File dolfin.changes of Package dolfin

Mon Feb  9 16:17:41 UTC 2015 -

- refresh cmake-prevent-double-underscore.patch with better logic 

Sat Feb  7 16:31:34 UTC 2015 -

- add a patch to make sure the python modules don't have an extra _ 
  in their names with cmake 3.1.1, which makes them fail to load

Thu Feb  5 16:44:28 UTC 2015 -

- Change dependency from python-ScientificPython to python-sympy 

Thu Jan 15 12:19:57 UTC 2015 -

- update to version 1.5.0
  * DG demos working is parallel
  * Simplify re-use of LU factorisations
  * CMake 3 compatibility
  * Make underlying SLEPc object accessible
  * Full support for linear algebra backends with 64-bit integers
  * Add smoothed aggregation AMG elasticity demo
  * Add support for slepc4py
  * Some self-assignment fixes in mesh data structures
  * Deprecated GenericDofMap::geometric_dimension()
  * Experimental support for ghosted meshes (overlapping region in parallel)
  * Significant memory reduction in dofmap storage
  * Re-write dofmap construction with significant performance and scaling
	improvements in parallel
  * Switch to local (process-wise) indexing for dof indices
  * Support local (process-wise) indexing in linear algerbra backends
  * Added support for PETSc 3.5, require version >= 3.3
  * Exposed DofMap::tabulate_local_to_global_dofs,
	MeshEntity::sharing_processes in Python
  * Added GenericDofmap::local_dimension("all"|"owned"|"unowned")
  * Added access to SLEPc or slepc4py EPS object of SLEPcEigenSolver
 	(requires slepc4py version >= 3.5.1)
  * LinearOperator can now be accessed using petsc4py
  * Add interface (PETScTAOSolver) for the PETSc nonlinear (bound-constrained)
 	optimisation solver (TAO)
  * Add GenericMatrix::nnz() function to return number of nonzero
 	entries in matrix (fixes #110)
  * Add smoothed aggregation algerbraic multigrid demo for elasticity
  * Add argument 'function' to project, to store the result into a preallocated
  * Remove CGAL dependency and mesh generation, now provided by mshr
  * Python 2.7 required
  * Add experimental Python 3 support. Need swig version 3.0.3 or later
  * Move to py.test, speed up unit tests and make tests more robust in parallel
  * Repeated initialization of PETScMatrix is now an error
  * MPI interface change: num_processes -> size, process_number -> rank
  * Add optional argument project(..., function=f), to avoid superfluous
  * Remove excessive printing of points during extrapolation
  * Clean up DG demos by dropping restrictions of Constants: c('+') -> c
  * Fix systemassembler warning when a and L both provide the same subdomain
  * Require mesh instead of cell argument to FacetArea, FacetNormal,
 	CellSize, CellVolume, SpatialCoordinate, Circumradius,
	MinFacetEdgeLength, MaxFacetEdgeLength
  * Remove argument reset_sparsity to assemble()
  * Simplify assemble() and Form() signature: remove arguments mesh,
	coefficients, function_spaces, common_cell. These are now
	all found by inspecting the UFL form
  * Speed up assembly of forms with multiple integrals depending on
	different functions, e.g. f*dx(1) + g*dx(2).
  * Handle accessing of GenericVectors using numpy arrays in python layer
	instead of in hard-to-maintain C++ layer
  * Add support for mpi groups in jit-compilation
  * Make access to HDFAttributes more dict like
  * Add 1st and 2nd order Rush Larsen schemes for the PointIntegralSolver
  * Add vertex assembler for PointIntegrals
  * Add support for assembly of custom_integral
  * Add support for multimesh assembly, function spaces, dofmaps and functions
  * Fix to Cell-Point collision detection to prevent Points inside the mesh
	from falling between Cells due to rounding errors
  * Enable reordering of cells and vertices in parallel via SCOTCH and the
	Giibs-Poole-Stockmeyer algorithm
  * Efficiency improvements in dof assignment in parallel, working on HPC up to
	24000 cores
  * Introduction of PlazaRefinement methods based on refinement of the Mesh
	skeleton, giving better quality refinement in 3D in parallel
  * Basic support for 'ghost cells' allowing integration over interior facets in

