Project not found: home:tiwai:bsc1229123

File gnucash-cpan-warning.patch of Package gnucash

Index: libgnucash/quotes/
--- a/libgnucash/quotes/
+++ b/libgnucash/quotes/
@@ -24,11 +24,39 @@
 use strict;
 use CPAN;
+print "\n";
+print "WARNING: This program updates several Perl packages to untested latest\n";
+print "versions from CPAN. It could potentially cause unexpected failures\n";
+print "in any program or future upgrade problems.\n";
+print "\n";
+print "It is strongly recommended NOT TO USE this program and report possible\n";
+print "problems with parsing of stock quotes to\n";
+print "\n";
+print "Please use the Perl packages provided by the distribution instead!\n";
+print "\n\n";
+print "Do you want to continue? (y/n) ";
+my $input = <STDIN>;
+chomp ($input);
+exit 0 if ($input ne "y");
+print "\n\n";
+print "It invalidates your system certification!\n";
+print "\n";
+print "Are you absolutely sure? Do you prefer to abort now? (y/n) ";
+my $input = <STDIN>;
+chomp ($input);
+exit 0 if ($input ne "n");
 if ($( != 0) {
   print "\n";
   print "You probably need to be root before running gnc-fq-update.";
   print "\n\n";
-  print "Are you sure, you want to update parts of your Perl library? (y/n) ";
+  print "Are you sure, you want to update parts of your Perl library (RECONSIDER - Last warning!)? (y/n) ";
   my $input = <STDIN>;
   chomp ($input);
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