File _service:extract_file:JXL_improved_support.patch of Package LibreWolf

From 771ed27676a39cb82deb2ed2548e9180415e815b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Demez <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 19:22:37 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] JPEG-XL: Support for Animation, Alpha, Progressive Decode,
 and Color Profiles

 image/DecoderFactory.cpp        |  14 +-
 image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.cpp | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.h   |  14 +-
 3 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/image/DecoderFactory.cpp b/image/DecoderFactory.cpp
index 5004b93eae09c..2f214a9c80a46 100644
--- a/image/DecoderFactory.cpp
+++ b/image/DecoderFactory.cpp
@@ -217,7 +217,12 @@ nsresult DecoderFactory::CreateAnimationDecoder(
   MOZ_ASSERT(aType == DecoderType::GIF || aType == DecoderType::PNG ||
-                 aType == DecoderType::WEBP,
+                 aType == DecoderType::WEBP
+#ifdef MOZ_JXL
+                 || aType == DecoderType::JXL,
+             ,
              "Calling CreateAnimationDecoder for non-animating DecoderType");
   // Create an anonymous decoder. Interaction with the SurfaceCache and the
@@ -272,7 +277,12 @@ already_AddRefed<Decoder> DecoderFactory::CloneAnimationDecoder(
   // rediscover it is animated).
   DecoderType type = aDecoder->GetType();
   MOZ_ASSERT(type == DecoderType::GIF || type == DecoderType::PNG ||
-                 type == DecoderType::WEBP,
+                 type == DecoderType::WEBP
+#ifdef MOZ_JXL
+                 || type == DecoderType::JXL,
+             ,
              "Calling CloneAnimationDecoder for non-animating DecoderType");
   RefPtr<Decoder> decoder = GetDecoder(type, nullptr, /* aIsRedecode = */ true);
diff --git a/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.cpp b/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.cpp
index 145fd9454340a..4311a7d3b7c28 100644
--- a/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.cpp
+++ b/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.cpp
@@ -45,9 +45,20 @@ nsJXLDecoder::nsJXLDecoder(RasterImage* aImage)
-          JxlThreadParallelRunnerMake(nullptr, PreferredThreadCount())) {
-  JxlDecoderSubscribeEvents(mDecoder.get(),
-                            JXL_DEC_BASIC_INFO | JXL_DEC_FULL_IMAGE);
+          JxlThreadParallelRunnerMake(nullptr, PreferredThreadCount())),
+      mUsePipeTransform(true),
+      mCMSLine(nullptr),
+      mNumFrames(0),
+      mTimeout(FrameTimeout::Forever()),
+      mSurfaceFormat(SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBX),
+      mContinue(false) {
+  if (mCMSMode != CMSMode::Off) {
+    events |= JXL_DEC_COLOR_ENCODING;
+  }
+  JxlDecoderSubscribeEvents(mDecoder.get(), events);
   JxlDecoderSetParallelRunner(mDecoder.get(), JxlThreadParallelRunner,
@@ -58,6 +69,10 @@ nsJXLDecoder::nsJXLDecoder(RasterImage* aImage)
 nsJXLDecoder::~nsJXLDecoder() {
   MOZ_LOG(sJXLLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("[this=%p] nsJXLDecoder::~nsJXLDecoder", this));
+  if (mCMSLine) {
+    free(mCMSLine);
+  }
 size_t nsJXLDecoder::PreferredThreadCount() {
@@ -86,14 +101,20 @@ LexerResult nsJXLDecoder::DoDecode(SourceBufferIterator& aIterator,
 LexerTransition<nsJXLDecoder::State> nsJXLDecoder::ReadJXLData(
     const char* aData, size_t aLength) {
-  const uint8_t* input = (const uint8_t*)aData;
-  size_t length = aLength;
-  if (mBuffer.length() != 0) {
-    JXL_TRY_BOOL(mBuffer.append(aData, aLength));
-    input = mBuffer.begin();
-    length = mBuffer.length();
+  // Ignore data we have already read.
+  // This will only occur as a result of a yield for animation.
+  if (!mContinue) {
+    const uint8_t* input = (const uint8_t*)aData;
+    size_t length = aLength;
+    if (mBuffer.length() != 0) {
+      JXL_TRY_BOOL(mBuffer.append(aData, aLength));
+      input = mBuffer.begin();
+      length = mBuffer.length();
+    }
+    JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderSetInput(mDecoder.get(), input, length));
-  JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderSetInput(mDecoder.get(), input, length));
+  mContinue = false;
   while (true) {
     JxlDecoderStatus status = JxlDecoderProcessInput(mDecoder.get());
@@ -106,49 +127,226 @@ LexerTransition<nsJXLDecoder::State> nsJXLDecoder::ReadJXLData(
         size_t remaining = JxlDecoderReleaseInput(mDecoder.get());
         JXL_TRY_BOOL(mBuffer.append(aData + aLength - remaining, remaining));
+        if (mNumFrames == 0 && InFrame()) {
+          // If an image was flushed by JxlDecoderFlushImage, then we know that
+          // JXL_DEC_FRAME has already been run and there is a pipe.