Tue Sep  2 14:49:41 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 1.4.0
  * Feature: Add set_diagonal (with GenericVector) to GenericMatrix
  * Fix many bugs associated with cell orientations on manifolds
  * Force all global dofs to be ordered last and to be on the last process
	in parallel
  * Speed up dof reordering of mixed space including global dofs by removing
	the latter from graph reordering
  * Force all dofs on a shared facet to be owned by the same process
  * Add FEniCS ('fenics') Python module, identical with DOLFIN Python module
  * Add function Form::set_some_coefficients()
  * Remove Boost.MPI dependency
  * Change GenericMatrix::compresss to return a new matrix (7be3a29)
  * Add function GenericTensor::empty()
  * Deprecate resizing of linear algebra via the GenericFoo interfaces
	(fixes #213)
  * Deprecate MPI::process_number() in favour of MPI::rank(MPI_Comm)
  * Use PETSc built-in reference counting to manage lifetime of wrapped PETSc
  * Remove random access function from MeshEntityIterator (fixes #178)
  * Add support for VTK 6 (fixes #149)
  * Use MPI communicator in interfaces. Permits the creation of distributed and
 	local objects, e.g. Meshes.
  * Reduce memory usage and increase speed of mesh topology computation
- Removed backport patch, vtk-6 support is now in released version 
  * dolfin-1.3-vtk-6-enable.patch

Sun Jan 26 21:33:01 UTC 2014 -

- backport vtk-6 support from upstream, otherwise no visualisation:
  * dolfin-1.3-vtk-6-enable.patch
- corrected installation path due to failing compilation of demo files

Mon Jan 13 08:03:19 UTC 2014 -

- update to version 1.3.0
  changelog available only in upstream git repository 

Tue Jun 25 12:21:29 UTC 2013 -

- Activate features by using optional modules
  CGAL for geometry manipulation
  HDF5 format support in parallel
  SLEPc support for eigenvalues
- Cleanup spec file

Mon Jun 24 09:31:36 UTC 2013 -

- update to version 1.2.0
  * Fixes bug where child/parent hierarchy in Python were destroyed
  * Add utility script dolfin-get-demos
  * MeshFunctions in python now support iterable protocol
  * Expose ufc::dofmap::tabulate_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
  * Expose ufc::dofmap::num_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface
  * Allow setting of row dof coordinates in preconditioners (only works with PETSc backed for now)
  * Expose more PETSc/ML parameters
  * Improve speed to tabulating coordinates in some DofMap functions
  * Feature: Add support for passing a Constant as default value to a CompiledExpression
  * Fix bug in dimension check for 1-D ALE
  * Remove some redundant graph code
  * Improvements in speed of parallel dual grapj builder
  * Fix bug in XMDF output for cell-based Functions
  * Fixes for latest version of clang compiler
  * LocalSolver class added to efficiently solve cell-wise problems
  * New implementation of periodic boundary conditions. Now incorporated into the dofmap
  * Optional arguments to assemblers removed
  * SymmetricAssembler removed
  * Domains for assemblers can now only be attached to forms
  * SubMesh can now be constructed without a CellFunction argument, if the MeshDomain contains marked celldomains.
  * MeshDomains are propagated to a SubMesh during construction
  * Simplify generation of a MeshFunction from MeshDomains: No need to call mesh_function with mesh
  * Rename dolfin-config.cmake to DOLFINConfig.cmake
  * Use CMake to configure JIT compilation of extension modules
  * Feature: Add vertex_to_dof_map to DofMap, which map vertex indices to dolfin dofs
  * Feature: Add support for solving on m dimensional meshes embedded in n >= m dimensions 

Fri Mar  1 21:25:11 UTC 2013 -

- add missing petsc-devel in build requirements
- remove unneeded patch dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-scotch.patch
- disable hdf5 support on serial version due to build failure
- add explicit configure flags to disable support for libs
  we don't want or which are not available

Wed Feb 27 21:43:10 UTC 2013 -

- add parallel openmpi packages
- add patches in order to fix thirdparty libs detection
  * dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-hdf5.patch
  * dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-scotch.patch

Mon Jan 28 20:40:24 UTC 2013 -

- update to version 1.1.0
  * Changelog to long see ChangeLog file for a full list
- update patch dolfin-1.1.0-suitesparse.patch
- remove patch dolfin-1.0.0-petsc-3.3.patch not needed anymore
Sun Oct 14 21:17:09 UTC 2012 -

- recompile pyc files of python modules to avoid presence of
  rpm build root
- remove remaining duplicates files 

Mon Oct  1 22:08:46 UTC 2012 -

- Buildrequires openmpi-devel 
- use fdupes for doc duplicated files 

Tue Sep 25 21:09:55 UTC 2012 -

- fix build with recent petsc thanks to patch0
- fix suitesparse detection and linking thanks to patch1
- build sphinx documentation 

Sat Sep 22 21:57:40 UTC 2012 -

- first package 

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