PI
+      asntab[i] = maxval * 2000 / devi * asin((i-256.0)/256.5) / M_PI
 		+ maxval/ 2;
   for (i=0; i<2048; i++) {
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