File bats.changes of Package bats

Wed Apr 17 13:42:18 UTC 2024 - Andrea Manzini <>

- update to 1.11.0:
  * add (#762)
  * add dynamic test registration via bats_test_function (#349)
  * add check that Bats is executed with Bash >= 3.2 (#873)
  * Fixed:
    + now works for deviating lib/ dirs (like lib32,lib64) (#487)
    + catch unset BATS_TEST_SOURCE in lib/bats-core/tracing.bash so
    + set -u/set -o nounset works as expected (#827)
    + fix --gather-test-outputs-in fails on tests with multiple / (#789)
    + install does not create unused /usr/share/bats anymore (#857)
    + ensure IFS is unchanged in {setup,teardown}{_suite,_file,}, @test and free code (#879)
    + junit formatter: remove ANSI Codes to avoid invalid XML character (#886)

Sun Jul 16 18:41:06 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 1.10.0:
  * add `${BATS_TEST_TAGS[@]}` for querying the tags during a
  * print tags on failing tests
  * test for negative arguments to `--jobs`
  * add tests for `--formatter cat`
  * test coverage in CI
  * Support for rush as alternative to GNU parallel
  * add `bats_pipe` helper function for `run` that executes `\|`
    as pipes
  * publish docker images to (additionally to Dockerhub)
  * clarify use cases of `--formatter cat`
  * fix `run` with options overwriting the value of `i`
  * fix `${BATS_TEST_NAMES[@]}` containing only `--tags` instead
    of test name since Bats v1.8.0
  * fix `run --keep-empty-lines` counting trailing ` ` as
    (empty) new line
  * fix short flag unpacker creating bogus command lines with
    valued flags
  * fix formatter becoming confused with retries
  * fix `--gather-test-outputs-in` fails on tests with `/`
  * fix overriding `date` breaks `--timing`

Tue Feb 14 09:42:03 UTC 2023 - Avinesh Kumar <>

- Update to version 1.9.0:
  * add installation instructions for Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, and OpenSUSE (#659)
  * add `--line-reference-format` to switch file/line references in stack traces (#665)
  * add `bats:focus` tag to run only focused tests (#679)
  * add bats-support, bats-assert, bats-file and bats-detik to Dockerfile (#674)
  * add `--help` text and `man` page content for `--filter-tags` (#679)
  * explicitly check for GNU parallel (#691)
  * wait for report-formatter to finish before ending `bats`' execution,
    to fix empty files with `--report-fomatter junit` under Docker (#692)
  * improved clarity of section about output in free code (#671)
  * fixed typos (#673)
  * clarify use cases of `run` (#366) 

Tue Nov  8 09:29:03 UTC 2022 - Andrea Manzini <>

- Update to version 1.8.2:
  * fix non zero return code on successful retried tests
  * avoid kernel warning flood/hang with CTRL+C on Bash 5.2 RC
  * Fix infinite wait with (invalid) -j<n> (without space) 
  * using external formatters via --formatter <absolute path> (also works for --report-formatter)
  * running only tests that failed in the last run via --filter-status failed
  * variable BATS_TEST_RETRIES that specifies how often a test should be reattempted before it is considered failed
  * BATS_TEST_TIMEOUT variable to force a timeout on test (including setup())
  * test_tags=<tag list>/# bats file_tags=<tag list> and --filter-tags <tag list> for tagging tests 
  * add documentation for bats_require_minimum_version, setup_suite, fix typos
  * improve documentation about setup_suite
  * allow --gather-test-outputs-in <directory> to work with existing, empty directories
  * fix load in teardown marking failed tests as not run
  * add /usr/lib/bats as default value for BATS_LIB_PATH
  * fix unset variable in bats-formatter-junit when setup_file fails
  * unify error behavior of teardown/teardown_file/teardown_suite functions: only fail via return code, not via ERREXIT
  * only print setup_suite's stderr on errors

