File virtinst-use-xenpae-kernel-for-32bit.patch of Package virt-manager

References: bsc#978173
The 32bit versions of the media contain a xenpae version along with
a non pae version. The sles10 sp4 32bit kernel will only boot para-
virtualized if the pae kernel is selected.
Note that sles12 and newer has no 32bit release.

Index: virt-manager-3.3.0/virtinst/install/
--- virt-manager-3.3.0.orig/virtinst/install/
+++ virt-manager-3.3.0/virtinst/install/
@@ -550,9 +550,14 @@ class _SuseDistro(_RHELDistro):
         if self.type == "xen":
             # Matches Opensuse > 10.2 and sles 10
-            self._kernel_paths.append(
-                ("boot/%s/vmlinuz-xen" % tree_arch,
-                 "boot/%s/initrd-xen" % tree_arch))
+            if tree_arch == "i386":
+                self._kernel_paths.append(
+                    ("boot/%s/vmlinuz-xenpae" % tree_arch,
+                     "boot/%s/initrd-xenpae" % tree_arch))
+            else:
+                self._kernel_paths.append(
+                    ("boot/%s/vmlinuz-xen" % tree_arch,
+                     "boot/%s/initrd-xen" % tree_arch))
         if str(self._os_variant).startswith(("sles11", "sled11")):
             if tree_arch == "s390x":
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