File suse-use-builtin-add-interactive.patch of Package git

--- git-2.31.1/builtin/add.c	2021-03-26 23:03:34.000000000 +0100
+++ git-2.31.1/builtin/add.c	2021-04-08 13:15:09.004425194 +0200
@@ -208,9 +208,14 @@
 		else if (!git_config_get_bool("feature.experimental", &experimental) &&
 			use_builtin_add_i = 1;
+		else
+			use_builtin_add_i = 1;
-	if (use_builtin_add_i == 1) {
+	/* SUSE oddity - git-add--interactive is the single remaining perl dependency of
+	 * git-core - so we opt to default to the builtin interactive shell and strip it.
+	 * Please let us know at if there is an issue with this.*/
+	if (use_builtin_add_i != 0) {
 		enum add_p_mode mode;
 		if (!patch_mode)
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