Wed Jun 15 18:28:08 UTC 2022 - Olav Reinert <>

- Update to version 1.7.0:
  * Pretty formatter print filename when entering file (#561)
  * BATS_TEST_NAME_PREFIX allows prefixing test names on stdout and in reports (#561)
  * setup_suite and teardown_suite (#571, #585)
  * out-of-band warning infrastructure, with following warnings:
    * BW01: run command not found (exit code 127)  (#586)
    * BW02: run uses flags without proper `bats_require_minimum_version` guard (#587)
  * `bats_require_minimum_version` to guard code that would not run on older
    versions (#587)
  * unbound variable errors in formatters when using `SHELLOPTS=nounset` (`-u`) (#558)
  * don't require `flock` *and* `shlock` for parallel mode test (#554)
  * print name of failing test when using TAP13 with timing information (#559, #555)
  * removed broken symlink, added regression test (#560)
  * don't show empty lines as `#` with pretty formatter  (#561)
  * prevent `teardown`, `teardown_file`, and `teardown_suite` from overriding bats'
    exit code by setting `$status` (e.g. via calling `run`) (#581, #575)
    * **CRITICAL**: this can return exit code 0 despite failed tests, thus preventing
      your CI from reporting test failures! The regression happened in version 1.6.0.
  * `run --keep-empty-lines` now reports 0 lines on empty `$output` (#583)

Wed Jun  8 19:11:07 UTC 2022 - Olav Reinert <>

- Update to version 1.6.1:
  * prevent teardown, teardown_file, and teardown_suite from overriding bats'
    exit code by setting $status (e.g. via calling run) (#581, #575)
    - CRITICAL: this can return exit code 0 despite failed tests, thus
      preventing your CI from reporting test failures! The regression happened
      in version 1.6.0.
  * corrected invalid documentation of run -N (had =N instead) (#579)
    - CRITICAL: using the incorrect form can lead to silent errors. See issue
      #578 for more details and how to find out if your tests are affected.

Mon Apr 18 14:59:49 UTC 2022 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Update to version 1.6.0
  * Added: New flag --code-quote-style (and $BATS_CODE_QUOTE_STYLE)
    to customize quotes around code blocks in error output
  * Added: bats_load_library for loading libraries from the search
    path $BATS_LIB_PATH
  * Improved error trace for some broken cases
  * Fixed leaking of local variables from debug trap
  * Don't mark FD3 output from teardown_file as <failure> in junit
  * Fix unbound variable error with Bash pre 4.4

Sat Dec 11 16:16:42 UTC 2021 - Olav Reinert <>

- boo#1193177: Fix build on Leap and SLE

Wed Nov 24 23:53:57 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <>

- update to 1.5.0:
  * new command line flags
    * `--verbose-run`: Make `run` print `$output` by default
    * `-x`, `--trace`: Print test commands as they are executed (like `set -x`)`
    * `--show-output-of-passing-tests`: Print output of passing tests
    * `--print-output-on-failure`: Automatically print the value of  `$output` on
      failed tests
    * `--gather-test-outputs-in <directory>`: Gather the output of failing **and**
      passing tests as files in directory
  * Experimental: add return code checks to `run` via `!`/`-<N>`
  * `` and `` take an optional second parameter for the lib
    folder name to allow for multilib install, e.g. into lib64
  * add `run` flag `--keep-empty-lines` to retain empty lines in `${lines[@]}`
  * add `run` flag `--separate-stderr` which also fills `$stderr` and
  * don't glob `run`'s `$output` when splitting into `${lines[@]}`
  * remove empty line after test with pretty formatter on some terminals
  * don't run setup_file/teardown_file on files without tests, e.g. due to
  * print final line without newline on Bash 3.2 for midtest (ERREXIT) failures
  * abort with error on missing flock/shlock when running in parallel mode
  * improved `set -u` test and fixed some unset variable accesses
  * shorten suite/file/test temporary folder paths to leave enough space even on
    restricted systems
  * added checks and improved documentation for `$BATS_TMPDIR`
  * the docker container now uses [tini]( as the
    container entrypoint to improve signal forwarding
  * script to uninstall bats from a given prefix
  * replace preprocessed file path (e.g. `/tmp/bats-run-22908-NP0f9h/bats.23102.src`)
    with original filename in stdout/err (but not FD3!)
  * print aborted command on SIGINT/CTRL+C
  * print error message when BATS_RUN_TMPDIR could not be created