+          if (JxlDecoderFlushImage(mDecoder.get()) == JXL_DEC_SUCCESS) {
+            // A full frame partial image is written to the buffer.
+            mPipe.ResetToFirstRow();
+            for (uint8_t* rowPtr = mOutBuffer.begin();
+                 rowPtr < mOutBuffer.end(); rowPtr += mInfo.xsize * mChannels) {
+              uint8_t* rowToWrite = rowPtr;
+              if (!mUsePipeTransform && mTransform) {
+                qcms_transform_data(mTransform, rowToWrite, mCMSLine,
+                                    mInfo.xsize);
+                rowToWrite = mCMSLine;
+              }
+              mPipe.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(rowToWrite));
+            }
+            if (Maybe<SurfaceInvalidRect> invalidRect =
+                    mPipe.TakeInvalidRect()) {
+              PostInvalidation(invalidRect->mInputSpaceRect,
+                               Some(invalidRect->mOutputSpaceRect));
+            }
+          }
+        }
         return Transition::ContinueUnbuffered(State::JXL_DATA);
       case JXL_DEC_BASIC_INFO: {
         JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderGetBasicInfo(mDecoder.get(), &mInfo));
         PostSize(mInfo.xsize, mInfo.ysize);
         if (mInfo.alpha_bits > 0) {
+          mSurfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBA;
+        if (!mInfo.have_animation && IsMetadataDecode()) {
+          return Transition::TerminateSuccess();
+        }
+        // If CMS is off or the image is RGB, always output in RGBA.
+        // If the image is grayscale, then the pipe transform can't be used.
+        if (mCMSMode != CMSMode::Off) {
+          mChannels = mInfo.num_color_channels == 1
+                          ? 1 + (mInfo.alpha_bits > 0 ? 1 : 0)
+                          : 4;
+        } else {
+          mChannels = 4;
+        }
+        mFormat = {mChannels, JXL_TYPE_UINT8, JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0};
+        break;
+      }
+        size_t size = 0;
+        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderGetICCProfileSize(
+            mDecoder.get(), &mFormat, JXL_COLOR_PROFILE_TARGET_DATA, &size))
+        std::vector<uint8_t> icc_profile(size);
+        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderGetColorAsICCProfile(mDecoder.get(), &mFormat,
+                                               JXL_COLOR_PROFILE_TARGET_DATA,
+                                     , size))
+        mInProfile = qcms_profile_from_memory((char*), size);
+        uint32_t profileSpace = qcms_profile_get_color_space(mInProfile);
+        // Skip color management if color profile is not compatible with number
+        // of channels.
+        if (profileSpace != icSigRgbData &&
+            (mInfo.num_color_channels == 3 || profileSpace != icSigGrayData)) {
+          break;
+        }
+        mUsePipeTransform =
+            profileSpace == icSigRgbData && mInfo.num_color_channels == 3;
+        qcms_data_type inType;
+        if (mInfo.num_color_channels == 3) {
+          inType = QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8;
+        } else if (mInfo.alpha_bits > 0) {
+          inType = QCMS_DATA_GRAYA_8;
+        } else {
+          inType = QCMS_DATA_GRAY_8;
+        }
+        if (!mUsePipeTransform) {
+          mCMSLine =
+              static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * mInfo.xsize));
+        }
+        int intent = gfxPlatform::GetRenderingIntent();
+        if (intent == -1) {
+          intent = qcms_profile_get_rendering_intent(mInProfile);
+        }
+        mTransform =
+            qcms_transform_create(mInProfile, inType, GetCMSOutputProfile(),
+                                  QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8, (qcms_intent)intent);
+        break;
+      }
+      case JXL_DEC_FRAME: {
+        if (mInfo.have_animation) {
+          JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderGetFrameHeader(mDecoder.get(), &mFrameHeader));
+          int32_t duration = (int32_t)(1000.0 * mFrameHeader.duration *
+                                       mInfo.animation.tps_denominator /
+                                       mInfo.animation.tps_numerator);
+          mTimeout = FrameTimeout::FromRawMilliseconds(duration);
+          if (!HasAnimation()) {
+            PostIsAnimated(mTimeout);
+          }
+        }
+        bool is_last = mInfo.have_animation ? mFrameHeader.is_last : true;
+        MOZ_LOG(sJXLLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+                ("[this=%p] nsJXLDecoder::ReadJXLData - frame %d, is_last %d, "
+                 "metadata decode %d, first frame decode %d\n",
+                 this, mNumFrames, is_last, IsMetadataDecode(),
+                 IsFirstFrameDecode()));
         if (IsMetadataDecode()) {
           return Transition::TerminateSuccess();
+        OrientedIntSize size(mInfo.xsize, mInfo.ysize);
+        Maybe<AnimationParams> animParams;
+        if (!IsFirstFrameDecode()) {
+          animParams.emplace(FullFrame().ToUnknownRect(), mTimeout, mNumFrames,
+                             BlendMethod::SOURCE, DisposalMethod::CLEAR);
+        }
+        SurfacePipeFlags pipeFlags = SurfacePipeFlags();
+        if (mNumFrames == 0) {
+          // The first frame may be displayed progressively.
