File php-CVE-2019-9637.patch of Package php5
Index: php-5.5.14/main/streams/plain_wrapper.c
--- php-5.5.14.orig/main/streams/plain_wrapper.c 2019-03-20 13:00:00.115945028 +0100
+++ php-5.5.14/main/streams/plain_wrapper.c 2019-03-20 13:00:32.064130422 +0100
@@ -1103,34 +1103,51 @@ static int php_plain_files_rename(php_st
# ifdef EXDEV
if (errno == EXDEV) {
struct stat sb;
+# if !defined(ZTS) && !defined(TSRM_WIN32) && !defined(NETWARE)
+ /* not sure what to do in ZTS case, umask is not thread-safe */
+ int oldmask = umask(077);
+# endif
+ int success = 0;
if (php_copy_file(url_from, url_to TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) {
if (VCWD_STAT(url_from, &sb) == 0) {
+ success = 1;
# if !defined(TSRM_WIN32) && !defined(NETWARE)
- if (VCWD_CHMOD(url_to, sb.st_mode)) {
- if (errno == EPERM) {
- php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- VCWD_UNLINK(url_from);
- return 1;
- }
+ /*
+ * Try to set user and permission info on the target.
+ * If we're not root, then some of these may fail.
+ * We try chown first TSRMLS_CC, to set proper group info, relying
+ * on the system environment to have proper umask to not allow
+ * access to the file in the meantime.
+ */
+ if (VCWD_CHOWN(url_to, sb.st_uid, sb.st_gid)) {
php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
+ if (errno != EPERM) {
+ success = 0;
+ }
- if (VCWD_CHOWN(url_to, sb.st_uid, sb.st_gid)) {
- if (errno == EPERM) {
+ if (success) {
+ if (VCWD_CHMOD(url_to, sb.st_mode)) {
php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- VCWD_UNLINK(url_from);
- return 1;
+ if (errno != EPERM) {
+ success = 0;
+ }
- php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
# endif
- VCWD_UNLINK(url_from);
- return 1;
+ if (success) {
+ VCWD_UNLINK(url_from);
+ }
+ } else {
+ php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
+ } else {
+ php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- php_error_docref2(NULL TSRMLS_CC, url_from, url_to, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
+# if !defined(ZTS) && !defined(TSRM_WIN32) && !defined(NETWARE)
+ umask(oldmask);
+# endif
+ return success;
# endif