Sun Apr 18 17:54:00 UTC 2021 - Ferdinand Thiessen <>

- Update to 1.3.0
  * Added custom test-file extension via BATS_FILE_EXTENSION when
    searching for test files in a directory
  * Added TAP13 formatter, including millisecond timing
  * Recursive suite mode will follow symlinks now
  * Split options for (file-) --report-formatter and (stdout)
    WARNING: This changes the meaning of --formatter junit.
      stdout will now show unified xml instead of TAP. From now on,
      please use --report-formatter junit to obtain the .xml report file!
  * Removed --parallel-preserve-environment flag, as this is the default
  * Preprocessed files are no longer removed if --no-tempdir-cleanup
    is specified
  * Fix internal failures due to unbound variables when test files
    use set -u
  * Fix internal failures due to changes to $PATH in test files
  * Fix hangs on CTRL+C
  * Make BATS_TEST_NUMBER count per file again
  * Performance improvements
  * Improved documentation
- Dropped upstream merged

Thu Dec 17 00:43:18 UTC 2020 - Aleksa Sarai <>

- Backport <>. bsc#1180135
  + bsc1180135-0001-fix-dont-use-unbound-variables-in-setup-methods.patch

Wed Nov 18 22:44:45 UTC 2020 - Olav Reinert <>

- update to 1.2.1:
  * added:
    - JUnit output and extensible formatter rewrite (#246)
    - load function now reads from absolute and relative paths, and $PATH (#282)
    - Beginner-friendly examples in /docs/examples (#243)
    - @peshay's bats-file fork contributed to bats-core/bats-file (#276)
  * changed:
    - Duplicate test names now error (previous behaviour was to issue a warning) (#286)
    - Changed default formatter in Docker to pretty by adding ncurses to Dockerfile, override with --tap (#239)
    - Replace "readlink -f" dependency with Bash solution (#217)

Wed Nov 18 21:32:54 UTC 2020 - Olav Reinert <>

- Install to /usr/libexec on Tumbleweed

Fri Jul  3 01:08:46 UTC 2020 - Aleksa Sarai <>

- Require gnu_parallel so that 'bats --jobs' works out of the box and is tested
  as part of the integration tests of the package.

Wed May 20 12:04:49 UTC 2020 - Olav Reinert <>

- update to 1.2.0:
  * Added:
    - docs/ and docs/ (#122)
    - The -f, --filter flag to run only the tests matching a regular expression (#126)
    - Optimize stack trace capture (#138)
    - --jobs n flag to support parallel execution of tests with GNU parallel (#172)
  * Changed:
    - AppVeyor builds are now semver-compliant (#123)
    - Add Bash 5 as test target (#181)
    - Always use upper case signal names to avoid locale dependent err… (#215)
    - Fix for tests reading from stdin (#227)
    - Fix wrong line numbers of errors in bash < 4.4 (#229)
    - Remove preprocessed source after test run (#232)

Fri Oct 25 16:07:03 UTC 2019 - Olav Reinert <>

- Reinstate prematurely removed Group tag

Thu Oct 17 14:23:45 UTC 2019 - Richard Brown <>

- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485)

Tue Jan 22 14:14:52 UTC 2019 - Ondřej Súkup <>

- update to 1.1.0
- drop build-term.patch  package-json.patch
- new upstream, see changes on

Sat Feb 25 17:55:47 UTC 2017 -

- Added build-term.patch: work-around for bnc#1026350

Tue Feb 24 22:29:38 UTC 2015 -

- Fix RPM group

Sun Feb 22 18:17:03 UTC 2015 -

- Spec file improvements:
  * Run tests in %check section
  * Correct project URL

Wed Feb 18 21:31:33 UTC 2015 -

- Spec file improvements:
  * /usr/bin/tput is optional at runtime
  * Reference to meaning of TAP-compliant
  * Simplify launch of tests

Mon Feb 16 12:50:34 UTC 2015 -

- Initial version: bats 0.4.0

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