+          pipeFlags |= SurfacePipeFlags::PROGRESSIVE_DISPLAY;
+        }
+        if (mSurfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBA &&
+            !(GetSurfaceFlags() & SurfaceFlags::NO_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA)) {
+          pipeFlags |= SurfacePipeFlags::PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA;
+        }
+        qcms_transform* pipeTransform =
+            mUsePipeTransform ? mTransform : nullptr;
+        Maybe<SurfacePipe> pipe = SurfacePipeFactory::CreateSurfacePipe(
+            this, size, OutputSize(), FullFrame(), SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8A8,
+            mSurfaceFormat, animParams, pipeTransform, pipeFlags);
+        if (!pipe) {
+          MOZ_LOG(sJXLLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+                  ("[this=%p] nsJXLDecoder::ReadJXLData - no pipe\n", this));
+          return Transition::TerminateFailure();
+        }
+        mPipe = std::move(*pipe);
         size_t size = 0;
-        JxlPixelFormat format{4, JXL_TYPE_UINT8, JXL_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0};
-        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderImageOutBufferSize(mDecoder.get(), &format, &size));
+        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderImageOutBufferSize(mDecoder.get(), &mFormat, &size));
-        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderSetImageOutBuffer(mDecoder.get(), &format,
+        JXL_TRY(JxlDecoderSetImageOutBuffer(mDecoder.get(), &mFormat,
                                             mOutBuffer.begin(), size));
       case JXL_DEC_FULL_IMAGE: {
-        OrientedIntSize size(mInfo.xsize, mInfo.ysize);
-        Maybe<SurfacePipe> pipe = SurfacePipeFactory::CreateSurfacePipe(
-            this, size, OutputSize(), FullFrame(), SurfaceFormat::R8G8B8A8,
-            SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBA, Nothing(), nullptr, SurfacePipeFlags());
+        mPipe.ResetToFirstRow();
         for (uint8_t* rowPtr = mOutBuffer.begin(); rowPtr < mOutBuffer.end();
-             rowPtr += mInfo.xsize * 4) {
-          pipe->WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(rowPtr));
+             rowPtr += mInfo.xsize * mChannels) {
+          uint8_t* rowToWrite = rowPtr;
+          if (!mUsePipeTransform && mTransform) {
+            qcms_transform_data(mTransform, rowToWrite, mCMSLine, mInfo.xsize);
+            rowToWrite = mCMSLine;
+          }
+          mPipe.WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(rowToWrite));
-        if (Maybe<SurfaceInvalidRect> invalidRect = pipe->TakeInvalidRect()) {
+        if (Maybe<SurfaceInvalidRect> invalidRect = mPipe.TakeInvalidRect()) {
-        PostFrameStop();
-        PostDecodeDone();
+        Opacity opacity = mSurfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBA
+                              ? Opacity::SOME_TRANSPARENCY
+                              : Opacity::FULLY_OPAQUE;
+        PostFrameStop(opacity);
+        if (!IsFirstFrameDecode() && mInfo.have_animation &&
+            !mFrameHeader.is_last) {
+          mNumFrames++;
+          mContinue = true;
+          // Notify for a new frame but there may be data in the current buffer
+          // that can immediately be processed.
+          return Transition::ToAfterYield(State::JXL_DATA);
+        }
+        [[fallthrough]];  // We are done.
+      }
+      case JXL_DEC_SUCCESS: {
+        PostDecodeDone(HasAnimation() ? (int32_t)mInfo.animation.num_loops - 1
+                                      : 0);
         return Transition::TerminateSuccess();
diff --git a/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.h b/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.h
index 6cde7456ca03f..6dc162f9397b0 100644
--- a/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.h
+++ b/image/decoders/nsJXLDecoder.h
@@ -47,7 +47,19 @@ class nsJXLDecoder final : public Decoder {
   JxlThreadParallelRunnerPtr mParallelRunner;
   Vector<uint8_t> mBuffer;
   Vector<uint8_t> mOutBuffer;
-  JxlBasicInfo mInfo{};
+  JxlBasicInfo mInfo;
+  JxlPixelFormat mFormat;
+  JxlFrameHeader mFrameHeader;
+  bool mUsePipeTransform;
+  uint8_t mChannels;
+  uint8_t* mCMSLine;
+  uint32_t mNumFrames;
+  FrameTimeout mTimeout;
+  gfx::SurfaceFormat mSurfaceFormat;
+  SurfacePipe mPipe;
+  bool mContinue;
 }  // namespace mozilla::image
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