File rxvt-unicode.README.SuSE of Package rxvt-unicode

 README.SuSE for rxvt-unicode

Some user like to have the bold and underlined text colored.
The upstream default does not color those properties and the
package should keep this.

If you want to enable them locally you have to edit the
Xresources/Xdefaults files and add lines like the following:

URxvt*colorBD: red
URxvt*colorUL: blue

For your own user only you have to edit ~/.Xdefaults and run
"xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults"

If you want to enable it for all users you have to edit
"/etc/X11/Xresources" on 10.2 and newer and restart your X
session. On 10.0/10.1 you have to edit

For all options read man 7 urxvt.

 256color Support

  The 256color support is a compile time option, so we provide 2
  binaries now. All the new binaries are suffixed with -256color.

  WARNING: you need a patched screen on < 11.4 to use the 256color

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